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Soil management
The FarmPEAT Arts Competition: ‘Love Your Wellies’
An EIP AGRI Operational Group designed an arts competition to increase awareness among young people about the environmental impacts of intensively farming peat soils.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Restoring dry stone walls and planting olive trees for soil conservation in Malta
An organic farm used CAP funding to mitigate soil erosion and enhance biodiversity by restoring traditional dry stone walls and planting new olive trees.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Acquiring a combine harvester and a nitrogen testing equipment
A company offering agricultural services to farmers used RDP support to acquire a new combine harvester and a nitrogen testing equipment which regulates the amount of fertiliser applied across the entire crop.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Organic cattle breeding in Zala county
An organic cattle breeding farm is working to reverse the degradation of environmental conditions on the farm, whilst ensuring its long-term economic sustainability.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Studiecirklar om diken – ‘Study circles’ on ditch management
A new participatory approach for increasing landowners’ knowledge on how to manage drainage ditches that play a key role in Swedish agriculture.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Integrated Pest Control System using Aerodynamic-Spectrometric Methods
Developing an integrated identification and control system that enables the detection of pests in fields and gardens and determines the optimal time to apply protective measures.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

The Černelič Biodynamic Farm
Organic and biodynamic farms cooperate to jointly acquire conservation tillage equipment (subsoilers and no till seeding machine) to enhance soil quality, reduce pollution and maximise their soil’s capacity to act as a carbon sink
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

OSMO – Sharing know-how and tools for a resource-efficient agricultural soil management
Collaborative learning and tools for assessing soil health contribute to farmers’ understanding of problems and alternative management strategies.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC
- Innovation, échange de connaissances & PEI-AGRI

GO SETOS - Multifunctional borders for sustainable landscape and agriculture
An EIP-AGRI Operational Group working together to increase the implementation of multifunctional hedgerows that offer environmental benefits as well as climate mitigation and adaptation.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC

Biomass in the Haarloseveld and Olden Eibergen - Organic food for thought
Incorporating locally available biomass into the soil, as a mean to increase its content in organic matter in the long term.
- Mise en œuvre de la PAC