project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

TRIABE: improvement strategies for the transport of suckling calves to optimise their health, well-being and productivity
TRIABE: estrategias de mejora del transporte de terneros lactantes para optimizar el bienestar, la salud y la productividad

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Completed | 2017 - 2019 Spain
Completed | 2017 - 2019 Spain
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To study the main risk factors (handling, facilities, environment, genetics, etc) that impact the well-being of suckling calves during transportation along the various steps of transportation, , from the farm of origin, through to the market, loading, journey and unloading at the farm or concentration centre.
To identify the main indicators for evaluation of the well-being of suckling calves on their arrival at the farm or concentration centre, as well as of their recuperation during the first few days of stay.
To design a classification system of transportation risk categories (high-, medium-, low-risk), so that handling and sanitary protocols can be applied on arrival based on risk categories.


Los objetivos del proyecto son:
Estudiar los principales factores de riesgo (manejo, instalaciones, ambiente, genéticos etc) que afectan al bienestar de los terneros lactantes en los diferentes sistemas de transporte.

Identificar los principales indicadores para evaluar el bienestar de los terneros lactantes a la llegada del transporte a la explotación o el centro de concentración y su recuperación durante los primeros días de estancia.

Diseñar una clasificación por categorías de riesgo (alto riesgo, riesgo medio y bajo riesgo) de los transportes para poder aplicar protocolos de manejo y sanitarios a la llegada según la categoría.


The project is divided into three phases: 1) data collection from the three participating companies: origin, transport, arrival and 14 days after arrival; 2) data analysis; 3) risk definition and development of a classification system (traffic lights) according to the risks in order to develop strategies on arrival based on risk classification.


El proyecto tiene principalemte 3 fases: 1) recogida de datos en las 3 empresas que participan: origen, transporte, llegada y a los 14 dias de la llegada; 2) análisis de los datos; 3) definición de los riesgos y diseño del sistema de clasificación (semáforo) en función de los riesgos para desarrollar estrategias a la llegada según el nivel de riesgo detectado.


Suckling calves are transported at 14 days of age and 50-60kg in weight from the origin to the fattening farms. Many times, transportation includes travelling through markets and concentration centres. Because of the characteristics of the sucklings (immature immune system, deficient or changing diet, compromised thermoregulation capability) and the transportation conditions (long travel times with stops, mixing of animals from different origins, changes of temperature, long fasting times, etc.), this step of production has a negative impact on their health and well-being. The consequences of the transportation of suckling calves range from a growth delay to death of the weaker animals, or the abuse of drugs (antibiotics) to avoid battling the pathologies resulting from immunodeficiency and the mix of animals. Identification of the main factors affecting the health and well-being of suckling calves during transportation will enable reduction of their impact and a more effective recovery of the animals when they reach their farm of destination. The TRIABE project aims to improve the well-being, health and productivity of suckling calves during transportation, arrival at the farm or concentration centre and the first weeks after arrival. The aim of TRIABE (“choose well” in Catalan) is that the best strategy is chosen on arrival (depending on the transport conditions and well-being of the animals) to improve the health and well-being of suckling calves during their first few days at their destination. The final result will be improved animal growth. To achieve this objective, we will implement the knowledge acquired in national and European research projects.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 234600

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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