Good Practice - Project


A regional cooperative chain for biomass was established to respond to the increasing demand for woodchip.
  • CAP Implementation
  • - Programming period: 2014-2022
    - Programming period: 2014-2022

    General information

    RDP Priority
    • P5. Resource efficiency and climate
    RDP Focus Area
    • 5C: Renewable sources & waste management


    In 2008 the Agricultural Nature Association 'ANV Groen Salland' was established. The members of the association, who were mainly farmers, started to maintain landscape elements. The association organised the “Feasibility study Biomassalland” to investigate how to organize a regional logistic chain on biomass (wood chips). This included the development of an inventory indicating the expected demand and supply of woodchips. Different types of landowners were contacted including conservation agencies, municipalities, private land owners (e.g. farmers, private estates), etc. In 2012, the Cooperative Biomassaland U.A. was established. The cooperative started to implement the regional logistic chain on biomass. Long term contracts for the supply and demand of woodchips were signed. The contracts were based on size and quality specifications such as moisture content, contaminants, particle size, etc. The cooperative also developed a harvesting plan that described the amount and time of harvesting under specific conditions. The harvested woodchips are transported to a central place in the region (a farm / courtyard) were they are dried in the open air. When woodchips are dry, they are transported to the locations where they are used for heating. These include barns, houses, swimming pools, offices, etc.



    The cooperative has signed 2 long term contracts with partners to deliver woodchips for heating  (200 kw and 550 kw).

    The cooperative also delivers woodchips to another 6 locations/clients on demand.

    The delivery of woodchips and the landscape maintenance is a source of income for many freelancers in the region. The whole region Salland benefits from this project as it generates extra income, provides local renewable energy and creates an attractive landscape. 





    Total budget 108 091 (EUR);
    EAFRD 40 250 (EUR);
    National/Regional 26 881 (EUR);
    Private 40 960 (EUR).


    English language


    (PDF – 461.94 KB)