EIP-AGRI Brochure on Innovative solutions for organic farmers in the EU - Optimising arable yields
Various studies have shown fluctuations in the yields of organic farms. Yields vary a lot more than in conventional…

Various studies have shown fluctuations in the yields of organic farms. Yields vary a lot more than in conventional farming
depending on regions, systems, management practices, particular crop types and growing conditions. How can these problems be overcome? Haven’t some solutions already been developed? What innovative projects have already been set up that could be used as inspiration? Read on to find some answers…
Polish transation courtesy of the Agricultural Advisory Centre in Brwinów; Portuguese translation courtesy of Direção-Geral de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural (DGADR), Rede Rural Nacional (RRN)
EIP-AGRI Service Point
EIP-AGRI Brochure Organic farming: English version
(PDF – 1.87 MB)
EIP-AGRI Infographic Organic farming: English version
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EIP-AGRI Infographic Organic farming: English version (png)
(PNG – 149.12 KB)
EIP-AGRI Infographic Organic farming: Polish version (jpg)
(JPG – 1.08 MB)
EIP-AGRI Infographic Organic farming: Portuguese version
(PDF – 480.83 KB)
EIP-AGRI Infographic Organic farming: Portuguese version (png)
(PNG – 273.27 KB)
EIP-AGRI Infographic Organic farming: Spanish version (png)
(PNG – 361.93 KB)