project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

"Locality" - innovative short supply chain in the local market
"Lokalitet" - inovativni kratki opskrbni lanac na lokalnom tržištu

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Ongoing | 2021 - 2022 Croatia
Ongoing | 2021 - 2022 Croatia
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The goals of the project are:
1. joint appearance on the local market
2. strengthening competitive advantage
3. market diversification
4. cost efficiency
5. income stability
6. creating added value
7. resource efficiency
The goals of the project will be achieved through the implementation of the project, ie: procurement of a commercial vehicle, distribution of promotional materials, making an advertising video, creating a web and facebook page, holding tastings and purchasing equipment (meat slicers, refrigerators) necessary for efficient sales. The service of product delivery to the customer's location should be especially emphasized as an added value.


Ciljevi projekta su:
1. zajednički nastup na lokalnom tržištu
2. jačanje konkurentske prednosti
3. tržišna diversifikacija
4. troškovna učinkovitost
5. stabilnosti prihoda
6. stvaranje dodane vrijednosti
7. učinkovitost resursa
Ciljevi projekta će se ostvariti provedom projekta tj.: nabavkom gospodarskog vozila, diststribucijom promotivnih materijala, izradom reklamnog spota, izradom web i facebook stranice, održavanjem degustacija te kupnjom opreme (mesoreznica, frižideri) potrebne za učinkovitu prodaju. Posebno treba istaknuti uslugu dostave proizvoda na lokaciju kupca kao dodanu vrijednost.


Project activities include:
- creating a web and facebook page
- purchase of a commercial vehicle
- purchase of a trailer stand
- production of promotional material
- making a commercial film
- purchase of other fixed assets for innovative promotional activities
These project activities are designed for innovative product presentation of all members of the operational group.


Projektne aktivnosti obuhvaćaju:
- izrada web i facebook stranice
- kupnja gospodarskog vozila
- kupnja štand prikolice
- izrada promotivnog materijala
- izrada reklamnog spota
- kupnja ostalih osnovnih sredstava za potrebe promotivnih aktivnosti 
Ove projektne aktivnosti namijenjene su inovativnoj prezentaciji proizvoda svih članova operativne skupine.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014HR06RDNP001 Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Croatia for the Period 2014-2020
Main geographical location
Istarska županija

€ 87656.21

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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1 Practice Abstracts

The basis of the project is an innovative approach to horizontal and vertical cooperation of participants in the supply chain for development of short supply chains and local markets. The operational group consists of six members, engaged in the production and sale of products within family farms. The main expected results of the project are the joint performances of all members of the operational group in the local market, as a result of which their competitive advantage and market diversification will be strengthened. The logistics of placement and delivery of products will be realized. Distribution of products based on this project is, compared to the previous one, significantly simpler, the purchase of a commercial vehicle enables more efficient and effective distribution to customers directly to their homes, which will save time to all members of the operational group. Second, the costs of joint marketing through the point of sale are minimized, and the effect will ultimately have a multiplier effect. Third, with web promotion and sales, the reach of the promotion itself as well as the sales is even greater than the sales at the selling spot. All investments from this project, which represent a fundamental resource for conducting sales, will be used in the long term to achieve long term benefits. All investments from the project will contribute to the integrity and purposefulness of business processes that are extremely important for achieving profitable growth of all members of the operational group.

Osnova projekta je inovativni pristup horizontalnoj i vertikalnoj suradnji sudionika u opskrbnom lancu za uspostavljanje i razvoj kratih opskrbnih lanaca i lokalnih tržišta. Operativnu skupinu čini ukupno šest članova koji se bave proizvodnjom i prodajom proizvoda u okviru obiteljskih poljoprivrednih gospodarstava. Glavni očekivani rezultati projekta su ostvareni zajednički nastupi svih članova operativne skupine na lokalnom tržištu, slijedom čega će se ojačati njihova konkurentska prednost i tržišna difersifikacija. Ostvarit će se logistika plasmana i isporuka proizvoda. Distribucija proizvoda temeljem ovog projekta je, u odnosu na dosadašnju, značajno jednostavnija, a što će uštediti vrijeme svim članovima operativne skupine koji su do sada morali utrošiti vlastito vrijeme za individualnu distribuciju proizvoda, ili proizvode uopće nisu distribuirali. Drugo, troškovi zajedničkog plasmana na tržište kroz prodajni punkt svedeni su na minimum, a učinak će u konačnici biti multiplikacijskog efekta. Treće, web promidžbom i prodajom doseg same promocije kao i prodaje još je i veći od same prodaje na prodajnom punktu. Sva ulaganja iz ovog projekta, koja predstavljaju temeljni resurs za obavljanje prodaje, koristit će se dugoročno kako bi se ostvarila dugoročna korist. Sva ulaganja iz projekta doprinijet će cjelovitosti i svrsishodnosti poslovnih procesa koji su od iznimne važnosti za ostvarivanje profitabilnog rasta svih članova operativne skupine.

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Project coordinator