project - Research and innovation

Best Practice Hens - Pilot Project on Best Practices for Alternative Egg Production Systems
Pilot Project on Best Practices for Alternative Egg Production Systems

Ongoing | 2021 - 2023 Netherlands
Ongoing | 2021 - 2023 Netherlands
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Since in 1999 European legislation put a ban on battery cage housing as of 2003, new housing systems for laying hens have been developed. Already before the ban came into force, research efforts were undertaken to improve cage housing without losing the positive hygienic and management aspects. Various elements were introduced in the cages to meet the species-specific behavioural demands of the birds. This resulted in enriched cages, more correctly called furnished cages. In the meantime, single-tier floor housing systems for laying hens were intensified, resulting in various models of aviary housing.

Both furnished cages and non-cage systems have matured into commercially applicable systems. However, animal welfare organizations and the public opinion are not in favour of cage-like housing systems. By putting pressure on the retail, the selling of cage eggs has been minimized in some countries (e.g. Germany, The Netherlands). In those countries, egg production has evolved towards non-cage systems. In other countries for various reasons this process did not take place and furnished cages are still the predominant production system.

Although furnished cages are an improvement regarding animal welfare compared to battery cages, space and foraging possibilities are still limited, preventing the complete behavioral repertoire of the birds (EFSA, 2005b; Pokharel et al., 2018). Therefore, improving the welfare of laying hens can be achieved by increasing the percentage of birds kept in non-cage systems.


Animal welfare organisations and public opinion do not favour cage-like housing systems, and there are considerable differences between EU countries' predominant production systems. Switching to another production system has consequences (costs, revenues, etc.). Insights into the differences between production systems can facilitate farmers in making choices concerning making a potential switch towards cage-free alternative systems.

Best Practice Hens project will help egg producers meet market demand by providing practical guidance on transitioning to alternative higher welfare non-cage systems to encourage them to transition.


see objecties in English


The Best Practice Hens (BPH) will prepare and provide practical support to egg producers to encourage them to convert from cage systems to non-cage systems. This applies to both the rearing of laying hens and the keeping of laying hens in the production period. To ensure wide dissemination of the information collected in the best practices through developing communication materials (videos and practice abstracts).

The BPH will organise dissemination events targeting Member States with a high percentage of cage systems to increase the application of cage-free housing systems in the target Member States (Spain, Poland, Portugal and Belgium).


The Best Practice Hens (BPH) will prepare and provide practical support to egg producers to encourage them to convert from cage systems to non-cage systems. This applies to both the rearing of laying hens and the keeping of laying hens in the production period. To ensure wide dissemination of the information collected in the best practices through developing communication materials (videos and practice abstracts).

The BPH will organise dissemination events targeting Member States with a high percentage of cage systems to increase the application of cage-free housing systems in the target Member States (Spain, Poland, Portugal and Belgium).

Additional comments

A successful transition requires the exploration of available options, market opportunities and tailored plans and management packages developed for both the rearing and production period. In addition, other aspect such as environmental and landscape preservation or protection of the rural economies are also factors to be considered.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project - Thematic network
Main geographical location

EUR 749 000.00

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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28 Practice Abstracts

Rearing phase:

•Adjust the height of the drinker to the height of the pullets.

•Adjust water pressure: increasing water pressure during the 1st days may promote easier water flow through the nipples and drops on the nipples may attract chicks. Once the chicks are adapted, water pressure can be reduced to prevent water spillage.

•Supplementary chick drinkers (e.g. open water) can be provided the 1st few days but need to be removed and replaced by the permanent (nipple) drinkers later to prevent reliance on the supplementary drinkers.

•Match drinking equipment with the same type the birds will encounter in the laying phase. Prevent differences in open vs. closed drinkers, colour of the nipples, presence of cups, water flow or pressure. If equipment does not match between farms, try exchanging every 10th nipple with one in the right colour or place a cup underneath.

•Positioning of drinkers, particularly if pullets are reared for laying housing systems in which water is provided on higher tiers. Training of the pullets is needed to find water: e.g. by closing random water lines periodically to encourage the pullets to look for water in the house.

Laying phase:

•Prepare drinkers at least 4 h before arrival of the hens: disinfect drinker lines and other equipment, flush the lines and refill with clean fresh water, check the pressure (back and front of the house) and test (individual) nipples for the presence of water and absence of leaks.

•Position drinker lines above slatted floors (to prevent wet litter) and in front of nest boxes (to attract hens to the nest boxes).

•Light intensity near the drinking lines should be around 20 lux.

• A correct type of drinker, correct positioning and cups underneath the drinkers can help and prevent spilling.

In many EU countries the market of eggs will change in the coming years. Insights into the differences between production systems can facilitate farmers in making choices with respect to making a potential switch towards cage-free alternative systems. Many companies and organisations announced to change to cage free eggs by 2025/2026.

Practical recommendations

A new investment decision for most farmers will take place mid-2026 (after 15 years of depreciation). Farmers then have to make a decision about the new facility for the next 15 years. It is important for farmers to take a good look at the developments and changes in the market. In that case, barn/aviary systems are systems with the lowest cost as a non-cage system. Smaller market segments are free range and organic systems. Depending on market possibilities, this may be a choice for smaller farms.

Fewer broken or dirty eggs. Less time collecting floor eggs. Decreased competition, frustration and scratches among hens. Lower mortality from smothering, stress and risk of secondary infections from injuries.

Practical recommendations

Nests should be evenly distributed throughout the house and should be easily accessible. Platforms in front of nests in multitier systems can help improve access. Flaps or curtains should be provided on the nests to provide hens with a dark and secluded location to lay their eggs. The ventilation in the house should be adequate to prevent drafts, accumulation of hot air, or condensation within the nests. The lining of the nests should allow for scratching behavior while allowing dust to fall through (e.g. perforated AstroTurf). Rollaway nests help prevent broken or dirty eggs. If birds are relatively young when they arrive at the laying facility, it may be beneficial to prevent them from accessing the nests for a period to prevent hens from sleeping and soiling in the nests. Boxes should be opened at least 3 days prior to laying their first eggs to allow hens to learn to navigate in a new environment and to become accustomed to the nests. Similarly, closing nests at night can discourage birds from using nests for resting. If smothering in the nests is an issue, opening nest covers at corners of a row (making them unattractive) or blocking certain nests and corners can help. Further, increased walking of the house can reduce the fear of humans and thus the risk of panic leading to smothering.


•Drinker lines in front of a row of nests can help stimulate hens to go to the nests.

•Quantitative evaluation – successful design and management of nests can be assessed by counting the number of floor eggs laid.

After hatching, chicks need to be housed at an appropriate temperature. Whole-house heating for brooding can be energetically demanding and costly.


Spot heating using dark brooders which more closely emulate maternal care, providing shelter and warmth.


Use of dark brooders is less energetically demanding and may prevent the development of feather pecking leading to improved welfare during rearing and later in life.

Practical recommendations

Dark brooders are hot plates placed at the bird level, which can be used as an alternative to heating the whole barn. Dark brooders contain flaps, creating an enclosed, dark area for chicks to retreat to for rest, as light is often provided for the full 24-hour period. Spot heating creates a temperature gradient, allowing chicks to choose a temperature zone in which they feel comfortable. Behaviour should be monitored during the first couple of days following placement to ensure the chicks have found and are using the dark brooders. Huddling and stress calls are indicators of the chicks being too cold. Appropriate measures should be taken to avoid chicks from wandering too far from the heat source during the first week of life.

On-farm application

System approach

• When using dark brooders as a heat source for day-old chicks, the room temperature should be 20-24 °C, and the temperature under the brooders should be 30-34 °C.

• The floor of the rearing house should be at the appropriate temperature before adding litter to avoid condensation, resulting in moist litter, and before placement of the chicks to avoid cold



• Qualitative evaluation – bird behaviour should be monitored to ensure birds are able to find a temperature they find comfortable.

Provision of clean, fresh air and a suitable temperature range may prevent common malefactors such as the development of diseases, poor litter quality, bad hen health and a decrease in egg production.

The ISA Management Guide recommends sufficient ventilation in the laying hen house: fresh air and a minimum air exchange rate of 0.7 m³/h/kg live bird. In the colder seasons, the temperature in the rearing house of pullets should be adjusted to the temperature in the laying house before the transfer of hens.

Additionally, special care should be paid to: the removal of excess moisture (improves litter quality and laying hen health), the removal of dust from the atmosphere (helps to prevent disease), maintaining a sufficient oxygen supply and the removal of gasses such as NH3.

Furthermore, the ISA Management Guide recommends keeping the house temperature between 18 and 22 °C. Temperatures below and above this range will require hens to spend energy on thermoregulation and less on egg production.

Action is strongly recommended if temperature related behavioural changes occur:

• Feed intake: lower temperatures may increase hen feed intake due to an increased maintenance requirement. Similarly, at higher temperatures, hens may decrease feed consumption.

• Under cold conditions, hens may ruffle their feathers outwards to trap heat and/or (in extremer circumstances) may start shivering to keep warm.

• At high temperatures, hens will increase and deepen respiration rates (panting) and hold their wings away from the body to increase evaporation (Figure 1). Furthermore, hens may look for cooling to lose excess heat (e.g. shade, cool places and surfaces).

For older pullets, access to a covered veranda may provide them with extra stimuli and prepare them for the laying period. A covered veranda provides pullets with outdoor climate, without exposing them to precipitation and predation.


•Young pullets need a warm environment and are mostly not suited for a covered veranda. Later in the rearing period, they are more capable to stand cooler circumstances and can be given access to a covered veranda.

•Beneficial effects of covered verandas for pullets are still not well documented but practical experience suggests that they may act as enrichment of the environment reducing risk for feather pecking. In addition, a covered veranda will prepare pullets well for the production period in a house with a covered veranda.

•When pullets are given access to a covered veranda, climate effects on the pullet rearing unit should be managed well, as open popholes may cause a draft.

•Covered verandas should be equipped with litter material. Additional nipple drinkers, roughage and perches can be provided.

•Especially for organic pullets that need access to free range, a covered veranda can provide a smooth transition between indoor and outdoor circumstances for both climate and light. This may encourage the birds to exit the pullet house and make use of the free range.

•The age at which access to the covered veranda can be given depends on the climate. In warmer circumstances, pullets can be given access earlier, in colder circumstances it may be better to wait longer.

•On days vaccinations are provided, it is better to keep the covered veranda closed.


Indoor housing of laying hens does not allow them to experience outdoor climate.


A covered veranda may be a solution to provide hens with possibilities to experience outdoor climate.


A covered veranda provides hens with additional environmental enrichment and the possibility to experience outdoor climate, without being exposed to precipitation and predation.

Practical recommendations

• A covered veranda can be opened for the hens at daytime. Permanent access is a possibility, provided the influence on the indoor climate (draft, wet litter) is sufficiently managed.

• The width of the covered veranda should be about 3 meters, making it possible to use machinery to remove litter and clean the area.

• Roofs may be an extended roof of the house. Also, light-permeable material can be used, making the covered veranda brighter.

• Provision of nipple drinkers and perches is advised. Also, roughage can be supplied on the covered veranda.

• Popholes should be large enough to prevent dominant hens from guarding the passing through of other birds.

• In addition: litter management is important (prevent wet litter on the veranda); side-/front walls should be constructed in a way that predators/pests cannot enter the veranda/the barn etc.

1.Open-air areas for birds shall be covered mainly with vegetation. The rotation of the outdoor plot planning is essential to promote access to new foraging areas, guarantee good pasture and soil management, and offer rest times to the plots. It is also imperative at a sanitary level.

2.Enrich the outdoor area as a “jungle” to prevent pullets and hens’ attacks and promote natural chicken behaviour. It is also recommended to cross ropes in some outdoor areas and hook up some materials that reflect sunlight to make the viewing area of the bird of prey more difficult. In the case of mammals, an electrified fence. The presence of a shepherd dog is also advisable in both cases. There seems to be a higher range of use in small and medium-sized flocks (< 9000 hens, in organic, no more than 3000 hens per flock).

3.Promote pecking behaviour. Take note that additional feed should is only allowed on the covered veranda.

4.Faeces monitoring worms and coccidiosis should be implemented as a management practice at regular intervals and considered to supply diatomaceous earth in the diet to reduce worm and parasite burdens in organic systems.

5.Considerers include a covered veranda to avoid risks of contact with wild birds and their droppings (health reasons) or for long periods of unfavourable weather conditions.

6.Considerers use mobile houses as a practice to integrate the animals into the farms' ecosystems.

•Adopt a frequent and regular daily routine of the pullets and hens, environment, and automated systems to detect potential problems early. Create a routine checklist.


If you opt for organic production, the farm will receive annual audits to supervise and analyse compliance with European regulations and thus receive the guarantee certificate.

Free-range housing systems require a different management compared to indoor systems. The transition phase to free-range and a possible lack of experience of the farmer can put pressure on production results.


1.Have the necessary skills in good management procedures and understanding the welfare of pullets and laying hens, including health and behavioural needs.

2.The work schedules should be adapted to the needs of the birds.

3.More systematization and automatization are recommended for larger housing systems with higher production rates. The design of the facilities will vary depending on the final approach of the farm project.

4.Ensure that the farm design allows easy access to outdoor spaces, provides access to natural light linked with a uniformed lighting design and guarantees a continuous night-time rest period of at least 8 hours, adequate temperature and ventilation.

5.Considerers include a covered veranda.

6.In organic production it is necessary to have land associated to produce their feed (from 1 January 2023, at least 30%)

7.Apply an effective biosecurity protocol to prevent infections and design a good vaccination program. Ensure that the veterinarian and farm advisor have experience in outdoor systems for better advice.

8.Depending on farm size, stocking density and marketing channels, consider selecting appropriate genetics considering behavioural differences. See Practice Abstract BPH Choice of genetics.

9. Provide a pullet rearing system as similar as possible to the later housing system for layers. In the case of different systems, more work and training of farmers and staff will be required.

• Lights hanging above aisles should provide at least 20 lux of light on the litter area, should preferably lighten the entrance of the nest boxes (so birds are able to inspect the entrance) and the first part of the litter area underneath the elevated floors.

• Additional lights underneath the system will prevent floor eggs. They can be switched on in the morning and switched off at the end of the afternoon.

• Lights in the aviary system will encourage birds to use these areas and will attract them to the feeders. For stepwise dimming purpose it could be advantageous to have separate on-off switches for each level.

• At the start and end of the day there should be a dimming phase to enable the birds to adjust to the new situation. Dimming can be done by slowly reducing the light intensity of the lights, but it can also be done by stepwise switching off lights, starting with the lower positioned lights and ending with the highest positioned lights.

• Especially at the end of the day it is important to apply a good dimming schedule to allow the birds to find their roosting places. • For newly housed flocks it is good to apply the dimming by hand the first few days to help and train the birds to find their roosting places. This training can be done by increasing the lights a bit and restart the dimming for birds that have not yet managed to get off the litter floor. Repeating the dimming a few times will encourage the last birds to get into the system and find the top levels to roost.

In pullet rearing, lighting is important to prepare the birds for egg laying, and to reduce the risk of feather pecking both in the rearing and laying period. As non-cage housing systems are more divers in environmental elements and the chicks have more possibilities for behavioural reactions to the lighting, it needs special attention.

Proper light management will reduce the risk of the development of feather pecking and prepare pullets for a long and productive laying period.


• One day-old chicks should be placed in a system with ample light to find their way around and find feed and water.

• After some days, the daylength and light intensity can be reduced, but the light intensity should not be reduced too much. Preferably an intensity of 20 lux or more is maintained. Light intensities lower than 5 lux may cause a later start of egg laying.

• A dimming phase of 15-30 minutes (depending on the complexity of the system) at the end of the day allow the birds to find their roosting places. A dimming phase of about 15 minutes at the start of the day prepare the birds for the day. Dimming phases will reduce arousal and stress in the flock.

• A combination of sufficient light intensity and the provision of litter and roughage can reduce the risk of the onset of feather pecking.

• For rearing pullets, a slightly cooler light is recommended compared to the laying period (pullets: max. 4000K; laying hens: max. 3000K). Warmer light comprises more of red spectrum, which is stimulating hormone production for egg production. Cool light comprises less red and possibly more green and blue wavelength, that are associated with growth.

Pullets and laying hens are highly motivated to perch. Pullets will learn to use easily accessible perches without assistance. Provide sufficient linear perch space for all birds to roost (at least 12 cm/pullet or 15 to 18 cm/hen), as this will promote an increased use of perches at night. Control the temperature of the perch area. Perches should be positioned to facilitate the movement of birds underneath, and there should be enough vertical space above the perch to allow the birds to stand in a normal posture. Perches must not be placed above the litter area. Hens prefer higher perches within one tier and on upper aviary tiers to rest at night. The preferred perch shape is rectangular with rounded edges or mushroom-shaped, and this shape should be the same during the rearing and the laying periods. Round or oval-shaped perches are less favourable because they provide a poorer grip. Some perch designs, especially round metal perches, require skills that hens need to develop during the rearing phase. Consider perches made of durable material and without sharp edges that could injure hens or workers. Covering standard round metal perches with a soft polyurethane material can reduce keel bone fractures and deviations.

Perch access during the rearing period leads to animals with better physical condition and better ability to navigate in complex aviary systems, provides an ideal place to roost at night, and is a getaway option for individuals being harassed. Improved resting opportunities and behavioural options imply better welfare and health.


Quantitative evaluation: assess the number of hens that use perches, average usage time/hen, and observe the reduction of welfare problems associated with the absence of perches.

The provision of litter in cage-free housing systems allows the hens to engage in natural behaviours and reduces the risk of feather pecking. However, often the litter is wet and of poor quality, which spoils its positive effects. In laying hen houses, too much litter can also lead to an increased number of floor-eggs.

Solution:An adequate amount of high-quality litter with a high absorption capacity should be provided on solid floors in all cage-free housing systems. Throughout the rearing and laying phase, the litter quality needs to be monitored.


The provision of high-quality litter reduces the risk of feather pecking by enabling the birds to perform natural behaviours, such as foraging, scratching, and dustbathing. Litter also absorbs faeces on a solid floor, which is positive for the health of the birds.

Recommendation: Upon the arrival of the flock, the solid floor should be covered with a thin layer of litter. Assess the quality of the litter during the daily inspection rounds: is it dry, friable, and flaky? (See Figure1) Especially cold drafts may cause wet litter and also make the birds more vulnerable to disease. Leakages of waterlines and drinkers may also cause wet litter. Stimulating the scratching behaviour of the hens by scattering a little amount of feed or whole grain in the litter area helps keep it dry and friable. Another option is to use automatic litter scrapers (Figure 2), which ensure that the litter stays at an optimal depth and prevents faecal built-ups. In the layer phase, too much litter can lead to floor-eggs. In the first weeks after placing a new flock, the scrapers can be moved frequently to prevent hens from developing the habit of laying floor eggs.

Provide the same environmental enrichment sufficient to promote hen behaviour, in the rearing phase and during the laying period. Environmental enrichments improve bird health and welfare during laying periods.

WHEN: Provide adequate environmental enrichment during rearing (see practice abstract no. 8b) and lay to reduce the risk of feather pecking

WHY: The type of enrichment material is important: pet toys, for instance, do not lead to the benefits mentioned above, while the materials listed below do. Effective enrichment include: a) straw and shaving bales to jump on, to create low barriers and partitions within larger spaces, and provide a substrate to peck at (i. ex., alfalfa hay in bales); b) perches and platforms at different levels to support different behavioural uses during the day and night, including refuge from other birds (i. ex. perches with grip/wood as perch material; c) novel food for pecking; d) pecking blocks – some may incorporate nutritive value or beak blunting effects (i. ex. pumice stone); e) a range of pecking objects; f) dustbathing boxes; and g) “verandas” or “winter gardens” to provide additional space, litter, and access to natural daylight in housing systems where range access is not available or may be restricted for periods of time; h) in free range systems use of the range encouraged by a high percentage of sheltered areas.

HOW: The types of enrichment should target the behavioral needs of the birds, i.e., be biologically relevant. Replace enrichment variants that are not used well by the birds with alternatives!

If possible, similar enrichment items should be provided during the laying period. The type of enrichment material is important: pet toys, for instance, do not lead to the benefits mentioned above, while the materials listed below do. Effective enrichment can include: a) straw and shaving bales to jump on, to create low barriers and partitions within larger spaces, and provide a substrate to peck at (i. ex., alfalfa hay in bales); b) perches and platforms at different levels to support different behavioural uses during the day and night, including refuge from other birds (i. ex. perches with grip/wood as perch material; c) novel food for pecking; d) pecking blocks – some may incorporate nutritive value or beak blunting effects (i. ex. pumice stone); e) a range of pecking objects; f) dustbathing boxes; and g) “verandas” or “winter gardens” to provide additional space, litter, and access to natural daylight in housing systems where range access is not available or may be restricted for periods of time; h) in free range systems use of the range encouraged by a high percentage of sheltered areas. The enrichment types should target the birds’ behavioral needs, i.e., be biologically relevant. Replace enrichment variants that are not used well by the birds with alternatives!

Enrichments improve pullets welfare by directly improving the affective state and indirectly promoting more positive interpretations of stressful situations and improving stress recovery, helping the physical and behavioral development, improve later health and productivity.

Insufficient feeder space and feeding frequency may result in frustration, aggression, and uneven hen bodyweights across the flock. Supply at least 10 cm of feeding space per hen as required by EU legislation. This ensures that hens can eat with minimal competition. It is recommended to feed the hens 6-7 times per day. The last feeding should be run ½-2 h before the light is switched off in the barn to ensure that the hens have all the necessary nutrients for egg production. Feeding times should not be set during the time the hens lay their eggs, so they will not be attracted away from the nest boxes. In addition, block feeding is advised, where two feeding times follow shortly after each other. Birds that have not been able to eat the first time will get access the second time, as the birds that fed during the first time are less eager. If feed hoppers are used, they should be turned two times per day to destroy feed clusters. Feed hoppers should not be too close to each other so that the hens can access the whole feeding space. It is recommended that the decision to change to another feed phase should not be determined by bird age but by body weight, feed intake, egg yield and egg weight. Mashed feed instead of pellets should be fed to lower the risk of feather pecking. In addition, feeding sufficient protein of good quality is recommended to mitigate the risk of feather pecking. For specific advice on diet formulation, contact your feed supplier.

Insufficient feeder space and feeding frequency may result in frustration, aggression, and uneven flock growth. Ensure that feeding equipment allows all pullets to eat with minimal competition. Depending on the size of the house, 6-7 (sometimes up to 10) feeding times are recommended. In addition, block feeding is advised, where two feeding times follow shortly after each other. Birds that have not been able to eat the first time will get access the second time, as the birds that fed during the first time are less eager. The feeding equipment for pullets should be similar to the equipment for laying hens to help reduce stress after transfer to the layer house. Feeding equipment should match the feeding equipment that the birds will have access to when they are later kept as laying hens to help reduce stress after transfer. Mashed feed (Figure 1) instead of pellets should be fed to lower the risk of feather pecking. Dietary dilution (about 15%) during rearing may be a further approach to reduce the risk of feather pecking by increasing feeding time and other feeding-related behaviours. Avoid sudden diet changes during rearing as these may be associated with an increased incidence of feather pecking during laying. Masking the changes between diets by mixing diets may help to prevent disruption to the birds arising from diet change. Insoluble grit of an appropriate size and quantity should be provided from 3 weeks of age to aid digestion.


Laying hens in cage-free systems may be housed at high stocking densities to compensate for potential economic losses during the transition phase to cage-free housing systems. However, if too many laying hens are kept in an extremely limited area, they are not able to (fully) engage in natural behaviours, even in non-cage housing systems.


The maximum stocking density for laying hens must not exceed 9 hens/m2 (barn, free-range) or 6 hens/m2 (organic systems) usable area in the hen house as required by EU law. Lower stocking densities can be considered to reduce the risk of feather pecking.


Adequate stocking densities reduce the risk of feather pecking by enabling the laying hens to perform natural behaviours. This improves hen welfare, including health, and

Practical recommendations

The maximum number of laying hens that can be kept in a given housing system on a given farm according to the legal requirements (barn, free-range: 9 hens/m2; organic systems: 6 hens/m2) can usually be found in the construction documents of this system, which are provided by the housing equipment company. This number must be considered when ordering new hens. Practical experiences indicate that stocking densities lower than determined by law (< 9 hens/m2) reduce the risk of feather pecking. By reducing losses due to feather pecking, these lower stocking densities can also be economically profitable.

System approach

• Adequate stocking densities always need to be combined with an adequate dimensioning of other resources (e.g. adequate feeder space, perch length or nest area).

For white hybrids, stocking densities of 10-15 birds/m2 at the end of the rearing phase are considered ideal, for brown hybrids it would be 9-13 birds/m2 at the end of rearing.


Adequate stocking densities during rearing reduce the risk of feather pecking in the laying phase by enabling pullets to perform natural behaviours. This improves pullet welfare, including health. It also increases economic benefits for the farmer (lower mortality rates).

Practical recommendations

High stocking densities during rearing are a risk factor for feather pecking behaviour during laying. For white hybrids, stocking densities of 10-15 birds/m2 at the end of the rearing phase are considered ideal, for brown hybrids it would be 9-13 birds/m2 at the end of rearing. Research has shown that rearing pullets at stocking densities higher than 21 birds/m2 led to plumage damage due to feather pecking in 50% of the observed flocks already during the rearing phase. By reducing losses due to feather pecking, these lower stocking densities can also be economically profitable.

System approach

• Consider limiting stocking density during rearing.

• Calculate the space allowance for pullets in relation to their demands on the whole environment (including air quality), their age, live weight, health and their needs to express certain behavior.


• Check if each pullet is able to express its natural behaviour such as: feeding and drinking, wing flapping, dust bathing, foraging, perching, resting/sitting, preening.

Due to the high amount of vaccines given during the pullet phase, post-vaccination reactions can be expected. If hens are given outdoor access, risks of infections are higher, and more vaccines are often necessary.


Carefully schedule and balance the vaccination program. There should be at least 2 weeks between 2 vaccinations targeting the same organ. Furthermore, the program can contain additional inactivated vaccines for hens with outdoor access. These vaccines have a greater chance to cause post-vaccination reactions due to the adjuvants that are included.


1.Vaccines need to be applied according to the manufacturer’s guidelines to prevent post-vaccination reactions and reach a maximum immunological effect.

2.After vaccination, possible adverse side-effects should be checked by examining the flock and individual birds. The time-interval after vaccination depends on the type of vaccine and its application method.

•Vaccination programs for pullets in cage-free housing systems contain several basic live and inactivated vaccines. Additionally, depending on the country, housing system (free-range: yes or no) and the disease history on the farm (and region), the program can be adapted (read: tailor-made). In practice, this means that more vaccination is added instead of being removed. More vaccines equal more stress for the hen and her immune system. To reduce the impact of these vaccinations, the programs need to be set up by a specialist.

•The flock should be visited: during vaccination to check proper vaccine application, and 5-7 days after vaccination, to evaluate possible adverse post-vaccination reactions through inspection and for checking vaccine efficacy by sample taking.

Monitoring worm infection prevents a sudden negative impact of a high worm burden and minimizes necessary treatments reducing residues in eggs and environment. Between flocks the barn should be cleaned thoroughly to remove all manure. Worm eggs are very persistent against most disinfectant products used. Therefore, the poultry house is preferably heated using Thermokill. This technique is developed against Poultry Red Mites and kills remaining worm eggs as well.

Since not every type of worm is visible macroscopically during post-mortem examination (such as the damaging Capillaria spp.), faecal egg counts are favourable over post-mortem worm detection. Deworm if levels exceed a set threshold level.

Practical recommendations

Perform a worm egg count every 4 weeks on a freshly mixed manure sample of at least 50 droppings. Five of these should be caecal droppings since the caeca harbour specific type of worms. The analysis is done by the Mc Master technique that is routinely performed in most laboratories. Deworm if egg counts per gram faeces (EPG) exceed: Capillaria EPG>50; Ascaridia/Heterakis EPG>500-1,000.

System approach

• Faeces monitoring of worms should be implemented as a management practice at regular intervals; for coccidiosis, at 2-week intervals at 3-5-7 weeks of age during rearing and at 18-20-22-24-26-28 weeks of age at the start of production, and for worms, at 16-20-24-28 weeks during the start of production, and thereafter, at 4–6-week intervals.

• Faeces monitoring is both qualitative and quantitative.

• During the round: by removing excess litter the amount of worm eggs will be reduced.

• Between rounds: Clean the house thoroughly with warm water and soap before disinfection.

Vaccinated birds need extra attention in the first 3 weeks post-vaccination to safeguard sufficient spread of the vaccine strains among all birds and the onset of immunity. Chick paper is used to optimize the re-circulation of the vaccine strain. The humidity of the circulating air should be high enough to keep the strains alive.

The chick paper should be placed on the entire floor surface on which the day-old-chicks are released. Feed should be directly spread over the paper to support ground surface pecking behaviour. The key is to leave the chick paper in place during the first 3 weeks of life. When pullets are released into the litter and the larger area of the barn, the chick paper can be spread through the house.

•Application of the coccidiosis vaccine is generally performed at day 1 by spray, at the hatchery or on the farm. Please check the manufacturer’s guidelines for the technical details of the method, such as dosage, spray volume, and colorant. It is important, however, that each chick picks up 1 full dose of all strains, that the vaccine can re-circulate in the flock during at least 3-4 weeks (chick paper) and that no chemical treatments are done that can stop or slow-down re-circulation, or even, inactivate vaccine strains.

• •The re-cycling and efficacy of the coccidiosis vaccine and its individual strains can be evaluated by taking faecal samples at 2-week intervals (e.g., 3-5-7 weeks of age). Samples are examined microscopically, and oocyst numbers are counted using the Mc Master technique. Evaluation is both qualitative and quantitative. At the end of rearing (16 weeks), evaluation of a mixed faecal sample could be used as a final check for indications of field infection and/or proper vaccine-take.

The current European hen welfare assessment protocols each have their own focus, duration, and application, making it hard to choose the protocol that best meets the expectations and limitations of the user.

Solution: A decision tree, based on a set of main practical considerations, helps the user choose the most appropriate method in line with particular goals, expectations and limitations.

User satisfaction and quality of the outcomes depend to a large extent on applying the laying hen welfare assessment protocol which is most appropriate to the individual farm or organization unit.


The decision tree uses branches to select one (or more) welfare assessment protocols that best suit the user’s needs:

1.Has the user the intention to compare results with other farms? Benchmarking is useful to obtain an insight in one’s own farm status with other comparable (anonymous) farms. By choosing ‘yes’, only benchmarking protocols will be proposed.

2.Is the user prepared to handle animals for physical inspection? Most tools require animal handling and most options will be presented if this option is chosen.

3.Include outdoor use indicators in the assessment? Protocols with specific parameters will be proposed if the user is interested in using outdoor ranges (e.g. free-range, organic systems or wintergarden).

The decision tree is available to any farmer or stakeholder involved with the welfare assessment of laying hens or pullets.


Farmers have difficulties anticipating emerging welfare and health issues before these affect the productive performance of pullets and laying hens in cage-free systems. This situation can be worsened during the transition phase from cages to cage-free housing systems.


A practical health and welfare assessment protocol for pullets and laying hens housed in cage-free systems. The protocol is based on the transect method to maximize the assessment reliability and time efficiency.


A systematic flock welfare assessment can help farmers to detect early signs of emerging health and welfare problems when they can still be corrected and before they have an impact on hen welfare and farm economic results.

Practical recommendations

Go to the assessment protocol for information on which indicators to assess and how they are assessed. Define the number of transects (wall and central) according to house dimensions. Once defined, number the transects (left to right), taking the house entrance door as the reference (Figure 1). Always assess 2 transects/house (one wall and one central transect), avoiding neighbouring transects (example of evaluation in Figure 1: T1 and T3, T4 or T5; T6 and T4, T3 or T2). Intercalate transects between consecutive assessments. In houses with a covered veranda and in free-range and organic systems, assessment should be done in the early morning before releasing the birds in the free-range/veranda. Assessment of the free range should be done once the hen/pullet flux through the pop holes has stabilized after opening the pop holes. Move slowly through the flock to minimize disturbance of the birds during the assessment.

Frequent inspection of pullets is not always performed, possibly resulting in welfare issues and significant production losses. This situation can be worsened during the transition to cage-free systems.

Recommendations: Daily inspections should be performed by walking slowly through the house to detect problems at an early stage and prevent welfare problems. To prevent fear responses, knock on the door before entering the house so the pullets know someone is coming. Walk slowly through the aisles, frequently pausing to give the pullets time to walk away. Check water lines to see if water is available. Check feeders to see if feed is available. Check for sick and dead birds on the slatted floors and litter. In multi-tier systems, check the upper levels of the systems as well. Check perches for the presence of red mites. Alarm sounds or screams may be an indication of injurious pecking behaviour.

Special attention on specific moments: directly after arrival of chicks, feed and water should be easily accessible, and room temperature should be high enough to comfort the chicks. Especially important for chicks that are beak trimmed, as they may experience discomfort due to the treatment and therefore may be reluctant to feed or drink. After each batch of vaccinations, special checks need to monitor the health of the birds. Supply the pullets with roughage to keep them busy, preventing injurious pecking behaviour. Pecking stones also serve as occupation and blunt beaks of chicks in case of intact beaks. Check the litter for the presence of feathers. Because of moulting, there should be feathers in the litter. Pullets may start eating feathers, which can be an indication of intestinal problems or the onset of feather pecking.

Delayed detection of system malfunctioning, disease or unwanted behaviour can lead to negative welfare consequences and significant production losses. This can be worsened during the transition phase to cage-free systems.

SOLUTION: Frequent and regular inspections of the hens, environment and automated systems can allow for early detection of potential problems. This allows for early intervention, thus reducing production losses and improving hen welfare. Walking the house often can encourage nest laying reducing the nº of floor eggs, and reduce fear of humans lowering the risk of panic and injury.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Walk through the house in a pattern that allows for visual inspection of all areas (including the wintergarden if present). Do this at least 2 daily (more often when birds are young). Observe the distribution of hens within the house and look for any sick, injured or dead birds. Pause for a few minutes to allow birds to relax and resume their activities. Note any abnormal behaviour. Listen for signs of respiratory illness. Pick up and inspect individual hens’ bodies and plumage conditions. Look for signs of parasites or indications of head or vent pecking. Check the condition of the hen’s eyes, skin, beak, legs, feet and claws. Monitor the condition of the litter, feed and water consumption and hen body weights. Ensure all automatic supply and ventilation systems are functioning properly. In multi-tier systems, all levels should be inspected. Varying the time, route or personnel can help birds become more robust to human presence.

Train the staff to get familiar with the daily routine and checklist. Inspections performed by 2 different people each day increase the likelihood of detecting conditions requiring attention.

PROBLEM: The care for pullets and laying hens in cage-free housing systems places high demands on farmers and staff. Caretakers who have only experience with managing hens in cages are often not sufficiently trained for this new task. Therefore, problems may arise particularly during the transition phase from cages to cage-free systems.

SOLUTION: Farmers and staff having the daily responsibility for pullets and laying hens in cage-free systems need to receive appropriate training, tailored to the specific cage-free system and adapted to the context of the farmer.

BENEFITS: Competent handling and management of hens in cage-free systems improve production performance, animal health and welfare. This leads to economic benefits and job satisfaction.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Farmers need to ensure that they and their staff, who have the daily responsibility for the pullets and laying hens in cage-free housing systems, have the necessary knowledge and skills in good management procedures regarding these systems. They need to have a proper understanding of the welfare, including the health and the behaviour, of pullets and laying hens. These skills can be acquired and maintained by appropriate training, tailored to the cage-free housing system in place (barn, free-range, organic production). Training should cover the following aspects:

-How to comply with relevant (local) legislation

-How to recognize normal behaviour and signs of good health

-How to recognize abnormal behaviour and signs of disease

-How to quickly take effective corrective measures

-How to seek additional help from experts (e.g. veterinarian, feed advisor) if necessary

Farmers should keep records of their own training and staff training.

Problem: Various brown and white commercial layer hybrids can show large differences in performance and behaviour in cage-free systems. The freedom of choice of the farmer is often limited by consumer demands regarding egg colour (brown or white eggs) or egg size.

Solution: To promote high levels of welfare in pullets and laying hens, genetic hybrids adapted to cage-free housing systems should be reared. Contact your breeding company/chick provider for more detailed advice on genetics.

Benefits: A genetic hybrid well-adapted to the cage-free system will show a good use of the three-dimensional housing environment, will respond calmly to humans walking through the flock and will not show feather pecking or cannibalistic pecking towards group mates. Furthermore, it will show an excellent technical performance, that corresponds with the management guide provided by the breeding company.

Practical recommendations: Some general behavioural differences between brown and white hybrids are listed in the original practice abstract on Best Practice Hens website. These may be considered when choosing the hybrid for your system. Please be advised that within brown and white hybrids, large differences may exist in performance and behaviour of the specific brands. It is advised to contact your local breeding company or rearing company for more specific advice.

On-farm application - Evaluation

Keep records of daily flock inspections and flock performance.

Evaluate the records together with your breeding company/chick supplier.

Decide whether you want to stay with the present genetic or whether you want to house a different hybrid strain for the next flock.

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