General information
RDP Priority
- P6. Social inclusion and local development
RDP Focus Area
- 6B: Local development
RDP Measure
Through the project ‘Lammefjorden’s Distillery’, a resource-efficient micro company was established in order tο exploit the waste/by-products of the local potato production industry. The company only use potatoes that are not of marketable quality; which would otherwise end up as feed or compost. They refine these potatoes, through fermentation, into unique, high-quality vodka and brandy.
The company also offers, as a visitor attraction, the experience of observing the process: all the way through from growing the potatoes to the final product in the bottle. The company founders are a farmer, a plumber and a mechanical engineer specialized in bioethanol. This is the first company in Denmark to produce Danish vodka and schnapps from potatoes.
The first batch of vodka for commercial use and consumption is currently being produced and is expected to get to the shelves in the fall of 2018.
The website has been launched and considerable strategic planning has gone into the design and branding of the product.
The project has generated one job so far, and the company expects another two positions to be created in the near future.
The project shows great potential and has received good publicity in the local and national press.

LammefjordensDestilleri ApS
Total budget 141 120 (EUR)
EAFRD 42 438 (EUR)
National/Regional 10 609 (EUR)
Private 71 294 (EUR)
Other 16 779 (EUR)
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