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Field visits report - EU CAP Network workshop ‘Innovative arable crop protection - using pesticides sustainably’

This report presents the results of the field trips from the EU CAP Network workshop ‘Innovative arable crop protection - using pesticides sustainably’, which took place on 19 April 2023 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Field visits report - EU CAP Network workshop ‘Innovative arable crop protection - using pesticides sustainably’
Cover_Field visits report: EU CAP Network workshop ‘Innovative arable crop protection - using pesticides sustainably’

As part of the EU CAP Network workshop ‘Innovative arable crop protection - using pesticides sustainably’, which took place on 19-21 April 2023 in Amsterdam, the participants attended a number of field visits in the afternoon of 19 April. During these visits the participants had the opportunity to get acquainted with inspirational cases of pesticide use reduction in a region near Amsterdam. This ties in with the workshop's objectives relating to exchanging knowledge and sharing innovative, inspirational practices.

This report describes the examples that the participants visited, which cover the following topics:

  • crop diversification through strip cropping and more diversified rotations over longer time periods. 
  • resistant and tolerant varieties. 
  • high-tech solutions such as precision spraying and decision support systems (DSS). 



English language

Field visits report - EU CAP Network workshop ‘Innovative arable crop protection - using pesticides sustainably’

(PDF – 9 MB)