Product quality

98 result(s)
Good Practice - Project | 28 sept 2020


The project saw an unused calves’ shed converted into a farm shop selling organic products.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
  • Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI
Good Practice - Project | 25 juin 2020

Environmentally friendly development of a family farm

A family farm used support from multiple Rural Development Programme (RDP) measures to ensure the farm’s viability and diversify towards a quality focused and profit-oriented business. 

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 22 juin 2020

PRATI_CO Parmigiano Reggiano: Agrotecnica organic carbon footprint

PRATI-CO is an EIP-AGRI Operational Group project dedicated to the study of good agricultural practices recommended for the preservation and maintenance of organic matter in the area which is famous for the production of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.  

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 02 juin 2020

Hiša vin Kokol (Rebirth of vine / grapes)

The project took nature-friendly vine cultivation on a family farm a step further to develop zero-waste processing methods that valorise all by-products of grapes in a sustainable and fully circular way. The resulting seeds, oil and flour have proved very popular with customers.

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
  • Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI
Good Practice - Project | 02 juin 2020

The Černelič Biodynamic Farm

Organic and biodynamic farms cooperate to jointly acquire conservation tillage equipment (subsoilers and no till seeding machine) to enhance soil quality, reduce pollution and maximise their soil’s capacity to act as a carbon sink

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 02 juin 2020

Introducing and testing biological pest control techniques in the wine-producing sector in Tuscany

Offering a coordinated multi-stakeholder approach in terms of training, technology transfer and decision making to finding alternative approaches to pest management and reducing pesticide use in the wine-producing sector of Tuscany.  

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 09 avr 2020

Pecivarne Liptovsky Hradok Ltd. – Confectionary manufacturer invests in modern production equipment

A Slovakian company with a long history of manufacturing confectionery products benefited from Rural Development Programme support to modernise its equipment and production processes.  

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
Good Practice - Project | 08 avr 2020

A small Polish farm converting into organic agriculture

A small farm converted to organic vegetable production and in so doing successfully increased its competitiveness and profitability.  

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
  • Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI
Good Practice - Project | 02 avr 2020

Improved hygienic and veterinary standards of slaughtering

Investing in facilities that respect animal welfare enabled a meat processing company to improve its profitability while responding to society’s ethical concerns.  

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC
  • Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI
Good Practice - Project | 31 Mar 2020

Increasing the production capacity of the “Jaunpils Dairy” factory in Latvia

In response to the changing global markets, a dairy used Rural Development Programme (RDP) support to reorient its production and maintain its export potential.  

  • Mise en œuvre de la PAC