Organic farming

83 result(s)
Good Practice - Project | 13 Juli 2017

Using the technical assistance measure to organise a study tour on organic farming

The regional rural network of Silesia in Poland organised a study tour for its members in Scotland to raise awareness and improve their skills on organic farming.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 12 Juli 2017

Balázs Berta - A young farmer creating a viable organic farm

RDP support for young farmers enabled a young entrepreneur to turn his small farm into a viable organic farm which contributes to the protection of the environment while creating new employment opportunities for the local community.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 12 Juli 2017

Producing vegetables in polytunnels using renewable energy

The cost for fossil fuels can be a significant constrain for the operation of a small farm. Reverting into renewable sources of energy such as biomass, can help increase the farm’s competitiveness while protecting the environment.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 12 Juli 2017

Herdade do Esporão – Water use efficiency in quality grapes production

A company that produces wine and olive oil developed a strategy to improve its water use efficiency and receives AECM support for its water-saving agricultural good practices.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 07 Apr. 2017

Expanding an organic cherry garden

EAFRD support was used to convert 5.4 ha of abandoned land into organic cherries orchards, thus helping to expand the harvest season and increase the farms profitability.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 11 Jan. 2017

Suderbyn - Community-led development of an ecovillage in Sweden

An ecovillage was developed on Sweden’s Gotland island using EAFRD funding, providing a model for environmentally-friendly accommodation, waste water treatment, food and energy production. The site is also a template for non-consumerist approaches.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 02 Jan. 2017

Organic barn for laying hens - Oberger

An Austrian family converted their dairy farm to produce organic eggs from laying hens in a barn after they saw an opportunity in the market.  

  • GAP-Implementierung
Publikation - Broschüren |

EIP-AGRI Brochure on Funding opportunities under Horizon 2020 - 2017 Calls

Horizon 2020 (H2020) is the largest source of public funding for research and innovation from the European Commission…

  • Innovation, Wissensaustausch & EIP-AGRI
EIP-AGRI Brochure on Horizon 2020 - 2017 calls: English version
Good Practice - Project | 25 Juli 2016

Sustainable local food 2013

The cooperative ‘Dobrina’ used LEADER support for awareness raising and capacity building activities in order to promote locally produced high quality fresh food to public schools and attract more producers.

  • GAP-Implementierung
Good Practice - Project | 23 Apr. 2016

Joint work for organic market development

Awareness raising and sales promotion for organic crops and products

  • GAP-Implementierung