Event - Conference

Shaping the future for EU agricultural policy - resilient, green and fair

Event presenting the joint proposal by 36 associations from agriculture, environmental and climate protection, consumer protection, and animal welfare for a future-proof EU agripolicy post-2027.

  • - CET
  • English
  • Representation of Lower Saxony to the EU - Brussels, Belgium
  • In-person
Shaping Future event poster

The EU‘s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) sets the framework for agricultural and environmental policy in all European member states. No other policy area has a larger budget, and none is more significant for the shaping of agricultural markets. The decisions on the design of the next EU budget until 2034 (MFF) and the CAP after 2027 will set the course for our future. With its SHAPING FUTURE brochure, the German “Platform of Associations on the CAP” presented a concrete proposal for a future-proof CAP. At the beginning of the new legislative cycle and in the light of the recommendations of the Strategic Dialogue, we would now like to discuss our proposal with you.

An event will therefore be held to present the joint proposal by 36 associations from agriculture, environmental and climate protection, nature conservation, consumer protection, animal welfare and development organisations for a future-proof EU agricultural policy post-2027.

In the German Platform of Associations on the CAP, the participating and signatory associations from agriculture, environmental protection, nature conservation, climate protection, consumer protection, animal welfare and development organisations draw up joint statements and demands on the CAP. Some of the individual associations and organisations have and are pursuing more far-reaching and specific demands going beyond this baseline. Information about the individual organisations and their demands can be found on their websites. Contact details for the individual organisations are given in the list on pages → 34–35 of the SHAPING FUTURE brochure.


English language

Agenda - Shaping future for EU agricultural policy

(PDF – 441.52 KB)

Additional info


Representation of Lower Saxony to the EU

Rue Montoyer 61 Brussels Belgium


German Plattform of Associations on CAP

National stakeholders


CAP Implementation Contact Point

EU CAP Network
