Water management

54 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

‘Abissage’ - restoring traditional water management systems in the Ardennes

Restoration of a meadow irrigation ditch to revive a multi-centennial tradition that existed throughout Europe and over time has produced meadows of outstanding flora.   

Good Practice - Project

Water management in Žim-Záhoří

Building a reservoir to catch runoff water and provide protection against floods in a vulnerable area.

Good Practice - Project

Investments in domestic wastewater treatment solutions

An infrastructure investment to solve the problem of waste water treatment in a sparsely populated rural municipality.

Good Practice - Project

Restoration of the Röcknitzbach stream

A project addressing the Water Framework Directive, by restoring the natural flow of a stream, while preserving the local cultural heritage and protecting from floods.

Good Practice - Project

Future-proof peat meadow polder ‘Lange Weide’

The future-proof peat meadow polder ‘Lange Weide’, is unique bottom-up initiative and the largest submerged drainage project in the Netherlands.

Good Practice - Project

Water management for nature reserve in Western Langstraat

Adjustments to water management and remedial measures help to preserve protected areas and conserve the landscape of the Western Langstraat.

Good Practice - Project

Wilkin & Sons - Water Efficiency

A leading manufacturer of conserves and jams used RDP support to increase its winter water storage capacity for use during the summer dry months.

Good Practice - Project

Construction of the water supply network of the settlement of Reka and Starigrad

The project supported the construction of a water supply network in the village of Reka, ensuring that all inhabitants have adequate access to water.

Publikation - Broschüren |

EIP-AGRI Innovative projects catalogue

The innovative projects catalogue features 200 Operational Groups and other innovative projects that have been…

Good Practice - Project

PUSA project – Clean the lake Pien-Saimaa

Supporting co-operation and knowledge sharing to tackle eutrophication in a vulnerable lake system.