Event - Conference

Annual Conference - Region in Focus - Focus on water

In line with the annual theme of resilience, the highlighted topics will be the impact of climate change and the efforts to take to deal with its effects.

  • - CEST
  • German
  • Weinviertel - Austria
  • In-person
Austrian network logo

The 2024 annual conference will focus on the Weinviertel region. In line with the annual theme, resilience, the topics highlighted will be the effects of climate change and the efforts to take to deal with its consequences. The Weinviertel, where water scarcity and erosion not only affect individual farms but the entire region, where evaporation exceeds precipitation totals due to higher temperatures, is a suitable location. For the Weinviertel, the water supply is forecast to be 10% lower in 2050 than it is today. An even greater change in the water supply is therefore to be expected in the coming years.

As part of a one-day event, various multipliers and stakeholders from the region, such as mayors, LEADER managers, farmers and protected area managers, as well as KLAR! managers in particular, will be asked to report on their approaches and projects intended to contribute to the resilience of the region, especially in addressing climate change.

During an excursion, activities will be presented on how agriculture in the Weinviertel region can deal with the existing and expected water shortage and increasing erosion.

The following climate change-adapted cultivation systems will be presented in practice:

  • Alternative crops or special varieties (for example drought resistance)
  • Use of water-saving, efficient irrigation systems and techniques (for example drip irrigation), water-saving cultivation (for example mulch and direct sowing, winter greening, humus-building measures and so on)
  • Cultivation systems with broader crop rotations, mixed crops and undersown crops
  • Establishment of multi-use hedges or agroforestry systems as protection against wind and water erosion and restoration of wetlands as water reservoirs.

It will also be possible to visit a climate-friendly town centre. Since 2021, it has been possible to receive federal funding for the greening of facades, the unsealing of car parks and the creation of green meeting zones.

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Netzwerk Zukunftsraum Land

National stakeholders
