Publication - Reports |

Making the seven LEADER principles work - Report

This paper sets out key considerations (with brief examples from Members States) for enabling the successful implementation of the seven LEADER principles.

  • 2023-2027
Mountain village of Apricale (Italy)

The report is based on the outputs from the CAP Implementation Contact Point Thematic Group on Making the seven LEADER principles work in practice for all LAGs under the CAP Strategic Plans (January - June 2022).

This paper sets out key considerations for enabling the successful implementation of the seven LEADER principles (as outlined under Articles 31 and 33 of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060). For each principle, the document includes brief examples from Members States that can provide further inspiration.

A final list of Annexes provides links to explore the topics more in depth.

Last updated


CAP Implementation Contact Point


English language

Making the seven LEADER principles work

(PDF – 6.71 MB)