News | 24 Jul 2023

Thematic and geographic National Network clusters: Update

National Networks are advancing with their peer-driven clusters, which have now started to focus on thematic areas next to geographic clusters that have already been functioning for more than two years.

Eight thematic clusters of National Network (NN) representatives were formed following the 1st NN Meeting from earlier this year. Led by the NN representatives themselves, these thematic clusters are all self-moderating and arrange their own networking through online meetings and other exchanges.

Green Architecture and Eco-schemes are the focus of an NN cluster led by the Dutch Managing Authority. This cluster has begun its work to network in order to exchange knowhow about how Eco-schemes are implemented in different countries. Its activities will be developed in close liaison with our new Thematic Group on Eco-schemes, which is being prepared by the CAP Implementation Contact Point.

Coordination between EU and national level networks is also underway, with thanks to the Finnish NN for a cluster considering CAP monitoring and evaluation. This cluster is currently defining the scope of its actions and would complement support provided to NNs by our European Evaluation Helpdesk for the CAP.

NN Clusters

Similarly, an AKIS and innovation cluster that met in June under the initiative of the Romanian Managing Authority is now exchanging on AKIS actions in different countries and identifying issues that will be addressed in future meetings. Cooperation with our Support Facility for Innovation and Knowledge exchange including EIP-AGRI is also envisaged.

A meeting of the cluster looking at the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas (LTVRA), Rural Pact and Rural Observatory was organised by the Swedish NN to discuss and compare how the Rural Pact is addressed and implemented in their countries. The cluster’s next meeting is scheduled to take place in September and the Rural Pact Support Office is also expected to become involved.

Youth and generational renewal are the combined topics for a cluster led by Portugal’s NN, which has already started sharing good practices among its members. Next steps here are expected to include inviting young people to take part in the cluster’s activities.

An NN cluster on Smart villages and digitalisation of agriculture is being coordinated by Poland’s NN. This group’s first meeting considered how the Smart Village concept is implemented in participants’ countries, e.g. through the LEADER measure. The cluster’s subsequent meeting in September is due to find out more about how NNs can contribute to further facilitate agricultural digitalisation.

Spain is leading on a thematic cluster centred on the use of NN regional antennas and members of the group gained insights from their peers about use of antennas in Slovakia and Spain. More NN networking on this topic is scheduled this month.

The Spanish NN is also taking a lead role for a cluster exploring how NN communication toolkits can be best applied to help involve Pillar 1 stakeholders and disseminate CSP information. A kick-off meeting is planned this month and we will report back on all the thematic clusters’ findings after the summer. At the same time, we will also provide an update on the useful actions that continue to be progressed by the NN geographic clusters.