General information
RDP Priority
- P4. Ecosystems management
RDP Focus Area
- 4A: Biodiversity restoration, preservation & enhancement
RDP Measure
Around 700 different species of wild bees exist in Austria. Indications show that in Austria more than 50% of all known wild bee populations are classified as endangered species. Wild bees are greatly affected by intensive farming methods, settlements and new infrastructure.
The project was set up to raise awareness Wipptal region about bee protection. Project activities included setting-up artificial nesting places close to hiking ways or other facilities; providing environmental education about wild bees in primary and secondary schools; environmental education events and workshops about wild bees in all villages of the region; providing information through a webpage and leaflets; cooperating with farmers; monitoring of bees population by an expert and guided nature tours.
- More than 20 artificial nesting sites were installed at different places in the Wipptal. They provide more than 1000 bees with a new habitat.
- 13 schools joined the education program. 2 of the 3 days took already place in all schools, the third day will happen in 2018.
- Road shows were organised on different levels and through different channels, for example radio broadcasts, press conferences, etc.
- Up to now, observers have identified 283 different species of wild bees in Tirol.
Verein natopia
Total budget 77 315.52 (EUR)
EAFRD 49 481.93 (EUR)
National/Regional 12 370.49 (EUR)
Other 15 463.10 (EUR)
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