project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Adaptation of viticultural and wine production to climate change
Prilagodba vinogradarsko vinarske proizvodnje klimatskim promjenama

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Ongoing | 2020 - 2023 Croatia
Ongoing | 2020 - 2023 Croatia
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The proposed study of the change in the timing of ampelotechnical interventions in some of the most common and economically important wine varieties in vineyards with experimental vineyards, and their impact on the quality of grapes and wine, will be directly applicable to a number of producers in Croatia.The potential of adaptation of viticulture and wine production to climate change will be determined in such a way that it does not require additional investments to producers, but by using all existing knowledge in modern and precise agricultural production ensures maximum quality of the final product - wine.


Predloženo istraživanje promjene trenutka primjene ampelotehničkih zahvata na nekim od najzastupljenijih te gospodarski najznačajnijih vinskih sorata u vinogorjima u kojima se nalaze pokusni vinogradi, te njihov utjecaj na kvalitetu grožđa i vina, biti će direktno primijenjiv kod većeg broja proizvođača u RH. Utvrditi će se potencijal prilagodbe vinogradarsko-vinarske proizvodnje klimatskim promjenama na način da ne iziskuje dodatna ulaganja proizvođačima, nego se korištenjem svih postojećih znanja u modernoj i preciznoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji osigurava maksimalna kvaliteta završnog proizvoda - vina.


Soil sampling will be performed in 9 experimental vineyards, and based on the obtained analyzes of chemical composition, recommendations for fertilization will be given. The experiments will be set according to a random block schedule, in 3 repetitions. Pruning treatments will be in the dormant phase of the vine and in the budding phase. The leaf and stalk will be sampled after the end of flowering and the beginning of the pattern, and the total N, P and K will be analyzed. After harvesting and processing of technologically ripe grapes, physicochemical parameters in the musts will be analyzed. Aromatic profiles of wine will be made and organoleptic evaluation will be performed. 


Uzorkovanje tla izvršit će se u devet pokusnih vinograda, te će se na osnovi dobivenih analiza kemijskog sastava dati preporuke za gnojidbu. Pokusi će biti postavljeni prema slučajnom bloknom rasporedu, u tri repeticije. Tretmani rezidbe biti će u fazi mirovanja vinove loze te u fazi pupanja. List i peteljka uzorkovat će se nakon završetka cvatnje te početkom šare, a analizirati će se ukupni N,P i K. Nakon berbe i prerade tehnološki zrelog grožđa, analizirat će se fizikalno-kemijski parametri u moštevima. Izradit će se aromatski profili vina te provesti organoleptičko ocjenjivanje.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014HR06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Croatia for the Period 2014-2020
Main geographical location
Osječko-baranjska županija
Other geographical location
Grad Zagreb

€ 188735.55

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

The research has a direct application in viticulture and wine production in the Republic of Croatia. It is planned to examine the potential of changing the moment of application of ampelotechnical interventions with the aim of adapting viticulture and wine production to climate change through the implementation of the project at representative locations where vines are grown. The application of optimal fertilization and pruning should significantly affect the yield and the qualitative composition of grapes, must and wine. Also, growers and winemakers should be provided with a reduction and optimization of production costs. Through the overall processing and analysis of all the obtained results, it will be possible to give producers a recommendation on how to adapt multi-year production to climate change in the research area without additional investments. All together, it should be possible to increase the competitiveness of producers, both in the domestic and foreign markets. In addition to the above, it is certainly worth noting that the results of this project will be presented through promotional activities such as presentations at professional conferences and scientific symposia, conferences and workshops and publication in relevant professional and scientific journals. We also believe that it will have a significant impact on the protection of animal and plant health and that it will indicate the possibility of exploiting by-products.

Istraživanje ima izravnu primjenu u vinogradarsko-vinarskoj proizvodnji Republike Hrvatske. U planu je kroz provedbu projekta na reprezentativnim lokacijama, na kojima se uzgaja vinova loza, ispitati potencijal promjene trenutka primjene ampelotehničkih zahvata s ciljem prilagođavanja vinogradarsko-vinarske proizvodnje klimatskim promjenama. Primjena optimalne gnojidbe i rezidbe trebala bi značajno utjecati na rodnost, te na kvalitativni sastav grožđa, mošta i vina. Također, vinogradarima i vinarima trebala bi osiguratisnižavanje i optimizaciju troškova proizvodnje. Ukupnom obradom i analizom svih dobivenih rezultata biti će moguće proizvođačima dati preporuku kako na istraživanjem obuhvaćenom području mogu bez dodatnih ulaganja prilagoditi višegodišnju proizvodnju klimatskim promjenama. Sve skupa trebalo bi omogućiti povećanje konkurentnosti proizvođača, kako na domaćem tako i na inozemnom tržištu. Osim navedenog, svakako vrijedi istaknuti i da će rezultati ovog projekta prikazati kroz promotivne aktivnosti poput izlaganja na stručnim skupovima i znanstvenim simpozijima, savjetovanjima i radionicama te objavu u relevantnim stručnim i znanstvenim časopisima. Također smatramo da će imati značajan utjecaja i na zaštitu zdravlja životinja i bilja te da će ukazati na mogućnosti iskorištavanje nusproizvoda.

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Project coordinator

  • Robert Brkić

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Grad Ilok

    Project partner

  • Grad Požega

    Project partner

  • Lagradi d.o.o.

    Project partner

  • OPG Anita Matijević

    Project partner

  • OPG Dominik Gršković

    Project partner

  • OPG Goran Kostanjevec

    Project partner

  • OPG Nenad Preiner

    Project partner

  • Obrt za vinogradarstvo VITIS

    Project partner

  • Veleučilište u Požegi

    Project partner

  • Visoko gospodarsko učilište u Križevcima

    Project partner