Good Practice - Project

The lore

Using 3D and augmented reality technologies to promote awareness of local heritage.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022
    Vremski Britof, Slowenien
    - Programming period: 2014-2022
    Vremski Britof, Slowenien

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P6. Social inclusion and local development
    RDP Focus Area
    • 6B: Local development
    RDP Measure
    • M19: LEADER/CLLD
    Beneficiary type
    • Non-governmental organisation


    The project was developed by the Dobra pot Institute to preserve the heritage of the local area of Brkini and Karst, Slovenia. The main objective was to create an online platform that would tell the story of the local environment and its people given that this story embodies heritage itself and has tremendous potential to connect tradition with modern community.  

    The project aimed to transfer skills and knowledge in the cultural heritage sector by using modern promotional and marketing tools and to present heritage products using 3D and augmented reality to inspire younger generations. 

    The innovative technologies and the innovative inter-generational nature of the project created added economic and cultural value. 

    The long-term ambition is to strengthen the visibility and added value of heritage crafts, services and products in a contemporary and entrepreneurial context and to support the digital presence of local producers on the global market. 


    Between October 2021 and June 2023, the quantitative benefits were: 

    • One online platform established, including ten documentaries, interactive games and an online shop for heritage services and products under a single brand, using augmented reality and 3D technologies for product display and online shopping. 
    • 20 local producers use the platform to present their products. 
    • One innovative digital marketing and promotion plan developed. 
    • Three packages of support services for local providers delivered. 
    • New learning material for schools about local heritage. 

    Qualitative benefits include: 

    • Heritage products and services reach the global market and have become pandemic-proofed. In the long-term, this will help build economic resilience and sustainability. 
    • Increased awareness of the potential of digitised heritage products and services, increased skills in digital promotion and marketing and the creation of related job opportunities. 
    • Young people developed practical skills in filmography, photography, photogrammetry, digital media, digital promotion and marketing, enriching their employment competencies.  
    Aria awards badge socio economic fabric of rural areas

    Dobra pot Institute


    Total budget: 56 497.52  (EUR) 
    EAFRD: 37 804.41  (EUR) 
    National/Regional: 9 451.10  (EUR) 
    Private/Own funds: 9 242.01  (EUR) 


    English language

    Good Practice Report - The lore

    (PDF – 3 MB)


    The Slovenian Dobra pot Institute was founded in 2015 to protect and preserve the natural and cultural heritage of the Brkini and Karst environment in a fresh and innovative manner. Its activities seek to address current social challenges relating to the rural environment and to respond to the needs of the local and wider area. The heritage and crafts sectors connect to both the natural and cultural heritage and draw from the local landscape. 

    The bearers of heritage crafts and skills are mostly older people who have limited opportunity to pass on their knowledge to the younger generation. There is a valid concern that traditional skills might get lost. Transfer of information and know-how nowadays relies heavily on modern technologies. This includes new, online options for selling products and services, as well as raising awareness of the importance and relevance of heritage. This can generate high added value and can contribute to the competitiveness of the local economy.  

    On the other hand, many older people lack relevant digital skills and entrepreneurial knowledge about them. The gap between the traditional and modern way of life is increasing and eventually, traditional skills and professions run the risk of getting lost in the process. Therefore, there is a distinct need for heritage (products, skills and professions) to be presented to consumers, entrepreneurs, young people, and the general public in a modern way to maintain its role in society and its competitiveness in the market. This can be achieved with the help of advanced digital solutions.  


    The main objective was to create an online platform that would tell the story of the local environment and its people given that this story embodies heritage itself and has tremendous potential to connect tradition with the modern community and its future development. More specific objectives included: 

    • Raising the visibility of the cultural heritage of Brkinov and Karst and related crafts, services and products. 
    • Using the learning potential of cultural heritage and passing it on to younger generations in an innovative way. 
    • Presenting heritage and craft products and services using modern digital technologies and innovative approaches, thereby increasing their added value and expanding their market. 
    • Encouraging the use of modern digital technologies by people creating heritage crafts. 
    • Enhancing the role of local heritage in the development of entrepreneurship and jobs, preserving the rural landscape and improving quality of life. 


    Between October 2021 to March 2022, the activities included the establishment of an online platform, the preparation of content, dissemination of results, management of project results and management of the entire project, including administration and financial management. 

    The creation of the online platform included the set-up of a website (including all technical and design aspects) with an online store; the preparation of educational interactive content and other content; the preparation of a mobile plug-in with augmented reality (AR) technology for the virtual 3D display. 

    Between December 2021 to May 2023, the content of the platform was carefully produced. This required the preparation of scenarios for recording activities, filming documentaries about the local natural and cultural heritage (with all the necessary field work, from identifying filming locations to planning the logistics etc.), photography (including 3D) of products for the online store, preparing teaching material for ten types of learning tasks, filming a prototype of an online workshop on traditional crafts and purchasing equipment for the preparation of future content. 

    From September 2022 to May 2023, the project results were disseminated through a digital campaign and ten awareness-raising workshops. 

    In the period from February 2023 to June 2023, project management was responsible for managing the project results, overseeing the quality of the digital content, maintaining and managing the website, communicating with the local public (including collecting suggestions for content, meetings, site visits), developing new marketing products and services and creating further projects related to the web platform. 

    From May 2023 onwards, the success of the project was further expanded thanks to the organisation of film events across the area’s rural communities, showcasing the project as an example of good practice. Activities involved local artisans and entrepreneurs on the platform and included the implementation of support services. 

    Stakeholders were actively involved across all stages of the project. This included five local businesses (heritage crafts, products, services) and 24 older residents provided the content with their stories and memories.  A total of 238 young people participated in workshops and through photography, filming of craftspeople. Project partners provided 3D scans of products and AR technology. 

    In addition, local, regional and national media were attracted through the promotional campaign. Local, cultural institutions also collaborated in the production of film events and talks. This included several cultural associations, village communities, local festival organisers, municipalities, local museums and cultural centres.  

    Main results

    The project created an online platform including ten documentaries, interactive games and an online shop for heritage services and products under a single brand, using augmented reality and 3D technologies for product display and online shopping.  

    Furthermore, an innovative digital marketing and promotion plan, three support packages of support services for local providers and new learning material were produced. 

    With the platform, local heritage products and services of 20 local producers reach the global market and have become pandemic-proofed. The promotion of digital entrepreneurship and skills has been strengthened, which will enhance the economic resilience and sustainability of the heritage sector in the future. 

    The project has raised awareness of the potential of the digitisation of heritage products and services. It has also increased skills in digital promotion and marketing and related job opportunities. 

    Networking with around 150 stakeholders and collaborating with the inter-generational stakeholders, including young people, has strengthened the sense of community and cultural identity and built sustainable social ties for all involved.  

    Out of 64 people involved, 29 were women, 24 were elderly and 33 were young students.  In addition, 207 school children participated in workshops. 

    The young people who participated developed practical skills in the fields of filmography, photography, photogrammetry and digital media, 3D digital promotion and marketing and these are now an integral part of their employment competencies. Their contribution was key to the whole project, its innovativeness and freshness.  Importantly, these skills would not have been taught in school without the project. 

    Additional skills include preparing scripts for films, planning shootings, conducting interviews, photogrammetry, video production and preparing online workshops. 

    Key lessons

    The contributions of the young people were key to the whole project, its innovativeness and freshness. 

    Each film event sparked local debates about heritage and raised awareness. We received valuable new suggestions and ideas about potential topics and contacts. 

    It was the first time that local artisans and entrepreneurs came face to face with the possibility of new technologies for their products. The high quality of the end result achieved exceeded all expectations.  

    Some of the planned topics were abandoned because the relevant people were too weak or too old to participate. As a result, some traditions/traditional crafts run the risk of being forgotten/lost forever.  

    The films were enthusiastically embraced by the local communities, who showed a lot of appreciation because the project values and preserves their and their ancestors’ contributions to the lives and well-being of their rural communities then and now.  

    The diverse content of the platform requires a clear vision of the message of the project so that a common thread runs through all activities. 

    "Let's empower and connect rural communities through local traditions!"

    Contact Information

    Barka 31, 6217 Vremski Britof, Slovenia