Event - Seminar

BRANCHES: good practices seminar

The Horizon project BRANCHES is organising a series of five seminars to share best practices on rural bioeconomy networks. In March 2023, the Polish national thematic network will present innovative practices.

  • - CEST
  • English

On 28-29 March 2023, the Horizon project BRANCHES is organising a seminar that shares best innovative practices on rural bioeconomy networks – specifically from the Polish national thematic network.

The seminar will present good agricultural practices related to workshops and demonstrations.

The first part of the workshop will take place on 28 March 2023 in Olsztyn, Poland, with the possibility of online participation. This will be followed by a study trip to the 'Quercus' machine show on the same day. On 29 March 2023, a study visit will be organised to the Municipal eco-heating plant in Frombork, along a demonstration of the collection of Miscanthus (energy plant).

The aim of the event is to disseminate knowledge about local innovative solutions in the field of biomass value chains and renewable energy sources with high implementation potential in rural areas. The meeting will also be an opportunity to identify factors that favour and limit the use of innovation in rural areas.

Participation is free, but registration is required.

For more information, the event agenda, and registration, please consult the event page of the Polish national thematic network: https://nbnpl.uwm.edu.pl/2023/03/prezentacja-dobrych-praktyk-rolniczych…

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Additional info


Warmia and Mazury Agricultural Advisory Center based in Olsztyn, Poland

National stakeholders