Qualitative methods

8 result(s)
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Assessing RDP Achievements and Impacts in 2019

These non-binding Guidelines aim to examine the challenges in relation to the evaluation activities for the AIR in 2019…

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Showing the Added Value of LEADER/CLLD Through Evaluation

This report summarises the majour outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, 'Showing the added value of LEADER/CLLD…

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Evaluation of Innovation in Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

The main objective of the Guidelines is to provide a non-binding complement to other guidelines and offer advice to RDP…

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Evaluation of LEADER/CLLD

The Guidelines: Evaluation of LEADER/CLLD is a non-binding document, which serves to complement the legal requirements…

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Assessment of RDP results
The European Evaluation Helpdesk’s first good practice workshop…

Rural Evaluation NEWS Issue 2
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Finnish Case Study - Evaluation of Climate Stability in Finland

This case study from Finland focuses on the evaluation of the impacts of EU rural development measures and programmes…

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Evaluation of National Rural Networks 2014-2020

The Guidelines: Evaluation of National Rural Networks 2014-2020 is a non-binding document, which serves to complement…

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Assessment of RDP Results: How to Prepare for Reporting on Evaluation in 2017

The Guidelines: Assessment of RDP Results: How to Prepare for Reporting on Evaluation in 2017, is a non-binding…