TNC Factsheets

Local Action Groups (LAGs) now are exclusively responsible for selecting Transnational Cooperation (TNC) projects. The rules and eligibility criteria related to TNC can vary between Member States, as well as between regions within a Member State. To help you understand these rules, the EU CAP Network has created a series of Factsheets that can help you when looking for TNC partners.

The TNC Factsheets describe how TNC is implemented in each Member State, or at regional level (where relevant and made available by the Member State). Click on any country flag to access the relevant TNC Factsheets and find applicable rules and eligibility criteria for LEADER TNC.

The pages are regularly updated with new information as it becomes available from Member States.

As with all pages on the EU CAP Network website, the information in the TNC Factsheet pages can be translated to 24 EU languages using the “Translate this page” function accessible at the bottom of the page. You can also print the TNC Factsheets (or any page of this website) or save them as pdf files using the right-click function of your mouse.

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