LEADER TNC - a practical guide
The EU CAP Network has created a practical guide that aims to provide advice, tips for planning and step-by-step implementation of LEADER TNC projects under the CAP Strategic Plans (CSP) 2023-2027.
- 2023-2027

The EU CAP Network has created a practical guide on LEADER Transnational Cooperation (TNC) that aims to provide advice, tips for planning and step-by-step implementation of LEADER TNC projects under the CAP Strategic Plans (CSP) 2023-2027.
This practical guide has been developed to be used alongside the EU CAP Network’s LAG Directory and TNC Factsheets. In the LAG Directory, you can find some general information and the contact details of the current LAGs. The TNC Member State Factsheets provide information on rules and eligibility criteria.
For any questions or updates, please contact us at leader@eucapnetwork.eu.
The text of this publication – and its annexes (the “tools”) – has been prepared for information purposes only and is not legally binding. The tips included in this practical guide are mainly for Local Action Groups (LAG) planning to implement transnational cooperation (TNC) projects but can also be useful for other LEADER stakeholders. The publication has been prepared by the EU CAP Network’s CAP Implementation Contact Point and its content does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Commission.
EU CAP Network
LEADER TNC - a practical guide
(PDF – 701.84 KB)