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Urban biowaste management

After 4 years, the VALUEWASTE has reached its end. The goal of the project was to foster the adoption of circular valorisation schemes for urban biowaste in cities across Europe. Every year each European citizen produces on average 200 kg of municipal biowaste.


After 4 years, the VALUEWASTE has reached its end. The goal of the project was to foster the adoption of circular valorisation schemes for urban biowaste in cities across Europe. Every year each European citizen produces on average 200 kg of municipal biowaste. This means that between 118 and 138 million tonnes of biowaste arise annually in the EU. Today, one of the challenges for biowaste management is to integrate a valorisation system in a city context, and to recover products with a market value that offsets the global cost of biowaste valorising.

This was the focus of this project, which developed an integrated system for urban biowaste valorisation into key strategic products for the EU, namely food, feed and biobased fertiliser. There are many resources on their website.