National Network

Hungarian Network

The Hungarian CAP Network aims to involve farmers, public administration, advisors, researchers and innovators in the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan. The main task of the network is to inform the public and potential beneficiaries about the objectives of the CAP, as well as interventions and their financing rules applicable to agriculture, forestry, food production and rural development.

In line with the European Union's expectations for the 2023-2027 programming period the goal of the Hungarian CAP network is to involve all relevant stakeholders in the field of agriculture and rural development in the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan.

Hungarian Network Logo


Magyar Nemzeti KAP-Hálózat / Hungarian National CAP Network


The Hungarian CAP Network aims to involve farmers, public administration, advisors, researchers and innovators in the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan. The specific goals of the Hungarian CAP network is to:

  • involve the beneficiaries in the implementation of CAP Strategic Plan, as well as to provide information to the beneficiaries about financing opportunities,
  • assist the Ministry and the Paying Agency in the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan,
  • promote innovation in the field of agriculture and rural development, support the exchange of knowledge between actors, as well as knowledge building,
  • contribute to monitoring and evaluation capacities and activities;
  • contribute to the dissemination of the results of CAP strategic plans


The network is open to anyone interested in contributing to the objectives of the CAP Network as well as the knowledge exchange related to interactive innovation, and digital transformation of the sector.

Regional representation

Please contact the Hungarian National Network for further information.


The Hungarian CAP network provides support units in three complex and priority areas, which horizontally cover the main topics set out in the CAP Strategic Plan. The support units of the National CAP network are professionally managed and coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Within the governance there is a unit responsible for the communication activities and working groups have been established in the field of finance, communication, international cooperation and monitoring & evaluation. Group of stakeholders (education, research, professional organisations, national parks, forest holders, municipalities, paying agency) and an advisory board is in close contact with the network.

Additional Information

Please contact the Hungarian National Network for further information.