News | 03 Oct 2023

EU CAP Network Support Facility ‘Innovation, knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI’ and animal welfare

Many networking activities have been organised dealing with animal health and welfare

Livestock farmers are facing a number of challenges today. Demands for more animal health and welfare need to be balanced with stable production and a good income. Animal welfare is a prominent issue in public debate across EU countries, particularly in discussions about the quality and sustainability of livestock-derived food. Many networking activities have been organised dealing with animal health and welfare: Focus Groups, workshops, Operational Groups and publications and many more listed below.

You can take a look at the EU CAP Network Newsletter on Innovation & knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI Newsletter in October 2023 which focuses on animal welfare. The EIP-AGRI Newsletter from July 2020 was also dedicated to animal health and welfare.

For all relevant EU CAP Network - Innovation & knowledge exchange including EIP-AGRI activities, see below

A young farmer with his piglets

Focus Groups

Focus Groups are temporary groups of selected experts focusing on a specific subject, sharing knowledge and experience. Several of them have worked on issues related to animal health and welfare. Click on each link below to find reports, factsheets and more:


Click on each link to find reports, presentations and more from events related to animal health and welfare:


As well as the Focus Group reports, the following publications which are relevant to animal health and welfare, were produced:


Watch these videos on examples of animal health and welfare related initiatives:

Inspirational ideas from the network

Articles on examples of animal health and welfare related initiatives from the network:

Operational Groups

Many Operational Group projects focus on finding innovative solutions for animal health and welfare. Browse the EIP-AGRI database (look in the keywords column for 'Animal husbandry and welfare').

Horizon projects

  • Multi-actor: There are many Horizon multi-actor projects on animal health and welfare, examples :
    • TechCare (2020-2024) Integrating innovative technologies along the value chain to improve small ruminant welfare management: Cordis
    • PPILOW (2019-2024) Poultry and Pig Low-input and Organic production systems’ Welfare: Cordis – website
    • Clearfarm (2019-2023) Co-designed Welfare Monitoring Platform for Pig and Dairy Cattle: Cordis - website
    • BovINE (2020-2022) BovINE Beef Innovation Network Europe : Cordis – website
    • Hennovation (2015-2017) (2020-2022) Practice-led innovation supported by science and market-driven actors in the laying hen and other livestock sectors: Cordis
    • LIFT (COST action; 2022-2026) Lifting farm animal lives – laying the foundations for positive animal welfare: Cordis
    • IPEMA (COST action; 2016-2020) Innovative approaches in pork production with entire males: Cordis
    • aWISH (2022-2026) Animal Welfare Indicators at the SlaughterHouse. Automated monitoring at the slaughterhouse of complementary animal-based indicators for monitoring welfare on farm, during (un)loading, transport and slaughter. Piloting and development in broiler and fattening pig production chains: website
  • Thematic networks examples:
    • DISARM (01/2019-12/2021) - Disseminating Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management: Cordis - website
    • EuroSheep (01/2020-12/2022) - European Network for interactive and innovative knowledge exchange on animal health and nutrition between the sheep industry actors and stakeholders: Cordis - website
    • EU PiG (11/2016-10/2020) - EU Pig Innovation Group: Cordis - website - videos on pig health & welfare
  • Other Horizon project examples :
    • ERANET FREEWALK (2017-2021) Develop economic sound free walk farming systems elevating animal welfare, health and manure quality, while being appreciated by society: website
    • ERANET SUSI (2017-2021) Sustainability in pork production with immunocastration: website