
174 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Härkis Ltd. – Setting up a factory to process Fava Beans

The construction of a new production facility to process minced fava beans and to take advantage of the market shift from meat to plant-based protein foods.  

Good Practice - Project

Upgrading a sheep farm and opening of Farm Shop by a Maltese young farmer

A Maltese young farmer took over his father’s sheep farm in order to preserve local traditions, whilst incorporating new and innovative ideas in the production and marketing process. 

Good Practice - Project

Littles Ltd. – Setting up a new production line

A family business, trading high quality instant coffee, used EAFRD support to expand its business by installing a new more efficient production line.

Good Practice - Project

High quality pension offering beer wellness services in Rajecke Teplice

The reconstruction of an old villa to create high quality tourist accommodation offering spa and beer wellness services. 

Good Practice - Project

Anton Vrbnjak Farm – Diversifying into therapeutic horse riding

Expanding the range of tourist offer in a LAG area by supporting a small farm to diversify into horseback riding and therapeutic riding.

Good Practice - Project

Investing in new forestry machinery

A small family forestry business used RDP support to acquire new machinery that would enable it to respond to the increasing demand for forest services.

Good Practice - Project

The advantages of cooler, darker climates

An association used RDP support to turn the ‘disadvantages’ of long periods of cold and darkness in northern Sweden, into a unique selling point for tourism.

Good Practice - Project

Hydroponic production of tomatoes in glass eco-greenhouses

A major exporting agricultural company in Portugal, used EAFRD support to develop a state-of-the-art innovative, greenhouse production unit.  

Good Practice - Project

Innovative use of wood for producing fashion items

A female entrepreneur set up a company to produce high quality fashion products made of natural material.

Good Practice - Project

‘Les 3 Givrées’ - Ice cream from the farm

In an area where the agricultural sector is under pressure due the expansion of a nearby urban centre, the diversification of farming activities e.g. ice-cream production and marketing, can ensure the farm’s sustainability.