EU CAP Network Seminar ‘Skills and lifelong learning for agricultural advisory and training service providers’
The EU CAP Network Seminar ‘Skills and lifelong learning for agricultural advisory and training service providers’ took place from Wednesday 21 to Thursday 22 February 2024
- English
- Vienna, Austria
- In-person

The call for expression of interest closed on 26 November 2023.
The agenda is available below.
Background information
To speed up the twin green and digital transition in agriculture and, at the same time, make sure that it is socially fair and just, it is crucial to have a more skilled and qualified agriculture community, specifically farmers, advisors and the workforce. These actors should be able to learn and acquire new skills in a lifelong journey.
Increasing the level of skills and developing new ones is a key outcome of a well-functioning AKIS (Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems). New CAP strategic plans provide several tools through various interventions to foster knowledge exchange and training on innovative approaches for farmers, foresters and advisors; with high potential for increased uptake by and enhanced impact among relevant stakeholders. Nevertheless, there is an ongoing need for the development of new, more interactive and effective approaches in addressing skills shortages in the agricultural sector - within the context of AKIS and the CAP. Against this background, several initiatives are taking place at the EU level. Supported by the European Commission, stakeholders of the agriculture and food industry have established a skills partnership under the EU Pact for Skills. While 2022 has been the European Year of Youth, 2023 is the European Year of Skills.
Moreover, under the new CAP, advisors have an increasingly important place in AKIS with their roles in transferring knowledge and innovation, capturing farmers’ needs, acting as innovation brokers, and participating in and sharing knowledge from EIP-AGRI Operational Group innovative projects. Additionally, their expertise is expected to expand to broader environmental, social and economic topics. Therefore, training and upskilling of advisors is necessary for supporting their expanding role within AKIS.
For all the above reasons, the EIP-AGRI Support Facility organised this seminar on skills and lifelong learning for advisory and training service providers for the agriculture sector with a focus on skills and training delivery.
The main objective of the seminar was to exchange knowledge and identify good practices for training and advisory services to support lifelong learning AKIS-wide.
The specific objectives of the seminar were:
- taking stock of the existing skills needs which have been identified as important for farmers and farm workers related to the green and digital transitions
- identifying effective and new training methods and tools for advisors and others to deliver the required skills for the agricultural sector
- improving the quality and attractiveness of training to agriculture actors including those directly interacting with advisors and training providers (i.e. farmers, farm workers, etc.)
- building links between stakeholders and EU instruments/projects tackling skills development for agriculture actors (advisors, VET, Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, etc.)
- supporting EU Member States in delivering knowledge to farmers/maximising CAP SP interventions impact in delivering skills to farmers, i.e. discussing how to use EIP-AGRI Operational Groups as a tool for learning and improving skills of farmers and farm workers
- brainstorming of research and innovation needs for delivering skills for agricultural actors
The main target groups:
This seminar specifically focused on advisors and training providers including representatives from vocational education & training organisations. Other participants were: representatives of Managing Authorities whose work revolves around agriculture advisory and training, innovation brokers, representatives from farmer and forester organisations as well as researchers and representatives of EU-funded projects dealing with the theme of the seminar.
For any questions, please contact
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Additional info
Vienna Austria
Support Facility for Innovation & Knowledge exchange | EIP-AGRI
EU CAP Network
Selection Criteria
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Participants list
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Speaker and facilitator bios
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The state-of-play in skills and lifelong learning for agriculture advisory and traning service providers – Aine Macken-Walsh, coordinating expert, EIP-AGRI Support Facility
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Inspiring examples from Member States – Florian Herzog, Austrian Chamber of Agriculture, Austria
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Inspiring examples from Member States – Hanna Tamsalu, Maaelu Teadmuskeskus (METK), Estonia
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Inspiring examples from Member States – Donald Aquilina, Agrinnova Malta Ltd, Malta
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Inspiring examples from Member States – Patrick Pasgang, Boerenbond Projects vzw, Belgium
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Inspiring examples from Member States – Carola Ketelhodt, Chamber of Agriculture in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
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Introduction on EU measures to support advisory and training services – Inge Van Oost and Natalia Brzezina, DG AGRI
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Inspiring examples from Member States – Giorgio Trentin, Veneto Region, Italy
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Inspiring examples from Member States – Doreen Verbakel, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature And Food Quality, The Netherlands
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Inspiring examples from Member States – Dimitar Vanev, NAAS project teams for ModernAKIS, Climate Farm Demo and ClimateSmartAdvisors Horizon Europe projects, Bulgaria
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Inspiring examples from Member States – Effie Lazaridou, New Agriculture New Generation (NANG), Greece
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