Good Practice - Project

Preserving peatland and wet meadows in Auvergne

Farmers in France’s Auvergne region used EAFRD support to preserve peatland and wet meadows in two Natura 2000 areas where over a hundred farmers raise cattle.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022 France
    - Programming period: 2014-2022 France

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P4. Ecosystems management
    RDP Focus Area
    • 4A: Biodiversity restoration, preservation & enhancement


    Mountain pasture in France’s Auvergne region is used for cattle and sheep to graze but also to maintain an ecological balance, preserve species and improve water quality. Rural development support helps farmers in these areas to preserve wetland and wet meadow habitats and species.

    The scheme combines different EAFRD measures and supports training and advisory services in areas such as manure and fertiliser management, implementation of AEC measures, investments in relation to more sustainable farming practices, etc.


    For the 2015 campaign, reported data show encouraging figures with the highest volume of AEC contracts of the Auvergne RDP, including:

    •28 commitments signed

    •823 ha covered

    •EUR 323 000 EAFRD commitments to AEC contracts

    •EUR 19 800 EAFRD for training and facilitation over a two-years period.


    Support for mountain grazing pasture allows to keep extensive breeding practice that is favourable to the maintenance of biodiversity by delaying mowing activities, adjusting livestock rotation to wetlands resistance to trampling, etc.

    The number of AEC projects is constantly growing  - up to 6 PAEC by 2017. It is expected to reach a volume of 170 contracts, covering over 46 000 hectares of the regional park as more farmers want to participate.


    Parc naturel Régional des Volcans d’Auvergne


    Total budget 595 788 (EUR)
    EAFRD: M2.1.4: 15 000 (EUR)
    M7.6.2: 4 800 (EUR)
    M10.1: 420 066 (EUR)
    M2.1.4 + M7.6.2: 17 300 (EUR)
    M10.1: 138 622 (EUR)
