Publication - Factsheets |

EIP-AGRI Factsheet on Skills development

All the information from the workshop 'Skills development: education & training, advice, peer to peer exchange, and…

EIP-AGRI Factsheet Skills development: English version

All the information from the workshop 'Skills development: education & training, advice, peer to peer exchange, and networking' at a glance. This workshop was held by the EIP-AGRI Service Point in the break-out session 'Innovation - Shaping the future' during the Agri-Innovation Summit 2017 (Lisbon, 12 October 2017). AIS Lisbon 2017 was organised by a Portuguese Consortium, the Portuguese Government, the EIP-AGRI Service Point and the ENRD Contact Point. Traduction en français réalisée dans le cadre du programme spécifique du Réseau Rural National Français. Cette action est cofinancée par le Fonds
Européen Agricole de Développement Rural.


EIP-AGRI Service Point



English language

EIP-AGRI Factsheet Skills development: English version

(PDF – 303.74 KB)

French language

EIP-AGRI Factsheet Skills development: French version

(PDF – 1.34 MB)