project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

OPTIVINYA: Grape harvest ripening and quantity control optimisation
OPTIVINYA: Optimización del control de maduración y cantidad de la cosecha de la vid

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Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
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The project main objective is to provide the cava sector, and by extension the entire wine industry, with tools to monitor the harvest yield and to control the ripening of the various plots.
The specific objectives are :

Correlate the aerial data and validate them against the field variables for each one of the varieties being studied (Xarel·lo and Macabeu).
Prepare growth curves throughout the grape ripening period in order to make harvest predictions.
Determine the classification models to predict quality parameters in the various plots being studied.
Assess the quality of the wine produced from the harvest of the various groups being studied.
Assess the economic viability of the implemented actions.


El objetivo principal del proyecto es dotar a los sectores del cava y del vino
 de herramientas que permitan fijar la fecha óptima de vendimia mediante el control del desarrollo y la maduración de cada parcela.
Los objetivos específicos son:
1- Desarrollar la correlación y validación de los datos aéreos con las variables de campo.
2- Confeccionar curvas de crecimiento durante el tiempo de maduración de la uva para determinar anticipadamente las previsiones de cosecha
3- Determinar modelos de clasificación para predecir los parámetros de calidad de cada parcela
4- Evaluar la calidad enológica de las vinificaciones producidas.
5- Evaluar la viabilidad económica de las acciones llevadas a cabo


1. Plot selection. The plot data of each winery and the satellite images have been used to verify the information on the area in order to establish the suitability of each plot.
2. Acquisition of multispectral images using drones and satellites.
3. Grape yield and quality measurements.
4. Analysis of the must and microvinifications. 
5. Analysis of field and laboratory data. 
6 . Establishment of the predictive models. A data matrix with various quantitative and qualitative
variables will be obtained from the analysis of the drone and satellite images and from the
quality analyses conducted during the sampling period.
7 . Dissemination of the results.


1. Selección de parcelas. 
2. Adquisición de imágenes multiespectrales con drones y satélite.
3. Medidas del rendimiento y calidad de la uva
4. Análisis de mosto y microvinificaciones. 
5. Análisis de datos de campo y laboratorio. Estos análisis son la base para iniciar la generación de los
modelos de relación entre los parámetros agronómicos y los índices derivados del análisis de imágenes
6. Establecimiento de los modelos predictivos. Se obtendrá una matriz de datos con diferentes variables
cuantitativas y cualitativas provenientes del análisis de imágenes obtenidas con dron, satélite y de las
analíticas de calidad que se llevan a cabo durante las fechas de muestreo
7. Difusión de los resultados


The aim of the project is to use technology to assess the condition of the crop as a whole, considering the vineyard to be a set of plots. The management and study unit will be the current agricultural plots. This will ensure that the tool to be developed is useful for associations that group large numbers of producers together, such as cooperatives, Plant Defence Groups (ADVs), and Designations of Origin (DOs).
The project will be based on assessing the effectiveness of high-resolution remote sensing by means of satellite image time series and images taken with drone systems to determine the maturation status of the grapes. Accordingly, in addition to capturing data from aerial systems to calculate the vegetation index to establish crop growth parameters, intensive field work will be conducted during the project in order to measure grape yield and quality parameters from the end of the veraison (100%) through to the harvest. The relationship between these parameters will enable the establishment of algorithms that can be used to make advanced predictions about the harvest yield and the optimal harvest date in accordance with the maturation speed of the grapes, assuming that one of the variables that affect ripening is the condition of plant cover (robustness, density, health, etc.). It should also be stated that grapes in the area of El Penedès are cultivated in dry land conditions, which makes the monitoring and forecasting of the grape growth and ripening parameters more complicated.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location

€ 211998.49

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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Project coordinator