Agrinnovation Magazine - Issue 10
- Innovation, knowledge exchange & EIP-AGRI
- Fostering Knowledge & Innovation
- Sustainability
- Green Deal Targets
The tenth issue of the Agrinnovation magazine highlights innovative solutions for the sustainable and circular use of natural resources in agriculture, forestry and rural communities.

The yearly Agrinnovation magazine gives a round-up of news, inspiring stories and updates on innovation, knowledge exchange and EIP-AGRI in the EU CAP Network. The tenth edition of Agrinnovation magazine zooms in on best practices and innovative ways to manage natural resources.
The sustainable and efficient use of natural resources is a key aspect to ensure resilience in EU agriculture, forestry and rural communities.
This issue of Agrinnovation showcases inspiring innovative projects, including EIP-AGRI Operational Groups and Horizon Europe networks, that are engaging farmers, foresters and rural communities to improve the management of natural and circular bio-based resources, and build resilient ecosystems where rural landscapes thrive in symbiosis with nature.
The magazine highlights solutions from the circular bioeconomy, covering models that promote efficient resource management and the optimal use of waste and by-products from agriculture, food production, forestry and related sectors. It also includes innovative solutions that can revolutionise farming practices, helping farmers, foresters, researchers and entrepreneurs develop pathways that increase productivity and promote environmental stewardship.
The publication also features innovative projects that optimise nutrient and fertiliser management on the farm, promote regenerative farming practices, explore new ways to create more sustainable and circular water systems, and unlock opportunities for a transition to more renewable energy sources in rural areas. It also demonstrates the pivotal role that innovation plays in optimising the use of resources, generating value from waste, and establishing a circular bioeconomy framework that benefits farmers, foresters, rural citizens and the environment.
The tenth edition of the Agrinnovation magazine features articles on:
- Innovation and collaboration for a sustainable and circular EU bioeconomy
- Bio-based value from the olive sector
- Investing in renewable energy for vibrant rural areas
- Innovation across borders: Operational Group cross-visits inspire new insights and connections
- Optimising on-farm nutrient management
- Farmers test digital tools to reduce nitrate pollution
- Solutions for sustainable water management
- Addressing rural challenges through Horizon multi-actor projects
This magazine was written with the support of the EIP-AGRI Support Facility.
If you would like to order your own printed copy of this edition of Agrinnovation magazine, either in English, German or French, you can do so via the Publications Office of the EU.
EU CAP Network
Agrinnovation Magazine - Issue 10
(PDF – 33.18 MB – 24 pages)