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Cowocat_Rural – Network of coworking spaces in rural Catalonia
Rural coworking spaces create opportunities for cooperation and innovation in rural areas while helping to attract new professionals to settle in the countryside.
- CAP Implementation

Zeitgeist Enns – Pop-up-Shops Concept
Many small towns have the problem of vacant sales spaces and an innovative concept to revitalise city centres is to offer flexible rental options to pop-up shops. This was the winning initiative of the 2019 Rural Inspiration Awards in the 'Popular Vote' category.
- CAP Implementation

Silta – a bridge for youth entrepreneurship
SILTA supports entrepreneurship among young people by providing a cooperative structure through which they can grow their business ideas and receive training, mentoring and peer support.
- CAP Implementation

Tiges et chavées - Sustainable management of private forests
Promoting the sustainable management of small, privately owned forests. This is the winning initiative of the 2019 Rural Inspiration Awards in the 'LEADER' category.
- CAP Implementation

Brännland Cider
A company that produces ice-cider in northern Sweden, combined RDP support and crowdfunding to plant an apple orchard that would support its production needs.
- CAP Implementation

Kipster – introducing a modular rearing system for eggs and poultry production
A company created a modular rearing system that allows them to combine egg and quality rooster meat production, while respecting the environment and animal welfare.
- CAP Implementation

Mid Ireland Adventure
A start-up company specialising in outdoor sports activities used RDP support to purchase equipment and respond to increasing demand for adventure tourism.
- CAP Implementation

Kyrö Distillery – Investing in improved production capacity
A company producing rye gin and whiskey used RDP support to increase its production capacity to meet the demand of national and international markets.
- CAP Implementation

SOLAR ENERGY - Promoting the use of solar energy by the primary sector in the Balearic islands
A pilot project to demonstrate the environmental and economic benefits of using solar energy.
- CAP Implementation

AGROBERRY - Original from Zamora
A young female farmer introduced a blackberry plantation into a wheat and barley production area and created added value by developing a new range of products. This was the winning initiative of the 2019 Rural Inspiration Awards in the 'Improving competitiveness' category.
- CAP Implementation