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EIP-AGRI Focus Group on Organic Farming: Minipapers written by the experts

The members of the Organic Farming Focus Group produced some short papers on pressing issues in organic farming. The…


The members of the Organic Farming Focus Group produced some short papers on pressing issues in organic farming. The following subjects are treated in this document:

Inadequate nutrients supply: innovation and key elements for success
Poor soil fertility: Farming systems
Poor soil fertility: Crop rotation (including pests and diseases management – compost, system, ICT)
Poor soil fertility: Composting
Poor soil fertility: Tillage Insufficient weed management: information and communication techniques and mechanical tools
Pest and diseases: Functional bio-diversity
Pest and diseases: Biotech problems
Variety choice: On-farm breeding and seed production
Variety choice: Legal solutions Variety choice: Breeding characteristics H
orizontal: Adaptation to Climate Change
Horizontal: Knowledge generating and sharing
Horizontal: Ideas for a new disclosure


EIP-AGRI Service Point



English language


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