project - Research and innovation

CAPSELLA Project - Collective Awareness Platform for Environmentally-sound Land Management based on Data Technologies and Agrobiodiversity
CAPSELLA Project - Collective Awareness Platform for Environmentally-sound Land Management based on Data Technologies and Agrobiodiversity

Ongoing | 2016 - 2018 Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Czech Republic
Ongoing | 2016 - 2018 Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Czech Republic
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CAPSELLA is developing information and communication technology (ICT) applications to address major ecological, societal, food quality and economic threats. The project aims to generate sustainability through scientific and local knowledge by building upon existing data set. One of the project's goal is to show farmers who are not very familiar with ICT how beneficial it would be to share open data not only to allow the project to deliver a catalogue of data to everyone, but would also illustrate the benefits of the agrobiodiversity domain.


CAPSELLA is developing information and communication technology (ICT) applications to address major ecological, societal, food quality and economic threats. The project aims to generate sustainability through scientific and local knowledge by building upon existing data set. One of the project's goal is to show farmers who are not very familiar with ICT how beneficial it would be to share open data not only to allow the project to deliver a catalogue of data to everyone, but would also illustrate the benefits of the agrobiodiversity domain.


Capsella, using a strong bottum up approach will collect farmers, communities and networks needs and requirements in order to develop tailored-made ICT-based solutions to promote innovative, knowledge-intensive farming systems and methods based on the optimization of local natural resources and on reduced use of external inputs. In this light, CAPSELLA will organise a series of networking events including its first awareness raising workshop on 30 & 31 May 2016 in Volterra (Pisa), hackatons and bootcamps. The event in Tuscany at the end of May aims at bringing together Northern and Southern EU farmers to collect and understand their ICT needs and requirements. The event will try to answer and provide solutions to them, exchange best practices and use cases and pave the way to exchange knowledge and future collaborations around the theme of agrobiodiversity. The event’s vibrant environment will be a stage where farming communities with different background (such as conventional and organic) but sharing the interest in agrobiodiversity, will openly discuss and compare their points of view.


Just like the tiny yet sturdy little plant it takes the name from, the CAPSELLA project will deepen the roots of sustainability in agri-food systems by harnessing scientific and local knowledge, people’s energy, motivation and innovation skills around the theme of agro-biodiversity by making use of novel, improved and demand-driven ICT solutions. CAPSELLA will focus on two complementary domains: agro-biodiversity and the food supply chain. It will use participatory bottom up data collection and top down data integration to develop solutions for these domains. The project will build from scratch open data repositories concerning regional agro-biodiversity, and will build upon and enhance existing data sets on the agro-biodiversity and food domains. Based on these, the project will develop a number of community-driven data powered ICT solutions, which will be tested by the communities engaged in the project and will result in a number of pilots.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Project acronym
Agricultural sectors
Not relevant
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1 Practice Abstracts

The project has also a social and sustainable idea. In fact, these ICT solutions will be validated in three pilots focusing on seeds, field and food. These pilots are planned to result in a series of incubation activities which will run in the last phase of the project, ending with the creation of start-ups.

The CAPSELLA cloud platform will be the main project end product and will include a rich set of components and a number of added-value functions offered “as a Service” with the intention of gathering and hosting data from the targeted communities. An infrastructure will be offered for building innovative ICT applications, thus enabling and encouraging the development of smart applications either from the project partners in the frame of the pilots or from external communities and industry related to biodiversity in agri-food systems. It will be exploited in various ways. As a system for handling data, metadata and analysing them, it can be exploited by other projects, acting as the base layer of their infrastructures and supporting data/metadata handling. The architecture of the platform offers the ability to exploit its subsystems individually, allowing other projects and/or applications to use the ones that cover their needs.

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Project coordinator

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    ATHENA/RC, Athens Greece

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Project partners

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    Research and Innovation Center in Information, Communication and Knowledge Technologies (ATHENA RC)

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    Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Studi Universitati e di Perfezionamento (SSSA)

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    Aston University / Aston Business School (AST)

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    Agro-Know BVBA (AK)

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    Rete Semi Rurali

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    ZEPHYR s.r.l

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    Zuidelijke Land en Tuinbouw Organisatie – ZLTO– Den Bosch – Netherlands

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