
154 result(s)
Good Practice - Project

Increasing the production capacity of the “Jaunpils Dairy” factory in Latvia

In response to the changing global markets, a dairy used Rural Development Programme (RDP) support to reorient its production and maintain its export potential.  

Good Practice - Project

Upgrading a sheep farm and opening of Farm Shop by a Maltese young farmer

A Maltese young farmer took over his father’s sheep farm in order to preserve local traditions, whilst incorporating new and innovative ideas in the production and marketing process. 

Good Practice - Project

Littles Ltd. – Setting up a new production line

A family business, trading high quality instant coffee, used EAFRD support to expand its business by installing a new more efficient production line.

Good Practice - Project

Investing in new forestry machinery

A small family forestry business used RDP support to acquire new machinery that would enable it to respond to the increasing demand for forest services.

Good Practice - Project

Hydroponic production of tomatoes in glass eco-greenhouses

A major exporting agricultural company in Portugal, used EAFRD support to develop a state-of-the-art innovative, greenhouse production unit.  

Good Practice - Project

Setting up a modern seed processing complex

A dynamic agricultural cooperative used Rural Development Programme support for the setting up of a modern seed processing facility in order to enhance its competitiveness.

Good Practice - Project

Implementing organic agriculture in Sardinia

A Sardinian agricultural company applied for RDP support in order to maintain its organic agriculture production systems.

Good Practice - Project

‘Les 3 Givrées’ - Ice cream from the farm

In an area where the agricultural sector is under pressure due the expansion of a nearby urban centre, the diversification of farming activities e.g. ice-cream production and marketing, can ensure the farm’s sustainability.

Good Practice - Project

Diversification to non-agricultural activities on the farm Abraham

A diversified farm with a carpentry workshop, used RDP support to acquire a telescopic handler in order to improve its productivity.

Good Practice - Project

Organic farming and fruit processing at the Marima farm

A subsistence farm used RDP support in order to become commercially viable by investing in organic production.