
174 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Rural Future Makers project

A Local Action Group (LAG) in Central Finland created a new network and the enabling conditions for young people to plan and implement their own local development ideas.  

Good Practice - Project

Lăptaria cu Caimac - Milk collecting and processing plant

Setting up a milk collection and processing plant to create added value and enable the farm to diversify its products and respond better to consumers’ needs.  

Good Practice - Project

Producing pellet from horse manure

A farm used Rural Development Programme (RDP) support to produce horse manure pellets that can be used as an organic fertiliser as well as a source of renewable energy.

Good Practice - Project

Lithuanian consumers benefit from improved quality and variety of regional dairy products

Rural Development Programme investment support has boosted the productivity and competitiveness of a family dairy business and helped to safeguard more than 60 jobs.

Good Practice - Project

Active and Healthy Ageing

Rural areas are commonly affected by depopulation and ageing populations. This project promoted healthy and active ageing in rural areas, by offering physical and social activities for the elderly.

Good Practice - Project

Installing greenhouse climate systems for energy efficiency

A Danish plant nursery installed climate and control systems in their greenhouses to increase energy efficiency and reduce their production costs.

Good Practice - Project


The technical assistance project JOBtoc aims to investigate the profile of ‘Young Rural Entrepreneurs’ across mainland Portugal and thus contribute to adapting development strategies and policies to the needs and potential of regionalised rural development.  

Good Practice - Project

Establishment of a cheese workshop

Support for setting up young farmers and adding value to agricultural products in processing enabled a young entrepreneur to set up her own family business on producing artisanal dairy products.  

Good Practice - Project

Production of lettuce and herbs using biomass from wood

Investing in cutting edge production techniques (hydroponics in pots) allowed a farmer to fill a gap in the market increasing the availability of vegetables in winter, with minimal environmental impact.

Good Practice - Project

‘Užimtumo namai’ - social enterprise development

Setting up and expanding modular containers as workspaces where people from vulnerable groups in Lithuania carry out manual work, gaining an income and valuable social connection.