
174 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Restoration of four traditional houses on Nisyros island

Rural Development Programme (RDP) support contributed to the revitalisation of an almost abandoned village in the small Aegean island of Nisyros.

Good Practice - Project

Eliana bakery upgrade

A bakery in a small Aegean island used Rural Development Programme (RDP) support to modernise its workshop and expand its production capacity to provide high quality local products.

Good Practice - Project

Establishing a small cheese production plant on Hrčava Farm

A cheese-making facility was set up on the border between the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia to increase the attractiveness of the area, market local products and create new jobs for the local population.

Good Practice - Project

The start-up of the Kring boutique in the Hageland region of Flanders

A social enterprise used LEADER funding to set up a stylish boutique selling quality second-hand items, supporting both reuse and the long-term unemployed.

Good Practice - Project

Mobile workroom for disadvantaged adolescents - Austria

The project converted a mobile container into a spectacular learning and meeting space to cooperate with companies and young people and improve job opportunities.  

Good Practice - Project

Local Village Shop - Germany

The aim of the project was to secure a supply of quality regional products in shops in small villages in the SPESSART LEADER area, and by so doing to develop shops’ regional products offer and enhance their long-term sustainability.  

Good Practice - Project

Delivery service by cargo bike in Burgsteinfurt - Germany

The project aimed to develop a cargo bike delivery service in the town of Burgsteinfurt that would benefit local people, local retailers and the environment. The service enjoyed ever-increasing demand over the project period with the participation of 15 retailers.  

Good Practice - Project

Angelic Gardens / Anielskie Ogrody - Poland

Angelic Gardens (Anielskie Ogrody) is a forward-looking project that aims to create oases of biodiversity in farms and gardens. It shows that a small productive garden on a family farm can, with little effort, be beautiful and provide high quality bio food. Angelic Gardens leads the way in the times of pandemic and climate change with high quality ‘step by step’ educational materials and easy internet communication.  

Good Practice - Project

ReWI Visions (Resource Wise Visions) - Finland

The ReWI project inspires young people to examine entrepreneurship from the perspective of the circular economy. The project has opened up a wide range of opportunities for young people, resulting in 40 new circular economy enterprises.  

Good Practice - Project

Establishment of Rafał Werner Firewood Trading

A young unemployed resident of a poor rural area used support from the LEADER measure to create a business that provides a renewable energy source (firewood).