project - Research and innovation


Ongoing | 2020 - 2022 Germany
Ongoing | 2020 - 2022 Germany
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ROSEWOOD4.0 main and long-term objective is to close the knowledge gap and support sustainable wood

mobilisation in EU-Regions through enhancing the actual role of Wood Mobilisation Regional Hubs which promote

sustainable and economic development of the forest sector for the benefit of rural areas, regions and communities. The project puts special emphasis on digitalisation and digital tools for training and coaching, enabling practitioners to share know-how with much wider impact. The focus on ICT addresses the two main challenges in wood mobilisation: 1) better access to resources through defragmentation of forest owners and 2) increased volume to the market and higher transparency.


ROSEWOOD4.0 main and long-term objective is to close the knowledge gap and support sustainable wood

mobilisation in EU-Regions through enhancing the actual role of Wood Mobilisation Regional Hubs which promote

sustainable and economic development of the forest sector for the benefit of rural areas, regions and communities. The project puts special emphasis on digitalisation and digital tools for training and coaching, enabling practitioners to share know-how with much wider impact. The focus on ICT addresses the two main challenges in wood mobilisation: 1) better access to resources through defragmentation of forest owners and 2) increased volume to the market and higher transparency.


ROSEWOOD4.0 will collect and structure relevant best-practices and innovation (BP&I) with the aim to improve the wood mobilisation framework in five Regional Hubs. Five regional roadmaps (and a cross-regional one) will be developed based on the prioritisation of the collected BP&I matching the identified needs/challenges of the different regions. The project will organise specific workshops and study visits linked with newly designed training materials favorising the implementation of BP&I. Intense dissemination actions for the transfer of BP&I will be achieved using different tools and channels (e.g. Knowledge platform, practice abstracts, production of videos, etc.).


ROSEWOOD4.0 will collect and structure relevant best-practices and innovation (BP&I) with the aim to improve the wood mobilisation framework in five Regional Hubs. Five regional roadmaps (and a cross-regional one) will be developed based on the prioritisation of the collected BP&I matching the identified needs/challenges of the different regions. The project will organise specific workshops and study visits linked with newly designed training materials favorising the implementation of BP&I. Intense dissemination actions for the transfer of BP&I will be achieved using different tools and channels (e.g. Knowledge platform, practice abstracts, production of videos, etc.).

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Main geographical location
Karlsruhe, Stadtkreis

€ 2047901

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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100 Practice Abstracts

Wood construction chains can be optimized to foster both rural development and urban transformation whilst being connected with sustainable forest management in Europe. Two full-scale medium-sized demo buildings are being constructed in Finland and France to integrate various innovative materials, products and components.

Objectives. The core idea is to enable the construction of a mid-sized building with the lowest possible surface of forest area. A series of innovative bio-based materials, products and constructive systems are jointly developed and tested by companies and researchers. A digital framework of the 'forest to building' chain and several regional innovation roadmaps are set up to explore how wood construction can create benefits for rural areas. The special feature of the project is that it integrates the full value chain: all steps from forestry, wood processing, intermediate manufacturing and building are included, to establish the link from raw materials in rural areas up to the high-end products in the urban environment. The activities of the project can be grouped into three main topics: 1. Rural development, 2. Sustainable wood construction, and 3. Digitalization and innovation. Further information:

Build-in-Wood strives to make wood a natural choice for the construction of multi-storey buildings. Early Adopter Cities take a leading role in the project, and their stories shall inspire cities around the world to rethink construction and social responsibility.

Objectives. To meet the global and European challenges of reducing the GHG emissions from the construction sector, Build-in-Wood will develop a sustainable and innovative wood value chain for the construction of multi-storey wood buildings. The ambition of the project is to make optimised and cost effective wood construction methods common practice in the European construction sector. The objectives include: 1) To make wood a natural choice of building material for the construction of multi-storey buildings, 2) To decrease GHG-emissions of the European building sector, 3) To establish an innovative and sustainable European value chain for multi-storey wood buildings, 4) To improve the connection between rural and urban areas and to contribute to sustainable urbanisation, 5) To increase productivity of the European building sector.

Build-in-Wood will address this challenge through innovative development of materials and components as well as structural systems and façade elements for multi-storey wood buildings fit for both new construction and retrofitting. Developments will be tested, piloted and fully documented for immediate market uptake. Active engagement of selected cities will strengthen the urban-rural connections. Further information:…

Для вирішення глобальних і європейських труднощів зі зменшенням викидів парникових газів у будівельній галузі, в рамках проєкту «Build-in-Wood» буде розроблено сталий та інноваційний ланцюг доданої вартості для будівництва багатоповерхових дерев’яних будівель.

Цілі. Щоб відповісти на глобальні та європейські виклики скорочення викидів парникових газів у будівельному секторі, Build-in-Wood розробить сталий та інноваційний ланцюг доданої вартості деревини для будівництва багатоповерхових дерев’яних будівель.

Мета проекту – зробити оптимізовані та економічно ефективні методи дерев’яного будівництва загальноприйнятою практикою в європейському будівельному секторі.

Цілі включають:

1) зробити деревину природним вибором будівельного матеріалу для будівництва багатоповерхових будинків;

2) зменшити викиди парникових газів у європейському будівельному секторі;

3) створити інноваційний та сталий європейський ланцюг доданої вартості для багатоповерхових дерев'яних будинків,

4) поліпшити зв'язок між сільськими та міськими територіями та сприяти сталій урбанізації,

5) підвищити продуктивність європейського будівельного сектору.

Build-in-Wood вирішить цю проблему шляхом інноваційної розробки матеріалів і компонентів, а також структурних систем і фасадних елементів для багатоповерхових дерев’яних будівель, придатних як для нового будівництва, так і для модернізації. Розробки будуть протестовані, пілотовані та повністю задокументовані для впровадження на ринок.…

The project supports market uptake of three types of IBCs by developing feedstock mobilisation strategies, improved cost-effective logistics and trade centres. The investigated IBCs include pyrolysis oil, torrefied biomass and microbial oil.

The overall aim is to facilitate the further introduction of intermediate bioenergy carriers by developing feedstock mobilisation strategies, improved logistics and IBC trade centres. More specifically, the objectives of the MUSIC project are:

To increase the uptake of intermediate bioenergy carriers through development of advanced and strategic case studies with economic actors (industries) committed to implement the results.

To develop and/or expand existing and future trade centres, either virtual or physical.

To assess the technical and non-technical aspects of biomass feedstock mobilisation with the purpose to develop dedicated feedstock mobilisation strategies.

To determine the best, cost-effective solutions for logistics along the entire IBC value chain, from raw unprocessed biomass to IBC end-users.

To involve, engage and support regional stakeholders and market actors, from the primary production sector, industry and beyond.

To evaluate framework conditions (legal, institutional and political) to identify key barriers and enablers.

To provide advice to policy makers at national and regional level to serve as input for more informed policy, market support and financial frameworks. Further information:…

Το έργο υποστηρίζει την απορρόφηση τριών τύπων IBC από την αγορά, αναπτύσσοντας στρατηγικές κινητοποίησης πρώτων υλών, βελτιωμένα οικονομικά αποδοτικά logistics και εμπορικά κέντρα. Τα IBC που ερευνήθηκαν περιλαμβάνουν το έλαιο πυρόλυσης, τη βιομάζα και το μικροβιακό λάδι.

Πιο συγκεκριμένα, οι στόχοι του έργου MUSIC είναι:

Να αυξήσει την απορρόφηση των ενδιάμεσων φορέων βιοενέργειας μέσω της ανάπτυξης προηγμένων και στρατηγικών περιπτωσιολογικών μελετών με οικονομικούς παράγοντες (βιομηχανίες) δεσμευμένους να εφαρμόσουν τα αποτελέσματα.

Ανάπτυξη και / ή επέκταση υφιστάμενων και μελλοντικών εμπορικών κέντρων, είτε εικονικών είτε φυσικών.

Αξιολόγηση των τεχνικών και μη τεχνικών πτυχών της κινητοποίησης πρώτων υλών βιομάζας με σκοπό την ανάπτυξη ειδικών στρατηγικών κινητοποίησης πρώτων υλών.

Για τον προσδιορισμό των καλύτερων, οικονομικά αποδοτικών λύσεων για την εφοδιαστική σε ολόκληρη την αλυσίδα αξίας IBC, από ακατέργαστη μη επεξεργασμένη βιομάζα έως τελικούς χρήστες IBC.

Για συμμετοχή, συμμετοχή και υποστήριξη περιφερειακών ενδιαφερομένων και παραγόντων της αγοράς, από τον πρωτογενή τομέα παραγωγής, τη βιομηχανία και όχι μόνο.

Να αξιολογήσει τις συνθήκες-πλαίσιο (νομικά, θεσμικά και πολιτικά) για τον εντοπισμό βασικών εμποδίων και παραγόντων.

Να παρέχει συμβουλές σε υπεύθυνους χάραξης πολιτικής σε εθνικό και περιφερειακό επίπεδο για να χρησιμεύσει ως συμβολή για πιο ενημερωμένη πολιτική, υποστήριξη της αγοράς και χρηματοοικονομικά πλαίσια.…

The SIMWOOD project aims to increase the mobilisation of wood from forests and woodlands in Europe. The project reached out to stakeholders and regional initiatives with the aim of ‘waking up’ and mobilising forest owners, promoting collaborative forest management and ensuring sustainable forest functions. The project focused on seven general objectives: 1. Understand the current and future motivations of forest owners, 2. Promote forest governance and joint action of stakeholders, 3. Develop multifunctional forest management adapted to forest types, 4. Integrate forest ecosystem services while minimizing environmental impacts, 5. Establish improved adapted forest harvesting techniques, 6. Demonstrate collaborative regional initiatives and solutions, 7. Recommend tailor-made instruments to policymakers, 8. Encourage broad outreach and exploitation in EU regions.

The project involved 22 Regional Pilot Projects to test how well-adapted combinations of measures can contribute to increasing stakeholders’ capacity to mobilise more wood in the participating countries. Every Pilot Projects was to engage stakeholders and help them design projects targeted at particular issues and barriers to mobilisation. We then worked with them to evaluate the outcomes and impacts of their work. We also tested technical developments and the willingness of organisations to reconsider business-as-usual actions, which provided relevant outputs to encourage new practices and strategies. The main project results are summarized in a Pilot Projects guidance report, a Handbook for wood mobilisation in Europe and an EU Policy Brief. Further information:

SecureChain was a Horizon 2020 project, which focused on promoting market uptake of bioenergy in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using an innovation voucher scheme

Secure Chain's objective was to promote a Sustainable Supply Chain Management practice that meets high environmental, quality and financial viability standards, tailored for local biomass suppliers, energy producers and the financial sector. In the process, the entire bioenergy chain was considered, and sustainability and financing were an integral part of the set-up. The specific objectives comprised, a) integration and optimization of local supply chains, b) high efficiency and low impact gain, c) supply sustainability, d) leveraging investments in bioenergy, and, e) implementation of future-proof bioenergy chains. SecureChain relied heavily on tested digital practices deminstrating organisational setups for information flows, biomass mobilisation and logistics, especially for a) the optimization of collaborative networks and joint implementation plans of local supply chains, and b) the application of risk assessment tools for the analysis of supply chains’ market opportunities, financing schemes and investor requirements.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 646457 for the period from 01.04.2015 to 31.07.2018. Further information:… Video:

Το SecureChain ήταν ένα έργο του προγράμματος Ορίζοντας 2020, το οποίο επικεντρώθηκε στην προώθηση της απορρόφησης βιοενέργειας από την αγορά σε μικρές και μεσαίες επιχειρήσεις (ΜΜΕ) χρησιμοποιώντας ένα σύστημα κουπονιών καινοτομίας.

Ο στόχος του Secure Chain ήταν να προωθήσει μια βιώσιμη πρακτική διαχείρισης Εφοδιαστικής Αλυσίδας με υψηλές προδιαγραφές σε ότι αφορά πρότυπα περιβαλλοντικής ποιότητας και οικονομικής βιωσιμότητας, στοχεύοντας σε τοπικούς προμηθευτές βιομάζας, παραγωγούς ενέργειας και παράγοντες του χρηματοπιστωτικού τομέα. Μοναδικά χαρακτηριστικά του έργου ήταν ότι εξετάστηκε ολόκληρη η αλυσίδα βιοενέργειας και η βιωσιμότητα και η χρηματοδότηση ήταν αναπόσπαστο μέρος της μεθοδολογίας του έργου. Οι συγκεκριμένοι στόχοι περιλάμβαναν: α) ολοκλήρωση και βελτιστοποίηση των τοπικών αλυσίδων εφοδιασμού, β) υψηλή αποδοτικότητα, γ) βιωσιμότητα εφοδιασμού, δ) μόχλευση επενδύσεων στη βιοενέργεια, ε) υλοποίηση μελλοντικών ανθεκτικών αλυσίδων βιοενέργειας. Στη διαδικασία οργανωτικών ρυθμίσεων για ροές πληροφοριών, στη κινητοποίηση βιομάζας και στον τομέα των logostics το SecureChain βασίστηκε σε μεγάλο βαθμό σε δοκιμασμένες ψηφιακές πρακτικές για α) τη βελτιστοποίηση συνεργατικών δικτύων και κοινών σχεδίων υλοποίησης τοπικών αλυσίδων εφοδιασμού και β) την εφαρμογή εργαλείων εκτίμησης κινδύνου για την ανάλυση της προσφοράς ευκαιρίες αγοράς αλυσίδων, συστήματα χρηματοδότησης και απαιτήσεις επενδυτών.… Video:

The RecAPPture mobile and web application is intended for owners and manufacturers of discharged wood products for sale, purchase, lease or purchase.

With the planned demolition of decrepit buildings, significant amount of wood suitable for further use roof can be obtained. Cascading use of wood prolongs its lifespan and further storage of CO2 bounded in the wood. Demand for products from discharged wood is increasing and there a problem with ensuring sufficient quantities of suitable used wood occurs. Owners of such wood are often unaware that they can hand it over or sell it to a company that will make a new product out of it. For this purpose, in cooperation between the company M Sora and the University of Primorska, a mobile application and a web interface RecAPPture were developed. It enables the owners of used wood to submit their offer on discharged wood. The application enables a quick exchange of information regarding the availability of the quantity and type of used wood between the provider and the interested company. Further information:… Video:

Mobilna in spletna aplikacija RecAPPture je namenjena lastnikom in proizvajalcem izdelkov iz odsluženega lesa za njegovo prodajo, nakup, oddajo ali odkup.

Ob načrtni porušitvi dotrajanih objektov lahko predvsem iz ostrešja dobimo precejšnje količine lesa, ki s o primerne za nadaljno uporabo. S kaskadno rabo lesa se podaljša njegova življenjska doba in nadaljne skladiščenje v lesu vezanega CO2. Povpraševanje po izdelkih iz odsluženega lesa se povečuje, ob tem pa se pojavlja problem pridobivanja zadostnih količin primernega odsluženega lesa. Lkastniki takega lesa se pogosto ne zavedajo, da ga lahko oddajo/prodajo podjetju, ki bo iz njega naredil nov izdelek. S tem namenom je bila v sodelovanju med podjetjem M Sora in Univerzo na Primorskem razvita mobilna aplikacija in spletni vmesnik RecAPPture, preko katerega lahko lastniki odsluženega lesa oddajo svojo ponudbo. Aplikacija omogoča hitro izmenjavo informacij glede razpoložljie količine in vrste odsluženega lesa med ponudnikom in zainteresiranim podjetjem.… Video:

The web portal Moj Gozdar is intended for finding suitable contractors for forestry services.

The significant increase in the number of forestry contractors in last few years has been increasing competition, however at the same time requires a reflection on the objective quality of contractors. In sustainable management of forests, the criterion for the selection of contractor should not be only the lowest service price, but it should include also environmental, social and business aspects of the relationship between the client and the contractor. Platform MojGozdar (MyForester) enables the integration of all stakeholders in the forest-wood value chain, including providers of forestry services, users of services (forest owners, forest managers) and administrators of basic data bases about business entities. It is a transparent and objective web-based information system for assessing the suitability of contractors, who perform work in the forest. The methodology for evaluating is consisted of an automatic assessment of the formal suitability of the forestry contractors and direct evaluation of the service by consumers.

Detailed description is available at Further information:… Video:

Spletni portal Moj Gozdar je namenjen iskanju ustreznih izvajalcev del gozdarskih storitev.

Spletni informacijski sistem MojGozdar je inovativni pristop k večji transparentnosti trga storitev. MojGozdar nudi podporo pri iskanju gozdarskih storitev, kot so sečnja z motorno žago, spravilo s traktorjem, gojitvena dela, žičniško spravilo, strojna sečnja, izdelava lesnih sekancev (sekalnik) in gozdno gradbeništvo. Trenutno je v sistem vključenih nekaj več kot tisoč izvajalcev, ki nudijo različne gozdarske storitve. Sistem MojGozdar bo zajemal tristopenjsko ocenjevanje izvajalcev na enostaven, pregleden in objektiven način. V prvi stopnji vsi vključeni izvajalci dobijo pravno formalno oceno ustreznosti po načelu semaforja. Drugo stopnjoocenjevanja predstavlja neodvisna strokovna ocena s strani strokovno usposobljenega presojevalca. Glavno načelo neodvisne strokovne ocene bo trajnostno gospodarjenje z gozdovi z doseganjem nadstandarda pri socialnih, ekonomskih in okoljskih vidikih izvedbe del. V drugo stopnjo ocenjevanja se lahko vključijo izvajalci, ki pravnoformalno ustrezajo osnovnim pogojem, torej so v prvi stopnji ocenjevanja ocenjeni kot ustrezni. Tretja stopnja ocenjevanja je namenjena naročnikom storitev, da predstavijo izkušnje ali mnenje o kakovosti opravljenih storitev. S celovitim sistemom ocenjevanja naj bi pripomogli k povečanju motivacije med izvajalci gozdarskih del za konkurenčno delo na trgu in kakovostno izvedbo del v gozdovih.

Podrobne informacije so dosegljive na Further information:…

Info platform with decision supporting tools.

Forestry as one of the economic sectors incorporates several links in the complex forestry wood chain. From the technological point of view, the forestry links of the FWC are formed by a series of production processes, with which natural forest resources are converted into products and services. In the selection of separate machines and connection of individual links into series of production chains, the question of costs is certainly an important issue. Material costs of individual machines and the mandatory or optional accessories or attachments are key to the optimization of individual series of production processes. The application enables a simple selection of a technological model for the production of roundwood as well as green chips. With the selection of machines and their mandatory or optional accessories or attachments along the entire chain from the felling area to the final user, the costs are stipulated as well. Visualization of technological components along the forestry wood chains and presentation of costs enable optimization and easier understanding of otherwise very complex chains. Further information:…

Informacijska platforma z orodji za podporo odločanju.

Gozdarstvo kot gospodarska panoga vključuje več členov v kompleksni gozdno-lesni verigi (GLV). Tehnološko gledano gozdarske člene GLV tvori niz proizvodnih procesov, s katerimi naravne vire iz gozdov pretvarjamo v proizvode in storitve. Pri izbiri posameznih strojev in povezovanju posameznih členov v nize proizvodnih procesov je pomembno vprašanje stroškov. Materialni stroški posameznih strojev in njihovih obveznih ali ne obveznih dodatkov oziroma priključkov so ključ za optimizacijo posameznih nizov proizvodnih procesov. Aplikacija omogoča enostavno izbiro tehnološkega modela za proizvodnjo okroglega lesa pa tudi zelenih sekancev. Z izborom strojev ter njihovih obveznih ali ne obveznih dodatkov oziroma priključkov vzdolž celotne verige od sečnje do dobave končnemu porabniku so določeni tudi stroški. Vizualizacija tehnoloških komponent vzdolž gozdno-lesnih verig ter prikaz stroškov omogočata optimizacijo in lažje razumevanje sicer zelo kompleksih verig.…

The Invazivke web application is part of the public electronic information system for collecting data on invasive alien species in Slovenia.

The mobile application Invazivke is free to use and is intended for the general public. To use the application, one must register using a valid email address. It is designed for field data collection with a smart device that includes a GPS sensor and a digital camera. This allows user to automatically capture the location (exact X and Y coordinates) and photo with the device, which greatly facilitates and speeds up data entry. The user manually selects of the species from the drop-down menu. The application also includes a manual with a description of invasive alien species (IAS), including pictorial material to facilitate the identification of the found organism. The mobile application Invazivke enables the recording of IAS finds without an internet connection. The exchange of data with the central server takes place at the request of the user when connected to the Internet and is carried out according to the synchronization process. Further information:…

Spletna aplikacija Invazivke je del javnega elektronskega informacijskega sistema za zbiranje podatkov o invazivnih tujerodnih vrstah v Sloveniji.

Mobilna aplikacija Invazivke je brezplačna in je namenjena splošni javnosti. Za uporabo aplikacije se je potrebno registrirati s pomočjo veljavnega e-poštnega naslova. Namenjena je terenskemu zbiranju podatkov s pametno napravo, ki vključuje senzor GPS in digitalni fotoaparat. To nam omogoča, da z napravo avtomatsko zajamemo lokacijo (točni koordinati X in Y) in fotografijo, kar močno olajša in pospeši vnos podatkov. Uporabniku tako ostane le ročna izbira vrste iz spustnega seznama. V aplikaciji je na voljo tudi priročnik z opisom ITV, vključno s slikovnim gradivom za lažjo identifikacijo najdenega organizma. Mobilna aplikacija Invazivke omogoča beleženje najdb ITV brez internetne povezave. Izmenjava podatkov z osrednjim strežnikom poteka na zahtevo uporabnika, ko je priključen v medmrežje in se izvede po postopku sinhronizacije.…

Monitoring of state and development of Slovenian forests

Within National Forest Inventory (NFI) forests of Slovenia are monitored and measured. NFI provides extensive and in depth survey of all slovenia forests, including informations about composition, condition, distribution and size of our forests. It is of great importance for monitoring changes of forests through time, for developing suitable policy measures and for further support of sustainable management of forests. The basis for the inventory is a systematic sample of plots on a 4km x 4km grid. The selection of inventory plots is based on the use of lidar and aerial images. With their help, plots that are not located in the forest are eliminated, and they are also helpful in assesment of forests at inaccessible plots. A special data acquisition application was developed for the purpose of field inventory. This guides the enumerator through the inventory process, and at the same time the data is already digitized and ready for further processing. The application is also connected to a GPE device, which allows the precise determination of the sampling point. Further information:… Video:

Spremljanje stanja in razvoja slovenskih gozdov

V okviru nacionalne gozdne inventure (NGI) poteka monitoring in premerba slovenskih gozdov. V okviru NGI dobimo podatke o sestavi, stanju, razširjenosti in velikosti naših gozdov. Ti podatki so pomembni za spremljanje sprememb gozdov skozi čas, za razvoj ustreznih ukrepov politike in za nadaljnjo podporo trajnostnemu gospodarjenju z gozdovi. Osnovo za popis predstavlja sistematični vzorec ploskev na 4km x 4km mreži. Izbor popisnih ploskev poteka na podlagi uporabe lidarskih in letalskih posnetkov. Z njihovo pomočjo se izloči ploskve, ki niso locirane v gozdu, prav tako pa so v pomoč pri ocenjevanju gozdov na nedostopnih točkah. Pri terenskem popisu se uporablja za ta namen razvita aplikacija za zajem podatkov. Ta popisovalca vodi skozi postopek popisa, hkrati pa so podatki že digitalizirani in pripravljeni za nadaljno obdelavo. Aplikacija je povezana tudi z GPE napravo, ki omogoča natančno določitev vzorčne točke.… Video:

Innovative educational programmes in the field of sustainable forest management and forestry work in Croatia supported through European cooperation.

The Institute for Development and International Relations and the Croatian Forests Research Institute in collaboration with other Croatian organisations have established an innovative cooperation to develop and promote educational programmes for adults in the field of sustainable forest management. Through different Erasmus + projects such as VET4BioECONOMY or the CIA2SFM program, Croatian institutions with the collaboration of partners in Slovenia and Austria develop new methods and innovative training techniques that place the forest bioeconomy at the center of the European green agenda.

The aim of the educational program is to get acquainted with the European goals of forest management, to raise and disseminate knowledge about aspects of sustainable forest management and to inform about ways of access to forest information. Target groups of educational program are forestry professionals, PFOs, forestry entrepreneurs and employees of institutions in charge of protected areas management. This educational program is divided into four sections (chapters) that will provide target groups with specific and comprehensive knowledge about sustainable forest management in a way that covers all three aspects of sustainable management: environmental, economic, and social. Further information:… Video:

Obrazovni program uključuje znanje i konkretne informacije iz područja održivog gospodarenja šumama i organizacije šumarskih poslova.

Obrazovni program podijeljen je u četiri odjeljka (poglavlja) koji će ciljnim skupinama pružiti specifična i sveobuhvatna znanja o održivom gospodarenju šumama na način koji pokriva sva tri aspekta održivog gospodarenja: okolišni, ekonomski i socijalni.

Cilj obrazovnog programa je upoznati se s europskim ciljevima gospodarenja šumama, povećati i širiti znanje o aspektima održivog gospodarenja šumama i informirati o načinima pristupa informacijama iz područja šumarstva. Ciljane skupine obrazovnog programa su šumarski djelatnici, privatni šumoposjednici, šumarski poduzetnici i zaposlenici institucija zaduženih za upravljanje zaštićenim područjima.

Očekivani utjecaji projekta su poboljšanje vještina djelatnika partnerskih organizacija (trenera) za osposobljavanje polaznika koji sudjeluju u strukovnom osposobljavanju i cjeloživotnom učenju; poboljšanje digitalne kompetencije trenera iz partnerskih institucija za korištenje informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija i sadržaja za e-učenje; povećan kapacitet partnerskih organizacija za rad u EU/međunarodnom okruženju; povećana mogućnost umrežavanja.… Video:

Public data of forest in the form of application, contains overview of data about state and privately owned forests.

Croatian Forests Ltd is national company which manage public forests and forest land in Croatia. The company developed application which contains vector data for all 16 forest administrations of Croatian Forests. Also, the application contains information about private forests which have approved management program.

Application in cartographic form presents information in textual and tabular views, as well as spatial illustration of tree species in specific forest or area. Also, application shows two parametars for every tree specie: the total volume of timber and annual growth. Vector data about borders of management areas (forest administrations, forests units, economic units, etc.) for state and private forests are shown in the form of Google Maps basis.

Except basic information on forest administrations and units, commission minutes and approvements of the management basis for economic unit and recapitulations of forms showing wood mass and increments of tree species, are available.

Application is an innovative solution which provides an overview and information about state and private forests in one place.

Innovative solution is free for public use and available online. Further information:… Video:

Javni podaci o šumama u obliku aplikacije sadrže pregled javnih podataka o državnim i privatnim šumama.

Hrvatske šume d.o.o. je tvrtka koja gospodari državnim šumama i šumskim zemljištem u Hrvatskoj. Navedena tvrtka je razvila aplikaciju koja pruža vektorski pregled za 16 uprava šuma, podružnica Hrvatskih šuma i to do razine odjela. Također, aplikacija prikazuje i podatke za privatne šume za koje postoji odobren plan gospodarenja.

Aplikacija u kartografskom prikazu omogućuje pregled informacija u tekstualnom i tabličnom obliku, kao i prostorni prikaz vrste drveća u određenoj šumi ili području. Omogućen je prikaz i dva parametra za svaku vrstu drva: ukupan obujam debla i godišnji rast. Vektorski podaci o granicama područja gospodarenja (uprave šuma, šumarije, gospodarske jedinice, itd.) za državne i privatne šume prikazani su na Google Maps kartografskoj podlozi.

Osim osnovnih informacija o upravama šuma, podružnicama i šumarijama do razine gospodarskih jedinica, omogućen je pregled komisijskih zapisnika i određenih rješenja o odobrenju osnove gospodarenja za gospodarsku jedinicu kao i rekapitulacije obrazaca s prikazom drvne mase i prirasta po vrstama drveća.

Aplikacija je inovativno rješenje obzirom da na jednom mjestu korisniku pruža pregled i informacije o državnim i privatnim šumama te besplatno za korištenje i dostupno online.…

DecectIT is forest fire detection device which detects fire by using different sensors and sends nottification to the application.

Fires in the Republic of Croatia are a big problem for forests, given that fire brigades have about 3.000 interventions per year. Average burned area per year is 14.278 ha of forest land. DetectIT provides information of the current situation in the forest area (level of temperature, humidity, carbon monoxide). Device secures fast information about the occurrence of a fire and provides all important data. Devices are located 100-300 meters away in the forest area and communicate with each other via radio waves. Communication between devices can reach even several kilometers so it is possible to cover very large area. Each device has one or more sensors. When the device receives an icreased concentration of flammable gas or smoke, it sends a signal to the other device about occurrence of a fire.

Currently, for sending notification about occurrence of fire, device uses 4G network. In the future for notification sending, it is planned to use the 5G network which can send notification in a shorter time period. Also, it is planed to spread the use of device i.e. setting device in households. Prototype of device is installed and tested on the forest area. Device is developed by high school students of Gymnasium Velika Gorica, Croatia. Group of students signed up on international competition and won 2nd place. Further information:… Video:

DetectIT je uređaj za detekciju šumskih požara uz pomoć različitih senzora, koji putem aplikacije šalje obavijest o lokaciji na kojoj je nastao požar.

Požari u Republici Hrvatskoj predstavljaju veliki problem za šume obzirom da vatrogasne zajednice imaju oko tri tisuće intervencija godišnje. Prosječna površina opožarenog područja godišnje iznosi 14.278 ha. DetectIT pruža informacije o trenutnom stanju na određenom šumskom području na kojem je postavljen uređaj (stupanj temperature, razina vlažnosti te ugljičnog monoksida). Uređaj pruža korisnicima brze informacije o pojavi požara i druge važne informacije.

Uređaji su postavljeni u šumi na 100-300 metara udaljenosti i međusobno komuniciraju pomoću radio valova. Komunikacija između uređaja može biti i do nekoliko kilometara tako da je moguće uređajem pokriti veliko područje. Uređaj ima jedan ili više senzora pomoću kojih uređaj detektira povećanu razinu zapaljivog plina ili dima i šalje signal drugom uređaju o pojavi požara.

Trenutno za slanje obavijesti o pojavi požara uređaj koristi 4G mrežu. U budućnosti za slanje obavijesti planira se korištenje 5G mreže koja može poslati obavijest u još kraćem vremenskom razdoblju. Također, planira se proširenje namjene uređaja, tj. postavljanje uređaja u kućanstvima. Prototip uređaja instaliran je i testiran na šumskom području.

Uređaj su razvili srednjoškolci Gimnazije Velika Gorica, Hrvatska. Grupa učenika prijavila se na međunarodno natjecanje i osvojila 2. mjesto.…

A single electronic register of Ukrainian timber. The system enables to track the timber origin and it represents digitally the supply chain from forest to the buyer at the first processing facility.

Electronic timber tracking is a single electronic register of Ukrainian timber. Permanent forest users are obliged to electronically tag each log (or in case of firewood each batch) enabling to establish the legality of its harvesting, namely: description of the log, place and time, name of the team that carried out the procurement, transport document. Thus the system digitally represents the supply chain from forest to the buyer at the first processing facility. Electronic timber accounting has been implemented in Ukraine in phases since 2009, and is still running. At first the system was used only by permanent users under the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine (SFRA) and since 2020 it becomes obligatory to all permanent forest users in Ukraine.

Technology, equipment and software come from Latchbacher (AT) and are adapted to the Ukrainian conditions. For foresters, as key users, the system decreases the time to register, process and report on sales of unprocessed timber. At the same time, it is also freely accessible for the general public on the website. Anyone can track the legality of timber origin knowing the number of the tag, or invoice number, or truck license plate. As of December 2019 electronic timber tracking is carried out by 504 enterprises. In total, more than 3,700 mobile users are connected. Further information:… Video:

Електронний облік деревини – це система фіксації та оформлення руху деревних ресурсів із застосуванням засобів автоматизації на всіх етапах лісозаготівельних робіт.

Під час лісозаготівель вся деревина маркується бирками, що мають штрих-код. Завдяки внесенню інформації з бирки до КПК, по кожному сортименту фіксується об'єм, характеристика сортименту та ділянка, на якій деревина була заготовлена. Тепер дуже швидко і без зайвих паперів кожна колода отримує бирку із усіма параметрами, які внесені у КПК майстра лісу, що дає можливість чітко простежити рух кожного сортименту, починаючи з лісосіки. Після фіксації лісопродукції биркою, відбувається обмін між підприємством та центральним сервером галузі. Таким чином лісівники мають реальну картину про лісопродукцію, яка переміщається з лісу на підприємство.

Таким чином, система в цифровому вигляді представляє ланцюг постачання від лісу до покупця до першого підприємства.

Електронний облік деревини впроваджується в Україні поетапно з 2009 року. Спочатку системою користувались лише постійні користувачі Державного агентства лісових ресурсів України ДФРА, поступово (з 2020р) вона стала обов'язковою для всіх постійних лісокористувачів в Україні.

Постачальник технології, обладнання та програмного забезпечення - компанія Latchbacher (Австрія).

Для користувачів система дозволяє скоротити час на реєстрацію, обробку та звітування про продажі необробленої деревини. Громадськість може відстежити законність походження ліспродукції за номером бирки, рахунка-фактури або номерним знаком вантажівки на сайті.…

LignoSilva is Centre of Excellence of the National Forest Centre in cooperation with the Pulp and Paper Institute with a focus on research and innovation in the field of production, mechanical and chemical processing and use wood utilization, strongly committed to demonstrate innovative digitalization technologies.

Based on scientific excellence, outstanding infrastructure, research synergy and cooperation with decision makers and business establishment of the Centre of Excellence of European significance in the field of forestry, wood processing, pulp and paper in cooperation with leading research organisations in the EU. Through implementation of unique infrastructure (3D CT scanner) CoE LignoSilva focus on the innovation development with companies in the field of wood production, processing and utilisation and to contribute to their development and innovation activities related to multi-purpose management of forests; enhanced biomass production; secured wood supply, forest operations and logistics; cascade use, reuse and recycling systems of wood and energy from wood.The fundamental innovative impulse for higher utilization of wood raw material is the implementation of:

• technologies of ground mobile laser scanning for qualitative inventory - assortment of stands.

• 3D CT scanner for the detection of quality and errors of wood and the subsequent use of the obtained data in the field of optimization of sorting and sawmill wood processing. Further information:… Video:

LignoSilva je spoločným centrom excelentnosti Národného lesníckeho centra a Výskumného ústavu papiera a celulózy so zameraním na výskum a inovácie v oblasti produkcie, mechanického a chemického spracovania a využitie dreva.

V spolupráci s poprednými výskumnými organizáciami v EÚ a implementáciou jedinečnej infraštruktúry sa CoE LignoSilva zameriava na výskum v oblasti produkcie, mechanického a chemického spracovania a využitie dreva. Úzko spolupracuje s firmami a prispieva k ich rozvojovým a inovatívnym aktivitám súvisiacimi s multifunkčným obhospodarovaním lesov; produkciou drevnej biomasy; kaskádovým využitím dreva, recykláciou a výrobou energie z dreva a celúlozo-papierenským využitím dreva.

Zásadným inovačným impulzom pre vyššie zhodnocovania drevnej suroviny je implementácia:

• technológií pozemného mobilného laserového skenovania do kvalitatívnej inventarizácie - sortimentácie porastov.

• 3D CT skenera pre detekciu kvality a chýb dreva a následného využitia získaných údajov v oblasti optimalizácie druhovania a piliarskeho spracovania dreva.

V oblasti je celulózo-papierenského spracovania sa výskumno-inovačná činnosť CoE sústreďuje na náhrady plastov biologicky degradovateľnými a kompostovateľnými obalmi na báze papiera, kartónu a lepenky so špeciálnymi povrchovými úpravami.… Video:

EGGER commissioned in Romania both a recycling facility at the production plant and public waste wood collection points to enable local waste wood flows.

Egger Romania invested in resource saving technology and included recycling in the process. Up to 18% of the wood used in Romanian factories are recycling material. They process waste wood from furniture, pallets, wooden packaging materials, construction and demolition, that meets the requirements of the applicable directives and inspection systems. The material is also inspected visually and contaminated wood is separated for thermal use. In Romania, the EGGER Group runs its own recycling enterprises under the name Timberpak.

Suitable recycled wood is processed there and used for chipboard production. Large volumes of by-products and recyclable wood are generated by the plants. The company upgrades them into materials or uses them to generate environmentally friendly heat and electricity. With EGGER wood-based materials, the company established good environmental performance of the urban wood material. The objective of a closed loop material cycle is, on the one hand, to reuse all waste and by products as efficiently as possible, and on the other hand, to make substances used in the product available again for production at the end of the product life cycle, by implementing optimal recycling. Further information:… is initiated by Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests together with the Government of Romania with the aim to make transparent the wood harvesting activity, transport of wood in entire Romania.

The online portal is an automatic method for identifying illegally cut timber transports from Romania. The users are able to observe alerts from satellites indicating information and once every few days (between 2 and 7 days depending on the satellite) any change in the aerial image associated with the forest vegetation in Romania. The portal also accesses the SUMAL database of the Ministry of Water and Forests in real time. From this database, information is extracted to be processed in the internal system, about the enhancement documents on wood harvests, the locations from where the timber transports are loaded and the information related to these points.The permits on wood harvest became digitalized, therefore all harvesting activity can be checked by satellite monitoring while the transports must obtain a unique code before leaving the place of loading. This code is only obtained after the transport information has been entered into the system, including the location where the code was requested.

The portal, through further developments, also contains an API (set learned of rules), which allows automatic access to all information publicly presented on this portal (layers, transport coordinates and related metadata, enhancement documents, etc.), so that other interested actors can make analyzes that will lead to stopping illegal logging. Further information:… este inițiat de Ministerul Mediului, Apelor și Pădurilor împreună cu Guvernul României cu scopul de a face transparentă activitatea de recoltare a lemnului, transportul lemnului în întreaga Românie.

Portalul online este o metodă automată de identificare a transporturilor de lemn tăiate ilegal din România. Utilizatorii pot observa alerte de la sateliți care indică informații și o dată la câteva zile (între 2 și 7 zile în funcție de satelit) orice modificare a imaginii aeriene asociat cu vegetația forestieră din România. Portalul accesează și baza de date SUMAL a Ministerului Apelor și Pădurilor în timp real. Din această bază de date, sunt extrase informații pentru a fi procesate în sistemul intern, despre documentele de îmbunătățire a recoltelor de lemn, locațiile de unde sunt încărcate transporturile de lemn și informațiile legate de aceste puncte. Permisele privind recoltarea lemnului au fost digitalizate, prin urmare, toată activitatea de recoltare poate fi verificată prin monitorizare prin satelit, în timp ce transporturile trebuie să obțină un cod unic înainte de a părăsi locul de încărcare. codul este obținut numai după ce informațiile de transport au fost introduse în sistem, inclusiv locația în care c a fost solicitată oda.

Portalul, prin dezvoltări ulterioare, conține și un API (set învățat de reguli), care permite accesul automat la toate informațiile prezentate public pe acest portal (straturi, coordonate de transport și metadate conexe, documente de îmbunătățire etc.), astfel încât alte persoane interesate actorii pot face analize care vor duce la oprirea exploatării ilegale."…

Timflow, the wood traceability monitoring system developed by HS Timber Group and implemented for all timber factories in Romania in April 2017.

Thanks to TimFlow it is possible to check if the exploited wood is legal, if the supplier companies meet the requirements of the company's Due Dilligence system; Whether or not the wood comes from buffer zones of national parks or from other areas where intervention is not allowed. The most important quality of the Timflow system is the unprecedented level of transparency. All GPS data collected is publicly available on the portal also in English, which allows local and international stakeholders to check log shipments. Users can check via Timflow:

- all transports in the country from the last 12 months which have reached the gates of HS Timber Productions’ sawmills in Romania;

- information on transport documents;

- photos of the cargo;

- truck routes;

- in addition, users can request copies of the transport documents. Further information:… Video:

Timflow este un sistem de monitorizare a trasabilității lemnului care se bazează pe tehnologie GPS pentru înregistrarea rutelor camioanelor care transportă buștean, dezvoltat de HS Timber Productions

Datorită TimFlow este posibil verificarea dacă lemnul exploatat este legal, dacă companiile furnizoare îndeplinesc cerințele sistemului de due diligence al companiei; dacă lemnul provine sau nu din zonele tampon ale parcurilor naționale sau din alte zone în care intervenția nu este permisă. Cea mai importantă calitate a sistemului Timflow este nivelul de transparență fără precedent. Toate datele GPS colectate sunt disponibile publicului pe portal și în limba engleză, ceea ce permite părților interesate locale și internaționale să verifice livrările de jurnal. Utilizatorii pot verifica prin Timflow:

- toate transporturile din țară din ultimele 12 luni care au ajuns la porțile gaterelor HS Timber Productions din România;

- informații despre documentele de transport;

- fotografii ale încărcăturii;

- trasee de camioane;

- în plus, utilizatorii pot solicita copii ale documentelor de transport.… Video:

A sales platform, enabling customers to take part in a wood sale auction in a forest district online.

e-drewno system was created to enable customers to take part in a wood sale auction in a forest district without necessity of physical attendance. Currently, about 20% of all wood sold to enterprises by State Forests in Poland is offered on auctions on After registration in the system and providing forest district nname the customer gets individual access, enabling participation in the auction. For practical reasons it is recommended to indicate the forest district which is located closest to the place of residence / running business activity. All the information exchanged online between the customer's computer and the server operating the auction is coded. When placing the offer it is registered and given position in the ranking, which depends on the proposed price. If the prices given are the same, the position is determined by an order of placing the offers registered by portal. During the auction each customer can place unlimited number of offers and modify earlier offers. Winning offers can be only modified to the following extent: wood weight, minimum wood weight, price (up only). In order to protect business data, participants in the auction cannot see the names of other companies taking part in the auction. The system is easy to use and administrate, includes a price calculator and offers access to reports. Further information:…

Platforma elektroniczna umożliwiająca wzięcie udziału w aukcji drewna w nadleśnictwach całej Polski.

System e-drewno stworzony został w celu umozliwienia klientom wzięcia udziału w aukcjach surowca w nadleśnictwach bez konieczności fizycznej obecności na aukcji. Obecnie 20% puli drewna dla przedsiebiorców oferowanego przez Lasy Państwowe jest sprzedawane na aukcjach w serwisie

Udział w aukcjach mozliwy jest po dokonaniu rejestracji i otrzymaniu indywidualnego dostepu do systemu. W czasie rejestracji każdy z użytkowników podaje nazwę nadleśnictwa, ze względów praktycznych zaleca się aby było to nadleśnictwo właściwe ze względu na siedzibę lub główne miejsce prowadzenia działalnosci gospodarczej. Wszystkie informacje wymieniane pomiędzy serwerem i komputerem użytkownika są kodowane. Zgłoszone oferty są rejestrowane i umieszczane w rankingu - pozycja na liście zależy od wysokości zaproponowanej ceny, a w przypadku jednakowych cen od kolejności zgłoszenia. W czasie aukcji każdy klient może złozyć nielimitowaną ilość wariantów oferty, można takze modyfikować zgłoszone wcześniej warianty. Zwycięskie oferty moga być zmienione tylko w ograniczonym zakresie. W celu ochrony danych uczestnicy aukcji nie mają wglądu w dane innych przedsiębiorstw uczestniczących w aukcji. System jest łatwy w obsłudze i administracji, oferuje także dostęp do kalkulatora cen i raportów.…

The aim of the WAMBAF and WAMBAF ToolBox projects was to determine the methods and tools of water management in forests, which would influence the quality of water flowing into the Balitc Sea.

The scope of the projects included issues related to:

- operation and maintenance of drainage equipment,

- the beaver's impact on water quality,

- forest management in the vicinity of surface waters,

- modern tools supporting water management in forests. In the projects several Good Practice Manuals have been developed, regarding: water management in riparian forests, structures for water retention in forests and beaver population management. The manuals are available in several language versions. Main target groups were: forest managers, harvesting machines' operators, land owners, hunters and nature conservation units. The coordinator of the projects was Swedish Forest Agency (Skogsstyrelsen). Further information:…

Comprehensive monitoring method of a large forest area with the use of innovative techniques and data.

Project activities were focused on a comprehensive representation of changes in forest stands and their dynamics (using different time series of remote sensing data) and the transition from spot monitoring (field measurements on sample plots) to large-scale monitoring. This will improve the efficiency of forest ecosystem protection and management measures. Project results have been presented in the form of publications and maps showing specific changes over the years. In addition, radio and television broadcasts, meetings, brochures and promotional films were used to inform the general public.

The main objectives of the project were:

- Monitoring of stand dynamics in Białowieża Forest (including analysis of tree species composition, monitoring of changes in the forest stand caused, among others, by tree death)

- Analysis of natural forest regeneration and rejuvenation, including the role of gaps,

- Establishment/determination of the combination of different remote sensing techniques and data sets that are optimal for forest monitoring,

- Characteristics of the microclimate of the Białowieża Forest,

- Promotion of Białowieża Forest through the use of multimedia. Further information:…

Metoda kompleksowego monitorowania rozległych obszarów leśnych przy wykorzystaniu innowacyjnych technik i danych teledetekcyjnych.

Działania projektu są nakierowane na uzyskanie całościowego obrazu zmian drzewostanowych w Puszczy Białowieskiej i ich dynamiki (poprzez użycie kilku serii czasowych różnych danych teledetekcyjnych) oraz zmianę punktowego monitoringu (pomiary na powierzchniach naziemnych) na powierzchniowy, w celu poprawy skuteczności prowadzonej na terenie Puszczy ochrony ekosystemów leśnych. Możliwe będzie również wnioskowanie o bioróżnorodności fragmentów Puszczy. Efekty działania opracowanego w projekcie systemu zostaną przedstawione w postaci opracowań i map wskazujących konkretne zmiany i ich przyczyny na przestrzeni lat.

Do głównych celów projektu zaliczono:

- Monitoring dynamiki drzewostanów w Puszczy Białowieskiej ( analiza składu gatunkowego, monitoring zmian w drzewostanach powodowanych zamieraniem świerka i jesionu, ekspansją grabu, itd.),

- Analizę sposobów odnawiania się, odmładzania i regeneracji drzewostanów, w tym z wykorzystaniem naturalnie powstających luk,

- Opracowanie zestawienia różnego rodzaju technik i danych teledetekcyjnych, optymalnego dla potrzeb monitoringu lasów,

- Charakterystykę mikroklimatu Puszczy,

- Promocję Puszczy poprzez materiały multimedialne.…

A full-scale system supporting the organisation of work and resource planning in national parks, municipal and communal forests and experimental forestry units, covering day-to-day management in a given unit and specific tasks arising from the needs of nature conservation.

The LasInfo system is a comprehensive product consisting of several interlinked applications. It is targeted at national parks, municipal and communal forests and experimental forestry units. It provides support for forest land management and monitoring of timber harvest and sales, as well as for the implementation of tasks specified in the protection plan and nature monitoring.

The solution consists of four basic modules: the central database, the LasInfo Client application, the GIS application and the Forester’s Electronic Logbook. This allows for coordinated management of elements such as nature conservation, forest management, spatial data and cadastral data. It is possible to tailor the solution to individual users by implementing only some or all elements of the system. The shared database in turn eliminates the problem of incompatibility between different systems and data formats. Further information:…

Kompleksowy system wspomagający organizację pracy w parkach narodowych, lasach miejskich i komunalnych oraz leśnych zakładach doświadczalnych, obejmujący swoim zakresem codzienne gospodarowanie w danej jednostce oraz specyficzne zadania wynikające z ochrony przyrody.

System LasInfo jest kompleksowym produktem składającym się z kilku powiązanych ze sobą aplikacji. Przeznaczony jest dla parków narodowych, lasów miejskich i komunalnych oraz leśnych zakładów doświadczalnych. Umożliwia on zarówno zarządzanie gruntami leśnymi oraz monitorowanie pozyskania i obrotu drewnem, jak również realizację zadań planu ochrony i monitoring przyrodniczy.

Rozwiązanie składa się z czterech podstawowych modułów: centralnej bazy danych, aplikacji LasInfo Klient, Aplikacji GIS oraz Rejestratora leśniczego. Pozwala to na skoordynowane zarządzanie takimi elementami jak ochrona przyrody, gospodarka leśna, dane przestrzenne i dane ewidencyjne. Możliwe jest dostosowanie rozwiązań do poszczególnych użytkowników poprzez wdrożenie tylko niektórych lub wszystkich elementów systemu. Wspólna baza danych eliminuje z kolei problem niezgodności pomiędzy różnymi systemami i formatami danych.…

Data warehouse collecting, processing and sharing information concerning forests of all ownership forms in Poland. Data Bank provides both descriptive and geo-referenced spatial data, through web portal and mobile app.

Forest Data Bank is a data warehouse collecting, processing and sharing information concerning forests of all ownership forms in Poland. It’s aims include also supporting scientific research, enabling analysis and forecasting of forest resources and promoting standards of collecting and processing of forest data.

Data Bank provides both descriptive and geo-referenced spatial data. Available data cover forest stand and statistical unit description, forecasting and additional information such as: forest protection, fire protection, nature conservation, environment monitoring, hydrology, climatology, geology, nature and forest regionalisation, forest functional areas, seed regionalisation and National Register of Boundaries.

Forest Data Bank could be accessed through web portal (which includes also reports, publications and maps) or mobile app (mBDL), which offers access to map resources and navigation. Main target group are foresters but it is also used for the purposes of spatial planning, science, public and international statistics, and tourism. It provides information not only at the central level, but also regional and local ones. Data Bank is covering about 95% of forests in Poland and there are more than 25 thou visitors on the BDL portal per month. Further information:… Video:

Hurtownia danych mająca na celu gromadzenie, przetwarzanie i udostępnianie informacji dotyczacych lasów wszystkich rodzajów własności w Polsce.

Bank Danych o Lasach jest hurtownią danych mającą na celu gromadzenie, przetwarzanie i udostepnianie informacji dotyczących lasów wszystkich typów własności w Polsce. Ponadto, wśród celów BDL znajduje się wspieranie badań naukowych, umożliwienie wykonywania analiz i prognozowania zasobów leśnych oraz promowanie standardów zbierania i przetwarzania danych o zasobach przyrodniczych.

W Banku Danych o Lasach dostepne są zarówno dane w formie opisowej jak i kartograficznej. Zakres dostepnych danych obejmuje dane taksacyjne i prognostyczne oraz dodatkowe dane dotyczące: ochrony lasów, ochrony przeciwpożarowej, ochrony przyrody, monitoringu środowiska, hydrologii, klimatologii, geologii, regionalizacji przyrodniczo–leśnej, leśnych obszarów funkcjonalnych, regionalizacji nasiennej, Państwego Rejestru Granic. Z BDL skorzystać można za pośrednictwem portalu internetowego (na którym znaleźć można także raporty, publikacje i mapy) oraz aplikacji mobilnej (mBDL), która oferuje dostęp do map i nawigacji.

Główną grupą odbiorców są leśnicy, ale Bank Danych o Lasach wykorzystywany jest również do celów planowania przestrzennego, nauki, statystyki publicznej i międzynarodowej, a także turystyki. System dostarcza danych na poziomie centralnym, regionalnym i lokalnym i obejmuje ok. 95% lasów w Polsce. Każdego miesiąca portal BDL odwiedza ponad 25 tys. użytkowników.… Video:

Innovative R&D project developing odor-based system (electronic nose) based on sensors with high sensitivity and AI to monitor selected, particularly dangerous forest pests.

The threat of forests by various harmful microorganisms is growing due to changing climate conditions and spreading of non-native pathogens and pests. Simultaneously the relevance of biological methods of monitoring and preventing forest degradation is increasing in the face of the chemical’s use restrictions. The main aim of the project is the development of an innovative device (electronic nose/ e-NOS), based on a matrix of broad-band electrochemical sensors and neural networks that would detect and analyse the odor-based signals e.g. pheromones of certain insect species. The examples of pathogens and pests addressed in the project include Dendrolimus Pini (L.) and Phytophthora oomycetes.

The developed system delivers comprehensive and complex information which allows to create a neural classifier (using artificial intelligence). The dedicated software was developed to perform the analysis of the data and create a database – library of signals, which will allow to detect the analytes sought in the field. For each application foreseen in the project (analysis of specific smells), dedicated sensory matrices were prepared. Further information:…

Innowacyjny projekt B+R, którego celem jest zbudowanie systemu rozpoznawania zapachów (elektronicznego nosa) opartego na sensorach o dużej czułości oraz sztucznej inteligencji, służącego do monitorowania wybranych szkodników lasów.

Postępujące zmiany klimatyczne oraz rozprzestrzenianie się nierodzimych gatunków są główną przyczyną rosnącego zagrożenia degradacji lasów spowodowanej przez różne patogeny i szkodniki. Jednocześnie, w związku z ograniczeniem stosowania środków chemicznych, zwiększa się znaczenie biologicznych metod ochrony i monitorowania drzewostanów. Głównym celem projektu jest rozwój innowacyjnego urządzenia (elektroniczny nos/e-NOS), opartego o szerokopasmowe czujniki elektrochemiczne i sieć neuronową, które wykrywa i analizuje sygnały zapachowe np. feromony wybranych gatunków owadów. Przykładami patogenów i szkodników branych pod uwagę przy rozwoju e-NOSa dla leśnictwa są Dendrolimus Pini (L.) and Phytophthora oomycetes.

Powstały system dostarcza kompleksowych i złożonych danych, które pozwalają na zbudowanie, za pomocą metod sztucznej inteligencji, klasyfikatora neuronów. Opracowane zostało oprogramowanie umożliwiające analizę danych i stworzenie bazy danych – biblioteki sygnałów, które umożliwiają wykrywanie poszukiwanych analitów w terenie. Dla każdej z aplikacji przewidzianej w projekcie (analizy specyficznych zapachów) stworzona została dedykowana matryca sensoryczna.…

Forest growth simulators are essential tools for assisting forest management decision making. sIMfLOR was developed to integrate forest growth simulations for the main tree species in Portugal under the same interface where input files and outputs present the same structure regardless of the species.

sIMfLOR is a platform that integrates several simulators developed for the main portuguese forests species. The platform aims to encourage users from research fields, managers and forest owners to make use of the forest growth and yield models available for the Portuguese tree species in a user-friendly way. Different stand and regional level simulators have been integrated in a common environment alongside with other tools. The platform has been developed and continuosly improved over the years under the scope of several EU projects. The platform combines several simulators integrating growth models for the most relevant tree species in Portugal: eucalypt, maritime and umbrella pines, cork and holm oaks. Within sIMfLOR, simulators are grouped under stand level simulators and wide-range simulators (StandsSIM) that cover simulations from stand to regional level. sIMfLOR platfrom can be freely downloaded from the FCTools website after registering. This will enable the use of SUBER and the management driven StandsSIM (, both these tools allow simulating new plantations, an existing single stand and multiple stands. The scenario driven version of StandsSIM (, former SIMPLOT) is only made available upon request. Further information:…

Os simuladores da dinâmica da floresta são ferramentas essenciais para apoio à gestão florestal. A plataforma sIMfLOR foi desenvolvida para integrar os modelos de crescimento para as principais espécies da floresta Portuguesa sob a mesma interface e de modo a que quer os ficheiros de entrada quer os de saída apresentassem a mesma estrutura independentemente da espécie a simular.

A sIMfLOR é uma plataforma que integra vários simuladores de crescimento para a floresta portuguesa que visa encorajar os utilizadores de áreas de investigação, gestores e proprietários florestais a utilizar modelos de crescimento e produção para as principais espécies florestais portuguesas: eucalipto, pinheiro-bravo, pinheiro-manso, sobreiro e azinheira. Na plataforma o utilizador encontra os modelos implementados em simuladores do povoamento e simuladores de larga escala (StandsSIM) desde um povoamento a uma região. Desenhada para permitir o acesso a diversas ferramentas num ambiente comum, a plataforma tem sido melhorada ao longo dos anos no âmbito de diversos projetos europeus. Na sIMfLOR, o utilizador encontra os simuladores agrupados em simuladores do povoamento e de larga escala aplicáveis a um povoamento ou a uma região. A plataforma sIMfLOR pode ser descarregada gratuitamente a partir do website FCTools após registo, o que permitirá ao utilizador usar o SUBER e o (versão do StandsSIM movida pela gestão) para simular o crescimento de uma nova plantação, de um povoamento existente ou vários. A versão, baseada em cenários (antigo SIMPLOT), apenas se disponibiliza mediante solicitação.…

Forscope is a prototype of an advanced planning system for forest biomass supply chain.

The Forscope is a prototype of an advanced planning system for forest biomass supply chain. It works as a digital marketplace for forest biomass, providing information on supply and demand for forest biomass for various types of users, biomass producers, biomass consumers and logistical suppliers of processing and transportation. It also allows the planning of the supply chain, i.e. it sequences the forest biomass splitting operations according to the available equipment fleet and their productivity, in order to minimize logistics costs and meet the supply contracts of the biomass plants. It can also provide the optimal transport routes and cost estimates with processing equipment, with transport equipment, thus allowing the management of an operations plan that can be monthly but also a daily management of operations. Further information:…

O Forscope é um protótipo de um sistema de planeamento avançado para a cadeia de abastecimento de biomassa florestal.

O Forscope é um protótipo de um sistema de planeamento avançado para a cadeia de abastecimento de biomassa florestal. Funciona como um mercado digital para a biomassa florestal, fornecendo informação sobre a oferta e procura de biomassa florestal para vários tipos de utilizadores, produtores de biomassa, consumidores de biomassa e fornecedores logísticos de processamento e transporte. Permite também o planeamento da cadeia de abastecimento, ou seja, sequencia as operações de recolha e processamento da biomassa florestal atendendo à disponibilidade dos equipamentos e a sua produtividade, de modo a minimizar os custos logísticos e cumprir os contratos de abastecimento às centrais. Pode também fornecer as melhores rotas de transporte e estimativas de custos operacionais, permitindo assim a gestão de um plano de operações que pode ser mensal mas também uma gestão diária das operações.…

Knowledge transfer platform for assisting forest owners in eucalypt' stands management

The project aimed at technical and scientific knowledge transfer encouraging the management of eucalypt plantations. A freely available user-friendly platform providing site specific prescriptions concerning the best silvicultural practices that takes edaphic, climatic and topographic characteristics into account was developed. In order to benefit from technical assistance, the forest owner has to be registered in the platform (trial-version available). First, he has to add his property by drawing it directly on Google Maps or importing a shapefile/KML. The next step will consist of property/forest characterization. Finally, has to specify if he wants to establish a new stand or maintain an existing one. After completed, a personalized technical prescription is immediately provided. The user can edit his list of properties or update the forests’ characteristics. When features are updated, the user can request for a revised technical prescription. A pdf file with the prescription can be downloaded or access can be directly granted to someone (e.g. forest manager). An additional feature allows users to consult possible restrictions of legal and/or environmental scope concerning forestry practices. This tool includes also an online library and other contents. By the end of 2021, the platform reached more than 43k visualizations, 10k users with 560 users registered in technical indications module; 3 patents were submitted.…

Plataforma de apoio técnico-científico à gestão de povoamentos de eucalipto

O projeto teve como objetivo a transferência de conhecimento visando incentivar a adoção de boas práticas de gestão de plantações de eucalipto. Neste âmbito foi desenvolvida uma plataforma gratuita e de fácil utilização capaz de fornecer indicações técnicas tendo em conta as características edafoclimáticas e topográficas locais. Para beneficiar da recomendação técnica, o utilizador tem de registar-se na plataforma (versão trial disponível para teste). Primeiro, precisa adicionar a sua propriedade delimitando-a no Google Maps ou importando um shapefile/KML. O passo seguinte consiste na caracterização da propriedade e ocupação (ex. idade, rotação, tipo de solo, topografia). Por fim, resta indicar se se trata de uma nova plantação ou da manutenção de um povoamento existente. Uma vez completados estes passos, a plataforma disponibiliza automaticamente uma prescrição técnica customizada em formato pdf. O utilizador pode acrescentar, eliminar ou editar as suas propriedades e solicitar uma nova prescrição técnica. Em alternativa, o utilizador pode conceder o acesso direto a terceiros (ex. a um gestor florestal). A plataforma permite, ainda, consultar possíveis restrições de âmbito legal e/ou ambiental relacionadas com a prática silvícola na propriedade. A plataforma inclui também uma biblioteca online, entre outros conteúdos. No final de 2021 contava com 3 patentes submetidas, mais de 43k visualizações e 10k utilizadores estando 560 registados no módulo de indicações técnicas.…

The "Melhor Eucalipto" project has the objective of communicating and sharing the best silvicultural practices for eucalyptus carried out by the pulp and paper industries and help improving management.

In 2015, eucalypt became the predominant tree species in Portugal and despite located in productive areas is often under insufficient/deficient management. The "Melhor Eucalipto" project, developed by CELPA, to promote good management practices for eucalypt stands through the organization of free roving Info Sessions to non-industrial private owners and the production of videos (~20) ( and printable leaflets (~10) to be distributed or downloaded from the site ( To emphasize the impact of good management, the project comprises two side-by-side demonstration areas continuously monitored: one following the current management practiced by non-industrial forest owners and the other following the best recommend practices. The project also integrates an operational extension, the Limpa e Aduba Program (PLA), which offers landowners who apply technical support and the fertilization of their eucalyptus plantations, if they meet the eligibility criteria. In return, the owners are obliged to manage fuels and/or correct stand densities, in order to reduce the risk of fire, increase productivity and income, while promoting forest management and certification. At the end of the 3rd PLA campaign, about 3,800 owners have already benefited, corresponding to an area of 33,100 ha, mostly in smallholding plots. Further information:…

O projecto "Melhor Eucalipto" surge com o objectivo de comunicar, partilhar e apoiar no terreno as boas práticas de silvicultura do eucalipto seguidas pela Indústria, contribuindo para uma melhoria da gestão do eucaliptal.

Em 2015, o eucalipto tornou-se a espécie florestal predominante em Portugal e embora localizado maioritariamente em áreas produtivas está frequentemente sob gestão insuficiente/deficiente. O projeto "Melhor Eucalipto", desenvolvido pela CELPA, visa promover boas práticas de gestão florestal através da organização de Sessões Informativas gratuitas e itinerantes direcionadas para proprietários privados não-industriais. No âmbito do projeto, têm-se produzido vídeos ( e folhetos ( para distribuir ou descarregar a partir do site. Para evidenciar o impacto da boa gestão, o projeto integra áreas de demonstração sob monitorização continua: uma em que se aplica a gestão praticada pelos proprietários florestais não-industriais e outra que segue as melhores práticas. O projeto possui uma extensão operacional, o Programa Limpa e Aduba (PLA), oferecendo aos proprietários que se candidatam, apoio técnico e a adubação dos eucaliptais desde que estes estejam de acordo com os critérios de elegibilidade. Em contrapartida, os proprietários ficam obrigados a gerir os combustíveis e/ou a corrigir a densidade pretendendo-se assim reduzir o risco de incêndio, aumentar a produtividade e rendimento, promovendo a gestão e certificação florestal.…

Small-size private-owned forest areas are common in Portugal in particular North of the Tagus River. Small patches of forest hinder proper forest management, often leading to increased unmanaged areas more prone to wildfires, pests and diseases. The Baixo Vouga Forest owners association has developed a program of forest area aggregation to tackle this problem by grouping of contiguous areas with the overall aim of facilitating management operations. This will consequently reduce the occurrence of hazards, improve and increase well-managed areas, increase return and motivate investment. To implement the program, at least 5 forest owners with at least 5 properties, summing-up no less than 10 hectares are rquired. Then a GPS-based inventory is carried out and a forest management plan is developed. The program is based on quota-based investments and revenues that will be distributed among those involved with the aim of increasing the engagement, motivation and appreciation of all the agents involved. So far, several areas have been aggregated covering different number of forest owners (e.g. Panasqueira, Águeda, 15 properties belonging to 12 forest owners were aggregated resulting in c.a. 11 thousand ha of forest planted and managed under the same forest management plan) and there are other, more ambitious, still ongoing (e.g. in Lavandeira, Vagos, 211 properties belonging to 138 forest owners were aggregated resulting in c.a. 73 thousand ha). Further information:…

Áreas florestais privadas de pequena dimensão são comuns em Portugal, em particular a norte do rio Tejo. Estas pequenas parcelas de floresta dificultam as atividades de gestão florestal adequadas, levando frequentemente ao aumento de áreas florestais não geridas, do risco de incêndio, de pragas e doenças. Para resolver o problema, a associação de proprietários florestais do Baixo Vouga desenvolveu um programa de agregação de áreas florestais. O programa promove o agrupamento de áreas contíguas com o objetivo de facilitar as operações de gestão florestal promovendo a redução do risco de incêndio, o aumento das áreas bem geridas, o retorno económico e o investimento florestal. Para ser implementado, o programa requer um número mínimo de 5 proprietários com pelo menos 5 propriedades, somando mais de 10 hectares. Segue-se um inventário baseado em GPS e o desenvolvimento do plano de gestão florestal. O investimento e as receitas são distribuídos entre os envolvidos com base em quotas com o objetivo de aumentar o envolvimento, motivação e apreciação de todos os agentes envolvidos. Até à data, já foram agregadas várias áreas envolvendo differentes números de proprietários (exº Panasqueira, Águeda, 15 propriedades de 12 proprietários florestais totalizando 11 mil ha de floresta plantada e gerida sob o mesmo plano de gestão), e outras áreas, com agregações mais ambiciosas, ainda em curso (exº Lavandeira, Vagos, 211 propriedades de 138 proprietários florestais totalizando 73 mil ha).…

Italy’s national consortium for the collection, recovery and recycling of wood packaging is a dynamic group of 2,000 companies, which transform wood, produce packaging, supply and import semi-finished packaging. The voluntary members include recycling companies, producers of boards, pulp, blocks, panels and pallets. The large network enables a competitive recycling market of up to 2 million tons of collected material annually.

The Rilegno network is a showcase of excellence in post-consumer wood waste and recycling logistics, maximizing the benefits of an integrated circular value chain and market approach for the entire wood and furniture sector. Highlights of innovative features:

- The collection network covers the entire territory with 419 private collection platforms serving the industrial and commercial sector.

- More than 4,500 municipalities representing over 42 million inhabitants have signed agreements for urban collection.

- 15 major panel producers recycle large volumes to supply board products to furniture and construction industries, amounting for about 3.2 million tons of released items.

- 63% of the material sent for recycling into boards comes mainly from wooden packaging such as pallets, crates for fruit and vegetables, boxes, cable reels, cork stoppers.

- In addition, 60 million items equal to 839,000 tons of regenerated pallets are returned to the market.

- The gained CO2 savings amount to around 1 million tons per year. The economic impact is around 1.4 million euros and 6,000 jobs. Further information:…

Il consorzio nazionale italiano per la raccolta, il recupero e il riciclaggio degli imballaggi in legno è un gruppo dinamico di 2.000 aziende che trasformano il legno, producono imballaggi, forniscono e importano imballaggi semilavorati. Tra i soci volontari ci sono aziende di riciclaggio, produttori di tavole, cellulosa, blocchi, pannelli e pallet.

Il network Rilegno è una vetrina d'eccellenza nella logistica dei rifiuti legnosi post-consumo e del riciclo, massimizzando i benefici di una catena del valore circolare integrata e di un approccio al mercato per l'intera filiera del legno e del mobile. In evidenza le caratteristiche innovative:

- La rete di raccolta copre l'intero territorio con 419 piattaforme di raccolta private che servono il settore industriale e commerciale.

- Più di 4.500 comuni che rappresentano oltre 42 milioni di abitanti hanno firmato accordi per la raccolta urbana.

- 15 grandi produttori di pannelli riciclano grandi volumi per fornire prodotti in cartone all'industria del mobile e dell'edilizia, pari a circa 3,2 milioni di tonnellate di materiale rilasciato.

- Il 63% del materiale inviato al riciclo in pannelli proviene principalmente da imballaggi in legno come pallet, cassette per frutta e verdura, scatole, avvolgicavi, tappi di sughero.

- Inoltre, vengono restituiti al mercato 60 milioni di pezzi pari a 839.000 tonnellate di pallet rigenerati.

- Il risparmio di CO2 ottenuto ammonta a circa 1 milione di tonnellate all'anno. L'impatto economico è di circa 1,4 milioni di euro e 6.000 posti di lavoro.…

High end X-ray technology applied to optimize resource efficiency and value added in sawmills

Goldeneye 300 Multi-Sensor Quality Scanner reliably recognizes wood defects, selects according to strength classes and classifies the wood precisely. The optimization results according to parting and sorting, responding to quality requirements. Goldeneye 300 Multi-Sensor Quality Scanner consists of modules with a color, laser and X-ray scanner to accurately classify wood defects. Goldeneye 300 is connected with the trimming saw and the miter saw to obtain the maximum yield. Further information:…

Tecnologia a raggi X applicata al settore delle segherie

Goldeneye 300 Multi-Sensor Quality Scanner riconosce difetti del legno in modo affidabile, seleziona a seconda delle classi di resistenza e classifica il legno in modo preciso. L'ottimizzazione risulta secondo troncatura e selezionamento, rispondendo alle esigenze di qualità. Goldeneye 300 Multi-Sensor Quality Scanner consiste di moduli con uno scanner a colori, laser e raggi X per classificare esattamente i difetti del legno. Goldeneye 300 è connesso con la sega refilatrice e la troncatrice per ottenere la massima resa.…

A platform where EUTR operators find utility tools for the Due Diligence

The portal LegnOk is based on the due diligence systems created by ConLegno and sealed by the UE. The portal is a flexible tool that offers the possibility to be guided while doing the three phases 3 (Access to the informations. Risk analysis, eventual risk mitigation) of the due diligence. The operator completes the entire process within the portal framework and can print and use the printed report from it (report of the risk analysis) to state the process underwent by the operator. This report identify all the informative sources used in and by the system and can be provided to the authority whether a control or an audit happens. Further information:

Il Portale Legnokweb si basa sul Sistema proprietario di Due diligence messo a punto da Conlegno e riconosciuto dalla Commissione europea. Il Portale è uno strumento flessibile che offre la possibilità di effettuare in modo guidato le tre fasi (Accesso alle Informazioni, Analisi del Rischio, eventuale Mitigazione del Rischio) della Due Diligence. L’Operatore che completa il processo all’interno del Portale può avvalersi dello stampato riassuntivo (Report Analisi del Rischio) per attestare il percorso che ha seguito per la propria Dovuta Diligenza. Tale Report indica le fonti informative utilizzate dal Sistema e può essere archiviato ed eventualmente consegnato all’Autorità Competente in caso di controllo.

The project aims at testing the application of Blockchain technology in the frame of a PEFC certified supply chain. The solution can be applied both as part of the obligations of Due Diligence and in the PEFC Chain of Custody management.

The efficiency, security and inviolability of the blockchain system support forest certification and the forest-wood supply chain with a view to "ensuring certainty and informing according to truth". The Woodchain project involves, together with PEFC Italy and PEFC France, various Turin and Val di Susa realities: Replant Srl, Foodchain spa, La Foresta, Alta Val Susa forest consortium, F. Roche sas, Silva cooperative company and Kaboom Srl.

The purpose of the study is to test the application of blockchain technology as an innovative IT (information technology) solution for forestry and wood applications. This technology allows you to create and manage a large distributed database for managing transactions shared between multiple nodes on a network. The nodes represent the users or entities participating in the network, which contribute to the constitution of the actual blocks, each containing multiple transactions, connected together in the network, which allow decentralization and participation in the management of information and data.

Specifically, the project's objective is to strengthen trust and traceability along value chains, create an efficient and accessible sustainable forest management certification, and encourage the evolution of certification, data collection and impact measurement processes. Further information:…

Il progetto punta all'applicazione della tecnologia block chain alla catena di custodia e alla dovuta diligenza del mercato del legno

L’efficienza, la sicurezza e l’inviolabilità del sistema della blockchain vengono a sostegno della certificazione forestale e della filiera bosco-legno in ottica di “assicurare certezza e informare secondo verità”. Il progetto Woodchain vede coinvolte, insieme al PEFC Italia e PEFC Francia, diverse realtà torinesi e della Val di Susa: Replant Srl, Foodchain spa, La Foresta, Consorzio forestale Alta Val Susa, F. Roche sas, Società cooperativa Silva e Kaboom Srl.

Lo scopo dello studio è quello di testare l’applicazione della tecnologia blockchain come innovativa soluzione IT (information technology) per le applicazioni forestali e del legno. Questa tecnologia permette di creare e gestire un grande database distribuito per la gestione di transazioni condivise tra più nodi di una rete. I nodi rappresentano gli utenti o enti che partecipano alla rete, i quali concorrono alla costituzione dei blocchi veri e propri, contenenti più transazioni ciascuno, collegati tra loro in rete, che permettono la decentralizzazione e la partecipazione nella gestione delle informazioni e dei dati.

Nella fattispecie, obiettivo del progetto è rafforzare la fiducia e la tracciabilità lungo le catene del valore, creare una certificazione di gestione forestale sostenibile efficiente ed accessibile, e favorire l’evolversi dei processi di certificazione, raccolta dati e misurazione dell’impatto.…

This site contains information and training resources to help forest owners get to know and maintain the forest better, to preserve and enhance the natural wealth of a wooded heritage, and to learn about the various administrative procedures involved in managing a forest.

The platform "Je me forme pour mes bois" was initiated by CNPF in association with Fransylva and the training program FOGEFOR. The aim is to provide online pedagogical content and a training offer (field workshops, day events, videos, etc) to the forest owners and forest teachers. The pedagogical content is divided by themes, in order to cover all the tasks that forest owners must go through: assess the forest production potential, protect it and manage it via cuttings and other forestry works, sell wood, develop new services in the forest, carry out administrative tasks. The content is also divided into three levels of difficulty, depending on the user's profile and experience with forest ("discover", "learn", and "take action"). The site also contains videos and forest owners interview videos, as well as additional resources (books, journals, etc) to go further on certain topics. Further information:…

Ce site contient des informations et des ressources d'éducation pour aider les propriétaires forestiers à mieux connaître et entretenir leur forêt, préserver et accroître le capital naturel d'un héritage forestier, et acquérir des connaissances sur les diverses procédures administratives impliquées dans la gestion d'une forêt.

La plateforme "Je me forme pour mes bois" a été initiée par le CNPF en partenariat avec Fransylva et le dispositif de formation FOGEFOR. L'objectif est de fournir du contenu pédagogique en ligne et une offre de formation (stages de terrain, journées à thème, vidéos, etc) destinés aux propriétaires et enseignants forestiers. Le contenu pédagogique est regroupé par thèmes, afin d'avoir une vision d’ensemble de toutes les missions du propriétaire forestier : déterminer le potentiel de production de sa forêt, l’entretenir par des coupes et travaux, vendre du bois, protéger sa forêt et développer d’autres productions ou services, réaliser les démarches administratives. Le contenu est également classé en trois niveaux de technicité selon le profil et l'expérience des utilisateurs ("je découvre", "j'apprends", "je réalise"). Le site contient également des vidéos témoignages de propriétaires, et des ressources complémentaires (ouvrages, revues,...) afin d'approfondir certains points.…

The Extrafor project aims to reduce the drudgery of logging by creating an exoskeleton adapted to the needs of manual logging.

The mechanization rate for harvesting hardwood stands is only 10% and mechanization in silviculture is very limited. Many operators report musculoskeletal disorders.The use of exoskeletons in the forest would make it possible to assist the operators in their work, it would make their task easier while aiming to preserve their health, without of course compromising their safety. It is a hybrid solution that combines the acuity of manual work with the strength and endurance of a machine, while obviously remaining affordable. Equipping field workers with ergonomic exoskeletons, adapted to work in the forest is an intermediate and complementary solution between mechanisation and manual work, allowing the unblocking of certain difficult situations. Seeking to increase human capacity instead of replacing it is also a way of meeting the various expectations of citizens (maintaining jobs in rural areas, social acceptability of forest sites) and of enhancing the value of work in the forest (and the sector) by promoting this type of initiative. Further information:

Le projet Extrafor a pour objectif de réduire la pénibilité du travail de bûcheron en créant un exosquelette adapté aux besoins de l'exploitation manuelle.

Le taux de mécanisation pour la récolte des peuplements de feuillus n'est que de 10 % et la mécanisation en sylviculture est très limitée. L'utilisation d'exosquelettes en forêt permettrait d'assister l'opérateur dans son travail, de lui faciliter la tâche tout en visant à préserver sa santé, sans bien sûr remettre en cause sa sécurité. Il s'agit d'une solution hybride qui combine l'acuité du travail manuel avec la force et l'endurance d'une machine, tout en restant évidemment abordable. Doter le personnel de terrain d'exosquelettes ergonomiques, adaptés au travail en forêt, est une solution intermédiaire et complémentaire entre la mécanisation et le travail manuel, permettant de débloquer certaines situations difficiles. Chercher à augmenter la capacité humaine au lieu de la remplacer est aussi un moyen de répondre aux différentes attentes des citoyens (maintien des emplois en milieu rural, acceptabilité sociale des sites forestiers) et de valoriser le travail en forêt (et le secteur) en favorisant ce type d'initiatives.

The objective of the project is to provide a set of tools adapted to the needs of very small forestry and logging companies. ForLog is a forest site management software connected to a remote database accessible via the web. The software allows structured messages to be sent to field teams (mission orders) and customers (sales slips). A mobile application on a smartphone allows to enter data concerning construction site activities. The service offer is proposed to companies in the form of a subscription.

It is an innovative solution to improve the quality of silviculture and forestry operations accessible to very small, poorly computerized companies, and a solution that enhances the possibilities offered by the web, mobile Internet, computerized mapping.

All operations concerning the commercial (estimates, invoices), administrative (site declarations), operational (site maps, digitisation of exchanges between operators and site managers) and financial (site balance sheets) management of the sites are proposed by ForLog, which is an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) adapted to the organisation of very small forest companies. The objective of the tool is to limit the time spent on site management and improve the economic performance of forest companies. User feedback highlights:

- Easy handling of the tool;

- Time saved during administrative tasks;

- Ability to quickly access summary data on team activities (working hours, productivity, progress);

- Significant savings in travel time to access construction sites and locate boundaries;

- Improvement of the company's image towards its partners. Further information:

eMOBOIS is a platform facilitating the exchange of information between companies in the forest paper industry: forest contractors, wood buyers, transporters, sawmills, paper mills, other wood customers. It is based on the standardization of the data and IT language.

The use of IT tools is increasing in companies in the Forest-Wood sector. This computerisation goes hand in hand with an increased need for digital data. In this context, eMOBOIS offers a framework to facilitate the linking of IT systems belonging to each company, without interfering with their internal management processes. The founding element of the project is the standardisation of data and data exchange. The objective of eMOBOIS is therefore to facilitate the exchange of information between two companies involved in the wood procurement process. The use of a common language when exchanging information is proposed to avoid multiplying the development of computer interfaces. eMOBOIS focuses on the transaction of data from one company to another. There is no interference in companies' IT choices or in the processing of data by companies. The approach is compatible with the diversity of IT solutions encountered. The main benefits are time-efficiency, safety and reliability, a better productivity and communication between the stakeholders, and also a real-time update of the stocks. Further information:…

eMOBOIS est une plateforme facilitant l'échange d'informations entre les entreprises de l'industrie forestière et papetière : entrepreneurs forestiers, acheteurs de bois, transporteurs, scieries, papeteries, autres clients du bois. Elle est basée sur la standardisation des données et des languages informatiques.

Les outils informatiques se développent de plus en plus dans les entreprises de la filière Forêt-Bois. Cette informatisation s’accompagne d’un besoin accru de données numériques. Dans ce contexte, eMOBOIS propose un cadre pour faciliter la mise en relation des systèmes informatiques. L’élément fondateur du projet est la standardisation des données et des échanges de données. L’objectif d’eMOBOIS est donc de faciliter les échanges d’information entre deux entreprises impliquées dans le processus d’approvisionnement des bois. L’utilisation au moment de l’échange d’un langage commun est proposée pour éviter de multiplier le développement d’interfaces informatiques. eMOBOIS se concentre sur la transaction de données d’une entreprise vers une autre. Il n’y a pas d’ingérence dans les choix informatiques des entreprises ni dans le traitement des données par les entreprises. La démarche est compatible avec la diversité des solutions informatiques rencontrée. Les avantages principaux sont un gain de temps considérable, une meilleure sécurité et fiabilité des échanges, une communication plus facile entre les acteurs, ainsi qu'une mise à jour en temps réel des stocks.…

RESOFOP (Observation Network for the Private Forest economy) is a national network that conducts surveys for forest owners, to get a refined knowledge on how they perceive their forest as well as the issue of climate change. The objective is also to identify what can be done to better adapt forest management to the changing climate. A national report is published each year.

Private foresters had a lot of quantitative data thanks to the data accumulated by the National Forest Inventory for more than 20 years, as well as information on the structure of the private forest thanks to the Ministry of Agriculture's survey in 1999. But they did not take into account the behaviour of forest owners. In 2009, the network for observing the behaviour of forest owners was launched by the CNPF and Fransylva, with the financial support of France Bois Forêt. The objective is to collect new information on the behaviour of forest owners, particularly regarding the management of their forests according to their forest area and the region where they live. In the surveys, the same behavioural trends of forest owners appear: sentimental attachment to their wood, environmental responsibility, heritage to be valued and source of economic income.

The main outcomes include so far:

Surveys carried out by telephone to owners of more than 4ha of wood cadastral land with a duration of 15min

2500 people interviewed throughout France during the surveys

Other surveys for specific studies at a more regional level (risk perception, climate change,...).

The results of the surveys make it possible to create new management tools for forest owners and new distribution media. Further information:

Le RESOFOP (RESeau d'Observation économique de la FOrêt Privée) est un réseau national qui réalise des sondages et enquêtes auprès des propriétaires forestiers, afin de mieux connaitre leur perception de leur forêt ainsi que leur attitude face au changement climatique.

Les propriétaires forestiers disposaient de nombreuses données quantitatives grâce aux données recueillies par l'Inventaire Forestier National depuis plus de 20 ans, ainsi que d'informations sur la structure de la forêt privée grâce à l'enquête du ministère de l'Agriculture effectuée en 1999. Cependant, ces études ne prenaient pas en compte le comportement des propriétaires forestiers. En 2009, le réseau d'observation du comportement des propriétaires forestiers a été lancé par le CNPF et Fransylva, avec le soutien financier de France Bois Forêt. L'objectif est de collecter de nouvelles informations sur le comportement des propriétaires forestiers.

Dans les enquêtes, les mêmes tendances comportementales des propriétaires forestiers apparaissent: attachement sentimental à leur bois, responsabilité environnementale, patrimoine à valoriser et source de revenus économiques.

- Enquêtes réalisées par téléphone auprès des propriétaires de plus de 4ha de bois cadastrés, d'une durée de 15min environ

- 2500 personnes interrogées dans toute la France lors des enquêtes

- Autres enquêtes pour des études spécifiques à un niveau plus régional.

- Les résultats des enquêtes permettent de créer de nouveaux outils de gestion pour les propriétaires forestiers et de nouveaux supports de diffusion.…

The platform "La forêt bouge" was created by CNPF to help forest owners know their forest better and be empowered in its management. The services that are proposed are free to use and allow better wood mobilization.

The aim of the project is to propose a simple tool, free to use, with adapted services for the novice forest owners and allow the mobilization of wood from small private forests. Professionals in the forest and wood sector will also be able to access this tool in order to find information on the legislation and manage forest worksites by completing online procedures. The tool is used to facilitate forest management between forest owners and enterprises. Owners can locate their forest plots on an online map with a cadastre and then describe their stand using a question and answer system. They can also contact neighbouring owners using a form. An owner can request a quote online for forestry work from information on their stands. Professionals have the possibility to carry out their administrative procedures online. The owner follows the progress of his forest worksite on the platform. The module for estimating wood prices has an educational purpose in order to explain price formation. Finally it is possible to access a directory of professionals and publish an ad to sell or buy plots. All these services are on a national scale, but specific and regional information is provided to the forest owner. At the end of 2020, more than 3300 accounts had been created. Further information:… Video:

Le CNPF a créé la plateforme LaForetBouge afin de permettre aux propriétaires de se réappropier la gestion de leur bois, et de gagner en autonomie.

Le but de ce projet et de proposer un outil simple d’utilisation, gratuit, avec des services adaptés aux propriétaires forestiers novices, et de permettre la mobilisation des bois venant de petites parcelles de forêt privée. Les professionnels de la forêt et du bois pourront aussi accéder à cet outil pour trouver des informations sur la législation et gérer les travaux forestiers en complétant des procédures en ligne. Cet outil facilite la gestion forestière pour les propriétaires et les entreprises. Les propriétaires peuvent localiser leurs parcelles sur une carte numérique avec un cadastre et décrire leur station en utilisant un système de questions-réponses. Ils peuvent également contacter les propriétaires voisins grâce à un formulaire. Le propriétaire a également la possibilité de demander un devis en ligne pour des travaux forestiers, à partir des informations disponibles sur ses parcelles. Les professionnels ont la possibilité de réaliser leurs procédures administratives en ligne. Le propriétaire suit le progrès des travaux forestiers à partir de la plateforme. Le module d’estimation des prix du bois possède une visée pédagogique, afin d’expliquer l’établissement du prix. Enfin, il est possible d’accéder à un annuaire de professionnels, publier une annonce pour acheter ou vendre des parcelles. Tous ces services sont proposés à l'échelle nationale, et chaque propriétaire reçoit des informations spécifiques à sa région.… Video:

Climafor is a method and a software under development that allows the comparison of carbon balances from two silvicultural itineraries. It takes into account carbon sequestration in the forest, storage in wood products and the substitution effects generated by the use of wood (material or energy).

Taking into account the carbon issue in forest management is becoming more and more important in France, giving rise to research and development projects. The Climafor software responds to a challenge: to make carbon calculations easier to access and less time consuming. The data sources used (production tables, calculation coefficients) are now well known. Climafor integrates them into a single tool, which does not require any special training. The calculations are instantaneous and the results can be used directly in a forest carbon project. The calculations made by the software are based on production tables for each species and different coefficients from research. The software will be continuously improved by updating the different parameters and adding new tables. For the moment, it is being developed by the IDF (Institute of Forestry Development), the R&D branch of the CNPF. Further information:… Video:

Climafor est une méthode de calcul de bilan carbone et un logiciel en cours de développement. Il permet de comparer les bilans carbone de deux itinéraires sylvicoles. Il tient compte de la séquestration de carbone par la forêt, le stockage dans le matériau bois et les effets de substitution découlant de l'usage du matériau/énergie provenant du bois plutôt que de sources fossiles.

La prise en compte de l'enjeu carbone dans la gestion forestière prend de plus en plus d'ampleur en France, donnant lieu à des projets de recherche et de développement. Le logiciel Climafor répond à une difficulté: rendre les calculs carbone plus facile d'accès et moins chronophages. Les sources de données utilisées (tables de production, coefficients de calcul) sont aujourd'hui bien connues. Climafor les intègre en un seul outil, qui ne nécessite pas de formation particulière. Les calculs sont instantanés et les résultats utilisables directement dans un projet carbone forestier. Les calculs effectués par le logiciel s'appuient sur des tables de production pour chaque essence et différents coefficients issus de la recherche. Le logiciel sera en amélioration continue par actualisation des différents paramètres et ajout de nouvelles tables. Pour le moment, il est en cours de développement par l'IDF (institut du développement forestier), la branche R&D du CNPF. Video:

Cross-Forest is developing a common platform for open forest data, and a cross-border data model (ontology) shared between Portugal and Spain, for the publication of forest inventories, maps and other forest databases in Linked Open Data format (LOD). Cross-Forest will provide a public endpoint exposing Forest Data, according to the produced model. The main goal is focused on keeping forest information always available and updated, to make exploitation easier for all stakeholders involved in forest management and research.

Two use cases are being developed:

CAMBRIC - to estimate the evolution of forests and wood quality, under different management scenarios

FRAME - to predict forest fires behavior and spreading through precise information on combustible materials, forestry maps and propagation models.

High Performance Computing (HPC) resources are employed due to the amount of data generated and managed, and to the complexity of the models.

Results so far show the usefulness and versatility provided by LOD technology, as It allows users to freely access and manage updated data to develop tools adapted to their needs and purposes. Publishing data as LOD allows Public Administrations to easily fulfil their requirements of transparence and publicity, optimize resources and keep a statistic control of the use of public data. Further information:…

Cross-Forest está desarrollando una plataforma común de datos forestales abiertos y un modelo de datos transfronterizo (ontología) compartido entre Portugal y España, para la publicación de inventarios forestales, mapas y otras bases de datos forestales en formato Linked Open Data (LOD). Cross-Forest proporcionará un repositorio público (endpoint) de publicación de Datos Forestales según el modelo producido. El objetivo principal se centra en mantener la información forestal siempre disponible y actualizada para facilitar su explotación a todos los agentes implicados en la gestión e investigación forestal.

Se están desarrollando dos casos de uso:

CAMBRIC - orientado a simular la evolución de las masas forestales y la calidad de la madera en distintos escenarios de gestión forestal.

FRAME – enfocado a la predicción del comportamiento y propagación de los incendios forestales a través de información precisa sobre materiales combustibles, mapas forestales y modelos de propagación.

Se emplean recursos de computación de alto rendimiento (HPC) debido a la cantidad de datos generados y gestionados, y a la complejidad de los modelos.

Los resultados obtenidos hasta ahora demuestran la utilidad y versatilidad que proporciona la tecnología LOD, ya que permite a los usuarios acceder y gestionar libremente datos actualizados para desarrollar herramientas adaptadas a sus necesidades y propósitos. Más información:…

The objective of the ChainWood project is to design and develop a secure software infrastructure based on blockchain and Internet of Things technologies, adjusted to all wood supply chains, allowing the different actors to make the most of their data and manage the product in a more efficient way in terms of cost, traceability and sustainability. The main solutions to problems detected are: transaction assurance, Real-time trusted information, Semi-automation of the operation, Accessible quality data, Improved competition.


For producers: Real-time information on the volume and status of the product.

For the processing industry: Access to a huge source of raw material data that will allow them to optimize their supply processes and streamline the management of their operations.

For operating companies: Transparency and assurance in transactions, making the most of today's technology.

For control authorities: Cost reduction in auditing and control processes, as well as a more precise knowledge of supply chains.

For logistics companies: Information that will enable them to optimize their fleet and provide services more efficiently.

For public administrations: Easier access to timber data, allowing a more agile and efficient management of the processes they supervise. Further information:…

El objetivo del proyecto ChainWood es diseñar y desarrollar una infraestructura de software segura basada en tecnologías blockchain y de Internet de las cosas, ajustada a todas las cadenas de suministro de la madera, que permita a los distintos actores sacar el máximo partido a sus datos y gestionar el producto de una forma más eficiente en términos de coste, trazabilidad y sostenibilidad.

Las principales soluciones a problemas detectados son: Garantía en las transacciones, Información de confianza en tiempo real, Semiautomatización de la operación, Datos de calidad accesibles, Mejora de la competencia.


Para los productores:

Información en tiempo real sobre el volumen y el estado del producto.

Para la industria transformadora:

Acceso a una enorme fuente de datos sobre la materia prima que les permitirá optimizar sus procesos de suministro y agilizar la gestión de sus operaciones.

Para las empresas de explotación:

Transparencia y garantía en las transacciones, sacando el máximo partido a la tecnología actual.

Para las autoridades de control:

Reducción de costes en los procesos de auditoría y control, así como un conocimiento más preciso de las cadenas de suministro.

Para las empresas logísticas:

Información que les permitirá optimizar su flota y prestar servicios de manera más eficiente.

Para las administraciones públicas:

Mayor facilidad de acceso a los datos sobre la madera permitiendo una gestión más ágil y eficiente de los procesos que supervisa. Más información:…

C.A.F.E. determines the optimum silvicultural activities to manage multiple products, goods and services such as biomass production, C2 sequestration, fire risk, water provisioning , climatic resilience or biodiversity, for a selected solution.

This tool determines the optimum silvicultural activities to manage multiple products, goods and services which are simultaneously quantified in time and space for a selected solution. Main advantages include:

- Changing the mono-objective approach in order to include a group of ecosystem goods and services.

- Improving the economic performance of low productive areas by quantifying and valorising other resources.

- Holistic optimization of multiple goods and services out of forest management.

- Adequacy to the specific characteristics of each site.

- Multi-scalar results.

C.A.F.E. is a tool that combines eco-hydrologic dynamic simulation with many-criteria optimization, where the user can carry out forest management according to more than one product at the same time, and choose the relevance of each objective/product. This software is capable of working under different climatic regions thanks to the previous calibration of the eco-hydrological simulation. Furthermore, it is possible to modify the spatial scale moving from plot to catchment, integrating a strong biophysical unit. In the same way, simulating different climatic scenarios is also possible. The result is a group of possible solutions among which forest manager can decide and apply. Further information:…

El C.A.F.E. determina las actividades silvícolas óptimas para gestionar múltiples productos, bienes y servicios como la producción de biomasa, el secuestro de C2, el riesgo de incendios, la provisión de agua, la resiliencia climática o la biodiversidad, para una solución seleccionada.

Esta herramienta determina las actividades silvícolas óptimas para gestionar múltiples productos, bienes y servicios que se cuantifican simultáneamente en el tiempo y el espacio para una solución seleccionada. Principales ventajas:

- Cambiar el enfoque monoobjetivo para incluir un grupo de bienes y servicios ecosistémicos.

- Mejora del rendimiento económico de las zonas poco productivas.

- Optimización holística de los múltiples bienes y servicios de la gestión forestal.

- Adecuación a las características específicas de cada lugar.

- Resultados multiescalares (parcela, unidad de trabajo forestal, cuenca, etc.).

C.A.F.E. es una herramienta que combina la simulación dinámica ecohidrológica con la optimización multicriterio, donde el usuario puede realizar la gestión forestal en función de más de un producto al mismo tiempo, y elegir la relevancia de cada objetivo/producto. Este software es capaz de trabajar bajo diferentes regiones climáticas gracias a la calibración previa de la simulación ecohidrológica. Además, es posible modificar la escala espacial pasando de la parcela a la cuenca, integrando una fuerte unidad biofísica. Del mismo modo, también es posible simular diferentes escenarios climáticos. Más información:…

Juntos por los Bosques' (Together for the Forests) is a non-profit platform formed by more than 100 Spanish forestry entities have come together to develop a vision of what their forests mean, of the wealth that in many ways they can contribute to society and to define proposals for primary action to be sent to all political formations with parliamentary representation and to the Government, among others. Since its creation in 2016 'Juntos por los Bosques', with the impulse of COIM (Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Montes, Official Professional Association of Forestry Engineers) has met with political representatives of the Government and political parties.

'Juntos por los Bosques' aims to strengthen the social architecture of the sector to unite its voice towards the public authorities and society as a whole. The long-term nature of forest management makes it easier to identify common objectives, including raising the level of social debate and building broad consensus and complicity. For the first time it has been possible to bring together practically the whole of the country's forestry civil society, from private and municipal property, which accounts for 95% of the forest territory, to service companies, wood, paper, cork, resin, biomass and other forest products industries, certification, professional organizations, academia, cultural entities, research and forestry training centres, among others. Further information:…

Juntos por los Bosques es una plataforma sin ánimo de lucro formada por más de 100 entidades forestales españolas se han unido para elaborar una visión de lo que suponen sus bosques, de la riqueza que en muchos sentidos pueden aportar a la sociedad y para definir propuestas de actuación primordiales para ser enviadas a todas las formaciones políticas con representación parlamentaria y al Gobierno, entre otros. Desde su creación en 2016 Juntos por los Bosques, con el impulso del COIM (Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Montes) se ha reunido con representantes políticos del Gobierno y los partidos políticos.

Juntos por los Bosques tiene como objetivo fortalecer la arquitectura social del sector para unir su voz ante los poderes públicos y la sociedad en su conjunto. El largo plazo intrínseco a la gestión forestal facilita identificar objetivos comunes entre los que destaca elevar el nivel del debate social y construir amplios consensos y complicidades.

Por primera vez se ha conseguido aglutinar a la práctica totalidad de la sociedad civil forestal del país, desde la propiedad privada y municipal que supone el 95% del territorio forestal, pasando por las empresas de servicios, industrias de la madera, papel, corcho, resina, biomasa y demás productos forestales, de certificación, organizaciones profesionales, mundo académico, entidades culturales, centros de investigación y formación forestal entre otros. Más información:…

The general objective of the Prominifun operational group is the recovery, enhancement and revitalization of smallholding areas in rural forestry through the development of innovative solutions in land management to solve the problems resulting from land abandonment. This project arises from the need to solve the problem of land abandonment in small forest areas that cannot be cultivated under remunerative conditions.

Prominifun aims to develop a project to solve the problem of the valorization of small forest plots, as well as the abandonment of the territory in general and its consequences, such as the recurrence of forest fires and the loss of biodiversity. The solutions will be based on 3 pillars: efficiency, innovation and research, through the analysis of the structure of the property and its productive potential, and the management of abandoned areas and unknown property.

Therefore, the more specific objectives of the Operational Group are as follows:

- Promote a resource-efficient, economically viable, productive and competitive agriculture and forestry sector; low in emissions; climate-friendly and resilient to climate change; that works towards environmentally friendly production systems and in harmony with the essential natural resources on which agriculture and forestry depend.

- Create added value through a closer relationship between research and agricultural and forestry practices, encouraging greater use of available knowledge.

- Promote faster, more rapid and more widespread practical application of innovative solutions. Further information:…

El objetivo general del grupo operativo Prominifun es la recuperación, puesta en valor y dinamización de las áreas de minifundio en el medio rural forestal mediante el desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras en la gestión del territorio que permitan solucionar los problemas derivados del abandono del mismo. Este proyecto surge de la necesidad de resolver el problema del abandono de tierras en las superficies forestales que tienen reducido tamaño, y que no pueden ser cultivadas en condiciones remuneradoras.

Prominifun tiene como objetivo desarrollar un proyecto para solucionar el problema de la valorización de parcelas forestales de pequeño tamaño, además del abandono del territorio en general y de sus consecuencias, como la reiteración de incendios forestales y la pérdida de biodiversidad. Las soluciones girarán en torno a 3 pilares: eficiencia, innovación e investigación.

Por lo tanto, los objetivos más específicos del Grupo Operativo son los siguientes:

- Promover un sector agrícola y forestal que utilice eficientemente los recursos, que sea económicamente viable, productivo y competitivo; que tenga un escaso nivel de emisiones; que sea respetuoso con el clima y resistente a los cambios climáticos; que trabaje hacia sistemas de producción ecológica y en armonía con los recursos naturales esenciales de los que dependen la agricultura y la silvicultura.

- Crear valor añadido a través de una relación más estrecha entre investigación y prácticas agrícolas y forestales, fomentando un mayor uso del conocimiento disponible.

- Promover una aplicación práctica más rápida e implantada de soluciones innovadoras. Más información:…

This project has created an updated cartography of the main forest species in La Rioja, collecting data such as the volume of wood, tree heights and vegetation structure for every 25x25m of land, with a very high level of resolution.

The Forest-LidaRioja operational group has been formed with the aim of developing a forest inventory and a fuel model map of La Rioja using remote sensing technologies. Among the main practical utilities, we can highlight the importance for improving sustainable forest management, since with accurate and updated data, better decisions can be made and actions in forest areas can be better planned. This project has allowed the development of methodologies and processes for the integration of different sources of information. These methods are supported by the development of algorithms that correlate by statistical methods precise terrain data with LiDAR data, requiring the realization of very well calibrated forest plots and measurements located with sub-meter precision in strategic points for each forest species and working area.

The main results of the Forest-LidaRioja Project are:

- Forest inventory of the forests of La Rioja.

- Mapping of fuel models of the forest area of La Rioja to plan preventive forest fire prevention work.

- Study of the evolution of poplar groves in the region and their supply potential.

- Technical training on the products generated for professionals interested in their practical use.

The products generated are open to the public so that anyone can download and use them. Further information:…

Este proyecto ha creado una cartografía actualizada de las principales especies forestales de La Rioja, recogiendo datos como el volumen de madera, las alturas de los árboles y la estructura de la vegetación para cada 25x25m de terreno, con un nivel de resolución muy alto.

El grupo operativo Forest-LidaRioja se ha constituido con el objetivo de desarrollar un inventario forestal y un mapa de modelos de combustible de La Rioja utilizando tecnologías de teledetección.

Entre las principales utilidades prácticas, destaca la importancia para la mejora de la gestión forestal sostenible, ya que con datos precisos y actualizados se pueden tomar mejores decisiones y planificar mejor las actuaciones en las zonas forestales.

Este proyecto ha permitido el desarrollo de metodologías y procesos para la integración de diferentes fuentes de información. Estos métodos se apoyan en el desarrollo de algoritmos que correlacionan por métodos estadísticos los datos precisos del terreno con los datos LiDAR.

Los principales resultados del Proyecto Forestal-LidaRioja son:

- Inventario forestal de los bosques de La Rioja.

- Cartografía de modelos de combustible de la zona forestal de La Rioja.

- Estudio de la evolución de las choperas de la región y su potencial de abastecimiento.

- Formación técnica sobre los productos generados para los profesionales interesados en su uso práctico.

Los productos generados están abiertos al público para que cualquier persona pueda descargarlos y utilizarlos. Más información:…

SISREP is a project that has developed an advanced statistical model that allows predictive and descriptive analyses to be carried out using a forestation survival prediction tool to ensure the success of new plantations. SISREP is based on the use of knowledge from historical in-situ visits to predict the probability of success of future plantations using machine learning techniques, and on a database with more than 50,000 observations referring to forestations carried out from 1993 to the present day.

The main objective of SISREP is to make use of the information obtained during inspections in the framework of aid for afforestation and the creation of forest areas in Castilla y León in order to:

- Use of the information obtained in the field for the management of the controlled files.

- Creation of a centralised and geo-referenced database with information on the state of plantations.

- To be able to predict, by means of artificial intelligence techniques, the success of future plantations.

- With the knowledge extracted, review and improve the planning of future actions, allowing the implementation of the most appropriate technical conditions for the new environmental circumstances.

To this end, an infrastructure has been designed and implemented that allows the digitalisation of the entire workflow, from data collection in the field to the use of these data in advanced statistical analysis tools.

The data collected in the field are for example species, altitude, density, slope, method, orientation, age, lithography, with or without sowing, or area. Further information:…

SISREP es un proyecto que ha desarrollado un modelo estadístico avanzado que permite la realización de análisis predictivos y descriptivos mediante la herramienta de predicción de supervivencia en las forestaciones, para asegurar el éxito de nuevas plantaciones. SISREP se apoya en la utilización del conocimiento de las visitas “in-situ” históricas para predecir la probabilidad de éxito de futuras plantaciones usando técnicas de aprendizaje automático, y en una base de datos con más de 50.000 observaciones que hacen referencia a forestaciones realizadas desde el año 1993 hasta la actualidad.

El principal objetivo de SISREP es la puesta en valor de la información obtenida en las inspecciones en el marco de las ayudas a la forestación y creación de superficies forestales en Castilla y León para:

- Uso de la información obtenida en campo para la gestión de los expedientes controlados.

- Creación de una base de datos centralizada y georeferenciada.

- Poder predecir, mediante técnicas de inteligencia artificial el éxito de futuras plantaciones.

- Con el conocimiento extraído, revisar y mejorar la planificación de actuaciones futuras.

Para ello, se ha diseñado e implantado una infraestructura que permite la digitalización de todo el flujo de trabajo, desde la toma de datos en campo hasta la utilización de estos en herramientas de análisis estadístico avanzado.

Los datos recogidos en el campo son por ejemplo la especie, la altitud, la densidad, el pendiente, el método, la orientación, la edad, la Litografía, con siembra o no, o la zona. Más información:…

ForestMap intuitive interface allows anyone to automatically generate forest inventories of a chosen area without the need of field work and unnecessary delays. ForestMap is an unprecedented solution that delivers accurate, quick and cost-effective forest inventory reports. It is necessary to integrate a maximum of information sources to generate the most accurate, complete and updated inventories possible: LiDAR, satellite, photogrammetry, available terrain data... Stakeholders in the forestry sector are not used to working with technological tools, so it is important to do important demonstration work and support.

ForestMap has a positive impact for a major mobilisation of wood resources allowing forest-owners, operators and indutries to assess stands in an easy and remote way. ForestMap is able to provide valuable reports on demand. An operative version of the web platform (link) is working for 10 provinces in Spain, that covers more than 3 M ha. ForestMap models showed a high performance in terms of accuracy (volume BIAS< 20%) and response times being able to produce a full inventory of less than 500ha in minutes.

ForestMap has been used to produce tailor-made products for specific uses and clients, based on innovation projects:

Tool for calculating (link)the amount of carbon in forest masses in the province of Bizkaia (Basque Country, Spain).

Inventory mapping of fuel models tool and for the prevention and management of forest fires in La Rioja. Further information:…

La interfaz intuitiva de ForestMap permite a cualquier persona generar automáticamente inventarios forestales de un área elegida sin necesidad de trabajo de campo ni retrasos innecesarios. ForestMap es una solución sin precedentes que ofrece informes de inventarios forestales precisos, rápidos y rentables.

Es necesario integrar un máximo de fuentes de información para generar inventarios lo más precisos, completos y actualizados posibles: LiDAR, satélite, fotogrametría, datos del terreno disponibles...

ForestMap tiene un impacto positivo para una mayor movilización de los recursos madereros, permitiendo a los propietarios de los montes, a los operadores y a las industrias evaluar los rodales de una manera fácil y remota. ForestMap es capaz de proporcionar valiosos informes bajo demanda.

Una versión operativa de la plataforma web (enlace) está funcionando para 10 provincias en España, que cubre más de 3 M de hectáreas.

Los modelos de ForestMap han mostrado un alto rendimiento en términos de precisión (volumen BIAS< 20%) y tiempos de respuesta siendo capaces de producir un inventario completo de menos de 500 ha en minutos.

ForestMap se ha utilizado para producir productos a medida para usos y clientes específicos, basados en proyectos de innovación:

-Herramienta para calcular (enlace) la cantidad de carbono en las masas forestales de la provincia de Bizkaia (País Vasco, España).

-Herramienta de mapeo de inventario de modelos de combustible y para la prevención y gestión de incendios forestales en La Rioja. Más información:…

ForestHQ is an innovative system supporting the management of forest operations and processes. This system includes tools for land management, data collection, data analysis, timber valuation, and activities management.

ForestHQ facilitates the management of forest operations and processes. This platform adds value to the data and improves the access and sharing of information. ForestHQ includes different key modules:

1. Forest inventory, valuation, and carbon MRV. This module includes mobile apps for field data collection, models, and analytics to quantify timber products and carbon.

2. Remote harvesting monitoring. This module includes a connection with harvester machines for remote monitoring of the harvesting operations. This tool increases the control of the operations and significantly reduces costs and field visits.

3. Land management. ForestHQ makes it easy to manage your forest properties and activities. This is a collaborative platform that facilities the visibility of data and communications.

Further modules will include tools for forest certification, carbon sequestration projects, and forest management plans.

ForestHQ can be customised and adapted to the different user needs, with simple user interfaces it is an ideal solution for forest owners, small and large organisations. Further information:…

ForestHQ es un sistema innovador que apoya la gestión de las operaciones y procesos forestales. Este sistema incluye herramientas para la gestión de parcelas, la recogida de datos, el análisis de datos, la valoración de la madera y la gestión de actividades.

ForestHQ facilita la gestión de las operaciones y procesos forestales. Esta plataforma añade valor a los datos y mejora el acceso y el intercambio de información. ForestHQ incluye diferentes módulos clave:

1. Inventario forestal, valoración y MRV de carbono. Este módulo incluye aplicaciones móviles para la recogida de datos sobre el terreno, modelos y análisis para cuantificar los productos madereros y el carbono.

2. Supervisión remota del aprovechamiento. Este módulo incluye una conexión con las máquinas procesadoras para la supervisión remota de las operaciones del aprovechamiento. Esta herramienta aumenta el control de las operaciones y reduce significativamente los costes y las visitas al campo.

3. Gestión de parcelas. ForestHQ facilita la gestión de sus propiedades y actividades forestales. Se trata de una plataforma de colaboración que facilita la visibilidad de los datos y la comunicación.

Otros módulos incluirán herramientas para la certificación forestal, proyectos de secuestro de carbono y planes de gestión forestal.

ForestHQ se puede personalizar y adaptar a las diferentes necesidades de los usuarios, con interfaces de usuario sencillas es una solución ideal para los propietarios de montes, asociaciones pequeñas y grandes. Más información:…

The Center of Excellence for Forestry 4.0 is developing Industry 4.0 digitalization concepts for the forest and wood cluster. The driving force behind this approach is a closely cooperating working group of companies, research centers and the Forestry Education Center North-Rhine Westphalia as a practical testbed.New, intelligent and decentrally acting machines, devices, services and people, will enable the cluster to optimize its complex value-added networks, develop new business models and meet current challenges from ecology, economy and climate change. To "smartify" the forest and wood cluster, existing competencies from industry, science and administration must be bundled: The goal of KWH4.0 is to create a know-how base and infrastructures, and to implement forest and wood 4.0 components via innovative Smart Forest Labs. The Smart Forest Labs serve as experimental forestry laboratories in which developed components, systems and processes are tested, standardization advanced, concepts disseminated, and actors trained. Developed concepts and standards are continuously published as practical recommendations, a first version of the communication infrastructure S3I has been established. In addition, there is an increasingly smart fleet: forestry machines have been upgraded to retrieve digital information and at the same time networked via alternative radio standards with machines in regions where mobile communication is not possible. Further information:… Video:

Das „Kompetenzzentrum Wald und Holz 4.0“ entwickelt Industrie 4.0-Konzepte für den Cluster Wald und Holz. Mit intelligenten und dezentral agierenden Maschinen, Geräten, Diensten und Menschen werden Grundlagen für eine umfassende Digitalisierung gelegt. Die Optimierung der hochkomplexen Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke hilft dabei, aktuellen Herausforderungen aus Ökologie, Ökonomie und dem Klimawandel nachhaltig zu begegnen. Um Wald und Holz “smarter” zu machen, müssen in einem übergreifenden Ansatz Kompetenzen aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Verwaltung gebündelt werden. Das Kompetenzzentrum Wald und Holz 4.0 soll die notwendigen Organisations- und Infrastrukturen geschaffen, Know-how aufbauen und in konkreten Wald und Holz 4.0-Komponenten umsetzen. Dabei dienen Smart Forest Labs als forstliche Experimentierlabors, in denen Komponenten, Systeme und Prozesse überprüft, Standardisierung vorangetrieben, Konzepte verbreitet sowie Akteure geschult werden. Konzepte und Standards werden laufend als praktische Empfehlungen veröffentlicht, eine erste Version der Kommunikationsinfrastruktur S3I ist eingerichtet. Hinzu kommt ein immer smarterer Fuhrpark: Forstmaschinen wurden bereits zum Abrufen digitaler Informationen erweitert und gleichzeitig über alternative Funkstandards mit Maschinen in Regionen vernetzt, in denen es keinen Mobilfunk gibt. Weitere Informationen:… Video:

In KomSilva, tools for a goal-oriented and efficient discourse with forest owners are being developed. Target groups are stakeholders and organizations who activate and address forest owners. Mostly forestry associations should profit from the project, but also service providers and other stakeholders. Communication with forest owners is a key asset towards mobilization. Existing instruments are being adjusted and new tools like online-training, online-consulting concepts and social media strategies for consulting and communication are being created and already successfully tested.

Existing instruments for approaching forest owners and communicate with them are being investigated and evaluated according to their effectiveness. Thereby, a collaborative approach is being pursued. It comprises an advisory committee with experts from practice and an active involvement via interviews, a large-scale online-survey and workshops. Experiences in activating forest owners and in public relations are being collected and practicable factors of success are being identified. Arguments for the activation of forest owners are being developed to sensitize forestry associations also for the new task fields. Further information:…

Machine control systems and sensor technology compile directed feedback to guide the operator towards more balanced working methods and techniques.

A digital coaching, assistance and feedback system is designed to improve the productivity and job satisfaction of forest machine operators with reduced mental stress and to make the training of junior staff more attractive and efficient. The overall objective is to make recommendations for the future development and implementation of an operator interface with optimal timing of feedback interpretation for decision support. The prototype of the digital coach will be integrated in forestry machines in Germany and Scandinavia and will also be used as a test environment in the simulators at FBZ. In the evaluation of the use cases the improvement of the forest-wood logistics chain will be critically assessed. In addition, the evaluation will assess how well the project meets the market requirements. The project consortium's approach to training is to ensure that the knowledge acquired can be optimally applied by the users. Further information:…

App for easy and fast timber purchase and selling.

Forstify is a forestry industry start-up. The timber market liberalisation inspired the founders to build up a company with bundled competences from the commercial and technical areas that brings together suppliers and buyers of wood in a simple, user-friendly way. The company is established on the market and supports forest owners and buyers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In addition to the pure platform, Forstify also offers direct purchase of insect-infested timber (bark beetle) and handles marketing directly as a service. New topics include a wood measurement feature within the mobile app, easy import and organization of log lists, automatic notifications about new regional offerings, a payment feature and additional consulting and services around wood sales. Using the online marketplace, suppliers and buyers of timber can enter into an exchange easily, quickly and free of charge. In doing so, requirements of the forestry industry are combined with the possibilities of modern internet technologies.

Target groups include: Private and public forest owners, forest enterprises, forest enterprise associations (FBG), forest owner associations (WBV), roundwood traders & exporters, timber marketers, firewood buyers, sawmills, paper mills, timber industry, traders, energy wood processors. Further information:

Rohholz einfach und schnell ein- und verkaufen.

Forstify ist ein Start-up aus der Forstwirtschaft. Die Liberalisierung des Marktes für Rohholz wurde genutzt, um mit gebündelten Kompetenzen aus dem kaufmännischen und technischen Bereich ein Unternehmen aufzubauen, das Anbieter und Einkäufer von Rohholz auf einfache Art und Weise zusammenbringt.

Das Unternehmen ist am Markt etabliert und unterstützt Waldbesitzer und Einkäufer in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Neben der reinen Plattform bietet Forstify auch den Direktankauf von Käferholz an und übernimmt die Vermarktung als Service direkt. Neue Themen umfassen die Möglichkeit zur Holzerfassung per App, Import und Organisation von Holzlisten, automatische Benachrichtigungen bei passenden Inseraten in der Region, ein Zahlungs-Feature innerhalb der entwickelten App sowie Beratungs- und Service-Leistungen rund um das Thema Rohholz-Verkauf. Anbieter und Einkäufer von Rohholz bekommen die Möglichkeit, einfach, schnell und kostenlos in Austausch zu treten. Dabei werden Anforderungen der Forstwirtschaft mit den Möglichkeiten moderner Internet-Technologien kombiniert.

Zielgruppen: Private und öffentliche Waldbesitzer, Forstbetriebe, Forstbetriebsgemeinschaften (FBG), Waldbesitzervereinigungen (WBV), Rundholzhändler & Exporteure, Holzvermarkter, Brennholzkäufer, Sägewerke, Papierwerke, Holzindustrie, Händler, Energieholzverarbeiter. Weitere Informationen:

Digitalisation is becoming increasingly important in the forestry sector and the need for digital transformation is becoming ever clearer, especially in the forestry-timber supply chain, i.e. the value chain from the forest to the processing industry. In order for this transformation to bring about the greatest possible improvement in efficiency in economic and ecological terms for the actors involved, it is necessary to identify at which points and in which processes in the supply chain there is the greatest need for digital technology, or where this can be expected to bring the greatest benefits. Changes can range from optimised work processes to the emergence of new or modified business models. Core elements are the networking of relevant points and processes - also between the actors - and the creation of interoperability of applications and systems, many of which are already available but still mostly isolated.

The Wood Supply 4.0 project aims to identify the most beneficial digital technology possible and relies on qualitative methods to determine demand, on economic methods to assess the potential of digital technology, and on case studies to test the feasibility of individual technical approaches and to assess their effects. The aim is to explore in detail (a) where the operational potential of Industrie 4.0 lies in the optimisation of existing value creation processes and (b) where the strategic potential of Industrie 4.0 lies for the further development of existing or the development of new business models. Further information:…

Digitalisierung gewinnt in der Forstwirtschaft zunehmend an Bedeutung und besonders in der Forst-Holz-Bereitstellungskette, d.h. der Wertschöpfungskette vom Wald bis in die verarbeitende Industrie, wird die Notwendigkeit der digitalen Transformation immer deutlicher. Damit diese Transformation für die beteiligten Akteure eine möglichst große Effizienzverbesserung in ökonomischer und ökologischer Hinsicht bewirkt, gilt es zu identifizieren, an welchen Stellen und bei welchen Prozessen in der Bereitstellungskette der größte Bedarf für digitale Technologie besteht. Veränderungen können dabei von optimierten Arbeitsabläufen bis zur Entstehung neuer oder veränderter Geschäftsmodelle reichen. Kernelemente sind die Vernetzung relevanter Stellen und Prozesse – auch zwischen den Akteuren – und die Schaffung von Interoperabilität von Anwendungen und Systemen.

Das Projekt Wood Supply 4.0 hat die genannte Identifikation möglichst nutzenbringender digitaler Technologie zum Ziel und stützt sich dabei auf qualitative Methoden zur Bedarfsermittlung, auf Methoden der Ökonomie, um das Potenzial digitaler Technologie zu bewerten, und auf Fallstudien, um die Umsetzbarkeit einzelner technischer Ansätze exemplarisch zu testen und ihre Wirkungen abschätzen zu können. Es soll im Detail ergründet werden (a) wo die operationalen Potenziale von Industrie 4.0 in der Optimierung bestehender Wertschöpfungsprozesse und (b) wo die strategischen Potenziale von Industrie 4.0 zur Weiterentwicklung bestehender oder zur Entwicklung neuer Geschäftsmodelle liegen. Weitere Informationen:…

Using the WASP's wood logistics platform, all actors involved in the forest and timber supply chain can improve the planning horizon to optimise the supply chain across companies.

The forest and timber industry is one of the leading industries in Germany, with 1.3 million people employed and annual sales of €181 billion. This sector is also characterised, however, by relatively low returns on its sales. Cost-reduction potentials can be realized if flows of material and informationare optimised. Using the WASP's wood logistics platform, all actors involved in the forest and timber supply chain can improve the planning horizon to optimise the supply chain across companies. Based on modern cloud technology, the WASP logistics platform seeks to interlink established software solutions with newly developed modules. It uses geodata to register and manage wood piles, and satellite navigation is integrated for use in timber transport. Wood piles can be captured by cameras, automatically geocoded, and transferred to the platform. In addition, the platform allows to handle dispatching with support for GPS (and in the future, Galileo) signals by retrieving vehicles' geocoordinates in real-time using mobile receivers, transferring them to the platform, and displaying positions and locations on a map. Integrated online map services like Navlog, OpenStreetMap (OSM), ArcGIS (ESRI), and Google Maps are also featured. The core advantage of WASP, meanwhile, is its integration of software applications that are already used in various sections along the entire value chain.

Further information:

Die WASP Holzlogistiklösung unterstützt die Wertschöpfungskette Holz vom Forst – Waldbesitzer, Waldbesitzervereinigungen, Forstbetriebe – bis zum Händler.

Polter können in WASP abgebildet und alle relevanten Daten schnell und unkompliziert an die weiteren Akteure in der Supply Chain weitergegeben werden. Hierzu stehen mehrere Wege zur Verfügung: Direkte Eingabe über die benutzerfreundliche Weboberfläche von WASP, mobile Poltererfassung vor Ort mittels der App WASP Woodscout für Smartphones und Tablets oder, wenn Polter bereits mit einer dafür vorgesehenen Software erfasst sind, durch Importschnittstellen. Je nach Art des Polters (Rund- oder Energieholz) und der üblichen Lieferbedingungen entscheidet sich die weitere Vorgehensweise. So können die Polter direkt an das entsprechende Werk übergeben oder aber vordisponiert werden, d.h. die Spedition für den Holztransport wird ausgewählt. Dabei stehen viele Validierungsalgorithmen zur Unterstütztung zur Verfügung: Wenn z.B. ein Polter Holz enthält, welches aufgrund seiner Länge von keinem Fahrzeug des Spediteurs gefahren werden kann, warnt eine entsprechende Meldung am Bildschirm. Wenn ein Polter beispielsweise an ein Werk übergeben wurde, erfolgt eine automatische Benachrichtigung, sobald dieser abgefahren wurde. Wenn das Holz selbst zum Werk transportiert wird, können die Speditionsrolle in WASP übernommen und die Vorteile der Auftragsverwaltung und der manuellen bzw. vom Optimierungsmodul unterstützten Disposition genutzt werden. Weitere Informationen:

FOVEA offers an innovative all-in-one solution for digital logging of wood: With the “iFOVEA Pro” app, wooden piles of any size can be measured in a few minutes using the latest image processing technology. In addition, the forest management system (FMS) supports the inventory and logistics of wood quantities as extensive online software. The iFOVEA app provides different measurement methods depending on the requirements:

- Photo-optical measurement for plywood piles (number, solid cubic meters and cubic meters)

- Photo-optical measurement for industrial wood (outline and cubic meter)

- Photo-optical measurement for trucks (number, solid cubic meters and cubic meters)

- Data acquisition for long timber

- Manual section procedure with and without line sampling

The calculation of all measured values takes place directly on the smartphone or tablet and does not require an internet connection in the forest. With numerous configuration options, each measurement method can be individually adapted. With the Forest Management System (FMS), the measured data can be easily managed online. In addition to an extensive wood inventory, the system offers a map function and options for invoicing and automatic calculation of wood prices. Further information:…

FOVEA bietet eine innovative Komplettlösung für die digitale Holzaufnahme: Mit der App „iFOVEA Pro“ können Holzpolter beliebiger Größe unter der Nutzung neuester Bildverarbeitungstechnologien in wenigen Minuten vermessen werden. Zusätzlich unterstützt das Forst-Management-System (FMS) als umfangreiche Onlinesoftware bei der Inventur und Logistik der Holzmengen.

Die iFOVEA-App stellt je nach Anforderung verschiedene Messmethoden zur Verfügung:

- Fotooptische Vermessung für Schichtholzpolter (Anzahl, Festmeter und Raummeter)

- Fotooptische Vermessung für Industrieholz (Umriss und Raummeter)

- Fotooptische Vermessung für LKW (Anzahl, Festmeter und Raummeter)

- Datenerfassung für Langholz

- Handsektionsverfahren mit und ohne Linienstichprobe

Die Berechnung aller Messwerte findet direkt auf dem Smartphone oder Tablet statt und benötigt keine Internetanbindung im Wald. Durch zahlreiche Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten kann jedes Messverfahren individuell angepasst werden.

Mit dem Forst-Management-System (FMS) können die vermessenen Daten ganz bequem online verwaltet werden. Neben einer umfangreichen Holzinventur bietet das System eine Kartenfunktion und Möglichkeiten zur Rechnungsstellung sowie zur automatischen Berechnung von Holzpreisen. Weitere Informationen:

Scanner is under constant development. A measuring device, mounted at the towing hitch of a car. Sensors collect values, to assess the road quality of unpaved, single lane roads. The system consists of ultrasonic sensors to scan the cross section of a road segment, acceleration sensors to get information about the longitudinal roughness and a GPS sensor for locating the information. After data collection, an open configurable software bundle (implemented as GUI modules in iFOS) allows individual settings for the single sensor thresholds and algorithms to adopt the system to the own road maintenance concept. Mounted at the car of the forest ranger an easy and frequent data collection is possible and provides an early and objective knowledge about the constructional decline of road segments. Maintenance costs can be reduced and reconstruction measures get execute mor accurate. A logical data interpretation of the sensor values is possible. The assignment of the sensors towards different decay expressions on the road surface was conducted and semi- automatically related to road quality segment classification. Results show, that a single manual optical assessment of road segments miss first phases of road decay and underlines the potential of such systems. Tests and calibrations of the road-scanner allows a good data interpretation for the set task. Many degrees of freedom of the scanner and the data interpretation still leaves some open research questions. Further information:…

The startup foldAI has developed sensors to screen health status of forests providing forest managers with a rich understanding of their forest ecosystems, and a decision toolbox to deploy immediate mitigating actions. The team’s solution, Aja, used in the sensors is a framework for ecosystem management based on deep technology. By harnessing state-of-art Machine Learning on precise, real-time sensor data, Aja can not only detect forest threats as they happen, but even predict their arising and forecast their unfolding. Aja improves forest health, resilience and bioeconomical performance by introducing lean processes to a broad ecosystem management community. It helps reducing greenhouse emissions by scaling high resolution forest management through a fully automated and affordable solution for more than 30 Million forest owners in Europe, Russia and North America. The solution builds on embedded Machine Learning, and biochemical and environmental signal processing on high-dimensional data. Use cases comprise the assessment of environmental impacts enabling greater accuracy in the evaluation of the environmental consequences of a strategy or policy, risks assessment including alerts to threats, biodiversity quantification and ecosystem health tracking. Aja’s significant carbon reduction impact has been independently certified by The Climate Impact Forecast. Further information:

Mit Aja hat das Start-up-Unternehmen foldAI eine Lösung für das Monitoring des Waldzustands entwickelt, die eine konkrete Entscheidungsunterstützung für die Durchführung forstlicher Maßnahmen liefert und gleichzeitig ein umfassendes Verständnis der Waldökosysteme ermöglicht. Durch den Einsatz von modernstem maschinellem Lernen auf der Grundlage präziser Sensordaten in Echtzeit erlaubt Aja nicht nur, Waldbedrohungen sehr früh zu erkennen, sondern ihre Entstehung vorherzusagen und den weiteren Verlauf zu prognostizieren. Aja verbessert die Gesundheit, die Widerstandsfähigkeit und die bioökonomische Leistung der Wälder, indem es schlanke Prozesse für ein Ökosystemmanagement auf breiter Basis ermöglicht. Waldbewirtschaftung wird durch eine vollautomatische, hochauflösende und erschwingliche Lösung für mehr als 30 Millionen Waldbesitzer in Europa, Russland und Nordamerika unterstützt. Aja basiert auf eingebettetem maschinellem Lernen und biochemischer und ökologischer Signalverarbeitung auf hochdimensionalen Daten. Anwendungsszenarien sind etwa die Bewertung von Umweltauswirkungen, die eine genauere Abschätzung der Umweltfolgen einer Strategie oder Politik ermöglicht, aber auch die Risikobewertung und Warnung vor akuten Bedrohungen. Darüber hinaus erlaubt die Lösung auch die Messung der biologischen Vielfalt und des Zustands von Ökosystemen. Die signifikante Auswirkung von Aja auf die Kohlenstoffreduzierung wurde von unabhängiger Seite durch The Climate Impact Forecast zertifiziert. Weitere Informationen:

A forest cooperative society (FCS, in German Waldgenossenschaft) is a type of joint private forest ownership, which is generally termed community forest. As such, it is not to be confused with communal forest, which is forest owned by a commune or a town. Community forests have existed in Europe already for centuries in manifold traditional forms and have survived in many regions until today. The main characteristic of community forest compared to other forms of forest ownership is that the owners do not own a particular land parcel of a forest area, but an ideal share of the whole cooperative property, which can be understood as a share of a stock market.

Based on the unique legal framework of the Community Forest Act GWG of NRW, this special land consolidation achieves a legal merger of community forests and private owners into a larger forest cooperative society (Waldgenossenschaft) for the purpose of improving the conditions for forest management and administration, which goes beyond the readjustment of land parcels per single landowner. The degree of the merger and the benefits for collaborative SFM are thus enhanced compared to conventional land consolidations. Various supporting measures, such as road constructions, silvicultural improvements or landscape interventions are included to generate additional sustainable impacts in the region. Further information:…

Waldgenossenschaften sind eine Form von gemeinschaftlichem Privatwaldbesitz, der allgemein als Gemeinschaftswald bezeichnet wird. Er ist als solcher nicht mit dem Gemeindewald zu verwechseln, der den Wald im Besitz von Gemeinden oder Städten bezeichnet. Gemeinschaftswälder haben in Europa in vielfältigen traditionellen Formen bereits seit Jahrhunderten existiert und haben vielerorts bis in die heutige Zeit überdauert. Das Hauptmerkmal von Gemeinschaftswald im Vergleich zu anderen Formen von Waldbesitz ist, dass der einzelne Eigentümer kein bestimmtes Grundstück einer Waldfläche besitzt, sondern einen ideellen Anteil am Gemeinschaftsvermögen, was mit einem Aktienbesitz vergleichbar ist.

Auf der Grundlage des Gemeindewaldgesetzes (GWG) in NRW wird in einer speziellen Flurbereinigung im Interesse einer besseren forstlichen Bewirtschaftung oder einer erleichterten Verwaltung ein rechtlicher Zusammenschluss von Gemeindewäldern und privaten Eigentümern zu einer größeren Waldgenossenschaft erzielt, der über die Neuordnung von Flurstücken pro einzelnem Grundeigentümer hinausgeht. Die Vorteile des Zusammenschlusses und der gemeinschaftlichen Waldbewirtschaftung werden dadurch im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Flurbereinigungen erhöht. Verschiedene flankierende Maßnahmen wie Wegebau, waldbauliche Verbesserungen oder Landschaftseingriffe werden einbezogen, um zusätzliche nachhaltige Effekte für die Waldbewirtschaftung zu erzielen. Weitere Informationen:…

Applications like forest inventory and forestry planning, planning of fellings, optimization of harvesting and accounting processes, improvements of timber logistic, evaluation of damaging events etc. are expecting a realistic virtual illustration of the real forest. Within this project the preconditions for building up a single central database – the Virtual Forest - describing the extensive area of North Rhine-Westphalia are constructed. This database contains a mathematical description of biological and technical aspects of the real forest in different detailing and different precision. Apart from available terrestrial data and a digital site classification, developed by the Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz NRW, the Virtual Forest is based on remote sensing data and information derived thereof. It applies newly developed algorithms on well-known data formats: for single tree identification laser data and aerial images are used, tree species classification uses images and area segmentation is based on raster and vector data. Thus, a comprehensive survey ranging from inventory to forest growth to logistics can be provided. The Virtual Forest provides all stored data in a new 4D geo-data infrastructure while using standardised interfaces. All data can also be used by third. Furthermore, a meta-data catalogue answers questions as “Which data of a certain area and/or to a specific subject are placed in which format, which exactness and which actuality at what costs at which place?” Appropriate safety concepts secure the data access as well as the data itself. Further information:…

Comparison of silvicultural treatment concepts by simulating forest growth processes on the smartphone.

In the iWald project, a system is being developed enabling forest owners to obtain realistic and technically sound options for the sustainable management of their forests. The individual objectives of the forest owner (private, communal, state) are taken into account as well as the forestry risk minimization and the sustainable conversion of forests while safeguarding the economic, ecological and social forest functions. One of the main results of iWald will be the "iWald App", which can be used to simulate forest growth processes on a smartphone. This will be provided with different entry barriers, so that both the forest layman and the trained forester will find their access to iWald. The goals include activating forest owners, who can thus approach their forest on a playful level, or improving public acceptance of forestry interventions through the possibility of simple visualization of future consequences. Further information:…

Vergleich waldbaulicher Behandlungskonzepte durch Simulation von Wachstumsprozessen im Wald auf dem Smartphone.

Im Projekt iWald wird ein System entwickelt mit dem beispielsweise Waldbesitzer realitätsnahe und fachlich fundierte Handlungsoptionen zur nachhaltigen Bewirtschaftung ihrer Wälder erhalten. Hierbei werden sowohl die individuellen Zielsetzungen des Waldbesitzers (privat, kommunal, staatlich) berücksichtigt als auch die forstliche Risikominimierung und der zukunftsfähige Umbau von Wäldern unter Sicherung der ökonomischen, ökologischen und sozialen Waldfunktionen. Ein Hauptergebnis aus iWald wird die „iWald App“ sein mit Hilfe derer Wachstumsprozesse im Wald auf dem Smartphone simuliert werden können. Diese wird mit unterschiedlichen Einstiegshürden versehen sein, so findet sowohl der forstliche Laie als auch der ausgebildete Förster seinen Zugang zu iWald. Ziele sind unter anderem die Aktivierung von Waldbesitzern, die sich so auf spielerischem Niveau ihrem Wald nähern können oder die Verbesserung der öffentlichen Akzeptanz von forstlichen Eingriffen durch die Möglichkeit der einfachen Visualisierung zukünftiger Folgen. Weitere Informationen:…

Digital solution for forestry data collection and networking of all actors in the timber process chain. Offline in the outdoor area, comfortable use thanks to voice recording and intuitive operation through a practice-oriented menu navigation in the mobile app and the web application.

LogBuch enables data aggregation in the forest, a simple evaluation of the data and further processing. The combination of voice recording and Bluetooth button enables hands-free precise location of trees with simultaneous recording of important information about the tree, such as safety instructions or planning working procedures. The expected cut volume can be determined, and assortments planned. Foresters and harvester operators both receive detailed information. Technology: An A 2-frequency GNSS-receiver is connected to a smartphone to estimate the current position. A bluetooth button is used for language analysis. All spoken information can be recorded, automatically transcribed and classified, and the actual position lodged. WLAN is used for data exchange between smartphone, webserver and other users. Data can be exported as a map or table in georeferenced or not referenced formats. Applications: Preparation of timber harvesting, establishment of a digital "inventory", area mapping (also planting) by connecting recorded corner points, mapping of skid trails by the line function (harvest control or certification basis), remote navigation via Google Maps. In addition, recording of habitat trees etc., support for hunting organization (high seats, driven hunt stands, stalking routes etc.) and traffic safety measures. Further information:…

Digitale Lösung zur forstlichen Datenerfassung und Vernetzung aller Akteure in der Holzprozesskette.

LogBuch ermöglicht Datenaggregation direkt im Wald, sowie eine einfache Auswertung und Weiterverarbeitung der Daten. Die Kombination aus Sprachaufzeichnung und Bluetooth-Button ermöglicht es, freihändig Bäume präzise zu verorten und wichtige Informationen direkt am Baum aufzuzeichnen, wie z. B. Sicherheitshinweise oder Planungen zum Arbeitsverfahren. Die zu erwartende Hiebsmenge kann ermittelt und Sortimente geplant werden. Forstwirte und Harvesterfahrer erhalten detaillierte Informationen, die Vernetzung mit Drittsystemen wird unterstützt. Die Technologie: Ein 2-Frequenz-GNSS-Empfänger wird mit einem Smartphone verbunden, um die aktuelle Position zu ermitteln. Alle gesprochenen Informationen können aufgezeichnet, automatisch transkribiert und klassifiziert sowie die aktuelle Position hinterlegt werden. WLAN wird für den Datenaustausch zwischen Smartphone, Webserver und anderen Benutzern verwendet. Die Daten können als Karte oder Tabelle in georeferenzierten oder nicht referenzierten Formaten exportiert werden. Anwendungen: Präzise Vorbereitung der Holzernte und Aufbau eines digitalen „Warenbestandes“ (Bsp.: „Wertholzkataster“), Flächenaufnahme für Forstförderung / Pflanzflächen durch Verbinden aufgenommener Eckpunkte, Kartierung von Rückegassen durch die Linienfunktion und Speicherung für die Steuerung der Holzernte oder als Zertifizierungsgrundlage, Jagdorganisation, Erfassung von Habitatbäumen etc., sowie Verkehrssicherung. Weitere Informationen:…

Information platform on forests in NRW incl. interactive digital maps on forest cover, ecology, geology, types of use and calamities.

The internet portal Waldinfo.NRW offers comprehensive public information on the forests in North Rhine-Westphalia, their diverse functions and sustainable management. This primarily includes digital maps on various aspects of forests, forest management and the use of forests by the public. The topics covered by the various maps range from forest cover and forest ecology, forest management and forest nature conservation to recreational use, danger prevention and forest administration. The information provided is intended in particular to support forest owners in the adaptation of forest management to climate change. This also includes forest regeneration on the current large damaged areas. The selection of maps and the design of the user interface provide user-friendly access to the specialist information. The portal also refers to selected important specialist publications of the State Forestry Administration and further websites of the State Administration. The internet portal Waldinfo.NRW is an important component of the NRW Forest Information System and the NRW Forest Climate Adaptation Strategy. The digital offer of public forest information also corresponds to the Open Data process in North Rhine-Westphalia (Open.NRW). Further information:…

The main purpose of Lignum is to strengthen the regional wood value-chain in central Switzerland thereby enhancing the regionally potential added value. A focus is the initiation and expansion of networks between the forest and wood industry, and enhancing the consciousness in the society and politics for the wood provenance and field of application. Through its various projects, Lignum is increasing competitiveness throughout the wood value-chain. This inlcude measures to improve the usage of wood as a construction and raw material as well as for energy production. Lignum also gives out awards for outstanding projects in the wood sector, especially in the wood construction sector to provide a great visibility to a large number of stakeholders. It has a close collaboration with the school of higher education of Lucerne. Lignum also participates in the law overworking process with clear written statements at a national level. Every player of the wood value chain from the forest owner to the end consumer is an important factor in the work flow and plays a crucial role for overall success and positive development. The actors in the wood value chain need to know as much as possible from the upstream and downstream actors (ex. stock, products, delivery times, facility possibilities). The close cooperation between partners is needed to facilitate interaction and enhance the efficiency of internal processes and the whole process chain. Supporting policy development is essential for having a clear strategic positioning to boost the development of the wood sector. Further information:…

Qualification programme for forestry companies to build up management competences regarding newest economic and IT engineering procedures.

The qualification course delivers a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS). It is a part-time professional training course designed for company managers and engineers to build up management competences regarding newest economic and engineering procedures and leadership activity competences regarding forestry operations and forestry administration. It amounts to 360 hours or 12 ECTS. Good feedback from former participants about usability of the professional education training. Further information:…

Martelosopes are silvicultural demo plots used to train the decision-making capabilities in the context forest management approaches and silvicultural interventions based on transparent data.

The marteloscope plots have exact defined surfaces with each tree numbered and measured for long-term studies. Using software and mobile devices, the demo concept allows direct feedback on silvicultural decisions and related ecological and economic effects during training. Evaluation of different management strategies and their consequences can be objectively discussed by forest practitioners, authorities, decision makers, scientists or other interested groups directly on site. Silviculture is based on scientific principles. With well-documented observation plots and marteloscopes, we provide instructive visual and practice objects and also learn ourselves from their development. The aim is to preserve silvicultural knowledge and make it accessible for practice. Further information:…

Marketing campaign, demand promotion for Swiss Wood through targeted advertising measures (lifelike wooden figures of famous Swiss people, TV-Spots, billboards, documentary film, press releases and events throughout Switzerland).

Marketing campaign, demand promotion for Swiss Wood through targeted advertising measures (lifelike wooden figures of famous Swiss people, TV-Spots, billboards, documentary film, press releases and events throughout Switzerland). Point out the importance and the economic, ecological and social value of sustainable Swiss forest management. Presenting the diversity of forest-based industries, products and other services for society to the population. Demand enhancement for Swiss Wood and Swiss Wood products. Better impression of the different services provided by the Swiss forest management to the public. Raise awareness for the importance of a sustainable forest management and eligible silvicultural measures in Swiss forests. Making visible the different benefits for society (ex. climate change, CO2-mitigation, provision of drinkable water, protection against natural risks). Addressing the broad population and point out their importance in the context of the Swiss Wood mobilization with the link to the benefits of a sustainable forest management is an important issue to improve the wood mobilization in long-term and foresting the wood value-chain. Further information:…

Kampania marketingowa mająca na celu promowanie szwajcarskiego drewna poprzez dedykowane działania reklamowe.

Woodvetia to szeroko zakrojona kampania marketingowa promująca szwajcarskie drewno poprzez działania takie jak przygotowanie realistycznych, drewnianych figur przedstawiających znanych Szwajcarów, spoty telewizyjne, billboardy, filmy dokumentalne, informacje prasowe i wydarzenia organizowane w całej Szwajcarii. Kampania realizuje następujące cele:

- zwrócenie uwagi na znaczenie i wartość gospodarczą, środowiskową i społeczną zrównoważonego leśnictwa w Szwajcarii;

- zapoznanie mieszkańców z różnorodnością branż i produktów drzewnych;

- wzmacnianie popytu na szwajcarskie drewno i produkty z drewna;

- budowanie pozytywnego wizerunku szwajcarskiego leśnictwa;

- podnoszenie świadomości na temat znaczenia zrównoważonej gospodarki leśnej i związanych z nią działań w obszarze hodowli w lasach szwajcarskich;

- przybliżenie różnych korzyści dla społeczeństwa związanych z usługami ekosystemowymi świadczonymi przez lasy (np. łagodzenie zmian klimatu, redukcja emisji CO2, zaopatrzenie w wodę pitną, ochrona przed zagrożeniami naturalnymi).

Wszystko to w dłuższej perspektywie przyczynić się ma do wiekszej mobilizacji drewna i wzmacniania drzewnego łańcucha wartości.…

With two newly developed forwarder prototypes, five new and different modules were implemented and tested in the fields under varying production conditions within Europe. These modules are developed towards raising the productivity of the machine, improving the working conditions and lowering the ecological impact of the forwarding process. The modules contain a hydrostatic-mechanical transmission system (HVT, M1), a suspended cabin (M2), an energy regenerating and recuperating hydraulic crane (M3), a triple bogie axle for wet terrain, that can be used with or without tracks (M4) and a monitoring system to surveil and document the machine status to derive further information of production and environment (M5).

With the tests of prototype machines, the aims of development could be proven by the field tests, that were executed within the study. Especially the effect on the soils on sensitive areas, also without the use of bogie tracks, as it was tested on distributed bark beetle infested stands in Saxony, was one field of application where the advantages of tire-based working, longer bogie axle and high contact surface were positively assessed. With more experiences, the revelation of further advantages or limitations are expected. Further information:…

Improvement of work safety through a new IT solution. A sensor node network connects to anyone involved (carrying such a node) and provides information about current danger situation over license-free band using Bluetooth low energy (BLE) .

Improved work safety through a sensor node network which connects to anyone carrying such a node and provides information about the current danger situation over a license-free band using Bluetooth low energy (BLE). For example: in a tree felling operation with a harvester which is supported by a forest worker, any person with such a little IT-device in his / her pocket (such as supervision personal, field forester, …) will get information about the position of the harvester and the work the harvester is doing. On the other hand, also the harvester has the information about these people. Risk alert warnings are sent to actors automatically, risk zones and risk status can be retrieved from actors, offenses of critical overlaps in risk safety zones are identified. The system is using u-Blox M8N GPS modules and map visualization on screens. The information gets translated to a danger situation depending on the individual work-situation (for example larger danger area when the harvester is cutting a tree than while driving). Communication of 150 - 700m, up to 9 slave nodes and battery allows 50h usage. GPS accuracy around 2.5m under forest conditions. The system may connect to a Cloud. This opens further data processing options, such as inclusion of passers-by via GSM-net or team-oriented data analysis for work-safety education needs. Further information:…

Hackathons are a tool to stimulate cross-sectoral innovations of start-ups and students

A hackathon is a unique opportunity to get together with different people and work on exciting ideas together. Supported by mentors and experts, a prototype, code, concept or a business model for an innovative solution is developed within a very short time (e.g.: 24h) in a team. It is not uncommon for hackathon teams to stay on site overnight, working through the night and only sleeping a few hours here and there. This is part of the concept and so there are often rest rooms with sleeping facilities at the hackathon. At the end of the event, each team gets the chance to pitch their idea to a jury, which then selects the winning team. Further information:…

Hackathon ist ein Instrument zur Förderung sektorübergreifender Innovationen von Start-ups und Studenten

Der Hackathon ist eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, mit verschiedenen Menschen zusammenzukommen und gemeinsam an spannenden Ideen zu arbeiten. Mit der Unterstützung von Mentoren und Experten wird innerhalb kürzester Zeit (z. B. 24 Stunden) in einem Team ein Prototyp, Code, Konzept oder ein Geschäftsmodell für eine innovative Lösung entwickelt. Oft bleiben die Hackathon-Teams über Nacht vor Ort, arbeiten durch oder schlafen nur hier und da nur ein paar Stunden. Dies ist Teil des Konzepts und deshalb gibt es beim Hackathon oft Ruheräume mit Schlafmöglichkeiten. Am Ende der Veranstaltung erhält jedes Team die Möglichkeit, seine Idee einer Jury vorzustellen, die dann ein Siegerteam auswählt. Weitere Informationen:…

The main wood construction reference book for planners, builders and all other wood construction fans.

The wood construction map makes it quick and easy to find noteworthy and award-winning wood buildings in Styria. The timber construction reference book offers a source of information for planners, builders and all others interested in timber construction. The buildings listed are selected from the participants of the Styrian Timber Construction Award and can be filtered according to different categories. This gives visitors an overview of some of the most beautiful timber buildings in the country. Further information:…

Das Holzbaunachschlagewerk für Planende, Bauherren und alle weiteren Holzbaufans.

Mit der Holzbaulandkarte lassen sich sehenswerte und prämierte Holzbauten der Steiermark schnell und einfach finden. Das Holzbaunachschlagewerk bietet eine Informationsquelle für Planende, Bauherren und alle weiteren Holzbauinteressierten. Die verzeichneten Gebäude sind aus den Teilnehmern des steirischen Holzbaupreises ausgewählt und können nach unterschiedlichen Kategorien gefiltert werden. Dadurch erhalten die Besucher einen Überblick über einige der schönsten Holzbauten des Landes. Weitere Informationen:…

Calculation tool for the establishment and operation of biomass trading centers.

Biomass Logistic and Trade Centres (BLTCs) are local or regional centres with optimised logistics and trading organization, where different woody bioenergy products (or heat) are marketed at standardised quality focusing on the domestic market uptake. It’s an innovative business model competitively operating as an intermediator to organise local woody bioenergy value chains between local biomass suppliers and customers of different scale from private households up to deliveries to heat and power plants. BioRES supported setting-up such BLTCs in Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia.

Starting point are web-based marketing and sales platform with limited physical infrastructure. This can be successively extended into a BLTC with its own production, storage and logistics facilities when the local market reaches critical volumes allowing for the amortization of investments. In Slovenia, Austria, Germany and Finland BLTCs of different shape with own production, storage and logistic facilities are competitively operating. BioRES aims to setting up at least 6 – 8 new BLTCs in distributed over at least 2 of the 3 countries in Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria during the project. Further information:…

With Woodlogistics, a modular software, the entire wood procurement process is controlled and optimised from the forest via the logging companies and hauliers to the sawmills. The aim of the web-based system solution is to make the purchase of roundwood by sawmills more efficient, to provide continuous information on the current status and thus to increase the trust of all parties involved. The basis for this is that the essential information can be retrieved quickly and transparently by the right people at any time.

The platform comprises three modules:

1. Roundwood takeover module: provides up-to-date online information and stores all relevant documents on roundwood transport to the wood-processing company. In addition, the data is automatically synchronised with the measuring system on the factory site.

2. Information and communication module: Stands for simple, fast and cross-company communication. It contains the location-independent provision of all essential information for suppliers, log buyers and hauliers. It also provides transfer data, the forest delivery note and individual master data.

3. Planning and control module: With this module, purchasing budgets can be allocated with the current target/actual status. It also contains a closing entry module with automatic transfer to the ERP system. The included freight cost module enables transport controlling. Further information:…

Mit Woodlogistics, einer modular aufgebauten Software, wird der gesamte Holzbeschaffungsprozess vom Forst über die Schlägerungsunternehmen und Frächter bis hin zu den Sägebetrieben gesteuert und optimiert. Ziel der webbasierten Systemlösung ist es, den Rundholzeinkauf von Sägewerken effizienter zu gestalten, laufend über den aktuellen Status zu informieren und damit das Vertrauen aller Beteiligten zu erhöhen. Grundlage dafür ist, dass die wesentlichen Informationen jederzeit schnell und transparent von den richtigen Personen abgerufen werden können.

Die Platform beinhaltet drei Module:

Rundholz- Vorerfassungsmodul: Bietet immer aktuelle Online-Informationen über die Zufuhren, die Rundholzeinkauf, Lieferant und Frächter zur Verfügung gestellt werden können. Zudem erfolgt eine automatische Synchronisation der Daten mit der Vermessungsanlage.

Informations- und Kommunikationsmodul: Steht für einfache, schnelle und unternehmensübergreifende Kommunikation. Es enthält die ortsunabhängige Bereitstellung aller wesentlichen Informationen für Lieferant, Rundholz-Einkauf und Frächter. Zudem stellt es Übernahmedaten, den Waldlieferschein und Einzelstammdaten bereit.

Planungs- und Steuerungsmodul: Damit gelingt die Vergabe von Einkäuferbudgets mit laufendem Soll/Ist Status. Außerdem enthält es ein Schlussbrieferfassungsmodul mit automatischer Überleitung ins ERP-System. Das enthaltene Frachtkostenmodul ermöglicht Transportcontrolling. Weitere Informationen:…

A lack of forest site information in Styria created a need for a new approach to forest site classification and mapping, considering the changing climatic conditions, which will affect the classification of forest sites and the choice of tree species. Theoretical concepts for a new approach in "dynamic site classification" existed, but the implementation of an integrated site and forest classification in for the whole forest area in Styria has been a scientific challenge. In this project the forest site classification is based on a GIS-based geo-ecological stratification model. The database is based on a digital elevation model, a geological base map, digitally available site and climate data as well as empirical site parameters. A map of forest types is derived based on several thematic maps, including information about energy, water and nutrient balance. Those parameters are modeled on the basis of point and area related data, which are then combined into forest types with a uniform combination of factors. The model allows a stratification of the forest types on all sites based on digital geo-ecological parameters. In addition to the ecological facts, each forest type is characterized by a description of silvicultural guidelines containing information on the appropriate choice of tree species, potential hazards and adaptation methods. Further information:… Video:

Das weitgehende Fehlen von Standortskarten in der Steiermark macht einen neuen Ansatz bei der Standortserkundung und Kartierung der vorkommenden Waldstandorte notwendig. Eine weitere wissenschaftliche Herausforderung stellt die Berücksichtigung von zukünftig veränderten Klimabedingungen dar, die sich auch auf die Klassifizierung von Standorten und Waldtypen auswirken wird. Für eine solcherart erforderliche „dynamische Standortsklassifizierung“ bestehen theoretische Konzepte, die konkrete Umsetzung einer integrierten Standorts- und Waldtypenklassifikation in einer realen Region wie der Steiermark stellt jedoch Neuland dar.

Im Rahmen des Projektes soll daher eine Waldtypisierung auf Basis eines GIS-gestützten geoökologischen Stratifizierungsmodells erfolgen. Als Datenbasis sollen das digitale Höhenmodell, eine geologische Basiskarte, digital vorliegende Standorts- und Klimadaten sowie neu zu erhebende Standortsparameter verwendet werden. Für die Waldtypenkarte sollen auf Grundlage der Punkt- und Flächendaten zunächst Themenkarten für die Faktoren Wärme, Wasser und Nährstoffhaushalt modelliert werden, die dann zu Waldtypen mit einheitlicher Faktorenkombination zusammengefasst werden. Das Modell erlaubt dann auf Basis der Datengrundlagen abgeleiteten digitalen geoökologischen Parametern eine Stratifizierung der Waldtypen auf allen Hauptwaldstandorten. Jeder Waldtyp wird auf der Waldtypenkarte im Maßstab 1:25.000 dargestellt. Weitere Informationen:… Video:

The preservation of forest functions and the supply of a region with the renewable resource wood require new strategies for forest owners, which they can only implement in cooperation with various partners. Answers to these challenges are to be developed within the framework of this pilot project, for which the political district of "Graz-Umgebung" was selected for Austria, on the basis of a sustainable wood mobilisation chain and climate-fit forest management. Timber mobilisation in private forests means mobilising forest owners and getting them interested in climate-friendly forest management. Because of property protection, additional wood mobilisation can only be achieved in cooperation with the forest owners. An essential step in the project is to point out exemplary small-scale forest managers who have been exploiting their wood utilisation potential for generations in the form of active family forestry. Under the motto "We make our forest climate-fit", active small-scale forest managers are brought into the public eye as climate-fit ambassadors.

The main objectives are:

- Establish continuity in the support and advice of forest owners

- Increase wood volumes from the project region

- Targeted public relations measures in the urban environment to generate a positive perception about the need to manage our forests

- Establish an advisory and support structure that can be ensured without public funding beyond the project

- Further development of digital offers for forest owners Further information:…

Die Erhaltung der Waldfunktionen und die Versorgung einer Region mit der erneuerbaren Ressource Holz erfordern neue Strategien für Waldbesitzerinnen und Waldbesitzer. Antworten auf diese Herausforderungen sollen im Rahmen dieses Pilotprojektes, für das der politische Bezirk Graz-Umgebung für Österreich ausgewählt wurde, anhand einer nachhaltigen Holzmobilisierungskette und einer klimafitten Waldbewirtschaftung erarbeitet werden. Die Holzmobilisierung im Privatwald bedeutet, den Waldbesitzer zu mobilisieren und sie für eine klimafitte Waldbewirtschaftung zu begeistern. Durch den Eigentumsschutz besteht ausschließlich die Möglichkeiten über die Besitzer der Wälder zusätzliche Holzmobilisierung zu erreichen. Ein wesentlicher Projektschritt besteht im Aufzeigen von beispielhaften Kleinwaldbewirtschaftern, die in Form einer aktiven Familienforstwirtschaft bereits seit Generationen ihr Holznutzungspotential ausschöpfen. Unter dem Motto „Wir machen unseren Wald klimafit“ werden aktive Kleinwaldbewirtschafter als Klimafit-Botschafter in die Öffentlichkeit geholt.


- Kontinuität in der Betreuung und Beratung von Waldbesitzern aufbauen

- Holzaufkommen aus der Projektregion steigern

- Gezielte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit im städtischen Umfeld für eine positiven Bezug der Notwendigkeit der Bewirtschaftung unserer Wälder

- Aufbau einer Beratungs- und Betreuungsstruktur, die über das Projekt hinaus ohne öffentliche Finanzmittel sichergestellt werden kann Weitere Informationene:…

FESTMETER Wöls Ltd. offers vitality analyses with a focus on bark beetle detection in coniferous forests.

Festmeter Wöls Ltd. offers vitality analyses with regard to bark beetle detection in coniferous forests. Using the carrier systems multicopter or light aircraft, forest plots are flown over in a grid system and aerial photographs are taken with a special camera, which are later analysed and evaluated on the computer. The technology used makes vitality restrictions visible, changes in the water content of the needles can be seen, but not the exact cause, such as the bark beetle itself. However, since image series from at least two flights at different times are compared, many other causes such as drought stress can be excluded and the bark beetle can be traced very closely. Initial trees are identified in the analysis, while the decision on necessary measures remains with the qualified on-site staff. A 100% hit rate is impossible. The aim should be to be able to act faster and more purposefully in the field. Long-standing customers report positive hit rates of over 80%. Further information:…

Die "FESTMETER Wöls GmbH" bietet Vitalitätsanalysen in Hinblick auf Borkenkäfererkennung im Nadelwald an.

Die „Festmeter Wöls GmbH“ bietet Vitalitätsanalysen in Hinblick auf Borkenkäfererkennung im Nadelwald an. Mit dem Trägersystemen Multikopter oder Leichtflugzeug werden Waldgrundstücke im Rastersystem überflogen und dabei mit einer Spezialkamera Luftbildaufnahmen gemacht, die später am Computer analysiert und ausgewertet werden. Durch die eingesetzte Technologie werden Vitalitätseinschränkungen sichtbar, man sieht Änderungen im Wassergehalt der Nadeln, nicht aber die genaue Ursache wie beispielsweise den Borkenkäfer selbst. Da aber Bildserien aus mindestens zwei zeitlich versetzten Flügen miteinander verglichen werden, können viele andere Ursachen wie Trockenstress ausgeschlossen werden, wodurch man dem Borkenkäfer sehr nahe auf die Spur kommt. In den Vitalitätsanalysen werden Initialbäume gezeigt wobei die Entscheidung über notwendige Maßnahmen erfolgt weiterhin durch das qualifizierte Vor-Ort Mitarbeiter.Eine 100%ige Trefferquote ist unmöglich. Das Ziel sollte sein, im Feld schneller und zielgerichteter agieren zu können. Langjährige Kunden berichten von positiven Trefferquoten von über 80 %. Weitere Informationen:…

The Digital Sawmill is a project is funded by Vinnova and the participating companies Moelven Industrier, RemaSawco, Schneider Electric, RISE and DigiWood. The aim of the project was to, by digitizing the sawmill's production and process data, increase the process efficiency by 15%, increase the product value by 10% and reduce energy consumption by 10%. Digitization is a complicated project that takes time and requires resources. It is essential to focus on the goals set. Careful planning is required of: plant inventory, installation in stages, demanding deployment with parallel systems for new automated connections. Digitization projects start with details, continue with details and even more detail, with clear goals of a result of shaping a unified unit. Massive skills challenge. Visualize more, with less monitoring screens.Take control of data flows and take ownership of your own data.Platforms that handle data need to be tested in a harsh environment before. Different systems that measure time, energy or dimension need to be synchronized onsite, and with periodicity calibrated against "approved" similar.Traceability in saw lines can be achieved with redundant systems that measure length with the addition of timestamp. A calculation shows a potential increase in value of approximately SEK 5 million per year. Further information:…

Det digitala sågverket är ett projekt som pågått i två år, 2017-2018. Projektet finansieras av Vinnova och de deltagande företagen Moelven Industrier, RemaSawco, Schneider Electric, RISE och DigiWood. Syftet med projektet var att genom att digitalisera sågverkets produktions- och processdata öka processeffektiviteten med 15%, öka produktvärdet med 10% och minska energiförbrukningen med 10%. Digitalisering är ett komplicerat projekt som tar tid och kräver resurser. Det är viktigt att fokusera på uppsatta mål. Noggrann planering krävs av: anläggningens inventering, installation i steg, krävande distribution med parallella system för nya automatiserade anslutningar. Digitaliseringsprojekt börjar med detaljer, fortsätter med detaljer och ännu mer detaljer, med tydliga mål för ett resultat av att forma en enhetlighet. Massiva färdighetsutmaningar. Visualisera mer, med mindre övervakningsskärmar. Ta kontroll över dataflöden och ta ägande av dina egna data. Plattformar som hanterar data måste testas i en hård miljö innan. Olika system som mäter tid, energi eller dimension måste synkroniseras på plats och med periodicitet kalibrerad mot "godkänd" liknande. Spårbarhet i såglinjer kan uppnås med redundanta system som mäter längd med tillägg av tidsstämpel. En beräkning visar en potentiell värdestegring på cirka 5 miljoner kronor per år.…

Mistra Digital Forest is a research program working with the great societal challenges of our time. The demands of climate change and nature’s finite resources mean we have to switch to a circular bioeconomy, and the forest has a central role in this. Forest raw materials can phase out fossil-based materials and products, and replace them with renewable, bio-based alternatives. Digitalisation creates opportunities for forestry to be a sustainable and competitive part of that transformation.

Mistra Digital Forest makes enormous amounts of data available, increasing our knowledge of the forest and enabling us to make sustainable, resource-efficient decisions when we use this data. In concrete terms, this means that the programme’s researchers develop digital tools and innovations, automating and adding greater precision in forest planning and forest use. This results in increased competitiveness and sustainability in the forestry sector. In order to accelerate digital transformation, the program is working to increase digital knowledge within the industry. Methods for sustainability assessment are also being developed, and provide a fact-based starting point, when various stakeholders are discussing the role of the forest in the transition to a more sustainable society.

Program stakeholders: Mistra Digital Forest is funded by Mistra and participating parties. The program is led by the Swedish Forest Industries Federation and program partners are BillerudKorsnäs, Holmen, SCA, Stora Enso, Sveaskog, Södra, SLU, IVL, Skogforsk, Umeå University and KTH. Further information:…

Mistra Digital Forest je výskumný program pracujúci s veľkými spoločenskými výzvami našej doby. Požiadavky klimatických zmien a obmedzených prírodných zdrojov Znamená to, že musíme prejsť na obehové biohospodárstvo a les v tom zohráva ústrednú úlohu. Lesné suroviny môžu postupne vyradiť materiály na báze fosílnych palív a nahradiť ich obnoviteľnými, biologickými alternatívami. Digitalizácia vytvára príležitosti, aby sa lesné hospodárstvo stalo trvalo udržateľnou a konkurencieschopnou súčasťou. Presne k tomu prispieva Mistra Digital Forest.

Mistra Digital Forest sprístupňuje obrovské množstvo údajov, zvyšuje naše znalosti o lese a umožňuje nám vytvárať udržateľné a efektívne využiteľné zdroje. Konkrétne to znamená, že výskumní pracovníci programu vyvíjajú digitálne nástroje a inovácie, automatizujú a pridávajú väčšiu presnosť v lesnom plánovaní a využívaní lesov. Výsledkom je zvýšená konkurencieschopnosť a udržateľnosť v sektore lesného hospodárstva. S cieľom urýchliť digitálnu transformáciu, program pracuje na zvyšovaní digitálnych znalostí v rámci odvetvia. Existujú aj vyvinuté metódy hodnotenia udržateľnosti ktoré poskytujú východiskový bod založený na faktoch, keď rôzne zainteresované strany diskutujú o úlohe lesa pri prechode k udržateľnejšej spoločnosti.

Účastníci programu: Mistra Digital Forest je financovaný spoločnosťou Mistra a zúčastnenými stranami. Program vedie Švédska federácia lesného priemyslu a partnermi programu sú BillerudKorsnäs, Holmen, SCA, Stora Enso, Sveaskog, Södra, SLU, IVL, Skogforsk, Univerzita Umeå a KTH.…

HiVision is the industry leading innovative digitalisation solution that provides individual crane operators with vision to safely carry out any loading job without having to leave the truck cabin.

Forestry crane work is often an isolated and rugged business carried out in challenging temperatures and harsh environments. Hiab’s HiVision™is transforming the working conditions and productivity using virtual reality technology, goggles, external cameras. Precision and efficient log lifting every time - all from the safety and comfort of the crane cabin. HiVision™ is the first fully digitalised solution that gives a 270 degree view horizontally and 130 degree view vertically using external cameras mounted to the body of the equipment. The virtual reality technology assesses the external working conditions so the operator can stay safely within the truck cabin. Once the ‘target’ has been identified, the system allows the operator to guide the crane using an electronic joystick mounted on each armrest of the truck’s passenger seat. Further information:… Video:

Precision forestry service that with the help of RGB and multispectral images from drones, airplanes, helicopters or satellites can detect bark beetle infected or stressed trees.

Today, the technology for identifying bark beetle attacks in the forest is largely based on manual work through visual checks of forest areas, where early attacks are almost impossible to see, while old attacks are easier to detect. Attempts have been made to identify damage attacks using satellite radar maps which give a good indication and can be seen as a complementing part to our precision analysis. Arboair Forest Mapper is a service where you analyze your images via our AI. Our model is trained on over 200 000 trees and it is verified by forest managers. Further information:… Video:

Arboair precisionsskogsbruk är en hållbar tjänst som med hjälp av RGB- och multispektrala bilder från drönare, flygplan, helikoptrar eller satelliter kan upptäcka barkbaggarinfekterade eller stressade träd.

Idag bygger tekniken för att identifiera granbarkborreangrepp i skogen till stor del på manuellt arbete genom visuella kontroller av skogsområden, där tidiga angrepp nästan är omöjliga att se, medan gamla attacker är lättare att upptäcka. Försök har gjorts för att identifiera tidiga angrepp med hjälp av satellitkartor som ger en bra indikation och kan ses som ett komplement till vår precisionsanalys. Arboair Forest Mapper är en tjänst där du analyserar dina bilder via vår AI. Vår modell är tränad på över 200 000 träd och den har verifierats av skogsförvaltare.

1. Samla in data

Flyg drönaren själv

Använd en av våra drönarpartners

Använd en av våra satellitdatapartners för högupplösta satellitbilder

2. Analys





3. Ta del av ditt resultat

Titta på i Arboairs portal

Skicka resultatet till er egna plattform

Ladda ner och använd i QGIS, ArcGIS, Google Earth eller något annat GIS. Video:

Skogkurs is intended to be the common body for competence in business development and management of forests and other land resources. Through its activities, Skogkurs will contribute to increasing competence among actors in the forestry industry, and disseminate forest and nature knowledge to schools and the public. Skogkurs has 36 member organizations. “Active forestry” is a nationwide offer with courses aimed at forest owners, forestry workers and forestry operators. The courses are also relevant for other groups that use forestry tools, either professionally or in their spare time. The courses provide practical guidance, have a small group size and skilled authorized instructors. These are short, targeted, locally adapted courses that are given close to home or in the workplace. The teaching program “Teach with the Forest” offers lessons from kindergarten to higher learning educator programs.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food contributes significantly to the financing of the activities. About half of the development projects where Skogkurs has project management are partly funded through one or more of the forestry's own funds. Adult education funding, funding from the Norwegian Environment Agency and project funding from other partners also make important financial contributions to Skogkurs' activities. Further information:… Video:

Skogkurs har til formål å være skogbrukets fellesorgan for kompetanseformidling innen næringsutvikling og forvaltning av skog og andre arealressurser. Gjennom sin virksomhet skal Skogkurs bidra til kompetanseheving for aktørene i skogbruksnæringen, og til formidling av kunnskap om skog og natur til skoleverk og allmennhet. Skogkurs har 36 organisasjoner som medlemmer. Aktivt skogbruk er et landsdekkende tilbud med kurs for skogeiere, skogsarbeidere og skogsmaskinførere. Kursene er også aktuelle for andre grupper som benytter skogbruksredskaper, enten i sitt arbeid eller på fritiden. Kursene gir veiledning på en praktisk måte, har få deltakere og dyktige, autoriserte instruktører. Dette er korte, målrettede kurs med lokal tilpasning som gis nært bosted eller på arbeidsplassen.

Undervisningsprogrammet Lære med Skogen tilbyr undervisningsopplegg fra barnehage til lærerutdanningen. Landbruks- og matdepartementet bidrar i betydelig grad til finansiering av virksomheten. Omkring halvparten av utviklingsprosjektene der Skogkurs har prosjektledelse er delfinansiert gjennom midler fra ett eller flere av skogbrukets egne fond. Voksenopplæringsmidler, midler fra Miljødirektoratet og prosjektmidler fra andre samarbeidspartnere utgjør i tillegg viktige økonomiske bidrag til virksomheten.… Video:

Established 75 years ago, Solør VGS Sønsterud has since been a national leader in training for forestry operations. The campus is currently part of Solør VGS with around 500 students aged 16-18 years and 135 employees. Teaching takes place both indoors and outdoors and allows pupils a practical approach to forestry. The curriculum follows the yearly season with planning, forest culture and logging.

Drones are used as a supplement to teaching, where they film objects and stock as a basis for work in teaching. This is to visualize select challenges or to show before/after an activity. When training operation of forestry machines, drones allow students and teachers to see the work from a birds-eye perspective. Used correctly, this may lead to increased learning both for those who observe, but especially for those who are observed and who get to see themselves at work. The time every pupil can spend operating forestry machines is limited, it is therefore important to make good use of the time available. By filming every student operating a forestry machine, the learning outcome will be increased for the students by allowing them to see themselves and get positive and constructive feedback. Drones allow prioritization of areas for improvement. Further information:… Video:

Siden opprettelsen for 75 år siden har Solør VGS Sønsterud vært nasjonalt ledende i opplæring i skogbrukets driftsteknikk. Studiestedet er i dag en del av Solør VGS med til sammen ca. 500 elever i alderen 16-18 år og 135 ansatte. Undervisningen foregår både innendørs og utendørs og er lagt opp slik at elevene får en praktisk tilnærming til skogbruk. Undervisningen følger året med planlegging, skogkultur og hogst. Droner brukes som et supplement i øvrig undervisning. Dels for å filme objekter og bestand som grunnlag for arbeid i undervisningen. Dette for å vise spesielle problemstilling eller for å vise før/etter en aktivitet. Ved opplæring i bruk av skogsmaskiner gir droner elever og lærere mulighet til å se arbeidet fra et annet perspektiv. Brukt på riktig måte vil dette kunne gi økt læring både for de som kun observerer, men særlig for den som blir observert og som får sett seg selv i arbeid i etterkant. Siden tida den enkelte kan bruke som førere av maskiner er begrenset, det viktig å nytte tida godt. Ved å filme hver enkelt elev sitt arbeid med skogsmaskin, kan læringsutbyttet økes for elevene ved at de kan se seg selv, og få tilbakemelding på hva som er gjort riktig eller feil. Kartlegging prioritering av forbedringsområder blir dermed tydeligere.… Video:

Women in Forestry (WiF) was established in 1986 by women studying and working in forestry. The purpose was to increase awareness among women to claim their right to inherit the family forest, and to work for women to be an active and skilled part of the forestry, as well as to build a strong and supportive network between women. Today, the members of WiF are students, forestry workers, forest owners - including former and future owners - supporters and various organisations within forestry or women's rights, and the organisation works with both forestry and gender equality. The activities include building both knowledge and network among the members and other women, by activities such as women crash courses in forestry, field days for immigrant women and annual Forest Conferences with various topics, as well as activities aimed at building knowledge in the society and the forestry, e.g. by participating in audit of the Norwegian PEFC Forest standard to ensure gender equality in both the working group and the revised standard, and other projects on both national and international scales. WiF reaches out to their members and other audience through the use of Facebook and Instagram, as well as their own podcast "Sound of Forestry", where the guests are mainly women, with an "everyday language" to reach also people without knowledge of forestry. The organisation is funded by membership fees, project fundings, governmental grants, sponsorship and sales of consulting services. Further information:…

Kvinner i Skogbruket (KiS) ble etablert i 1986 av kvinner som studerer og jobber med skogbruk. Hensikten var å øke bevisstheten blant kvinner for å gjøre krav på sin rett til å arve familieskogen, og å arbeide for at kvinner skal være en aktiv og dyktig del av skogbruket, samt å bygge et sterkt og støttende nettverk mellom kvinner. I dag er medlemmene av KiS studenter, skogarbeidere, skogeiere - inkludert tidligere og fremtidige eiere - støttespillere og ulike organisasjoner innen skogbruk eller kvinners rettigheter, og organisasjonen jobber med både skogbruk og likestilling. Aktivitetene inkluderer å bygge både kunnskap og nettverk blant medlemmene og andre kvinner, ved aktiviteter som kvinnekrasjkurs i skogbruk, feltdager for innvandrerkvinner og årlige skogkonferanser med ulike temaer, samt aktiviteter rettet mot å bygge kunnskap i samfunnet og skogbruket, f.eks ved å delta i revisjon av den norske PEFC Forest-standarden for å sikre likestilling i både arbeidsgruppen og den reviderte standarden, og andre prosjekter på både nasjonal og internasjonal skala. KiS når ut til sine medlemmer og annet publikum gjennom bruk av Facebook og Instagram, samt deres egen podcast "Lyden av skogbruk", der gjestene hovedsakelig er kvinner, med et "hverdagsspråk" for å nå også folk uten kunnskap om skogbruk. . Organisasjonen er finansiert av medlemskontingent, prosjektfinansiering, statlige tilskudd, sponsing og salg av konsulenttjenester.…

Never has the world had greater need for sustainable solutions. Think wood is an industry initiative from several companies and organizations within the Norwegian forest and wood industry. Together, we want to show how forests and trees can contribute in the fight against climate changes. Since its inception in 2019, the project has developed a number of articles and films, which easily and engagingly show what kind of products can be made of wood. Everything that is currently made of oil can in principle also be made of wood – and that with far lower emissions. The overall goal of the initiative is to show people why forests and wood are an important part of the climate solution. If we are going to achieve the UN’s sustainable climate goals, consumers, businesses, and politicians must actively choose renewable resources, such as wood, over non-renewable resources like petroleum and coal. Wood is the future. Not only as a resource, but as a green job creator all over Norway. Further information:…

We are foresters, scientists, remote sensing experts, programmers, mathematicians, data scientists, developers, and entrepreneurs. What combines us is forestry. We want to bringing Industry 4.0 to the Norwegian Forestry. SmartForest will position the Norwegian forest sector at the forefront of digitalization resulting in large efficiency gains in the forest sector, increased production, reduced environmental impacts, and significant climate benefits. SmartForest will result in a series of innovations and be the catalyst for an internationally competitive forest-tech sector in Norway. The fundamental components for achieving this are in place; a unified and committed forest sector, a leading R&D environment, and a series of progressive data and technology companies. The primary objective of SmartForest is to improve the efficiency of the Norwegian forest sector by enabling a digital revolution transforming forest information, silviculture, forest operations, wood supply and the overall digital information flow in the sector. The digital transformation will be enabled by a series of innovations that will form the foundation for the development for of a strong Forest-tech sector in Norway. Project Leader for SmartForest is NIBIO Norsk institutt for Bioøkonomi. Further information:…

Sme lesníci, vedci, experti na diaľkový prieskum Zeme, programátori, matematici, dátoví vedci, vývojári a podnikatelia. To, čo nás spája, je lesníctvo. Chceme priniesť Priemysel 4.0 do nórskeho lesníctva. SmartForest postaví nórsky lesnícky sektor do popredia digitalizácie výsledkom je veľké zvýšenie efektívnosti v sektore lesného hospodárstva, zvýšená produkcia, znížené vplyvy na životné prostredie a významné klimatické výhody. SmartForest bude viesť k sérii inovácií a byť katalyzátorom pre medzinárodne konkurencieschopný sektor lesných technológií v Nórsku. Základné komponenty na dosiahnutie tieto sú na mieste; jednotný a angažovaný lesnícky sektor, popredné R&D prostredie a séria progresívnych dátových a technologických spoločností. Primárny Cieľom SmartForest je zlepšiť efektivitu nórskeho lesníckeho sektora umožnením digitálnej revolúcie transformujúcej informácie o lesoch, lesné hospodárstvo, lesné operácie, dodávky dreva a celkový digitálny tok informácií v sektore. Digitálnu transformáciu umožní séria inovácií tvoria základ pre rozvoj silného sektora lesných technológií v Nórsku. Vedúcim projektu pre SmartForest je inštitút NIBIO Norsk pre Bioøkonomi.…

FeltGis was established in 2016 by three entrepreneurs from the IT and forestry sector with intent to develop easy to use digital solutions for increased efficiency in the forestry value chain. Today the FeltGis team consists of four working partners and are owned by a group of shareholders in an Ltd. The product FeltBox is a wireless router connecting the forestry machine to the application FeltLog. The FeltLog app makes it possible to transfer information to a computer and to receive data. Two-way communication allows the forestry machine operator to receive work descriptions and to forward production data to the whole value chain. Production data is uploaded to a central database and the user has full control over what data to transfer. FeltBox can easily be installed in any forestry machine regardless of brand, at an affordable price. The system uses access via smartphone to stay updated and to transfer information, no additional internet connection is required. Today 100+ FeltGis solutions are installed in Norway and the same number are installed for testing in different countries. The FeltGis team actively work to develop customized and market-oriented solutions for the national and international market and has concrete plans for developing new innovative solutions in the time to come, expanding their product portfolio in both depth and width. The FeltGis team are currently in dialog with stakeholders from France, Spain, Uruguay, Ireland, and Finland. Further information: Video:

Selskapet FeltGis ble etablert i 2016 av tre gründere fra IT- og skogsektoren med hensikt å utvikle brukervennlige digitale løsninger for økt effektivitet i skogbrukets verdikjede. I dag består FeltGis-teamet av fire partnere og eies av en gruppe aksjonærer i et A/S.  Produktet FeltBox er en trådløs ruter som kobler skogbruksmaskiner til applikasjonen FeltLog. FeltLog-appen gjør det mulig å overføre informasjon videre til en datamaskin, samt motta data. Toveiskommunikasjon gjør det mulig for skogmaskinoperatøren å motta arbeidsbeskrivelser og videresende produksjonsdata til hele verdikjeden. Produksjonsdata lastes opp til en sentral database, og brukeren har full kontroll over hvilke data som skal overføres. FeltBox kan enkelt installeres i hvilken som helst skogsmaskin uavhengig av produsent, til en overkommelig pris. Systemet bruker tilgang via smarttelefon for å holde seg oppdatert og til å overføre informasjon, ingen ekstra internettforbindelse er nødvendig. Hittil er det installert 100+ FelgGis-løsninger i Norge og samme antall er installert for testing i forskjellige land. FeltGis-teamet arbeider aktivt for å utvikle tilpassede og markedsorienterte løsninger for et nasjonalt og internasjonalt marked og har konkrete planer for å utvikle nye innovative løsninger i tiden fremover, og utvide produktporteføljen i både dybde og bredde. FeltGis-teamet er for tiden i dialog med interessenter fra Frankrike, Spania, Uruguay, Irland og Finland. Video:

Allma give you the opportunity to access your forestry plan via PC, smart phone, or tablet. Providing an overview of standing volume/value, and help you make smart decisions.

A forestry plan gives you an overview of the property and provides a basis for making good priorities. The forestry plan divides the forest into stands and recommends which measures should or must be carried out in the individual stand. With ALLMA, the forestry plan has become digital and is always with you via iPhone and tablet. Technological developments have made the forestry plan even better and more useful than before.

Advantages using Allma:

-Full overview of own forest and property boundaries.

-Always updated forestry plan in your pocket.

-The forest is growing - in ALLMA the growth is calculated and updated.

-Gives a clue as to when it is most profitable to harvest.

-Takes into account important environmental values.

-Opportunity to submit a request for forest services from your local cooperative.

ALLMA is an abbreviation for ALLSKOG, Mjøsen Skog and AT Skog. These three forest cooperatives are behind the development of ALLMA. The foundation in ALLMA is a modern database for storage and production of forestry plan data. Further information:…

The purpose of the act on the financing of sustainable forestry (Kemera-law) is to advance economically, ecologically and socially sustainable silviculture and use of the forests. A private forest owner may receive financial support from the State for forest management, forest improvement work and for nature management. Public funding for forestry is based on the Act on the Financing of Sustainable Forestry. The general objectives of forestry financing are stated in the Act: increase the growth of forests, maintain road networks for forestry purposes, secure the biodiversity of forests and promote the adaptation of forests to climate change.

Government subsidies are essential for safeguarding sustainable wood production, maintenance of forest biodiversity and improvement of the health of forests. The most common reason not to participate in the cost sharing program is the challenge in applying the support. The receipt of Kemera subsidies requires a implementation plan or an application for support and declaration of completion. The amount of Kemera support varies by type of work and by financial zone. Support is a taxable income and the funding is provided by the Finnish Forest Center. Forest management and improvement work which may be eligible for support include the tending of seedling stands, tending of young stands, ditch cleaning and supplementary ditching and construction of forest roads. Support may also be granted for remedial fertilisation. Further information:…

CFLogistics (LogForce) is used by both forest companies and contractors. The planner can ensure that requested amounts of wood are transported to the delivery destinations. Also, the driver has real-time information on what is supposed to be delivered from where and to where.

CFLogistics (LogForce) is a software service for forestry related transport that streamlines the business for both the haulage contractor and the forestry company. CFLogistics software covers all the planning and vehicle software needed by a haulage contractor. With the help of the CFLogistics service, a transport company can offer its services to several forestry companies using one information system. The forestry company can focus on managing delivery volumes and optimising stock turnover. With the CFLogistics software service, the haulage contractor can plan and manage the transport of logs, forest energy, chips and other by-products of the forest industry from the starting depot to the location of use.

Advantages for transport companies:

1. Higher utilisation rate of the transportation equipment

2. Ability to work for different forestry companies using just one application

3. More flexible transport planning

4. Forestry companys advantages:

5. Focus on managing delivery volumes

6. Better stock turnover

7. Cost-efficient logistics Further information:

CFharvest (WoodForce) is planning- and steering system for harvesting and silviculture to optimize and strengthen the supply chains of forestry. Forestry company delivers all the contracts the WoodForce-system according to the need of raw material. The contractor selects the contracts and the locations he will perform. Forest companies have decreased harvesting and average costs in Silviculture or Regeneration job types. There has been increasing productivity in the supply chain of stem wood and energy wood. Also increasing productivity in field operations in Forestry like Silviculture Harvesting Forest Services. Contractors have the ability to manage their own forestry services and receive the full benefit of all resources. Possibility to operate for multiple forest companies is important. In addition, there is less manual reporting and worksite navigation is easier. CFharvest supports a changing trend where progressive companies now contract for several forest companies and do the planning with one system. Since the contractor understands local conditions best, forest harvesting operations become more efficient: the contractor has direct control over work plans and scheduling his own fleet of harvesters and trucks. Further information:…

A joint wood terminal means a built-up area suitable for the storage and handling of timber species. The operations performed at the wood terminal are determined by the operator according to their needs.

One of the challenges in wood mobilization is small-scale wood units within long distances from the nearest roads. These units are not profitable for harvesting, since forest and long-distance transportation are of high costs. The answer to the challenge might lie in bigger wood terminals where wood from multiple small-scale units would be gathered from the same area for intermediate storage. In general, storing the wood is sensible at a distance of about 100 to 150 km from the site of use. The best location for intermediate storage is at the beginning of forest roads.

In Lapland, for instance, a few big terminals have been built close to the railway to advance the efficiency of wood transportation by train. In the provinces, larger terminals are usually located mainly according to the needs of industry and large forestry companies. Benefits of common terminals occur especially in wintertime, when maintenance of storage area could be done commonly or by the certain terminal operator. The joint terminals are well suited for energy wood and wood for which the need for storage is at a different time. This allows continuous use of area.

Operating culture, various practices, and lack of cooperation of the actors are experienced to restrict the wider deployment of common terminals. However, an increase in wood flows will require building more terminals. Further information:… Video:

KUUTIO® is an open and independent timber marketplace for forest owners, timber buyers, intermediaries such as forest management associations and other forest service providers.

Third party digital service Kuutio brings together forest owners, wood buyers and other service providers in a digital environment. enables asking bids from wood procurement companies, when a private forest owner wants to sell wood. The service is developed by Suomen Puukauppa Oy, which was founded by all the major actors in the forest sector. Involved are Stora Enso, UPM and Metsä Group among almost all of the smaller saw mills. Kuutio is fully functional in any role of forestry professionals either through a browser interface or the company’s own forest system as long as it has been set up with a Kuutio connection.

Actual sales are made outside the service, Kuutio only acts as a go-between wood buyers and sellers. In most cases it is still required to do some field work and validate the information provided by system by visiting the stand marked for harvesting. All parties of wood trade benefit from Kuutio because sellers and buyers are able find each other more easily than before. The service utilizes public forest details from the Metsäkeskus database Metsään .fi and improves the functionality of wood trade. Kuutio paves the way to wood trade especially for those who are not the most at ease when it comes to taking care of their forestry property. Kuutio is targeted to all Finnish forest owners and they can use the service for free. Further information:

Fragmented ownership structure is one of the main challenges of wood mobilization in Europe. Small-sized, dispersed forest property with difficult access to forests results in high costs for timber harvesting per hectare. The joint forests have been established in Finland since the end of the 1800. In the beginning of 2019 there were 460 common forests in Finland. The establishment of the common forest and the incorporation to existing joint forests have recently become more widespread. The total area of common forests is growing and it is already more than 700 000 ha. There are about 25 000 stakeholder in the common forests of our country, and they include over 5% of the surface area of our private forest. The smallest common forest is less than 20 hectares, while the largest, Kuusamo common forest has over 90 000 hectares of territory.

Changes in the common forest law have facilitated the integration of common forests and the creation of new joint forests. The common forest can provide a good and workable solution to many objectives of modern forest ownership. The common forest is a shared forest area for operating sustainable forestry in favour of the shareholder forest estates. The common forests are privately owned and have no public-law character or obligation. According to the Common Forestry Act, common forest must be used primarily for operating sustainable forestry. Sustainable forestry includes economic, social and ecological sustainability. The shareholders of common forest decide how to emphasise the utilization of different areas for the purposes of sustainable forestry. Further information:…

Metsää provides eServices for forest owners and forestry service providers. The online application shows the maps, forest information and, silvicultural and cutting possibilities of each forest estate and their compartments:

1. Soil and forest site type

2. Growing stock

3. Treatment proposals for a five-year period

4. Natural values (habitats of special importance)

5. Latest maps and aerial photographs with compartment borders

6. Annual growth

Metsää also allows forest owners to apply for subsidies for improvement of young stands and declare notifications of forest use ( cuttings) by filling e-forms instead of paper ones. In addition, forest owners can contact forest service producers via the system. Metsää is quite easy to use and it provides the forest owner many new flexible services, e.g. e-forms for applying subsidies. It’s a safe system, although being a public one. A strong identification of the user is needed, use of e-Identification is safe and provided by the state. e-Identification contains a list of the identification tokens for example using online banking codes, mobile certificate or certificate cards

The Finnish Forest Centre collects and maintains remote sensing based data of forest resources covering the private forests. Metsää is a free portal using that forest data for serving forest owners and forestry service providers. It has been found to encourage forest owners to carry out silvicultural works and generally for developing forest businesses. Further information:…

Metsää świadczy usługi elektroniczne właścicielom lasów i dostawcom usług w leśnictwie. Aplikacja internetowa zawiera mapy, informacje o lasach i możliwości prowadzenia działań związanych z uprawą i wyrębem w każdym odddziale leśnym.

Fińskie Centrum Leśnictwa zbiera i przechowuje dane teledetekcyjne dotyczące zasobów leśnych, w tym lasów prywatnych. Metsää to bezpłatny portal, który wykorzystuje te dane do obsługi właścicieli lasów i dostawców usług leśnych. Praktyka pokazuje, że zachęca to właścicieli lasów do podejmowania działań hodowlanych i przyczynia się do rozwoju krajowego leśnictwa. Dane dostępne w Metsää obejmują:

1. rodzaj gleby i działki leśnej,

2. zapas drewna na pniu,

3. propozycje zabiegów pielęgnacyjnych na okres 5 lat,

4. informacje o walorach przyrodniczych (siedliska o szczególnym znaczeniu),

5. najnowsze mapy i zdjęcia lotnicze z granicami oddziałów,

6. wielkość rocznego przyrostu.

Portal umożliwia również właścicielom lasów ubieganie się o dotacje na młode drzewostany i zgłaszanie działań w zakresie użytkowania lasu (np. wyrębu) poprzez wypełnianie formularzy elektronicznych zamiast papierowych. Ponadto właściciele lasów mogą kontaktować się za pośrednictwem systemu z dostawcami usług leśnych. Publiczny portal Metsää jest dość łatwy w użyciu i oferuje właścicielowi lasu wiele nowych, elastycznych usług, zapewniając przy tym bezpieczeństwo przetwarzania informacji. Portal wykorzystuje indentyfikację użytkownika poprzez państwową usługę elektronicznej autoryzacji…

Virtual forest is an application, which can be used in participatory planning of land use, guidance of forest owners and for combining interests of different stakeholder groups concerning utilization of natural resources and areas.

Virtual forest 2.0 is a research and development project that has developed a digital application to enable the visualization of forest resources and spatial data in 3D. A virtual forest is software that can be utilized in participatory land use planning, advising forest owners, and taking into account the goals of user and interest groups in the areas.The virtual forest can be used to increase citizens' understanding of different forest management options and to illustrate the landscape effects of a forest plan. The virtual forest can be used to visualize the holdings of any forest owner, and the application is compatible with various information systems in the forest industry.The virtual forest 2.0 uses open QGIS geographic information system to generate changes in forest patterns or tree data, habitat data and terrain data in a virtual 3D-visualization. The free downloadable Virtual Forest 2.0 application was released in October 2020. Further information:… Video:

At the Science Centre Pilke exhibition, you will have the opportunity to explore the forest with all your senses and from many different angles.

Pilke is Metsähallitus's office building in Rovaniemi, northern Finland. Pilke House's Customer Service offers information on all services provided by Metsähallitus including trail permits and hiking advice. Visitors will also find a selection of forest-themed products at Pilke Shop, next to the customer service. Science Centre Pilke downstairs introduces northern forests and the multiple ways in which we are daily connected to forests and their produce. Science Centre Pilke tells stories about the northern forests and the many connections we have with them. The building is a wooden beam-column structure, an example of ecological wood construction and Finnis architecture. Further information:…

Forest Finland is the joint communication project of the Finnish forest sector, launched in May 2020. The campaign will awaken and raise peoples’ interest and encourage discussion about the forests’ role in everything in Finland.

Forest Finland is the joint communication project of the Finnish forest sector, launched in May 2020. The campaign will awaken and raise peoples’ interest and encourage discussion about the forests’ role in everything in Finland. Forest Finland talks about the sustainability of the use of the northern forests and about the solutions the sustainable use of them offers. The forest will be seen on TV and heard on the radio, in outdoor advertising and in social media. Forest Finland aims to surprise, awaken interest in the forest and encourage us to discuss sustainable use of the forest. Forest Finland updates our perception of modern forestry. It presents products one could not imagine being made using wood.

The concept is based on the observation that almost everything Finns do is always accompanied by a forest. At christenings, student parties, graduations, weddings and funerals; or on holidays, events and on spare time, forest is always there - at least in the pictures. In fact, we don’t even realize that almost all of our photographs, and with it our memories, always have - at least in the background - a forest. Finns have a special relationship with the forest because it is involved in everything.Everyone can participate. One can share the information in your own organization or on social media, e.g. by sharing pictures you have taken of the forest or by highlighting solutions that the forest produces for all of us. Further information:…

PONSEE is introducing firefighting equipment to be installed in the load spaces of forwarders for extinguishing wildfires. Forest machine is the most natural and effective way to access a forest fire area. Operations in difficult terrain come as second nature to them, and they have more than enough capacity in their hydraulic system for demanding conditions. The firefighting equipment is delivered to the fire location as a single package – and after it has been connected to forest machine hydraulics, the equipment is ready to operate.

The 10 m³ water tank of the firefighting equipment can be filled with its own pump from a natural water source or the tank of a fire truck. The water cannon has a range of 47 metres and a turning radius of 360 degrees. It takes 5 to 10 minutes to refill the tank. The filling hose is guided by the forwarder's boom and the strainer on the tank roof takes out the biggest debris. The water cannon is controlled with the remote control. The system draws its power from the hydraulics of the forwarder. Further information:…

Biomass Atlas is an open service which collects the location data of biomasses under one, single user interphase. Developed by Luke together with Finnish organizations SYKE, TAPIO, UEF and UVA, and by the funding of the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the service enables calculations of the amount of biomass in a given geographical area, as well as examining the opportunities and restrictions to utilise the biomass. The map user interface is easy to use and allows user to watch, analyse and report biomasses from forestry, agriculture and biodegradable wastes from communities and industry. You will find approximately 300 map layers of different biomass types or land use categories in map user interface.

Based on Biomass Atlas, assessments of regional availability of biomass, procurement and logistical costs of biomass, procurement technology and optimization in Luke and other organizations have been successfully accomplished. Analyses of content of biomasses, their nutrients, energy potential, and the nutrient recycling have been optimized regionally using Biomass Atlas.

The biomass data is planned to support investment decisions and sustainable use of natural resources, for example, and to help decision-makers to do sustainable energy politics. At the moment Biomass Atlas is available in Finnish. International version of Biomass Atlas will be built in cooperation with Baltic Forbio project, which starts at autumn 2017 and exports the Biomass Atlas concept to Sweden and Baltic sea countries. Further information:…

Atlas biomasy je otvorená služba, ktorá zhromažďuje údaje o polohe biomasy v rámci jednej používateľskej fázy. Vyvinutý Lukom spolu s Fínskom organizáciami SYKE, TAPIO, UEF a UVA a vďaka financovaniu fínskeho ministerstva poľnohospodárstva a lesného hospodárstva služba umožňuje výpočty sumy biomasy v danej geografickej oblasti, ako aj skúmanie možností a obmedzení využitia biomasy. Používateľské rozhranie mapy sa ľahko používa a umožňuje používateľovi sledovať, analyzovať a hlásiť biomasu z lesníctva, poľnohospodárstva a biologicky rozložiteľné odpady z komunity a priemysel. V užívateľskom rozhraní mapy nájdete približne 300 mapových vrstiev rôznych typov biomasy alebo kategórií využitia územia. Na základe Atlasu biomasy, hodnotenia regionálnej dostupnosti biomasy, obstarávacích a logistických nákladov biomasy, technológie obstarávania a optimalizácia v Luke a ďalších organizáciách bola úspešne dokončená. Analýzy obsahu biomasy, ich živín, energetického potenciálu a pod. recyklácia živín bola regionálne optimalizovaná pomocou Atlasu biomasy.

Údaje o biomase sa plánujú napríklad na podporu investičných rozhodnutí a trvalo udržateľného využívania prírodných zdrojov a na pomoc tým, ktorí rozhodujú trvalo udržateľnej energetickej politiky. Atlas biomasy je momentálne dostupný vo fínčine. Medzinárodná verzia Atlasu biomasy bude vybudovaná v spolupráci s Baltic.

Projekt Forbio, ktorý sa začína na jeseň 2017 a exportuje koncept Atlasu biomasy do Švédska a krajín Baltského mora.…

TRESTIMA® Forest Inventory System adds accuracy, speed, flexibility and objectivity to forest measurement. You can store different types of GPS-tagged data in the forest and later review your recordings with a computer or mobile device. Using TRESTIMA® is easy. Take a walk in the forest and at the same time create an accurate measurement of the forest by taking pictures with the mobile phone application. You can upload or draw forest compartments prior going to the forest after which you can see your own position and compartment borders in the screen. This makes navigation easy and you just have to shoot pictures evenly while you go. Measuring forests is easy, effective, objective and even fun! Measuring one forest hectare takes on average less than 5 minutes.

TRESTIMA® offers services for different users. Forest Managers can collect forest data by taking pictures and inputting with the mobile application designed for the purpose. Forest Owners are able to measure the value of their forest with TRESTIMA®-application. Wood buyers can measure forest to be cut fast and with ease to make an ad hoc offer and Realtors make a detailed and accurate estimate of the estate value and share it in a digital format with ease. Government officials may record GPS-tagged data in the field and measure growing timber. In addition, Mill gates and Terminals can measure piles of timber and pulpwood fast and accurately with TRESTIMA® Stack -application. Further information:…

El sistema de inventario forestal TRESTIMA® añade precisión, rapidez, flexibilidad y objetividad a la medición forestal. Puede almacenar diferentes tipos de datos marcados por GPS en el monte y revisar posteriormente sus grabaciones con un ordenador o dispositivo móvil. Utilizar TRESTIMA® es fácil, al dar un paseo por el bosque se crea una medición precisa del bosque haciendo fotos con la aplicación del teléfono móvil. Se pueden cargar o dibujar parcelas forestales antes de ir al monte, tras lo cual se puede ver la propia posición del usuario y los límites de las parcelas en la pantalla. Esto hace que la navegación sea fácil y que sólo haya que hacer fotos regularmente durante el paseo. La medición de los montes es fácil, eficaz, objetiva e incluso divertida.

TRESTIMA® ofrece servicios para diferentes usuarios. Los gestores forestales pueden recopilar datos forestales tomando fotografías e introduciéndolos con la aplicación móvil diseñada para ello. También, los propietarios forestales pueden medir el valor de su monte con la aplicación TRESTIMA®. Los compradores de madera pueden medir el monte a talar de forma rápida y sencilla para hacer una oferta ad hoc, y los agentes inmobiliarios hacer una estimación detallada y precisa del valor de la parcela y compartirla en formato digital con facilidad. Los funcionarios públicos pueden registrar los datos marcados con GPS sobre el terreno y medir la madera en crecimiento. Además, las puertas de los aserraderos y las terminales pueden medir pilas de madera y madera para pulpa de forma rápida y precisa con la aplicación TRESTIMA® Stack. Más información:…

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