project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Characterisation and control of sour rot caused by Geotrichum spp. on peach trees in the Baix Segre area Acronym GEOPEACH
Caracterización y control de la podredura ácida causada por Geotrichum spp. en melocotonero en la zona del Baix Segre Acrónimo: GEOPEACH

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Completed | 2019 - 2022 Spain
Completed | 2019 - 2022 Spain
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1. Determine the presence and distribution of the inoculum in stone fruit farms and the effect of factors involved in its infection process
2. Determine the presence and distribution of the inoculum in different areas of the plant
3. Determine which products are effective for the control of Geotrichum spp. in order to establish a control strategy
4. Determine which post-harvest practices are effective in reducing the central inoculum and slowing the development of the disease


1. Determinar la presencia y distribución de inóculo en fincas de fruta de hueso y efecto de los factores que intervienen en su proceso de infección
2. Determinar la presencia y distribución del inóculo en diferentes zonas de la central
3. Determinar qué productos son efectivos para el control de Geotrichum spp. para establecer una estrategia de control
4. Determinar qué prácticas en poscosecha son efectivas para disminuir el inóculo en central y frenar el desarrollo de la enfermedad.


Action 1: determining the presence of Geotrichum spp. on farms with a history of the disease by sampling soil, to correlate them with the incidence of sour rot at harvest.

Action 2: determining the presence of Geotrichum spp. in different areas of the plant and checking the real risk of infection posed by the plant by monitoring the sour rot in entries vs packed product.

Action 3: determining the efficacy of synthetic fungicides and alternative products on isolates of Geotrichum sp. in vitro and in vivo.

Action 4: studying the effect of storage conditions on the development of the disease and assessing the efficacy of different soaps and disinfectants to reduce the inoculum in the plant.


Acción 1: determinar la presencia de Geotrichum spp. para correlacionarlo con la incidencia de podredumbre ácida en la cosecha

Acción 2: Determinar la presencia de Geotrichum spp. en diferentes zonas de la central y comprobar el riesgo real de infección que supone la central haciendo un seguimiento de la podredumbre ácida en las entradas vs en producto confeccionado

Acción 3: determinar la eficacia de productos fungicidas de síntesis y de productos alternativos hacia aislados de Geotrichum sp. in vitro e in vivo

Acción 4: estudiar el efecto de las condiciones de conservación en el desarrollo de la enfermedad y evaluar la eficacia de diferentes jabones y desinfectantes para reducir la inoculo de central


During the last decade, a great many resources have been dedicated to understanding the epidemiology and control of rot caused by Monilinia spp., the main pathogen in stone fruit. However, the spread over the last 5-6 years of Geotrichum spp. which causes sour rot, with incidence even higher than Monilia spp. in some cases, makes it essential to study the epidemiology and infection process of the fungus, as well as control measures in the field and/or post-harvest to reduce its incidence as far as possible. At present, there is no specific treatment for this fungus and although the efficacy of certain active substances has been reported in other countries, in Spain they are either not authorised for farming or have been used and not proved truly effective. Consequently, the emergence of this new scenario in which Geotrichum is increasingly gaining strength will be a major challenge for companies in the sector, which will have to face a new enemy whose epidemiology and tools for its control are still unknown. It is true that the source of the inoculum is the field, but it is during post-harvest that its aggressiveness causes most of the losses and complaints, hence the financial cost of a consignment affected by sour rot reaching the destination market, e.g. containers exported to Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, etc., not only has a major economic impact, but also a major impact on customer confidence and on the environment.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 91319

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator

  • Rosana Garcia

    Project coordinator