News | 24 Apr 2023

Networking EU forestry areas: Thematic Group's first meeting

Forest-Dominant Rural Areas and Municipalities are the focus of an EU CAP Network Thematic Group, which held its first meeting on 16 March.

A village in a valley surrounded by a forest and with mountains in the horizon

Forest-Dominant Rural Areas and Municipalities are the focus of an EU CAP Network Thematic Group. Its first online meeting, held on 16 March, brought together 40 experts from 16 EU Member States representing a broad spectrum of forest stakeholders, including civil society organisations, national CAP Managing Authorities, National Networks and EU-level bodies.

The TG members discussed different socio-economic and environmental needs and issues facing forest-dominant rural areas and municipalities. It included sharing experiences between actors to identify challenges and barriers to addressing these needs and issues. Existing structures for involving forest-dominant areas in policy processes were showcased and outcomes highlighted the importance of balancing forests' multifunctional uses.

TG exchanges showed that networking at EU and national level for forest stakeholders can help provide support, such as advisory services, policy inputs and guidance, funding, data, thematic analysis, certification, value-chains, transnational agreements, knowledge and technology transfers. The TG’s first meeting concluded with agreement that the focus for their ongoing work should include climate action, the local bioeconomy and sustainable management practices. The second meeting will be held on 31 May. Follow the TG webpage for more.