Good Practice - Project

The modernisation of Bożena and Wiesław Rutkowski’s farm

CAP funds in Poland are helping to modernise milk production and expanding the use of renewables.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022
    - Programming period: 2014-2022

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P2. Competitiveness
    RDP Focus Area
    • 2A: Farm’s performance, restructuring & modernisation
    RDP Measure
    • M04: Investments in physical assets
    Beneficiary type
    • Farmer / land manager


    Mr. Wieslaw and Mrs. Bozena Rutkowski of Kotlo Duży in the Pisz municipality are the owners of a thriving dairy farm rearing 75 dairy cows and 100 heifers with calves. It is now one of the most modern livestock farms in the Pisz municipality. The couple used Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) investment support to modernise their family farm by adopting new technological solutions such as a digitalised herd management system and solar energy production.


    • Herd productivity has increased to about 12 500 litres of milk per head annually.
    • The digital herd management system has improved the nutrition of the animals, which has reduced reproductive and metabolic disorders.
    • The photovoltaic panels give the farm greater energy independence and will significantly reduce their running costs.

    Gospodarstwo Rolne Wiesław Rutkowski


    Total budget: 1 300 000 (PLN)

    RDP support: 610 000 (PLN)

    Private/own: 690 000 (PLN)


    English language

    Good Practice Report - The modernisation of Bożena and Wiesław Rutkowski’s farm

    (PDF – 2.41 MB)


    Bozena and Wieslaw Rutkowski live in the Polish municipality of Pisz. Their 77-hectare farm mainly produces milk (from their 75 dairy cows and 100 heifers with calves), with around 45 ha of land used to grow livestock feed corn. The Rutkowskis have previously used CAP funds to help replace and upgrade their harvesting machinery, alongside investing their own funds in the construction of a new barn. They decided to make further improvements to their business to make it more efficient and sustainable.


    The aim of the current investment was to modernise their farm by adopting new technological solutions and by investing in renewable energy. The aim was for these investments to allow the farm to reach a new level of production efficiency and quality, which would translate into greater stability and profitability on the farm.


    In 2021-2022, CAP co-financing was awarded to implement the following activities:

    • Build a modern shed to protect agricultural machinery from adverse weather conditions.
    • Purchase agricultural machinery, including a digitalised herd management system that allows them to monitor the nutrition and health of each animal individually.
    • Install a photovoltaic system on the roof of the barn, providing 40 KW and battery capacity.

    Main results

    • The investments significantly increased herd productivity and improved milk quality. Currently their dairy cows produce about 12 500 litres of milk per head annually. This has had a positive impact on the profitability of the farm.
    • The digital herd management system improved the nutrition of the animals, which also contributed to reducing reproductive and metabolic disorders.
    • The installation of photovoltaic panels will generate a total of 40 KW. This will give the farm greater energy independence and will significantly reduce their running costs.

    Key lessons

    • CAP support can help modernise the efficiency of food production systems through digitalisation tools that also improve animal welfare and business competitiveness.
    • CAP funds can be used to help farms adopt more renewable energy systems.