Good Practice - Project

The Černelič Biodynamic Farm

Organic and biodynamic farms cooperate to jointly acquire conservation tillage equipment (subsoilers and no till seeding machine) to enhance soil quality, reduce pollution and maximise their soil’s capacity to act as a carbon sink
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022 Slovenia
    - Programming period: 2014-2022 Slovenia

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P4. Ecosystems management
    RDP Focus Area
    • 4A: Biodiversity restoration, preservation & enhancement
    RDP Measure
    • M11: Organic farming


    The Černelič farm uses biodynamic methods of production. This includes crop rotation, fertilising with biodynamic compost made of domestic bovine manure and sowing mixed crops. These methods increase the proportion of organic matter in the soil and contribute to its ability to provide a sink for carbon. Conservation tillage with subsoilers farming is a technique that has appreciable advantages over ploughing. 

    The main advantage is the aeration of the soil, which causes less disturbance and increases the soil’s microbial mass. During downpours, aerated soil allows for better infiltration, thereby reducing the amount of runoff and pooling. Additionally, aerated soil retains more water, improving the soil’s moisture content to help prevent crop losses during droughts. Soil with good organic matter and humus layer is also capable of absorbing more nitrogen from the air. 

    Furthermore, deep ploughing leads to compaction, creating an impermeable layer in the subsoil. Conservation tillage with subsoilers farming, together with adequate crop rotation and mixed crops that promote good humus and reduce weeds, helps to promote the soil’s carbon sink capacity. The project involves four farms all practising conservation tillage with subsoilers coming together to jointly purchase and share cultivation equipment to modernise their production systems and continue to produce high-quality food with the lowest environmental impact possible.


    The joint acquisition of conservation tillage equipment - subsoilers, helped to improve the soil’s quality and capacity for carbon sequestration. Collaboration, networking and the exchange of knowledge helped local farmers to switch to organic and biodynamic farming methods to reduce the environmental impact of agriculture. The result was high quality sustainable food cultivated through methods producing significantly lower emissions.



    Černelič Biodynamic Farm


    RDP support 28 947.00 (EUR)
    EAFRD 23 157.60 (EUR)
    National/Reg. 5 789.40 (EUR)



    English language


    (PDF – 386.38 Ko)