General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6B: Local development
RDP Measure
Tourism is a sector of major importance to the rural economy, especially given the demand for rural/outdoors adventure sports activities. However, many rural areas have not yet harnessed the industry's full potential.
Mid Ireland Adventure is a start-up company which aims to address the growing demand for this type of tourism. It provides a wide range of activities, including mountain bike tours, guided walks, summer camps, stand up paddle board safaris, etc. After its initial start up phase, LEADER funding was used to grow the business through the purchase of equipment, including mountain bikes, paddle boards and wetsuits.
The project created one full-time job and one seasonal position. As the company grows, future job creation is expected.
The company attracts increasing visitor numbers to the Mid Ireland area, including local, national and international customers.
The increasing numbers of visitors bring spin-off benefits to the local economy. For example, visitors use local retail, hospitality and accommodation services.
Environmental education is provided to inform and inspire greater appreciation of the area in which the activities take place.
The company promotes water safety awareness, in addition to highlighting aspects of local culture and heritage through the inclusion of an educational element in its tours.

Mid Ireland Adventure
Total budget 20 957 (EUR)
EAFRD 6 580 (EUR)
National/Regional 3 898 (EUR)
Private 10 478 (EUR)
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