
154 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Darja Šolar - A young farmer investing in beekeeping

A young farmer used RDP support to expand and diversify the range of products and services offered by her beekeeping holding.

Good Practice - Project

Matic Vizjak – Creating innovative products from chilli peppers and beekeeping

An ambitious entrepreneur used business start-up aid for young farmers in order to modernise his farm and create a series of innovative products.  

Good Practice - Project

RUSIMOVICI NEGOSLAV RAICO - Development and modernisation of a vegetable farm

Turning a subsistence family farm into a dynamic agri-business through modernization and adoption of affordable new equipment.

Good Practice - Project

Purchase of a new tractor by a wine producing family farm

A family farm specialised on wine production used RDP support to acquire a new tractor and in this way improve its productivity and competitiveness.

Good Practice - Project

Expansion & modernisation of a sheep farm

A market-driven investment to increase a sheep farm’s competitiveness, through the intensification of high quality organic milk production.

Good Practice - Project

Modernisation of the Poharci dairy farm

A dairy farm combined three RDP supported operations to increase and modernise milk production and secure one full-time job.

Good Practice - Project

Šalek Valley Agricultural Cooperative – producing organic beef & apples

An agricultural cooperative invested in setting up organic apple orchards with anti-hail nets. They also acquired agricultural machinery to support the production of organic beef.

Good Practice - Project

Pepe Aromas – Producing organic prickly pears

A unique example of a rural business which achieved economic profitability based on innovation and environmentally-friendly practices.

Good Practice - Project

Booij & Brandwijk cheese development

A cheese-producing farm used RDP support to set up a new plant for producing speciality cheeses and ensure its long-term financial sustainability.

Good Practice - Project

Investing in biodynamic agriculture

RDP support helped a family farm to generate added value by applying a sustainable model of production through biodynamic agriculture.