General information
RDP Priority
- P2. Competitiveness
RDP Focus Area
- 2A: Farm’s performance, restructuring & modernisation
RDP Measure
- M06: Farm & business development
The beneficiary of this project is Ziemar Agro –Nasiona sp. zo.o., a small company in Szwarcenowo, Northern Poland, which offers agricultural services to farmers. The company used RDP support to expand the range of its services and purchased a combine harvester, equipped with a set of headers that make it possible to harvest various types of cereals, from oilseed rape to spring cereals.
In addition, it acquired nitrogen testing equipment which measures the nitrogen demand of plants, by assessing how much sunlight is reflected by the crop. When mounted on a tractor, the equipment constantly measures the nitrogen content in the plants and adjusts the spreading of the fertiliser across the entire field.
The new combine harvester with its accompanying set of attachments, ensures full use is made of the machine and offer farmers a wide range of cereal harvesting services.
The nitrogen testing equipment has increased the efficiency of fertilisers used and at the same time it reduced the risk of plant over fertilisation, nitrogen leaching and of nitrogen oxide emissions into the atmosphere.

Ziemar Agro-Nasiona sp.zo.o.
Total budget* 1 048 550
EAFRD* 261 058.52
National/Region.* 149 217.33
Private* 638 274.15
* (PLN)
(PDF – 260.18 Ko)