project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Comprehensive improvement of pork meat through productive strategies at farm level and innovative, online NIRS tools for classification at slaughterho
Mejora integral de la carne de cerdo a través de estrategias productivas en la granja y de herramientas innovadores para su clasificación en matadero (NIRS on-line)

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Completed | 2017 - 2019 Spain
Completed | 2017 - 2019 Spain
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The main objective of this project is to improve the sensorial and nutritional quality of pork meat, and to ensure its regular and homogenous production throughout the year. Specific actions at the genetic, nutritional and handling levels will be implemented to globally improve the quality of the meat in terms of intramuscular fat content (higher level of infiltration) and of fat composition (higher content of polyunsaturated fat). We will also tackle the integration at the slaughterhouse level of a dynamic technology that enables the inspection and classification of prime matter (based on near-infrared spectroscopy - NIRS).


El objetivo general de este proyecto, es el de mejorar la calidad sensorial y nutricional de la carne de cerdo, y asegurar una producción regular y homogénea a lo largo del año. Se implementarán actuaciones concretas a nivel de genética, nutrición y manejo, dirigidas a mejorar globalmente la calidad de la carne en términos de contenido de grasa intramuscular (mayor nivel de infiltración), y de su composición de grasas (mayor contenido de grasas poliinsaturadas). Se abordará también la integración a nivel de matadero de una tecnología dinámica que permita la inspección y la clasificación de la materia prima (basada en espectroscopia de infrarrojo cercano (NIRS).


Tests carried out made it possible to detect which of the paternal lines are the most suitable for achieving the objectives set by the slaughterhouse. Tests have been carried out under commercial conditions and on experimental farms showing that fattening conditions, as well as immunocastration and feeding criteria, can affect the final homogeneity of the product. That suggests that a homogenisation of the rearing process of animals from different suppliers to the slaughterhouse substantially improves the homogeneity in final product. Besides immunocastration of female had a positive impact on intramuscular loin fat and made it possible to reduce the difference with regard to castrated males.


Las pruebas han permitido detectar las líneas más adecuadas para alcanzar los objetivos fijados por el matadero. Se han realizado pruebas en condiciones comerciales y en granjas experimentales que demuestran que las condiciones de engorde, así como los criterios de inmunocastración y alimentación, pueden afectar a la homogeneidad final del producto. Esto sugiere que una homogeneización del proceso de cría de los animales procedentes de diferentes proveedores hasta el matadero mejora la homogeneidad del producto final. Además, la inmunocastración de las hembras tuvo un impacto positivo en la grasa intramuscular del lomo y permitió reducir la diferencia con respecto a los machos castrados.



The pig industry faces the important challenge of guaranteeing consistent quality to obtain a product with homogenous and regular characteristics throughout the year. The homogeneity of the product is often compromised by the intrinsic variability of animal farming, as well as by seasonal changes in our territory, with the hot seasons being the most critical due to the thermal stress that animals endure. This thermal stress, aside from its implications for the well-being of the animals, also triggers a reduction in yield and a less homogenous, more seasonal, and more variable production. In recent years, this problem has gained importance due to climate change, especially in vulnerable zones, such as the interior region of Catalonia, rendering it essential for the sector to take measures to mitigate its effects.
One such measure is the segmentation of production at the slaughterhouse level. The classification of the product into categories with different characteristics allows maximisation of the value of the production and guarantees consistent quality for each product segment. Currently, slaughterhouses have technologies that allow the classification of carcasses and primary cuts based on weight and total fat content. This classification is not only useful to establish the price of carcasses at the origin, but also to establish product categories targeted to specific markets. Despite this, there are no other non-destructive technologies that allow the monitoring of quality parameters online. Among these parameters, intramuscular fat content and fatty acid composition are two of the most relevant variables, since they have a direct impact on the organoleptic and nutritional properties of the product.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location
Girona, Lleida

€ 248482.5

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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  • IRTA

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