Good Practice - Project

Producing vegetables in polytunnels using renewable energy

The cost for fossil fuels can be a significant constrain for the operation of a small farm. Reverting into renewable sources of energy such as biomass, can help increase the farm’s competitiveness while protecting the environment.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022 Hungary
    - Programming period: 2014-2022 Hungary


    A small family business produces different types of peppers in polytunnels. The production is organic and the biggest operational cost is for heating. The owner decided to implement a heating modernisation project with the financial support from LEADER.

    The beneficiary used LEADER funding to install three 300 KW biomass boilers. After extensive search a Hungarian manufacturer was selected and a local entrepreneur was also contracted to construct the building for the boiler room. The investment was completed in March 2014.


    The heating costs were reduced significantly by about 33%.

    The new heating system allows the cultivation to take place all year round with reduced costs. In this way the farm can respond to new market opportunities and increase its profitability.

    Buying wood chips for fuel from neighbouring wood industries has a direct positive impact to the local economy.


    Tímea Dobos


    Total budget 73 611 (EUR)
    EAFRD 26 316 (EUR)
    National/Regional 21 531 (EUR)
    Private 25 764 (EUR)


    English language


    (PDF – 556.03 KB)