project - Research and innovation

Integrated novel strategies for reducing the use and impact of pesticides, towards sustainable mediterranean vineyards and olive groves
Nuevas estrategias integradas para reducir el uso y el impacto de plaguicidas, en viñedos y olivares mediterráneos sostenibles

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NOVATERRA aims to significantly reduce the use and negative impacts of contentious plant protection products for integrated pest, disease and weed management in two of the main Mediterranean crops in Europe, grapevines and olive trees.

Accordingly, NOVATERRA will develop a pool of novel, integrated and sustainable strategies technically and economically viable for different crop systems, resulting from 3 different approaches:

- Alternative products

- Smart farming

- Soil management and functional biodiversity All aligned with current market needs, consumer sensitivity,mEuropean legislation, as well as farmers and producers’ diverse investment capacity in Mediterranean regions.


NOVATERRA pretende reducir significativamente el uso e impacto negativo de fitosanitarios para la gestión integrada de plagas, enfermedades y malas hierbas en 2 de los principales cultivos mediterráneos en Europa, vid y olivo.

NOVATERRA desarrollará un conjunto de estrategias novedosas, integradas y sostenibles, técnica y económicamente viables para diferentes sistemas de cultivo a través de 3 enfoques:

-Productos alternativos

-Agricultura inteligente

-Gestión del suelo y biodiversidad funcional

Todo alineado con necesidades de mercado, sensibilidad de consumidores, legislación, así como la diversa capacidad de inversión de agricultores y productores en regiones mediterráneas.


NOVATERRA has been designed with a wide range of experimental demonstration activities, considering as a starting point the real needs of the agronomic industry, the environment, the technological advances as well as legal requirements and trends; achieving solutions and practical and implementable tools for vineyards and olive groves of the Mediterranean region, focusing on minimizing the use and impact of pesticides according to the degree of acceptability and capacity of end users, consumers, policy makers, and based on the articulation of an exploitation plan, supported by the network of stakeholders and by intense dissemination and communication activities.


NOVATERRA se ha diseñado con un amplio abanico de actividades experimentales de demostración, considerando como punto de partida las necesidades reales de la industria agronómica, el medio ambiente, avances tecnológicos así como requisitos legales y tendencias; logrando soluciones y herramientas prácticas e implementables para viñedos y olivares de la región mediterránea, centrándose en minimizar el uso y el impacto de los fitosanitarios de acuerdo con el grado de aceptación y la capacidad de los usuarios finales, consumidores, legisladores, y basándose en la articulación de un plan de explotación, apoyado por la red de stakeholders y actividades de difusión y comunicación.


Climate change, soil degradation and indiscriminate use of pesticides and fertilizers put sustainable food and agricultural systems at risk, and it particularly affects vineyards and olive groves in the Mediterranean. The overuse of pesticides is known to eliminate important ecosystem services resulting into secondary pest outbreaks which may potentially jeopardize national and regional food security. Intensive overuse of extremely and highly

hazardous chemicals by small-holder farmers are threatening farm activities, public health, nutrition and the overall future of agriculture. Regarding the effects of pesticides on human health, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) carries out periodical reports on pesticide residues in food to estimate the dietary exposure of EU consumers. In this context, the EU established through Regulation (EC)No1107/2009 a list of substances found in PPPs identified

as “candidates for substitution” being subject to comparative assessment and future substitution for its potential

negative effects. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies, mandatory to EU Members since January 2014, have arisen as a

tool to achieve a more efficient, safe and sustainable management of pesticides use.

Additional information

The EU is working to enhance and expand the impact of the IPM strategies that have a careful consideration of all available plant protection methods, and subsequent integration of appropriate measures to reduce populations of harmful organisms, and keep the use of plant protection products and other forms of intervention to levels that are economically and ecologically

justified, and reduce or minimise risks to human health and the environment. However, IPM strategies are crop and variety specific, region and location specific, depending on local agricultural practices, available knowledge and crop protection means available for farmers. The vineyard and olive grove in the Mediterranean region have a high incidence of pests and diseases with an important virulence. NOVATERRA proposes to develop and implement technological solutions, adapted to different edaphoclimatic regions, which will allow to be used by farmers in their improvement plans based on IPM strategies, optimizing the use of PPP and reducing the presence of contentious active substances, against the main pest and disease in olive groves and vineyards: Downy mildew - Powdery mildew - Botrytis bunch rot - European grape moth - Olive

leaf spot - Olive fruit fly - Olive moth - Black scale – based on BIOPESTICIDES, ADJUVANTS AND FORMULATIONS, optimised SMART FARMING techniques, ROBOTICS novel SOIL MANAGEMENT strategies and FUNCTIONAL BIODIVERSITY assessment.

Project details
Main funding source
Horizon 2020 (EU Research and Innovation Programme)
Horizon Project Type
Multi-actor project
Main geographical location

€ 5507110

Total budget

Total contributions including EU funding.

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42 Practice Abstracts

Ozonated water was tested to control powdery mildew development. Two approaches were conducted: one to test the curative effect of ozonated water (application after the first contamination of the fungus), the other as a complement to biosolutions. For the latter approach, the hypothesis to be tested was to use ozonated water as a solution destroying the endogenous micro-organisms to facilitate the implantation of the biosolutions tested. Thus, the ozonated water treatment took place 24 hours before the application of the biosolutions. The production of the ozonated water was carried out using a laboratory prototype developed by the company AGROZONO. The work carried out did not identify any effect of ozonated water in either case. On the other hand, we were able to confirm the limit of this type of solution in the sense that the ozonation of the water had a very short life span (5 to 10 minutes). The way we worked, producing small quantities of ozonated water and applying it manually within 30 minutes of manufacture, showed us that the quantity of ozonated water was very small or even zero. We were therefore unable to judge the real effectiveness of ozonated water. In 2022 we plan to work with an on-board ozonated water production machine on the sprayer to ensure that the ozonated water is applied as soon as it is produced.

L'eau ozonée a été testée pour contrôler le développement de l'oïdium. Deux approches ont été conduites : l'une pour tester l'effet curatif de l'eau ozonée (application après les premières contaminations du champignon), l'autre en complément de biosolutions. Pour cette dernière approche l'hypothèse à vérifier consistait à utiliser l'eau ozonée comme une solution détruisant les micro-organismes endogènes pour faciliter l'implantation des biosolutions testées. Ainsi le traitement à l'eau ozonée intervenait 24 heures avant l'application des biosolutions. La production de l'eau ozonée était réalisé à l'aide d'un prototype de laboratoire développée par la société AGROZONO. Les travaux conduits n'ont pas permis d'identifier d'effet de l'eau ozonée dans les deux cas de figure. Par contre, nous avons pu confirmer la limite de ce type de solution dans le sens ou l'ozonation de l'eau avait une durée de vie très courte (5 à 10 minutes). La manière de travailler, production en petite quantité d'eau ozonée et application manuelle dans les 30 minutes après fabrication, nous a montré que la quantité d'eau ozonée était très faible voire nulle. Nous n'avons donc pas pu juger de la réelle efficacité de l'eau ozonée. En 2022 nous prévoyons de travailler avec une machine de production d'eau ozonée embarquée sur le pulvérisateur pour garantir une application dès fabrication de l'eau ozonée.

The purpose of the work carried out in 2021 was to evaluate the effectiveness of new biosolutions. For this purpose, these biosolutions were tested over the entire period (i.e. the equivalent of about ten treatments). A registered biosolution provided a reference. The new solutions tested did not control the development of the fungi on either mildew or powdery mildew. It should be noted that the registered reference presented an equivalent or even inferior efficacy to the tested innovations. Thus, although the level of effectiveness was not sufficient, in some trials, certain solutions showed an impact at the beginning of the contamination phase. In the long term, it is therefore possible to consider integrating these solutions as a complement to a conventional programme. For the time being, it is planned to carry out one more year of these trials to better understand the effect of biosolutions in different disease development contexts.

L'objet des travaux conduits en 2021 a conssité à évaluer l'efficacité de nouvelles biosolutions. Pour cela ces dernières ont été testées sur l'ensemble de la période (soit l'équivalent d'une dizaine de traitements). Une biosolution homologuée permettait de disposer d'une référence. Que ce soit sur mildiou et oïdium les nouvelles solutions testées n'ont pas permis de contrôler le développement des champignons. Il est à noter que la référence homologuée présentait une efficacité équivalente voire inférieure aux innovations testées. Ainsi bienque le niveau d'efficacité ne soitpas suffisant, dans certains essais, certaines solutions ont montré un impact au début de la phase de contamination. A terme il est donc possible d'envisager d'intégrer ces solutions en compléments d'un programme conventionnel. Pour le moment, il est prévu de reconduire une années de plus ces dispositifs pour mieux comprendre l'effet des biosolutions dans des contextes de développement des maladies différents.

Consumers are increasingly demanding, both from the point of view of the quality of the products and above all from the point of view of the socio-economic and environmental sustainability of farms. The NOVATERRA project aims to increase environmentally sustainable agronomic solutions and practices for the olive grove sector, which include the management of soil vegetation, namely plant cover, the promotion of plants and/or practices that encourage auxiliary fauna, the implementation of sustainable pruning, by reducing the use of plant protection products and/or by using biopesticides, among others. In a modern agriculture, it is essential that farmers carry out more rational and integrative practices as a way of promoting an increasingly sustainable farming, which will obviously translate into obtaining better quality products that are attractive to the consumer, as well as contributing to the promotion of the olive grove ecosystem.

Os consumidores são cada vez mais exigentes, quer do ponto de vista da qualidade dos produtos, quer sobretudo do ponto de vista da sustentabilidade sócio-económica e ambiental das explorações. O projeto NOVATERRA visa incrementar soluções e práticas agronómicas ambientalmente sustentáveis para a fileira do olival, que passam pela gestão da vegetação do solo, nomeadamente do coberto vegetal, pela promoção de plantas e/ou práticas que fomente a fauna auxiliar, pela execução de práticas de poda sustentáveis, pela redução da aplicação de produtos fitofarmacêuticos e/ou pela utilização de biopesticidas, entre outros. Numa agricultura moderna é fundamental que os agricultores efectuem práticas mais racionais e integradoras como forma de promoção de uma agricultura cada vez mais sustentável, que obviamente se irá traduzir na obtenção de produtos de melhor qualidade e apetecíveis para o consumidor, bem como contribuir para a promoção do ecossistema do olival.

Until the end of the 20th century, we witnessed an enormous use of plant protection products, however, with the introduction of the concepts of Integrated Protection, farmers gained a greater and better awareness of environmental and economic sustainability, changing practices and using less aggressive active substances for the fauna and flora of the olive grove. Science has been innovating and active substances with lower levels of toxicity and with reduced impact on the olive grove agroecosystem, where biopesticides are included, are increasingly emerging. Given the specific nature of these products, it is important that a set of principles and practices are used that promote rational and efficient use. The implementation of the technologies developed by the NOVATERRA Project will have a very positive impact on the sustainability of agronomic practices in the olive grove.

Até aos finais do século XX assistimos a uma enorme utilização de produtos fitofarmacêuticos, contudo, com a introdução dos conceitos de Protecção Integrada, os agricultores ganharam uma maior e melhor consciência de sustentabilidade ambiental e económica, alterando práticas e utilizando substâncias activas menos agressivas para a fauna e flora do olival. A ciência tem vindo a inovar e cada vez mais surgem substâncias activas com níveis de toxicidade mais baixos e com reduzido impacto sobre o agroecossistema do olival, onde se enquadram os biopesticidas. Atendendo à especificidade destes produtos, é importante que sejam utilizados um conjunto de princípios e práticas que promovam a utilização racional e eficácia da sua utilização. A implementação das tecnologias desenvolvidas pelo Projecto NOVATERRA terá um impacto bastante positivo sobre a sustentabilidade das práticas agronómicas do olival.

NOVATERRA project has developed a fully functional Decision Support System (DSS) to operate as a valuable tool in the hands of European producers for predicting disease outbreaks of two main pathogens that cause severe economic losses to vineyards and olives groves by generating qualitative and quantitative degradation of the agricultural production, while simultaneously, they also damage and jeopardize the cultivation itself. The NOVATERRA DSS is accessible in and provides information regarding the prediction of infection risk by Downy mildew in vineyards (Plasmopara viticola-PLASMO model), and Peacock spot disease in olives, (Spilocaea oleaginea-Peacock sport model). NOVATERRA DSS also provides the ideal time for spraying. Results are presented in a colored map for the 4 upcoming days, for all regions included in the tool, and more specifically, Spain (Catalonia region), France (Montpellier region), Italy (Emilia Romagna region) and Greece (Thessaly and Attica region) and Portugal (Viseu, Guarda, Vila Real, and Braganca). The DSS displays infection risk in 4 distinct coloration: Green for no risk (0%), Yellow for low risk, Orange for medium risk, and Red for maximum risk (~100%). This innovative tool has been developed taking into account epidemiology models for the prediction of diseases’ infection via HORTA’s web-services and is based on OPTIMA DSS developed by AGENSO. The DSS functions by exploiting data from weather station networks, for providing prediction data with high accuracy, thus allowing a better understanding of the infection risk based on the optimum conditions for diseases’ early symptoms occurrence in order to properly and timely control the potential outbreaks.

Το έργο NOVATERRA έχει αναπτύξει ένα πλήρως λειτουργικό σύστημα υποστήριξης λήψεως αποφάσεων (DSS) που λειτουργεί ως ένα πολύτιμο εργαλείο στα χέρια των Ευρωπαίων παραγωγών για την πρόβλεψη της έξαρσης ασθενειών από δύο κύρια παθογόνα που προκαλούν σοβαρές οικονομικές απώλειες στους αμπελώνες και τους ελαιώνες προκαλώντας ποιοτική και ποσοτική υποβάθμιση στην αγροτική παραγωγή, ενώ ταυτόχρονα βλάπτουν και θέτουν σε κίνδυνο την ίδια την καλλιέργεια. Το NOVATERRA DSS είναι ελευθέρα προσβάσιμο στο και παρέχει πληροφορίες σχετικά με την πρόβλεψη του κινδύνου μόλυνσης από περονόσπορο σε αμπελώνες (Plasmopara viticola) και από το κυκλοκόνιο της ελιάς σε ελαιώνες (Spilocaea oleaginea). Το NOVATERRA DSS παρέχει επίσης πληροφορίες για τον ιδανικό χρόνο για ψεκασμό. Τα αποτελέσματα παρουσιάζονται σε έναν έγχρωμο διαδραστικό χάρτη με πρόβλεψη για τις επόμενες 4 ημέρες, για όλες τις περιοχές που περιλαμβάνονται στο σύστημα και πιο συγκεκριμένα, Ισπανία (περιοχή Catalonia), Γαλλία (περιοχή Montpellier), Ιταλία (περιοχή Emilia Romagna) και Ελλάδα (περιοχή Θεσσαλίας και Αττικής) και την Πορτογαλία (περιοχές Viseu, Guarda, Vila Real, και Braganca). Το DSS εμφανίζει τον κίνδυνο μόλυνσης σε 4 διακριτούς χρωματισμούς: πράσινο για κανένα κίνδυνο (0%), κίτρινο για χαμηλό κίνδυνο, πορτοκαλί για μεσαίο κίνδυνο και κόκκινο για μέγιστο κίνδυνο (~100%). Αυτό το καινοτόμο εργαλείο έχει αναπτυχθεί λαμβάνοντας υπόψη επιδημιολογικά μοντέλα για την πρόβλεψη μόλυνσης ασθενειών μέσω των διαδικτυακών υπηρεσιών της HORTA και βασίζεται στο OPTIMA DSS που αναπτύχθηκε από την AGENSO. Το DSS λειτουργεί αξιοποιώντας δεδομένα από δίκτυα μετεωρολογικών σταθμών, για την παροχή δεδομένων πρόβλεψης με υψηλή ακρίβεια, επιτρέποντας έτσι την καλύτερη κατανόηση του κινδύνου μόλυνσης με βάση τις βέλτιστες συνθήκες για την εμφάνιση πρώιμων συμπτωμάτων ασθενειών, προκειμένου να ελεγχθούν σωστά και έγκαιρα οι πιθανές εξάρσεις.

In modern Integrated Pest Management (IPM) systems innovative methods, technologies and methodologies are exploited in order to achieve optimum management. Prevention, together with detection and proactivity facilitate pest and disease control, and simultaneously allow the increase of economical income for the producers. In this framework, NOVATERRA DSS provides to interested end-users the ideal spraying time application based on meteorological parameters. This allows several benefits for both the producer and the environment and cultivation. When spraying under optimum weather conditions, spraying drift is reduced, meaning that spraying application becomes more effective by reaching of the spraying liquid to its target and reducing involuntarily moving to other organisms and/or nearly located cultivations. As a result, reduced quantity of Plant Protection Products (PPPs) is needed as input, leading to higher economic profits, while also efficiency of the application is increased, leading to avoiding the need of additional applications that may lead to extra cost and development of fungal resistance to PPPs. Any resistance development is undesirable in the framework of holistic approaches in agricultural production systems, as it leads to de-strengthening of the existing “weapons” in plant protection. Additionally, reduction of the number of applications, reduces the indirect negative impact to the naturally existing populations of beneficial microorganisms. In conclusion, the sustainable exercise of agricultural practices, reduces any unreasonable use of chemical synthetic PPPs with several benefits for the environment and the producer.

Στα σύγχρονα συστήματα ολοκληρωμένης διαχείρισης εχθρών και ασθενειών (IPM) αξιοποιούνται καινοτόμες μέθοδοι, τεχνολογίες και μεθοδολογίες προκειμένου να επιτευχθεί η βέλτιστη διαχείριση. Η πρόληψη και η ανίχνευση διευκολύνουν τον έλεγχο εχθρών και ασθενειών και ταυτόχρονα επιτρέπουν την αύξηση του οικονομικού εισοδήματος για τους παραγωγούς. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, το NOVATERRA DSS παρέχει στους ενδιαφερόμενους τελικούς χρήστες την δυνατότητα εύρεσης του ιδανικού χρόνου για εφαρμογή ψεκασμού σε βάσει μετεωρολογικών παραμέτρων. Αυτό επιτρέπει πολλά οφέλη τόσο για τον παραγωγό όσο και για το περιβάλλον και την καλλιέργεια. Κατά τον ψεκασμό κάτω από βέλτιστες καιρικές συνθήκες, η μετατόπιση του ψεκασμού μειώνεται, πράγμα που σημαίνει ότι η εφαρμογή ψεκασμού γίνεται πιο αποτελεσματική επιτρέποντας στο ψεκαστικό υγρό να φθάσει στον στόχο του και μειώνοντας την ακούσια μετατόπισή του σε άλλους οργανισμούς μη-στόχους ή/και γειτονικές καλλιέργειες. Ως αποτέλεσμα, απαιτείται μειωμένη ποσότητα Φυτοπροστατευτικών Προϊόντων (ΦΠΠ) ως εισροή, οδηγώντας σε υψηλότερα οικονομικά κέρδη, ενώ παράλληλα αυξάνεται και η αποτελεσματικότητα της εφαρμογής, οδηγώντας στην αποφυγή της ανάγκης πρόσθετων εφαρμογών που μπορεί να οδηγήσουν σε επιπλέον κόστος και ανάπτυξη ανθεκτικότητας των φυτοπαθογόνων μυκήτων και γενικά μικροοργανισμών σε ΦΠΠ. Οποιαδήποτε δημιουργία ανθεκτικότητας δεν είναι ανεπιθύμητη στο πλαίσιο ολιστικών προσεγγίσεων στα συστήματα αγροτικής παραγωγής, καθώς οδηγεί σε αποδυνάμωση των υπαρχόντων «όπλων» στη φυτοπροστασία. Επιπλέον, η μείωση του αριθμού των εφαρμογών, μειώνει την έμμεση αρνητική επίδραση στους φυσικά υπάρχοντες πληθυσμούς ωφέλιμων μικροοργανισμών. Συμπερασματικά, η βιώσιμη άσκηση γεωργικών πρακτικών, μειώνει κάθε πιθανή αλόγιστη χρήση χημικών συνθετικών ΦΠΠ με αρκετά οφέλη για το περιβάλλον και τον παραγωγό.

Although in a wine-growing region such as that of northwestern Spain, with high soil humidity and fertility, natural green covers are frequent and are made up of abundant plant species, not all of them have a beneficial effect for the vineyards planted there.

Thanks to one of the trials of the NOVATERRA project, where by seeding the inter-rows spaces with selected species to achieve a specific ground cover, and also incorporating certain floral species that are common in the area, we will seek an effect against the natural enemy insects of the vineyard to evaluate the benefit in the management and control of pests more usual and that affect the vines.

The possible increase in the populations of pollinators and beneficial insects in general, will generate greater biodiversity in the vineyard, an increase in the presence of auxiliary fauna, which could lead to a reduction in the damage to the vineyard caused by the different pests.

An example will be the control of Lobesia Botrana, an insect that causes serious damage to the vineyard and that with this test developed within the NOVATERRA project, will allow us to know the beneficial effect of green and flower covers.

Gracias a uno de los ensayos del proyecto NOVATERRA, donde sembrando los espacios inter líneas con especies seleccionadas para conseguir una cubierta vegetal específica e incorporando además, determinadas especies florales habituales en la zona, buscaremos un efecto contra los insectos enemigos naturales del viñedo para evaluar el beneficio en el manejo y control de las plagas más habituales y que afectan a las vides.

El posible incremento en las poblaciones de polinizadores e insectos beneficiosos en general, generarán una mayor biodiversidad en el viñedo, y un aumento en la presencia de fauna auxiliar, lo que podría derivar en una reducción en los daños en el viñedo provocados por las diferentes plagas.

Un ejemplo será el control de Lobesia Botrana, un insecto que provoca graves daños en el viñedo y que con este ensayo desarrollado dentro del proyecto NOVATERRA, nos permitirá conocer el efecto beneficioso de las cubiertas vegetales y florales.

Viticulture in northwestern Spain faces, among other challenges, the correct control of an endemic disease that affects a large part of its vineyard, the fungus Plasmopara viticola or downy mildew.

In the vineyards of this area, this fungus causes serious damage to the leaves, buds and, in many cases, to the grape bunches, reducing both the quantity and the quality of the harvest for a large number of winegrowers.

The continuous damage caused by the fungus makes it necessary to apply a large number of treatments with conventional products, which in many cases are products that are aggressive to the environment, particularly to the soil and the vineyard itself.

To alleviate this negative effect, in addition to managing the vineyard rationally, improving the trellish systems and controlling the canopy, one of the objectives of the NOVATERRA project is to address this problem through the use of bioproducts such as botanical extracts and natural compounds against downy mildew.

The bioproduct trials are carried out in different regions of Spain and France, areas differentiated by a greater or lesser incidence of the fungus, which will provide robustness to the results obtained. In the tests that we are carrying out in our vineyard, located precisely in the region that is highly sensitive to downy mildew, we will verify the efficacy of these biosolutions and the level of achievement of objectives. In our region, although we are not able to replace all the usual treatments with those with biosolutions, the fact of achieving at least a reduction in the number of treatments with chemicals will mean an important advance in the development of a more sustainable and higher quality viticulture, encouraging in this way the winegrowers to follow these new lines of fight against the downy mildew.

"La viticultura en el noroeste de España afronta entre otros desafíos, el correcto control de una enfermedad endémica que afecta a gran parte de su viñedo, el hongo Plasmopara viticola o mildiu.

Este hongo provoca en los viñedos de esta área, graves daños en hojas, brotes y en muchos casos, en los racimos de uvas, mermando tanto la cantidad, como la calidad de la cosecha a un gran número de viticultores.

El continuo daño del hongo obliga a aplicar gran número de tratamientos con productos convencionales, que en muchos casos son productos agresivos con el medioambiente, particularmente con los suelos y el propio viñedo.

Para paliar este efecto negativo, además de realizar un manejo del viñedo con racionalidad, mejorando los sistemas de conducción y controlando la vegetación, el proyecto NOVATERRA tiene como uno de sus objetivos, abordar este problema mediante el uso de bio productos como extractos botánicos y compuestos naturales contra el mildiu.

Los ensayos de los bioproductos se llevan a cabo en diferentes regiones de España y Francia, zonas diferenciadas por una mayor o menor incidencia del hongo, lo que aportará robustez a los resultados obtenidos. En los ensayos que estamos realizando en nuestro viñedo, situado precisamente en la región altamente sensible al mildiu, comprobaremos la eficacia de estas biosoluciones y el nivel de consecución de objetivos. En nuestra región, aunque no consigamos sustituir todos los tratamientos habituales por aquellos con biosoluciones, el hecho de conseguir al menos una reducción del número de tratamientos con químicos, supondrá un importante avance en el desarrollo de una viticultura más sostenible y de mayor calidad, animando de este modo a los viticultores a seguir estas nuevas líneas de lucha contra el mildiu"

The wildplants that grow in the orchards and the margins that often surround them are part of what is known as ecological infrastructures. They harbor a great diversity of parasitoids, providing predators and pollinators that find shelter or alternative food sources. Both provide, therefore, numerous ecosystem services. Among them, the promotion of the role of the auxiliar entomofauna that exerts a natural control of crop pests species. This is known as conservation biological control. We can, by manipulating the habitat of the agrosystem, contribute to minimizing the impact of pests on the crop. This is one of the main advantages of having a covercrop, spontaneous or sowed. To study the composition of the flora of olive agroecosystem, we follow a protocol that allows us to know its abundance and diversity. On the one hand, 5 trees per plot are randomly selected. In the ground that is projected under their canopy, it is noted what plant species are found, their occupation percentage of occupation and their phenological state. This operation is repeated in the ground between adjacent trees. For the study of the composition of the flora on the margins, a 1m2 square is also used, which is distributed 10 times randomly along the margin. On the other hand, the presence of predator arthropods and parasitoids associated with the wildplants is also studied. To do this, an entomological net designed to sample insects from medium-height vegetation is used. Several 10-meter transects are performed and the captured arthropods are subsequently identified in the laboratory. These operations are carried out fortnightly between April and May and weekly during summer and autumn.

Las cubiertas vegetales que existen en los cultivos y los márgenes que en ocasiones los rodean forman parte de las conocidas como infraestructuras ecológicas. Albergan una gran riqueza y diversidad de parasitoides, depredadores y polinizadores que encuentran allí refugio o alimento. Ambas aportan, por tanto, numerosos servicios ecosistémicos. Entre ellos, el fomento del papel de la entomofauna auxiliar que ejerce un control natural de las plagas del cultivo. Es lo que se conoce como control biológico por conservación. Podemos, mediante la manipulación del hábitat del agrosistema, contribuir a minimizar el impacto de las plagas sobre el cultivo. Esta es una de las principales ventajas de disponer de una cubierta vegetal, sembrada o espontanea. Para el estudio de la composición de la flora del agroecosistema del olivar se sigue un protocolo que nos permita conocer su abundancia y diversidad. Por una parte, se seleccionan al azar 5 árboles por parcela. En el suelo que se proyecta bajo su copa, se anota que especies se encuentran, su porcentaje de ocupación y su estado fenológico. Esta operación se repite en la zona comprendida entre arboles contiguos. Para el estudio de la composición de la flora en los márgenes se emplea además un cuadrado de 1m2 que se distribuye 10 veces al azar por el margen. Por otra parte, se estudia también la presencia de artrópodos depredadores y parasitoides asociados a la flora espontanea. Para ello se utiliza una manga de batido diseñada para muestrear insectos entre la vegetación de media altura. Se realizan varios recorridos de 10 metros y los artrópodos capturados se identifican posteriormente en laboratorio. Estas operaciones se realizan con periodicidad quincenal entre abril y mayo y semanalmente durante verano y otoño.

Mass trapping is a technique based on the reduction of pest populations in the field by placing a high density of traps. These devices contain a food attractant to attract insects and a toxic that causes their death. This technique has shown its effectiveness in the control of various tephritid insects, such as the olive fly (Bactrocera oleae). The technique has shown a high persistence and the crops are protected for long periods. However, while this technique is applied, it needs to be monitored to ensure its efficacy. In case that during the months in which it is set in the field, the treatment threshold is exceeded, it would be necessary to apply a support foliar treatment. Its efficacy is monitored by assessing the insect populations and the damage caused by the olive fruit fly. To assess insect populations are used both the mass-trapping devices and additional pheromone traps. Ten 10 mass-trapping traps per hectare are randomly selected and the number of individuals of each sex of B. oleae caught is counted monthly. Three yellow sticky-traps with pheromone per hectare are also set and the number of caught individuals is assessed with the same frequency. Both sexes are easily distinguished by the presence of the ovipositor in female individuals. Regarding olive damage, 10 olives per tree are sampled, in 20 trees per hectare. Olive fruits that show symptoms of being attacked are dissected in the laboratory to determine the stage of development of the insect and accurately determine the phenology of the pest. The system is based on placing a high amount of traps with an attractant and a toxicant, aiming to capture the highest numbers of adults in the field. The system is based on placing a high amount of traps with an attractant and a toxicant, aiming to capture the largest possible number of adults in the field. Several studies have proved the efficiency of this method (Cunningham et al., 1978, Agunloye, 1987, Ros et al., 2002; Mc-Quate et al., 2005) for several types of fruit tree. Recent studies demonstrate that the International Pheromone McPhail Trap (IPMT) combined with Biolure (three-component food-type attractant) is highly efficacious in adult Medfly captures (Gazit et al., 1998, Katsoyannos et al., 1999, Katsoyannos & Papadopoulos, 2004). The combination of Probodelt Traps with Trypack or Ferag CC D TM attractants offered satisfactory results in stone fruit orchards (Batllori et al., 2008). In Spain, more than 30,000 ha of citrus groves protected against Medfly by mass trapping showed good efficacy using a density of 50 traps per ha during 3 months before harvesting (Navarro-Llopis et al., 2008). The objective of this paper is to study the efficacy of this method on different Clementine varieties, determine pre-harvest trap-placing times, and optimize the trap density required to successfully control this pest.

La captura masiva consiste en una técnica basada en la reducción de las poblaciones de las plagas en el campo mediante la colocación de una elevada densidad de trampas. Estos dispositivos contienen una atrayente alimenticio para atraer a los insectos y un tóxico que provoca su muerte. Esta técnica ha mostrado su eficacia en el control de diversos insectos tefrítidos, como es el caso de la mosca del olivo (Bactrocera oleae). Los dispositivos presentan una gran persistencia y protegen el cultivo durante largos periodos. Sin embargo, se trata de una técnica que necesita ir acompañada de un seguimiento de su eficacia. En el caso de que en algún momento durante los meses en que se encuentra en campo, se supere el umbral de tratamiento, sería necesario intervenir con algún tratamiento foliar de apoyo. El seguimiento de su eficacia se realiza evaluando las poblaciones del insecto y los daños causados por la plaga que hay en cada momento. Para evaluar las poblaciones del insecto se utilizan las propias trampas de captura masiva, como trampas con feromona. Para ellos, se seleccionan al azar 10 dispositivos de captura masiva por hectárea y mensualmente se cuentan el número de individuos de cada sexo de B. oleae capturados. También se instalan 3 trampas amarillas adhesivas con feromona por hectárea y con la misma periodicidad se revisar el número de individuos capturados. Ambos sexos son fácilmente distinguibles por la presencia del ovipositor en las hembras. En cuanto a los daños, se muestrean 10 olivas por árbol, en 20 árboles por hectárea. Aquellas olivas que presenten síntomas de estar atacadas se diseccionan en el laboratorio para determinar el estado de desarrollo del insecto y determinar con exactitud la fenología de la plaga.

The olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae is an olive key pest that causes big economic losses in Mediterranean olive crops. This insect stings olive fruits where it lays its eggs and larvae develop causing fruit drop. The kaolin particle film is a highly refined kaolinic mineral, white, chemically inert, and hydrophilic. Kaolin has been reported as effective against several arthropod pests, among them the olive fruit fly. Due to its low toxicity and low environmental impact, this product is considered an alternative to synthetic insecticides in organic agriculture. Kaolin is sprayed as a water suspension on crops, where it forms a particle barrier film that interferes during the host plant location and acceptance process by the insect. This leads to a reduction of both pest infestation and fruit damage. To be effective, the suspension must coat all parts of the plants. Therefore, spray equipment parameters must be adjusted to achieve an efficient application. According to preliminary studies conducted in commercial olive orchards, the optimal coverage and drop size of 5% kaolin in olive trees is achieved with 0,8 mm diameter nozzles and at 20 bar spray pressure. By following this adjustment, the kaolin application can be used as an alternative pest management to synthetic insecticides and as a support control strategy to others alternative techniques like olive fruit fly mass-trapping.

La mosca del olivo, Bactrocera oleae, es una plaga clave del olivo que provoca grandes pérdidas económicas en los olivares mediterráneos. Este insecto ataca las olivas depositando sus huevos en el interior, donde se desarrollan las larvas provocando la caída del fruto. El caolín es un mineral altamente refinado, blanco, químicamente inerte e hidrofílico. Existen abundantes evidencias de que este producto es eficaz contra diversas plagas de artrópodos, entre ellas la mosca del olivo. Por su baja toxicidad y bajo impacto ambiental, este producto se contempla como una alternativa a los insecticidas de síntesis en agricultura orgánica. El caolín se aplica sobre los cultivos en forma de suspensión, formando una película de partículas que interfiere durante la búsqueda y localización de la planta huésped y aceptación para la puesta por parte del insecto. Esto conduce a una reducción tanto de la infestación como del daño que se provoca a los frutos. Al tener únicamente una acción física, para alcanzar la eficacia deseada, la suspensión aplicada debe cubrir todas las partes de la planta. Por lo tanto, los parámetros del equipo de aspersión deben ajustarse de manera que ofrezcan una eficacia óptima. Según estudios preliminares realizados en olivares comerciales, la cobertura y tamaño de gota óptimos de caolín aplicado a la dosis del 5% se consigue mediante la utilización de boquillas de 0,8 mm de diámetro y una presión de pulverización de 20 bares. Siguiendo este ajuste, la aplicación de caolín se puede utilizar como un método control de plagas alternativo a los insecticidas sintéticos y como una estrategia de control de apoyo a otras técnicas alternativas como la captura masiva de la mosca del olivo.

In NOVATERRA project, innovative soil management strategies have been defined by mobilizing and integrating the current knowledge concerning management alternatives to chemical inputs including, for instance, use of permanent grassing or temporary cover crops, floral margins, mechanical and physical weeding, and mulching.

Results from a systematic literature review and meta-analysis were used to develop a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis to identify best candidate alternatives for the reduction of chemical inputs, as the basis to integrate alternatives and design innovative strategies to be tested during the project.

Innovative soil management strategies are being tested in field experimentation in geographical regions representing the variability of European growing conditions. Field experiments are being conducted to test technical aspects and to overcome known limitations of the innovative soil management strategies. Efficacy of the innovative strategies will be evaluated by considering plant health, weed control, overall biodiversity (soil, soil cover, vines), vine and olive grove status during the season (as, for instance, nutritional balance in leaves, photosynthetic activity, presence of water stress, vigor, etc.), and grape/olive yield at the end of the season (as both quantity and quality).

The final step is an ex-post assessment of the soil management strategies. Following the ex-post assessment, a new design-assessment- adjustment cycle will be initiated incorporating the information from the previous cycle as well as new knowledge. At the end, final innovative strategies will be prepared to be implemented in a Decision Support System (DSS) for integrated soil management strategies. This tool will allow farmers to self-evaluate the limitations concerning soil in vineyards and olive groves, take right decisions about the necessary mitigation measure(s), implement them following good agricultural practices and, finally, check the success of the interventions.

Nel progetto NOVATERRA, strategie innovative di gestione del suolo sono state definite mobilitando e integrando le attuali conoscenze relative alle alternative di gestione, tra cui, ad esempio, l'uso di inerbimento permanente o colture di copertura temporanee, margini floreali, diserbo meccanico e fisico e pacciamatura.

I risultati di una revisione sistematica della letteratura e di una meta-analisi sono stati utilizzati per sviluppare un'analisi SWOT (punti di forza, di debolezza, opportunità e minacce) con l’obiettivo di identificare le migliori alternative per ridurre gli input chimici nella gestione del suolo.

Le strategie innovative di gestione del suolo identificate sono in fase di sperimentazione in diverse regioni geografiche che rappresentano la variabilità delle condizioni di coltivazione europee. Gli esperimenti in vigneto e oliveto sono volti a testare gli aspetti tecnici e superare i limiti delle strategie innovative di gestione del suolo. L'efficacia delle strategie innovative sarà valutata considerando la salute delle piante, il controllo delle infestanti, la biodiversità complessiva (suolo, copertura del suolo), lo stato della coltura durante la stagione (come, ad esempio, l'equilibrio nutrizionale, l'attività fotosintetica, la presenza di stress idrico, vigore, ecc.) e la resa produttiva a fine stagione (in quantità e qualità).

La fase finale prevedrà una valutazione ex post delle strategie di gestione del suolo. In seguito, verrà avviato un nuovo ciclo di progettazione-valutazione-adeguamento che incorporerà le informazioni del ciclo precedente e le nuove conoscenze. Al termine di questo processo, le strategie innovative saranno implementate in un sistema di supporto alle decisioni (DSS) per la gestione integrata del suolo. Questo strumento consentirà agli agricoltori di valutare i limiti relativi alla gestione del suolo nei vigneti e negli oliveti, prendere le giuste decisioni sulle misure di mitigazione necessarie, attuarle seguendo le buone pratiche agriconomiche e, infine, verificare il successo degli interventi.

Resistance inducers (RIs) of natural origin and biocontrol agents (BCAs) are promising alternatives to conventional methods for the management of diseases in vineyard. These products, however, need to be better characterized in order to define new and more successful application strategies, in terms of both efficacy and sustainability.

In NOVATERRA project, UCSC and SOGRAPE are evaluating various commercial RIs for investigating i) their effectiveness against Plasmopara viticola and Erysiphe necator, and ii) their preventive effectiveness over time. The results of "readiness" and duration of effectiveness for each product will be used to guide the RIs application and to overcome the current use of resistance inducers, which is focused on fixed intervals treatments rather than the real disease risk.

Regarding the BCAs, UCSC is conducting studies to identify the conditions of temperature and moisture for the BCA and the pathogen Botrytis cinerea to grow and survive on different plant materials corresponding to the main infection pathways for the pathogen, i.e., bunch trash and berries in different ripening stages. The collected information will be used to study the pathogen – BCA relationships based on their environmental niches. Environmental niches will be then combined in such a way to provide guidelines for the identification of the best BCA to be recommended based on the vine growth stage, the target infection pathway and weather conditions.

The understanding of the optimal conditions for maximizing the efficacy of the alternative products would allow overcoming limitations in their current use and would contribute to the reduction of chemicals used for plant protection in vineyards.

Gli induttori di resistenza (IR) di origine naturale e gli agenti di biocontrollo (BCA) rappresentano una promettente alternativa ai metodi convenzionali per la gestione delle malattie in vigneto. Tuttavia, questi prodotti richiedono una migliore caratterizzazione per poter definire nuove strategie applicative di successo, sia in termini di efficacia sia di sostenibilità.

Nel progetto NOVATERRA, UCSC e SOGRAPE stanno valutando diversi induttori di resistenza commerciali per determinare i) la loro efficacia contro Plasmopara viticola ed Erysiphe necator e ii) per il mantenimento della loro efficacia preventiva nel tempo. I risultati ottenuti per ciascun prodotto saranno utilizzati per migliorare le attuali strategie d’impiego degli induttori, le quali sono focalizzate su trattamenti a intervalli fissi piuttosto che sul reale rischio di malattia.

Per quanto riguarda i BCA, le attività di ricerca di UCSC sono mirate allo studio delle condizioni di temperatura e umidità necessarie per la sopravvivenza e la crescita dei BCA su diversi materiali vegetali corrispondenti ai diversi stadi di sviluppo della vite e, quindi, ai principali pathway d’infezione del patogeno target, Botrytis cinerea. Le informazioni raccolte verranno utilizzate per studiare le relazioni tra patogeno e BCA sulla base delle loro nicchie ecologiche. Queste saranno poi combinate in modo tale da fornire linee guida per individuare il miglior BCA da raccomandare, in base allo stadio di crescita della vite, al pathway d’infezione del patogeno e alle condizioni meteorologiche.

Una miglior conoscenza delle condizioni ottimali per massimizzare l'efficacia dei prodotti alternativi consentirebbe di superarne l'uso attuale e contribuirebbe alla riduzione dei fungicidi di sintesi in vigneto.

Since France has taken over the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union on 1st January 2022, phasing out pesticides has become a EU priority.

This objective stands in line with the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy, which aim at a 50% reduction of the use and risk of chemical pesticides and of the use of more hazardous pesticides by 2030, compared to 2009. This is to be achieved through a revision of the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive of 2009, which is to be proposed in March 2022 under the supervision of French Minister for Agriculture and Food. It would be the first time that the EU sets quantitative reduction targets for pesticides. The Minister also stressed that cutting the use of chemical pesticides will require a coordinated effort of all the EU Member states and pinpointed support to farmers as prerequisite for a smooth transition.

In the context of the Farm to Fork Strategy, the EU also plans to improve the provisions on integrated pest management to promote the use of alternative control techniques such as crop rotation.

To achieve these objectives, France is holding a seminar in June on the theme: "What research to meet the pesticides reduction objectives embedded in the European Green Deal?". It will present key scientific works and provide a platform for discussions between researchers and professionals on how to cut the use of chemical pesticides.

At the international level, France has committed to introducing mirror clauses in EU free trade agreements. These clauses prohibit the export of pesticides which are prohibited in the EU. Indeed, “we cannot export elsewhere what we consider harmful to us”, said French Minister for Ecological Transition.

Pour ses 6 mois de présidence du Conseil de l’UE, la France a fait de l'élimination progressive des pesticides une priorité.

Cet objectif fait écho au Green Deal et à la stratégie "de la ferme à la table", qui visent à réduire de 50 % l'utilisation et les risques liés aux pesticides chimiques et l'utilisation des pesticides plus dangereux d'ici 2030, par rapport à 2009. Pour ce faire, le ministre français de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation supervisera la révision de la directive sur l'utilisation durable des pesticides. Ce serait la première fois que l'UE fixe des objectifs quantitatifs de réduction des pesticides. Il faudra toutefois également un effort coordonné des États membres de l'UE et un bon soutien aux agriculteurs pour assurer une transition fluide, a souligné le ministre.

Dans le cadre de la stratégie "de la ferme à la table", l'UE prévoit également d'améliorer les dispositions relatives à la lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs afin de promouvoir l'utilisation de techniques alternatives telles que la rotation des cultures.

Pour atteindre ces objectifs, la France organise en juin un séminaire intitulé : "Quelle recherche pour atteindre les objectifs de réduction des pesticides inscrits dans le Green Deal?". Des travaux scientifiques clés y seront présentés et chercheurs et professionnels pourront y discuter des moyens de réduire l’utilisation des pesticides chimiques.

Au niveau international, la France s'est engagée à introduire des clauses miroir dans les accords de libre-échange de l'UE. Ces clauses interdisent l'exportation des pesticides interdits dans l'UE. En effet, "nous ne pouvons pas exporter ailleurs ce que nous considérons comme nuisible pour nous", a déclaré la ministre française de la transition écologique.

The New Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which is due to enter into force in 2023, proposes a more flexible approach based on performance and results while taking into account local conditions and needs. Focused on social, environmental and economic goals, it is built around ten key policy objectives including: climate change action; environmental care; preservation of landscapes and biodiversity; protection of food and health quality; and fostering knowledge and innovation.

At the heart of the new CAP are binding environmental and climate standards for all member states to promote the use of eco-friendly pesticides and fertilisers. Pesticides play an important role in the protection of crops. However, overuse can lead to harmful impacts on the water, soil, and agricultural biodiversity and human health, which is why the New CAP is focused on creating regulations on its use.

On top of that, a key immediate focus for the European Commission would be to overhaul the sustainable use of pesticides directive adopted in 2009 to bring it in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal, meaning slashing chemical pesticides use and risk by half (Euractiv, "On EU Commission's menu for agri in 2022: pesticides, carbon removal, packaging", 7 October 2021).

La nouvelle politique agricole commune (PAC), qui doit entrer en vigueur en 2023, propose une approche plus souple fondée sur les performances et les résultats tout en tenant compte des conditions et des besoins locaux. Axée sur des objectifs sociaux, environnementaux et économiques, elle s'articule autour de dix objectifs politiques clés, notamment la lutte contre le changement climatique, la protection de l'environnement, la préservation des paysages et de la biodiversité, la protection de la qualité des aliments et de la santé et la promotion des connaissances et de l'innovation.

Au cœur de la nouvelle PAC se trouvent des normes environnementales et climatiques contraignantes pour tous les États membres afin de promouvoir l'utilisation de pesticides et d'engrais écologiques. Les pesticides jouent un rôle important dans la protection des cultures. Toutefois, leur utilisation excessive peut avoir des effets néfastes sur l'eau, le sol, la biodiversité agricole et la santé humaine, raison pour laquelle la nouvelle PAC s'attache à créer des réglementations sur leur utilisation.

En outre, l'une des priorités de la Commission européenne est de réviser la directive sur l'utilisation durable des pesticides adoptée en 2009 afin de l'aligner sur les objectifs du Green Deal européen, ce qui signifie réduire de moitié l'utilisation et les risques liés aux pesticides chimiques (Euractiv, "On EU Commission's menu for agri in 2022 : pesticides, carbon removal, packaging", 7 octobre 2021).

The importance of soil health is well known in agricultural processes. In particular in Mediterranean vineyards, a good soil management represents a very important agricultural practice. The main objective of this Subtask 4.3.1. and 4.3.2 is to evaluate the beneficial effects on the incorporation of cover crops and floral margins in Mediterranean vineyards. The incorporation of cover crops and floral margins has several beneficial effects among wich stands out the maintainance of soil humidity and temperature; nutrients provision and fixation of the soil strucuture. These benefits will be measured from yield and quality production and also in terms of increase of biodiversity. For this pourpose University of Burgos aims to improve soil quality and health parameters incorparating and monitoring novelty strategies in soil management. This assesment will performed by case studies developed in Aster vineyard placed in DO Ribera del Duero, an international quality wine area of Spain. In the rows of the vineyard we introduced a floral mix of herbaceous species (90%) and pollinating insects attractant wildflowers (10%). In other four row replicates, we added a mix of a gramineous specie (80%), Brachypodium dystachium, and leguminous species (20%). As control treatment, we compared other four row replicates with natural vegetation and also without vegetation. The main expected result is to compare the beneficial effects of the incorporation of the mentioned floral mix in the Mediterranean vineyards, in particular in a vineyard placed in D.O. Ribera del Duero. We expect to improve the yield and quality production on Mediterranean vineyard.

La importancia de la salud del suelo es bien conocida en los procesos agrícolas. En particular, en los viñedos mediterráneos, una buena gestión del suelo representa una práctica agrícola muy importante. El objetivo principal de esta subtarea 4.3.1. y 4.3.2 es evaluar los efectos beneficiosos de la incorporación de cultivos de cobertura y márgenes florales en los viñedos mediterráneos. La incorporación de cultivos de cobertura y márgenes florales tiene varios efectos beneficiosos entre los que destaca el mantenimiento de la humedad y la temperatura del suelo; el aporte de nutrientes y la fijación de la estructura del suelo. Estos beneficios se medirán a partir de la producción de rendimiento y calidad y también en términos de aumento de la biodiversidad. Para ello la Universidad de Burgos pretende mejorar los parámetros de calidad y salud del suelo incorporando y monitorizando estrategias novedosas en la gestión del suelo. Esta evaluación se llevará a cabo mediante estudios de caso desarrollados en el viñedo Aster, situado en la D.O. Ribera del Duero, una zona vinícola de calidad internacional en España. En las hileras del viñedo se introdujo una mezcla floral de especies herbáceas (90%) y flores silvestres atrayentes de insectos polinizadores (10%). En otras cuatro réplicas de hileras, añadimos una mezcla de una especie gramínea (80%), Brachypodium dystachium, y especies leguminosas (20%). Como tratamiento de control, comparamos otras cuatro réplicas de fila con vegetación natural y también sin vegetación. El principal resultado esperado es comparar los efectos beneficiosos de la incorporación de la mencionada mezcla floral en los viñedos mediterráneos, en particular en un viñedo situado en la D.O. Ribera del Duero. Se espera mejorar el rendimiento y la calidad de la producción en el viñedo mediterráneo.

The use of fertilizers in agricultural production implies a very high impact on the environment and in particular on soil health.Traditionally, inorganic fertilization has been introduced in Mediterranean crops as a usual agricultural practice. Given the current climatic crisis, it is therefore necessary to limit the use of these products and to combine alternative products to mineral nitrogen fertilization. For this pourpose University of Burgos aims to improve soil quality and health parameters incorparating and monitoring novelty strategies in soil management. The main objective of this Subtask 4.2.2 is to assess the incorporate a new techology, OptinyteTM, by reducing at 30% and 40% the amount of Nitrogen of the NPK inorganic fertilization with any impact on vineyard yield and quality.In 40% N-inorganic fertilization reduction, a mix of beneficial bacteria is added as biostimulants. This assesment will performed by case studies developed in Aster vineyard placed in DO Ribera del Duero, an international quality wine area of Spain. The main expected result is to minimize de Nitrogen loss by the application of Optinyte in Mediterranean vineyard, in particular in a vineyard placed in D.O. Ribera del Duero. We will also obtain the specific amount of Nitrogen-fertilization reduction could be perform without negative impact on yield and quality on vineyard.

El uso de fertilizantes en la producción agrícola implica un impacto muy elevado sobre el medio ambiente y en particular sobre la salud del suelo. Tradicionalmente, la fertilización inorgánica se ha introducido en los cultivos mediterráneos como una práctica agrícola habitual. Por ello, dada la actual crisis climática, es necesario limitar el uso de estos productos y combinar productos alternativos a la fertilización nitrogenada mineral. Para ello la Universidad de Burgos pretende mejorar los parámetros de calidad y salud del suelo incorporando y monitorizando estrategias novedosas en el manejo del suelo. El objetivo principal de esta subtarea 4.2.2 es evaluar la incorporación de una nueva tecnología, OptinyteTM, reduciendo en un 30% y en un 40% la cantidad de nitrógeno de la fertilización inorgánica NPK con cualquier impacto en el rendimiento y la calidad del viñedo. Esta evaluación se llevará a cabo mediante estudios de caso desarrollados en el viñedo Aster situado en la DO Ribera del Duero, una zona vinícola de calidad internacional de España. El principal resultado esperado es minimizar la pérdida de nitrógeno por la aplicación de Optinyte en el viñedo mediterráneo, en particular en un viñedo situado en la D.O. Ribera del Duero. También se obtendrá la cantidad específica de reducción de la fertilización nitrogenada que se puede realizar sin impacto negativo en el rendimiento y la calidad del viñedo.

Various sensors such as color cameras and soil humidity sensors have made their way in agricultural fields over the last few years, increasing yields and optimizing the use of resources. Spectral imaging sensors are among the agriculture sensors inventory and hold the promise to revolutionize the whole agricultural sector by allowing users to see beyond what is visible with the human eye. So far, this technology has been too expensive for commercial use while also requiring expensive computational units to interpret their outputs due to their high complexity and sheer size. However, as this technology matures, prices have started to drop, and at the same time, computational power price has been massively lowered. As a result, this technology is gaining traction among the research and business community. Spectral imaging promises early disease detection before symptoms are visible by detecting metabolic changes and robust, accurate disease detection systems by looking at specific parts of the spectrum.

Additionally, these sensors have proven themselves capable of determining quality characteristics of fruits and vegetables such as Brix, vitamin C, and tannin content in a nondestructive way, paving the way for selective harvesting based on the quality characteristics allowing for a uniform, high-quality product. Moreover, damage such as chilling injuries and bruising can also be detected in a nondestructive way before being visible. Finally, contamination from pathogens such as Escherichia coli can also be visually detected, overcoming the need for lab testing. Overall, spectral imaging could change modern agriculture, further optimizing production and quality while promoting consumer health and minimizing food waste.

Αισθητήρες, όπως οι έγχρωμες κάμερες και οι αισθητήρες υγρασίας του εδάφους, έχουν εισβάλει στην γεωργία τα τελευταία χρόνια, αυξάνοντας τις αποδόσεις και βελτιστοποιώντας τη χρήση των πόρων. Οι αισθητήρες φασματικής απεικόνισης συγκαταλέγονται στον κατάλογο των αισθητήρων γεωργίας και υπόσχονται να φέρουν επανάσταση σε ολόκληρο τον γεωργικό τομέα, επιτρέποντας στους χρήστες να βλέπουν πέρα από αυτό που είναι ορατό με το ανθρώπινο μάτι. Μέχρι στιγμής, η τεχνολογία αυτή ήταν πολύ ακριβή για εμπορική χρήση, ενώ παράλληλα απαιτούσε ακριβές υπολογιστικές μονάδες για την ερμηνεία των αποτελεσμάτων τους λόγω της πολυπλοκότητας και του μεγέθους τους. Ωστόσο, καθώς η τεχνολογία αυτή ωριμάζει, οι τιμές έχουν αρχίσει να πέφτουν και ταυτόχρονα η υπολογιστική ισχύς έχει γίνει πιο προσιτή οικονομικά. Ως αποτέλεσμα, η τεχνολογία αυτή κερδίζει έδαφος στην ερευνητική και επιχειρηματική κοινότητα. Η φασματική απεικόνιση υπόσχεται την έγκαιρη ανίχνευση ασθενειών πριν γίνουν ορατά τα συμπτώματα με την ανίχνευση μεταβολικών αλλαγών και ισχυρά, ακριβή συστήματα ανίχνευσης ασθενειών εστιάζοντας σε συγκεκριμένα τμήματα του φάσματος. Επιπλέον, οι αισθητήρες αυτοί έχουν αποδειχθεί ικανοί να προσδιορίζουν τα ποιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά των φρούτων και των λαχανικών, όπως το Brix, η βιταμίνη C και η περιεκτικότητα σε ταννίνες με μη καταστροφικό τρόπο, ανοίγοντας το δρόμο για επιλεκτική συγκομιδή με βάση τα ποιοτικά χαρακτηριστικά, επιτρέποντας ένα ομοιόμορφο προϊόν υψηλής ποιότητας. Επιπλέον, οι ζημιές, όπως υποβαθμίσεις από την ψύξη και οι μώλωπες, μπορούν επίσης να ανιχνευθούν με μη καταστροφικό τρόπο πριν γίνουν ορατά. Τέλος, η μόλυνση από παθογόνους μικροοργανισμούς όπως η Escherichia coli μπορεί επίσης να ανιχνευθεί οπτικά, ξεπερνώντας την ανάγκη για εργαστηριακές δοκιμές. Συνολικά, η φασματική απεικόνιση θα μπορούσε να αλλάξει τη σύγχρονη γεωργία, βελτιστοποιώντας περαιτέρω την παραγωγή και την ποιότητα, προωθώντας παράλληλα την υγεία των καταναλωτών και ελαχιστοποιώντας τη σπατάλη τροφίμων.

Whether caused by a fungus, bacteria, or virus, plant diseases can cause significant economic damage to growers. The damage can be direct such as yield loss or indirect through product quality downgrade. As a result, a substantial amount of the production costs is spent on disease inspection, prevention, and fighting the disease. This burdens the farmers financially and increases agriculture's environmental footprint while also putting the grower's health at risk by increasing their exposure to harmful chemicals. Modern AI technologies and computer vision hold the promise to automate disease detection through the use of cameras. Agricultural machinery can then use this information to transform blanket applications into targeted ones, meaning that only the diseased parcel of the field/ plant spot is sprayed.

Additionally, this thorough monitoring allows detailed assessing of the disease pressure providing further insights about the optimal course of action. Disease detection models for various plants and diseases have already been developed. Examples are Apple scab and black rot for apples, early blight and Cercospora for Celery, Leaf blight, and Esca for grapes. Most detection models achieved promising results that, on some occasions, reached up to 100%. However, to develop a commercial disease detection solution, more data are needed to create a robust, field invariant disease detection system. The technology and hardware are already available; however, what researchers lack are field images acquired under various illumination and weather conditions, plant and disease growth stages, and different varieties to create a robust and accurate system.

Είτε προκαλούνται από μύκητες, βακτήρια ή ιούς, οι ασθένειες των φυτών μπορούν να προκαλέσουν σημαντική οικονομική ζημία στους παραγωγούς. Η ζημία μπορεί να είναι άμεση, όπως η μείωση των αποδόσεων, ή έμμεση μέσω της υποβάθμισης της ποιότητας των προϊόντων. Ως αποτέλεσμα, σημαντικό ποσοστό του κόστους παραγωγής δαπανάται για την επιθεώρηση του χωραφιού, την πρόληψη και την καταπολέμηση των ασθενειών. Αυτό επιβαρύνει οικονομικά τους αγρότες και αυξάνει το περιβαλλοντικό αποτύπωμα του γεωργικού κλάδου, ενώ παράλληλα θέτει σε κίνδυνο την υγεία των καλλιεργητών αυξάνοντας την έκθεσή τους σε επιβλαβείς χημικές ουσίες. Οι σύγχρονες τεχνολογίες τεχνητής νοημοσύνης και μηχανικής όρασης υπόσχονται την αυτοματοποίηση της ανίχνευσης ασθενειών μέσω της χρήσης καμερών. Τα γεωργικά μηχανήματα μπορούν στη συνέχεια να χρησιμοποιήσουν αυτές τις πληροφορίες για να μετατρέψουν τις οριζόντιες ομοιόμορφες εφαρμογές χημικών σε όλο το χωράφι σε στοχευμένες, πράγμα που σημαίνει ότι ψεκάζεται μόνο το άρρωστο τμήμα του χωραφιού/το σημείο του φυτού.

Επιπλέον, αυτή η ενδελεχής παρακολούθηση επιτρέπει τη λεπτομερή αξιολόγηση της πίεσης που ασκεί η ασθένεια, παρέχοντας περαιτέρω πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη βέλτιστη πορεία δράσης. Ήδη έχουν αναπτυχθεί μοντέλα ανίχνευσης ασθενειών για διάφορα φυτά και ασθένειες. Παραδείγματα είναι το φουζικλάδιο η μαύρη σήψη για τα μήλα, η πρώιμη σήψη και η Cercospora για το σέλινο, η φυλλοξήρα και η Esca για τα σταφύλια. Τα περισσότερα μοντέλα ανίχνευσης πέτυχαν πολύ καλά αποτελέσματα που, σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις, έφτασαν μέχρι και το 100% ακρίβεια. Ωστόσο, για την ανάπτυξη μιας εμπορικής λύσης ανίχνευσης ασθενειών, απαιτούνται περισσότερα δεδομένα για τη δημιουργία ενός αποτελεσματικού, και ευρεώς λειτουργικού στο πεδίο συστήματος ανίχνευσης ασθενειών. Η τεχνολογία είναι ήδη διαθέσιμη- ωστόσο, αυτό που λείπει από τους ερευνητές είναι εικόνες αγρού που έχουν αποκτηθεί κάτω από διάφορες συνθήκες φωτισμού και καιρού, διαφορετικά στάδια ανάπτυξης του φυτού και των ασθενειών καθώς και διαφορετικών ποικιλιών για τη δημιουργία ενός ισχυρού και αποτελεσματικού συστήματος.

Vegetation control in woody permanent crops, such vineyards and olive groves, nowadays is mostly realized using chemicals products or mechanical implements. However, with a better understanding of the negative impacts of the use of these techniques on soil, water and biodiversity, farmers started to look into new alternatives/approaches to manage the intra and row vegetation control. Pushed by these farm desires, in the NOVATERRA project, we started analysing robotics based technologies that can support vegetation management activities. With this analises, we designed a modular robot called Modular-E, that can carry fertilizers implements and several weeding tools (mechanical, UltraViolet lights and electrocution based tools). Being a small and fully autonomous solution, Modular-E will enable new sustainable approaches on vegetation control, restoring the soil diversity and promoting water saving and quality .      

O controle da vegetação, na linha e entre linha, em culturas lenhosas permanentes, como vinhas e olivais, é feito principalmente recorrendo a produtos químicos ou soluções mecânicas intensivas. No entanto, com uma melhor compreensão dos impactos negativos do uso dessas técnicas no solo, na água e na biodiversidade, os agricultores começaram a procurar novas alternativas/abordagens para efectuar o controle da vegetação na linha e entre-linha. Impulsionados por esta necessidade em inovar estas práticas agrícolas, no projeto NOVATERRA, começamos a explorar tecnologia robótica que podem apoiar as atividades de controlo da vegetação, reduzindo custos e impactos ambientais. No NOVATERRA projetamos um robô modular chamado Modular-E, que pode transportar ferramentas de fertilização e várias ferramentas de controlo de vegetação (mecânicas, luzes ultravioleta e ferramentas baseadas em eletrocussão). Sendo uma solução pequena e totalmente autônoma, Modular-E permitirá novas abordagens sustentáveis no controle da vegetação, restaurando a diversidade do solo e promovendo ganhos na qualidade da água e solo.

Main project objective is to minimize, in a demonstrative and real way, the use of phytosanitary products of chemical origin in viticulture and also; to evaluate the practical implementation of bioprotective alternatives in Spanish vineyards, by applying existing technologies for the analysis of vegetation and/or vigour maps, as well as by using highly-efficient treatment equipment, to optimize chemical treatments, thus minimizing their environmental impact and people risk, reducing their economic costs.

GOPHYTOVID aimed to develop a work plan, with a total duration of 23 months to develop a supra-autonomic innovation project, based on the development of a tool to treat illnesses and plagues in the vineyard, suitable as an aiming system for decision making to the viticulturist, minimizing treatment costs.


1. Application of the system of automated variable treatment based on Prescription maps.

2. Application of the system of automated variable treatment based on zonal Vigour maps.

3. Production and formulation of Biocontrol agents effective against vine Wood illnesses.

4.- Collection, interpretation and analysis of results. Project conclusions

The main project results are:

 Validation of the DOSA3D and DOSAVIÑA systems for dose adjustment in large-scale phytosanitary treatments. Reduction in phytosanitary products application from 10% to 40%.

 Validation of treatments based on vigour maps made from NVDI images of Sentinel2. Enhancement of protocols for parasitoid diseases and new generation equipment (high efficiency) with a recovery tunnel.

 Drastic reduction of costs and personal and environmental risks in vineyard treatments.

El objetivo del proyecto es minimizar, de forma demostrativa y real, el uso de fitosanitarios de origen químico en viticultura y evaluar la aplicación práctica de alternativas bioprotectoras en los viñedos españoles, mediante la aplicación de tecnologías existentes para el análisis de mapas de vegetación y/o vigor y de equipos de tratamiento de alta eficiencia para optimizar los tratamientos químicos y minimizar el impacto medioambiental y el riesgo para las personas, reduciendo los costes económicos.

GOPHYTOVID estableció un plan de trabajo de 23 meses para desarrollar una herramienta para tratar las enfermedades y plagas en viñedo aplicable como sistema de ayuda a la toma de decisiones para el viticultor, minimizando costes del tratamiento. Plan de trabajo compuesto de las siguientes actividades:

1. Aplicación del sistema de tratamiento variable automatizado basado en mapas de prescripción

2. Aplicación del sistema de tratamiento variable basado en mapas de vigor zonal.

3. Producción y formulación de agentes de biocontrol efectivos contra enfermedades de la madera de vid.

4. Recopilación, interpretación y análisis de resultados. Conclusiones del proyecto

Los principales resultados del proyecto son:

 Validación de los sistemas DOSA3D y DOSAVIÑA para el ajuste de la dosis en tratamientos fitosanitarios a gran escala. Reducción del consumo de fitosanitarios del 10% hasta el 40%.

 Validación de aplicaciones en base a mapas de vigor confeccionados a partir de imágenes NVDI del Sentinel2. Puesta en valor de protocolos de enfermedades parasitarias y equipos de última generación (alta eficiencia) con túnel de recuperación.

 Reducción drástica de los costes y de los riesgos personales y ambientales de los tratamientos del viñedo.

Pest control for olive trees in the Mediterranean region has been a continuous challenge for thousands of olive farmers. Events of increased pressure are documented periodically with increased frequency, as a result of the adverse weather phenomena caused by climate change. Especially pests such as the olive fruit fly, prays oleae and saissetia oleae, cause significant, and in some cases extended yield damage both in terms of quantity and quality. As a result, olive farmers suffer from serious financial losses, almost every season. In addition, applications with plant protection products (PPPs) can burden the ecosystem, especially if not used appropriately, and further increase costs of olive farming. NOVATERRA partners develop an innovative approach and plot design that will enable olive growers to manage pests naturally through their natural enemies. By enriching olive groves with floral cover crops and floral margins, farmers can increase local biodiversity by attracting polinators and other beneficial species, such as parasitoids which are natural enemies of olive pests. The increased biodiversity leads to increased interaction complexity, eventually minimizing the potential for increased pest populations. With the right selection of plant species farmers can establish a continuous blooming period, from Spring to Autumn, that will enable consistently satisfactory biodiversity. Finallly, by integrating suitable cover crops farmers can reap additional benefits such as restricting soil erosion and increasing soil capacity for nutrients and humidity.

Η καταπολέμηση των παθογόνων της ελιάς στην περιοχή της Μεσογείου είναι μια συνεχής πρόκληση για χιλιάδες ελαιοκαλλιεργητές. Περιστατικά αυξημένης παρουσίας παθογόνων παρατηρούνται περιοδικά με αυξημένη συχνότητα, ως αποτέλεσμα των δυσμενών καιρικών φαινομένων που προκαλούνται από την κλιματική αλλαγή. Παθογόνα όπως ο δάκος, ο πυρηνοτρήτης και το λεκάνιο, προκαλούν σημαντικές ή και εκτεταμένες ζημιές στην παραγωγή τόσο σε ποσότητα όσο και σε ποιότητα. Ως αποτέλεσμα, οι ελαιοκαλλιεργητές υφίστανται σοβαρές οικονομικές απώλειες, σχεδόν κάθε ελαιοκομική περίοδο. Επιπλέον, οι εφαρμογές με προϊόντα φυτοπροστασίας επιβαρύνουν το οικοσύστημα, ειδικά εάν δεν χρησιμοποιηθούν κατάλληλα, και αυξάνουν το κόστος της ελαιοκαλλιέργειας. Στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος NOVATERRA αναπτύσσεται ένας καινοτόμος σχεδιασμός ελαιώνων που θα επιτρέψει στους ελαιοκαλλιεργητές να διαχειριστούν τα επιβλαβή έντομα με φυσικό τρόπο μέσω των φυσικών τους εχθρών. Εμπλουτίζοντας τους ελαιώνες με φυτική κάλυψη και τείχη ανθέων, οι αγρότες μπορούν να αυξήσουν την τοπική βιοποικιλότητα προσελκύοντας επικονιαστές και άλλα ευεργετικά είδη, όπως παρασιτοειδή που είναι φυσικοί εχθροί των παθογόνων της ελιάς. Η αυξημένη βιοποικιλότητα οδηγεί σε αυξημένη πολυπλοκότητα αλληλεπίδρασης, ελαχιστοποιώντας τελικά την πιθανότητα αυξημένης καταστροφής. Με τη σωστή επιλογή φυτικών ειδών οι αγρότες μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν μια συνεχή περίοδο ανθοφορίας, από την άνοιξη έως το φθινόπωρο, που θα επιτρέψει σταθερή βιοποικιλότητα. Τέλος, ενσωματώνοντας κατάλληλη φυτική κάλυψη, οι παραγωγοί μπορούν να αποκομίσουν πρόσθετα οφέλη, όπως ο περιορισμός της διάβρωσης του εδάφους και η αύξηση της ικανότητας του εδάφους να διατηρεί θρεπτικά συστατικά και υγρασία.

Olive farming in Greece is facing serious challenges as a result of climate change, the saturation of the international olive oil market and the lack of data on cultivation. The NOVATERRA program aims to address these challenges by promoting innovative farming techniques. In particular, boosting biodiversity can reduce the populations of pathogens such as the olive fruit fly and prays oleae, and thus reduce the economic damage to producers. The project studies the enrichment of olive groves with cover crops and floral margins to increase biodiversity. At the same time, the performance of new organic plant protection products (PPPs) is being studied, which will be accompanied by a low input on the environment and the organisms that are not a target or are beneficial. In addition, a digital early warning platform is being created that will identify the emergence of suitable conditions for the development of olive peacock spot, based on numerous weather stations that will cover the Greek territory. Thus, the producers will be able to intervene locally without burdening the whole olive grove and without incurring unnecessary costs. Finally, new products are developed that will enable reduced nitrogen fertilization while maintaining high efficiency. This will help producers to reduce the cost of fertilization and at the same time not to burden the subsoil and the aquifer with nitrogen. These are just some of the new solutions being developed under NOVATERRA. Follow the progress of the program through the monthly newsletter.

Η ελληνική ελαιοκαλλιέργεια αντιμετωπίζει σοβαρές προκλήσεις ως αποτέλεσμα της κλιματικής αλλαγής, του κορεσμού της διεθνούς αγοράς ελαιόλαδου και της έλλειψης δεδομένων κατά την καλλιέργεια. Το πρόγραμμα NOVATERRA σκοπεύει στην αντιμετώπιση αυτών των προκλήσεων προωθώντας καινοτόμες τεχνικές. Συγκεκριμένα, η στήριξη της βιοποικιλότητας μπορεί να ελαττώσει τους πληθυσμούς παθογόνων όπως ο δάκος και ο πυρηνοτρήτης, και επομένως να ελαττώσει την οικονομική ζημιά για τους παραγωγούς. Στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος μελετάται ο εμπλουτισμός ελαιώνων με χλωρή λίπανση και τείχη ανθέων για την αύξηση της βιοποικιλότητας. Ταυτόχρονα, μελετάται η απόδοση νέων βιολογικών σκευασμάτων τα οποία θα συνοδεύονται από χαμηλή επιβάρυνση στο περιβάλλον και τους οργανισμούς που δεν αποτελούν στόχο ή είναι ωφέλιμοι. Ακόμη, δημιουργείται μια ψηφιακή πλατφόρμα έγκαιρης προειδοποίησης για την εμφάνιση κατάλληλων συνθηκών για την ανάπτυξη κυκλοκονίου, που θα βασίζεται σε πληθώρα μετεωρολογικών σταθμών και θα καλύπτει την ελληνική επικράτεια. Έτσι, οι παραγωγοί θα μπορούν να επέμβουν πολύ στοχευμένα για την αντιμετώπιση του παθογόνου, χωρίς να επιβαρύνουν το σύνολο του ελαιώνα και χωρίς να κάνουν άσκοπα κόστη. Τέλος, αναπτύσσονται σκευάσματα τα οποία είναι σε θέση να ελαττώσουν την λίπανση αζώτου διατηρώντας υψηλή απόδοση. Αυτό θα βοηθήσει τους παραγωγούς να ελαττώσουν το κόστος λίπανσης και ταυτόχρονα να μην επιβαρύνουν το υπέδαφος και τον υδροφόρο ορίζοντα με άζωτο. Αυτές είναι μόνο μερικές από τις νέες τεχνικές που αναπτύσσονται στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος NOVATERRA. Ακολουθήστε την πορεία του προγράμματος μέσω του μηνιαίου ενημερωτικού δελτίου.

The Directive 2009/128/EC aims to achieve a sustainable use of pesticides in the EU and came to reinforce the necessity of develop and implement effective strategies of crop protection, alternative to chemical control in order to contribute for a sustainable production. So

Naturally, a diverse complex of natural enemies cohabits with pests, feeding on them and reducing their numbers, and consequently, the damage on the crop. These natural enemies, in some phases of their development use alternative resources, such as pollen or nectar, which are provided by several flowering plants. Some studies have evaluated the performance of some natural enemies of the olive moth, when feed on flower resources that naturally occurs in the ground cover of olive groves. These studies suggested a set of plants that sequentially bloom during the year and show aptness to be stablished in olive orchard, namely eight herbaceous and small plants that can be used in the interrow (i.e., Andryala integrifolia L., Borago officinalis L., Echium plantagineum Jacq., Lamium purpureum L., Malva sylvestris L., Silene gallica L., Tolpis barbata (L.) Gaerth .and Veronica persica Poir.), and five bigger shrub plants that can be used in the margins or flowing patches within the olive grove (i.e., Conopodium majus Druce, Daucus carota L., Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Lavandula stoechas L. and Lonicera hispanica Boiss. & Reut.). Under a conservation biological control point of view, in NOVATERRA project field studies will be conducted in order to evaluate the efficiency of several plants used as ground cover of interrow or in the margins to increment the abundance and diversity of natural enemies as well as their effectiveness in the pest control.

A diretiva 2009/128/CE, que visa alcançar o uso sustentável de pesticidas na UE, veio reforçar a necessidade de desenvolver e implantar estratégias eficazes de proteção das culturas, alternativas à aplicação de produtos químicos de síntese de modo a contribuir para uma produção sustentável.

Naturalmente, existe um complexo diversificado de inimigos naturais associado às pragas, que delas se alimentam, reduzindo o seu número e consequentes estragos à cultura. Estes inimigos naturais, nalgumas fases do seu desenvolvimento, utilizam recursos alternativos, como pólen ou néctar que são fornecidos por plantas produtoras de flor. Vários estudos avaliaram o desempenho de alguns inimigos naturais da traça-da-oliveira, quando alimentados com recursos florais que ocorrem naturalmente no coberto vegetal do olival. Estes estudos sugerem um conjunto de plantas que florescem sequencialmente ao longo do ano e que apresentam aptidão para serem instaladas no olival, nomeadamente oito plantas herbáceas que podem ser usadas na entrelinha ( ex. Andryala integrifolia L., Borago officinalis L., Echium plantagineum Jacq., Lamium purpureum L., Malva sylvestris L., Silene gallica L., Tolpis barbata (L.) Gaerth .e Veronica persica Poir.) e cinco plantas de maior porte, que podem ser usadas na margem ou em pequenas manchas no interior do olival (ex. Conopodium majus Druce, Daucus carota L., Foeniculum vulgare Mill., Lavandula stoechas L. and Lonicera hispanica Boiss. & Reut.). Sob o ponto de vista de proteção biológica de conservação, no projeto NOVATERRA pretende-se avaliar, em campo, o efeito de diversas plantas semeadas na entrelinha e na margem dos olivais, na abundância e diversidade de inimigos naturais e na sua eficácia na limitação natural de pragas.

The olive moth is an important pest of olives in the Mediterranean region, developing three generations per year that damage different organs of the olive tree: the phyllophagous generation feeds on leaves and buds, the anthophagous generation feeds on flower buds and flowers, and the carpophagous generation feeds on the fruit. This pest has a great number of natural enemies whose action contributes to reduce the pest numbers and damage, and losses do not always reach worrying levels. These natural enemies include parasitoids, predators and other organisms that cause diseases (such as entomopathogenic bacteria, fungus, and virus). The parasitoids, with more than known 40 species, can destroy more than 80% of the pest population. Common parasitoid species are Ageniaspis fuscicollis var. praysincola (Dalman) and Chelonus elaeaphilus Silvestris. The efficacy of predators, harder to quantify, can also be important. In these organisms stand out chrysopids, particularly Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens), which in some regions can destroy about 80 - 90% of olive moth eggs. Predator heteropterans such as the anthocorid Anthocoris nemoralis (Fabricius), and mirids, or ants are also known as important olive moth predators. Recently, through genomic analysis of guano, it was demonstrated that the olive moth is also part of bats´ diet mainly adults of anthophagous generation. Insectivorous birds have been also related with the olive moth predation. Under a conservation biological control point of view, natural enemies should be conserved, countering conditions that limit their populations such as habitat loss and environmental disturbance.

A traça-da-oliveira é uma praga importante da oliveira na região mediterrânica, desenvolvendo três gerações anuais que afetam diferentes órgãos da planta: a geração filófaga, que se alimenta de folhas e rebentos, a geração antófaga que se alimenta dos botões florais e flores e a geração carpófaga que se alimenta da semente do fruto.

Esta praga, tem um grande número de inimigos naturais cuja ação contribui para a redução dos níveis populacionais d praga fazendo com que os prejuízos nem sempre atinjam níveis preocupantes. Estes inimigos incluem parasitoides, predadores e organismos entomopatogénicos (como bactérias, fungos e vírus). Os parasitóides, com mais de 40 espécies conhecidas, podem destruir mais de 80% da população da praga. As espécies de parasitóides mais comuns são: Ageniaspis fuscicollis var. praysincola (Dalman), e Chelonus elaeaphilus Silvestri. A eficácia dos predadores, mais difícil de quantificar, também pode ser importante. Nestes organismos, destacam-se os crisopídeos, particularmente Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens), que em algumas regiões podem destruir 80% a 90% dos ovos da praga. Os heterópteros como o antocorídeo Anthocoris nemoralis (Fabricius), os mirídeos, e as formigas também são conhecidos como importantes predadores da traça-da-oliveira. Através da análise genómica do guano , foi demonstrado que a traça-da-oliveira faz parte da dieta dos morcegos, principalmente os adultos da geração antófaga. As aves insetívoras também estão indicadas como predadoras da praga. Sob o ponto de vista da proteção biológica de conservação, os inimigos naturais devem ser preservados, contrariando as condições que limitam as suas populações, como a perda de habitat e outros distúrbios ambientais.

The olive moth develops three generations per year, each one synchronized with a specific olive tree organ. The phyllophagous generation, develops between November and April, and larvae feeds on leaves and buds. During spring, females lay eggs on flower buds initiating the anthophagous generation, which held from April to June, and whose larvae consume the flower buds and flowers. The symptoms of this generation are easily identified by the existence of silky yarns involving the inflorescences, in which excrement and brownish petals accumulate. Later, the females emerge and lay eggs on the small fruits, mainly in the calyx, initiating the carpophagous generation; the larvae of this generation bore into the olive stone and consume the tissue inside; after completing the development, these larvae leave the fruits to pupate on branches fissures, causing an important fruit dropping. Anthophagous and carpophagous generations can be responsible for great economic losses, being essential to perform an adequate risk assessment of the pest. In the anthophagous generation, observation should be done from BBCH 57 phenological scale (corolla green-coloured and longer than calyx). For the carpophagous generation, observation should be done from BBCH 71 phenological scale (fruits about 10% of final size). However, the determination of the periods to assess infestation should be supported by an adequate adult monitoring in pheromone traps (see practice abstract entitled “The use of sex pheromone traps for olive moth, Prays oleae (Bernard), monitoring”). The reference values for economic thresholds levels differ between countries and farmers should follow guidelines of their country agriculture services.

A traça-da-oliveira desenvolve três gerações anuais, cada uma sincronizada com um órgão específico da oliveira. A geração filófaga desenvolve-se entre novembro e abril e as larvas alimentam-se de folhas e rebentos. Na primavera, as fêmeas efetuam a postura nos botões florais, iniciando a geração antófaga, que ocorre de abril a junho e cujas larvas se alimentam de botões florais e flores. Os sintomas desta geração são facilmente identificados pela existência de fios sedosos que envolvem as inflorescências, nas quais se acumulam excrementos e pétalas acastanhadas. Depois de emergir as fêmeas efetuam a postura nos frutos jovens, sobretudo no cálice, iniciando a geração carpófaga; as larvas desta geração desenvolvem-se no interior do caroço e consomem o seu interior; depois de completarem o desenvolvimento, as larvas abandonam os frutos, para puparem em fissuras do tronco, provocando a queda prematura dos frutos. Estas duas gerações podem ser responsáveis por grandes perdas, sendo essencial uma adequada avaliação do risco através da observação visual dos órgãos suscetíveis (flores ou frutos). Na geração antófaga, deverá ser feita a partir do estado fenológico BBCH 57 (corola verde e mais longa do que o cálice). Na geração carpófaga, deverá realizar-se a partir do estado fenológico BBCH 71 (frutos com 10% do tamanho final). No entanto, a determinação destes períodos deve ser apoiada por uma adequada monitorização de adultos em armadilhas sexuais (ver pratical abstract intitulado “O uso de armadilhas sexuais na monitorização da traça-da-oliveira, Prays oleae (Bernard)). Os valores de referência para os níveis económicos de ataque diferem entre os países pelo que os agricultores deverão seguir as diretrizes dos serviços agrícolas do seu país.

The Directive 2009/128/EC, which aims to achieve a sustainable use of pesticides in the EU, came to reinforce the necessity of develop and implement effective strategies of crop protection to contribute for a sustainable production. In this sense, the suitable use of pests population monitoring tools is essential, and its implementation should be mandatory in farms.

The olive moth is an important pest of olives in the Mediterranean region, developing three generations per year that damage different organs of the plant: the phyllophagous generation feeds on leaves and buds, the anthophagous generation feeds on the flowers, and the carpophagous generation feeds on the fruit seeds causing fruit premature fall.

For the monitoring of olive moth adults the current recommendation is the use of pheromone traps. These are normally Delta traps with a capsule impregnated with a synthetic chemical compound, (Z)-7-tetradecenal, similar to the sex pheromone released by females to attract males. They should be installed before the flight of phyllophagous generationstart and inspected weekly. Data from pheromone traps are a fundamental tool in the monitoring of adults and respective spatial and temporal distribution analysis. They allow to identify the main hotspots of the pest and can be used in decision support systems, as a way to forecast the pest activity and determine its risk periods (see practice abstract entitled “Periods of infestation assessment of olive moth, Prays oleae (Bernard)”), helping in the decision regarding necessity and timing of phytosanitary

A diretiva 2009/128/CE, que visa alcançar o uso sustentável de pesticidas na UE, veio reforçar a necessidade de desenvolver e implementar estratégias eficazes de proteção das culturas, de forma a contribuir para uma produção mais sustentável. Nesse sentido, o uso adequado de ferramentas de monitorização das pragas é essencial e a sua implantação dever ser obrigatória nas explorações.

A traça-da-oliveira é uma praga importante nos olivais da região mediterrânica, desenvolvendo anualmente três gerações que danificam diferentes órgãos da oliveira: a geração filófaga, que se alimenta de folhas e rebentos; a geração antófaga que se alimenta das inflorescências e a geração carpófaga que se alimenta da semente dos frutos, causando a sua queda prematura.

Para a monitorização de adultos da traça-da-oliveira, a recomendação atual é o uso de armadilhas sexuais. Normalmente, são armadilhas do tipo delta com uma cápsula impregnada com o composto químico sintético (Z)-7-tetradecanal, semelhante à feromona sexual libertada pelas fêmeas para atrair os machos. As armadilhas devem ser instaladas antes do início do voo da geração filófaga e devem ser inspecionadas semanalmente. A informação recolhida permite a monitorização dos adultos e respetiva análise da distribuição espacial e temporal podendo ser utilizadas em sistemas de apoio à decisão, como forma de prever a atividade da praga e determinar os seus períodos de risco (ver pratical abstract intitulado “ Períodos de avaliação da intensidade de ataque da traça-da-oliveira Prays oleae (Bernard)”, auxiliando na tomada de decisão sobre a necessidade e o momento oportuno para aplicação de tratamentos fitossanitários.

With the aim to achieve a sustainable use of pesticides in the EU, the Directive 2009/128/EC, comes to reinforce the necessity of develop and implement strategies of crop protection that should contribute to a sustainable production. Monitoring a pest population is a prerequisite in pest management decisions and should be implemented in farms.

The olive fruit fly is a major pest of olives worldwide. When feeding, larvae create galleries throughout the fruit, destroying and consuming the pulp, and allowing the access and development of secondary organisms, like fungi that depreciate the quality of olive oil.

For the monitoring of olive fruit fly adults, the current recommendation is the use of pheromone traps. These are normally yellow sticky traps with a capsule impregnated with a synthetic chemical compound, 1,7-dioxaspiro [5.5] undecane, similar to the sex pheromone released by females. Traps should be installed before the fruit hardening, which is the phenological stage considered receptive to the oviposition, and inspected weekly. The image acquisition of captured adults using a camera and the remote monitoring is already possible for some species and will be soon a reality for the olive fruit fly.

Traps are fundamental tools for adults monitoring and allow to analyze spatial and temporal distribution of the pest, determine the periods of risk (when visual observation should be done – see practice abstract entitled “Periods of infestation assessment of Bactrocera oleae”), and help in the decision regarding timing and necessity of phytosanitary treatments.

The reference values for economic thresholds levels differ between countries so farms should follow guidelines of their country agriculture services.

Com o objetivo de proceder ao uso sustentável de pesticidas na UE, a Diretiva 2009/128/EC vem reforçar a necessidade de desenvolver e implementar estratégias de proteção de culturas que contribuam para uma produção sustentável. O acompanhamento das populações de pragas é um pré-requisito necessário na tomada de decisão e deverá ser implementado nas explorações.

A mosca-da-azeitona é a principal praga da oliveira a nível mundial. Ao alimentar-se do fruto, a larva faz galerias, consumindo a polpa e permitindo a entrada de organismos secundários como fungos, que diminuem a qualidade do azeite.

Para o acompanhamento dos adultos de mosca-da-azeitona, a recomendação atual é o uso de armadilhas sexuais. Estas são, normalmente, armadilhas adesivas amarelas com uma cápsula impregnada com um composto químico, 1,7-dioxaspiro [5.5] undecano, semelhante à feromona sexual produzida pelas fêmeas. As armadilhas devem ser instaladas antes do endurecimento do caroço, que é considerado o estado fenológico recetivo à postura, devendo ser observadas semanalmente. O uso de câmaras para a aquisição de imagens e a monitorização remota dos adultos de mosca-da-azeitona será, brevemente, uma realidade.

As armadilhas são ferramentas fundamentais para a monitorização de adultos permitindo estudar a distribuição espacial e temporal da praga, determinar os períodos de risco (ver pratical abstract intitulado “Períodos de avaliação de infestação de Bactrocera oleae”) e ajudar na tomada de decisão no que diz respeito ao momento e necessidade de intervenção contra a praga.

Os valores de referência para os níveis económicos de ataque diferem entre países, devendo os agricultores seguir as diretrizes dos serviços oficiais agrícolas do seu país.

The olive fruit fly is a major pest of olives worldwide. Females lay the eggs inside the fruits and larvae live as fruit miners within the mesocarp, consuming the olive pulp and mining thin, sigmoid sub-epidermic tunnels which become progressively larger and deeper as their growth progress proceeds. Potential losses caused include consumption of fruit pulp by larvae, pre-harvest fruit drop, and reduction of olive oil quality caused by the presence of microorganisms such as bacteria, yeasts, and molds. In the case of table olives, the attacked fruits are totally lost as they are considered unsuitable for marketing. Under an organic farming or integrated pest management point of view farmers should use pesticides and other forms of direct intervention only when they are economically and ecologically justified, ensuring the plant protection and reducing or minimizing the risk to human health and the environment.

In this sense, the monitoring and infestation assessment are essential to determine the need (or not) of intervention. Visual observation of fruits should be done from BBCH 75 phenological scale (fruits about 50% of final size, stone becomes lignified, showing cutting resistance) onwards and at a weekly periodicity and supported by adequate monitoring of adults in pheromone traps (see practice abstract entitled “The use of sex pheromone traps for olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi), monitoring”).

Under a stereoscopic microscope, fruits should be dissected and inspected for the presence of alive forms (eggs, larvae, pupae). The reference values for economic thresholds levels differ between countries, and farmers should follow guidelines of their country agriculture services.

A mosca-da-azeitona é a principal praga da oliveira a nível mundial. As fêmeas efetuam a postura no interior dos frutos onde se desenvolvem e vivem as larvas vivem, alimentando-se da polpa e fazendo túneis subepidérmicos que se tornam progressivamente maiores e mais profundos à medida que ase desenvolvem. As potenciais perdas incluem o consumo de polpa, a queda prematura de frutos e a redução da qualidade do azeite causada pela presença de microorganismos, como bactérias, leveduras e bolores. No caso da azeitona de mesa, os frutos atacados são considerados impróprios para comercialização. Sob o ponto de vista da agricultura biológica ou da proteção integrada, os agricultores devem usar pesticidas e outras formas de intervenção direta apenas quando se justificar economicamente e ecologicamente de forma a assegurar não só a proteção das plantas, mas também a reduzir ou minimizar os riscos para saúde humana e meio ambiente. Neste contexto, a monitorização e a avaliação da infestação são essenciais para determinar a necessidade (ou não) de intervenção. A observação visual de frutos deve ser feita, semanalmente, a partir do estado fenológico BBCH 75 (frutos com cerca de 50% do tamanho final, caroço torna-se lenhificado, e com resistência ao corte), e apoiada por adequada monitorização de adultos em armadilhas sexuais (ver pratical abstract intitulado “ O uso de armadilhas sexuais para a monitorização da mosca-da-azeitona Bactrocera oleae (Rossi).

Com o auxílio de uma lupa binocular, os frutos devem ser dissecados e avaliada a presença de formas vivas (ovos, larvas e pupas). Os valores de referência para o nível económico de ataque diferem entre os países, devendo os agricultores seguir as diretrizes dos serviços agrícolas do seu país.

A partner in NOVATERRA project, CORTEVATM developed a novel method of pheromone (E,Z-7,9-dodecadienyl acetate) application (biodegradable gel - Enrapta Lobesia Press) against the grape berry moth, Lobesia botrana, to be applied on the grapevine's bark. The experimental design developed by SOGRAPE (Figure 2) consisted of applying this gel with about 500 to 600 drops per hectare. The trial also included control untreated vineyards and vineyards treated with the conventional product for mating disruption. The areas enclosed by the white line in each zone represented about 2 hectares, which were used for observation and monitoring of L. botrana and evaluation of product effectiveness. Given the product's behavior, by generation of a pheromone cloud to confuse insects, there are specific challenges for using it in slope vineyards. For example, the stability of the pheromone cloud on the target site depends on wind direction and speed. Additionally, insect pressure is promoted by local temperature and relative humidity, as well as by refuge in nearby unprotected vineyards or other host plants for the target species. In the case of terraced vineyards, slope convexities created by water lines are areas of greater pressure that alternate, in the same row of vines, with concavities. Finally, in vertical row vineyards, costs of manual application increase because of inherent morosity in climbing slopes that may exceed 40%. Considering all of these factors for the experimental design, an approach derived from medical epidemiology was applied, using areas for each modality larger than the observation area to simultaneously obtain adequate buffering between adjacent modalities and confound a large number of different situations for all modalities to control only the most relevant variables, in this case, the application form of pheromone, altitude and slope aspect.

Ao abrigo do projeto NOVATERRA, a CORTEVATM desenvolveu um método de aplicação inovador da feromona (E,Z-7,9-dodecadienil acetato) contra a traça da uva, Lobesia botrana, sob forma de gel biodegradável (Enrapta Lobesia Press) colocado no ritidoma da videira. O desenho experimental desenvolvido pela SOGRAPE (Figura 2) consistiu na aplicação do gel com cerca de 500 a 600 gotas por hectare. O ensaio incluiu ainda áreas de controlo sem tratamento e tratadas com o produto convencional usado em confusão sexual. Em cada zona, a área delimitada a branco representou cerca de 2 hectares, onde se observou e monitorizou a praga e a eficácia do novo produto. Dado o seu funcionamento, que gera uma nuvem de feromona para confundir os insetos, esta técnica tem desafios específicos na vinha de encosta. Por exemplo, a permanência da nuvem de feromona no local que se pretende proteger depende da direção e velocidade do vento. Ainda, a pressão do inseto é fomentada pela temperatura e humidade relativa, locais, por refúgios em vinhas próximas não protegidas ou outras plantas hospedeiras da espécie visada. No caso de vinhas sistematizadas em patamares, as convexidades da encosta criadas por linhas de água são zonas de maior pressão que alternam, na mesma linha de videiras, com as concavidades. Finalmente, nas vinhas sistematizadas em linhas verticais, perpendiculares às curvas de nível, os custos com a aplicação manual aumentam por causa da morosidade inerente ao trabalho numa superfície com inclinações que podem ultrapassar os 40%. Considerando todos estes fatores no desenho experimental, aplicou-se uma abordagem comum em epidemiologia médica escolhendo-se em cada modalidade, áreas tratadas maiores do que as áreas de observação, para conjugar um efeito tampão adequado a evitar interferências entre modalidades adjacentes com um grande número de situações distintas em todas as modalidades, controlando-se apenas as variáveis mais relevantes, neste caso, a forma de aplicação da feromona, a altitude e a exposição.

Consumers are increasingly demanding, both from the point of view of the quality of the products and above all from the point of view of the socio-economic and environmental sustainability of farms. The NOVATERRA project aims to increase environmentally sustainable agronomic solutions and practices for the olive grove sector, which include the management of soil vegetation, namely plant cover, the promotion of plants and/or practices that encourage auxiliary fauna, the implementation of sustainable pruning, by reducing the use of plant protection products and/or by using biopesticides, among others. In a modern agriculture, it is essential that farmers carry out more rational and integrative practices as a way of promoting an increasingly sustainable farming, which will obviously translate into obtaining better quality products that are attractive to the consumer, as well as contributing to the promotion of the olive grove ecosystem.

Os consumidores são cada vez mais exigentes, quer do ponto de vista da qualidade dos produtos, quer sobretudo do ponto de vista da sustentabilidade sócio-económica e ambiental das explorações. O projeto NOVATERRA visa incrementar soluções e práticas agronómicas ambientalmente sustentáveis para a fileira do olival, que passam pela gestão da vegetação do solo, nomeadamente do coberto vegetal, pela promoção de plantas e/ou práticas que fomente a fauna auxiliar, pela execução de práticas de poda sustentáveis, pela redução da aplicação de produtos fitofarmacêuticos e/ou pela utilização de biopesticidas, entre outros. Numa agricultura moderna é fundamental que os agricultores efectuem práticas mais racionais e integradoras como forma de promoção de uma agricultura cada vez mais sustentável, que obviamente se irá traduzir na obtenção de produtos de melhor qualidade e apetecíveis para o consumidor, bem como contribuir para a promoção do ecossistema do olival.

The grape berry moth, L. botrana is considered the main grapevine pest in several countries in Southern Europe, causing direct damage caused by the caterpillar, as well as indirect damage by promoting the installation of fungal diseases, such as gray rot caused by Botrytis cinerea. Due to the critical economic importance of the grape crop in the DWR in Portugal, this pest can cause notable losses due to the negative effect on the quality of grapes and resulting wine. In DWR, L. botrana can develop three to four generations per year,[3] which can affect up to 50% of the bunches at harvest.[4] In this sense, the development of means capable of ensuring effective protection from this pest has deserved special attention on the part of the scientific community. The novel method of passive diffusion of protection against the grape berry moth, developed by partner CORTEVATM, consists of pheromone application under gel form (Press Enrapta Lobesia) on the grapevine's bark, which is biodegradable once the pheromone release is over (Figure 1). Trials were carried out at vineyards in Quinta do Seixo (property of Sogrape, DWR - Portugal) and damage assessments were done after each pest generation and at harvest (Figure 2). Results indicate there are no significant differences in the performance of the new formulation and the standard diffusion method (ISONET L TT, generating a plastic residue), while both methods show significant protection improvements when compared to the untreated area which presented with a higher percentage of damaged bunches.

A traça da uva, L. botrana é considerada a principal praga da vinha em vários países do Sul da Europa, causando estragos diretos provocados pela lagarta no bago, como também estragos indiretos por promover a instalação de doenças fúngicas, como a podridão cinzenta causada por Botrytis cinerea. Pela importância económica da cultura da vinha na RDD em Portugal, esta praga pode causar prejuízos notáveis pelo impacto negativo na quantidade e especialmente na qualidade da uva e consequentemente do vinho. Na RDD, L. botrana pode desenvolver três a quatro gerações anuais,[3] podendo afetar até 50% dos cachos à vindima.[4] Neste sentido, o desenvolvimento de meios capazes de assegurarem uma proteção eficaz desta praga tem merecido especial atenção por parte da comunidade científica. O sistema inovador de difusão passiva da feromona de proteção contra a traça da uva, desenvolvido pelo parceiro CORTEVATM consiste na aplicação da feromona em forma de gel (Enrapta Lobesia Press) sobre o ritidoma da videira, sendo biodegradável uma vez terminada a libertação da feromona (Figura 1). Os ensaios decorreram na Quinta do Seixo (propriedade da Sogrape, RDD, Portugal) e a avaliação dos estragos foram monitorizados após cada geração e à vindima (Figura 2). Os resultados indicam que não há diferenças significativas na eficácia da nova formulação e do método de difusão convencional (ISONET L TT, que gera um resíduo de plástico), enquanto ambos os métodos apresentaram melhoria significativas de proteção quando comparadas à área não tratada, que apresentou uma maior percentagem de cachos danificados.

Matting Disruption (MD) is a well known control method, developed more than 30 years ago and extensively used in agriculture, specially against Lepidopteran species, but not only. Being an indirect type of control tool makes it complex and still faces failures, from which root causes are not always well understood by users. For this reason, we want to share 10 aspects which are critical to consider when using MD in order to be successful: 1) Good knowledge of the ecology of the target insect, MD needs to be established always before adults flight is detected and before the matting, 2) The size of the protected area needs to be at least 2 hectares, but the bigger it is the covered surface results will be better, 3) Consider the possible interference of the wind -specially when using aerosols- to minimize it's possible impact, 4) Flat areas will be easier to protect than hilly regions, so higher reinforcement may need to be considered specially with aerosols, as pheromone volatiles tend to go down, 5) Surrounding crops and their situation needs to be well understood, and always reinforce borders with double rate than in the center of the plot, 6) Use an appropriate controlled release device which has proven to be efficient, 7) Insect population pressure shouldn't be too high, but if this is the case, then other control methods will need to be combined with the MD, 8) The formulation of the pheromone has to be adequate offering a constant and steady release rate through all the period that needs to be protected, 9) The number and distribution of pheromone dispensers has to be sufficient and with the right distribution in the field, 10) The chemical compounds in the formulations need to have the right purity and content for the monitoring as well as for the MD product.

La confusión sexual es un método de control muy conocido, desarrollado hace más de 30 años y ampliamente utilizado en la agricultura, especialmente contra especies de lepidópteros, pero no unicamente. Es una herramienta de control indirecto y compleja y aún hoy se enfrenta a problemas, cuyas causas no siempre son bien comprendidas por los usuarios. Por esta razón, queremos compartir 10 aspectos críticos para tener éxito en la confusión sexual: 1) Buen conocimiento de la ecología del insecto objetivo: la confusión debe establecerse siempre antes del vuelo de los adultos y de la fecundación, 2) El tamaño del área protegida debe ser de al menos 2 hectáreas, pero cuanto más grande es mejor, 3) Considerar la interferencia del viento -especialmente con aerosoles- para minimizar su posible impacto, 4) Las áreas llanas serán más fáciles de proteger que las montañosas, por lo cual en éstas puede ser necesario un refuerzo mayor especialmente con difusores activos con pocos puntos de emisión, 5) Los cultivos y la situación del entorno deben entenderse bien y siempre reforzar los bordes con el doble de dosis que en el centro de la parcela, 6) Utilizar un dispositivo de liberación controlada adecuado que haya demostrado su eficacia, 7) La presión de la población de insectos no debe ser alta, y si este es el caso, es necesario combinar la confusión con otros métodos de control, 8) La formulación de la feromona debe ser adecuada y ofrecer una emisión constante a través de todo el período que debe protegerse, 9) El número y la distribución de los dispensadores de feromonas debe ser suficiente y correcta en el campo, 10) Los compuestos químicos en las formulaciones deben tener la pureza y el contenido adecuados tanto para el monitoreo como para el producto la confusión.

Prays oleae is the main insect pest threatening olive crop productions across the Mediterranean region. Farmers are used to conventional insecticides, which usually have a wide window of application and also may be systemic or penetrate in the plant tissues and fruits. When approaching the change of practices to move to biocontrol, we need to consider several aspects like, for instance, understanding the mode of action of the bio-product, if it has a repellency effect and which pest stages may affect. Usually bio-insecticides will only have contact effect, and not systemicity, and will be likely affected by rains. For these reasons a close tracking of the pest cycle with monitoring traps is recommended, understanding when adult fly starts at each generation in order to carry out the first application on time, and if crop vegetation grows quickly, run a couple of applications per generation in a week interval. If signifficant rain happens after the application with a biocontrol product, it is usually recommended reapply, as it will be rainwashed. If the product has the repellency effect previously mentioned, doing the first application just after adult fly start will be very important, as it will reduce the oviposition. Having enough information about the levels of control that can be reached is important to decide the possibility to work on mixtures and combinations, studying different ratios in these mixtures as well as different timing of applications and intervals between them. Final success will depend on the right strategy considering all mentioned aspects having a good tracking of the pest cycle in the farm.

Prays oleae es la principal plaga de insectos que amenaza la producción de olivar en la región mediterránea. Los agricultores están acostumbrados a los insecticidas convencionales, que suelen tener una amplia ventana de aplicación y también pueden ser sistémicos o penetrar en los tejidos y frutos de las plantas. Al abordar el cambio de prácticas para pasar al biocontrol, debemos considerar varios aspectos como, por ejemplo, comprender el modo de acción del bioproducto, si tiene efecto repelente y qué estadios de desarrollo de la plaga puede controlar. Por lo general, los bioinsecticidas solo tendrán efecto de contacto, no sistémico, y probablemente se verán afectados por las lluvias. Por esta razón, se recomienda un seguimiento minucioso del ciclo de la plaga con trampas de monitoreo, para entender cuándo comienza el vuelo de adultos en cada generación y posicionar la primera aplicación a tiempo. Si la vegetación del cultivo crece rápidamente, puede ser necesario realizar dos aplicaciones para cada generación en un intervalo de una semana. Si llueve después de una aplicación con un producto de control biológico, generalmente se recomienda volver a aplicar, ya que se lavará con la lluvia. Si el producto tiene el efecto repelente mencionado anteriormente, entonces será muy importante hacer la primera aplicación justo después del inicio del vuelo, ya que reducirá la oviposición. Tener suficiente información sobre los niveles de control que se pueden alcanzar es importante para decidir la posibilidad de trabajar en mezclas y combinaciones. El éxito final dependerá de la estrategia correcta considerando todos los aspectos mencionados y realizando un buen seguimiento del ciclo de plagas en la finca.

The new formulations consist in the use of copper microencapsulates enhancing the adhesion and penetration of the product to the leaves. To maximize the effectiveness of cooper, the particle size is reduced. These small particles, referred as nanoparticles, allow a higher surface area to volume ratio. Compared to copper salt, the copper nanoparticles improve the antimicrobial activity and activate plant defenses developing an elicitor effect.

To assess if these new formulations with a lower concentration of the active substance, as Copper or Sulphur compounds, presented equivalent or higher efficacy than the current products against downy and powdery mildew fungal diseases. The main benefit of this products is the dual effect on plants that on one hand, presented the antifungal effect derived from the active substance, and on the other has an elicitor effect stimulating the production of plant defenses increasing the protection of the plant from the fungal diseases attack. The main outcomes from these experiments are to test the efficacy of nanoparticles products providing valuable information to the growers about the possibility of applying these products having the enough guarantees to ensure yields and a good plant health.

Les noves formulacions consisteixen en l’ús de coure microencapsulat que potencia l’adhesió i penetració del producte a les fulles. La mida de la partícula es redueix per maximitzar l’efectivitat del coure. Aquestes partícules més petites, anomenades nanopartícules, tenen una ràtio superfície/volum més elevada. En comparació amb les sals de coure, les nanopartícules milloren l’activitat antimicrobiana i activen les defenses de les plantes desenvolupant un efecte elicitor.

L’objectiu és avaluar si aquestes noves formulacions amb concentracions més baixes de la substància activa, ja sigui coure o compostos de sofre, presenten la mateixa eficàcia o superior que els productes actuals per combatre el míldiu i l’oïdi. Els principals beneficis d’aquests productes son que, per una banda tenen un efecte antifúngic derivat de la substància activa, i per l’altra banda tenen un efecte elicitor estimulant de la producció de defenses per part de la planta, que es pot defensar millor dels atacs fúngics. Els experiments estan enfocats en donar valors d’eficàcia dels productes de nanopartícules per tal de proporcionar informació valuosa als agricultors sobre la possibilitat d’aplicar aquests productes tenint prou garanties per assegurar bons rendiments i una bona salut de les plantes.

The continuous use of copper-based products in the vineyards has increased the copper content into soils, becoming an increasing problem for the environment. It currently exists restrictions on the total amount of copper allowed to be applied in the soils, and further restrictions are expected in the near future.

In the current phytosanitary market, newly developed formulations are available as alternatives to replace or reduce the use of copper-based products. Some examples are the biocontrol and biostimulants products. The main objective of this activity is to test different strategies in different disease pressure scenarios, climatic conditions, and locations to assess the best strategy to control fungal diseases while ensuring good management of the wines and the environment.

After the accomplishment of the activity, growers will have knowledge about the most effective strategies to be applied against fungal diseases with alternative products with non-toxic compounds. Thus, it will be possible to reduce the annual dose of copper applied, and also to ensure harvest in terms of quality and quantity. Moreover, this knowledge will allow growers to accomplish with the European regulations and to guarantee sustainable practices with the environment.

El continu ús de productes basats en coure en viticultura ha comportat l’increment del contingut de coure en els sòls, esdevenint un problema creixent per al medi ambient. Actualment hi ha restriccions en quan a la quantitat total de coure que es permet aplicar en el sòl, i a més, s’esperen més restriccions en un futur proper.

En l’actual mercat de productes fitosanitaris, nous formulats han estat desenvolupats els quals es presenten com a alternatives per substituir o reduir l’ús de productes basats en coure. Alguns d’aquests exemples són els productes de biocontrol o bioestimulants. El principal objectiu d’aquesta activitat és testar diferents estratègies en diferents escenaris de pressió de malaltia, condicions climàtiques, i localitzacions per avaluar la millor estratègia per controlar les malalties fúngiques mentre es garanteix un bon maneig de les vinyes i del medi ambient.

Després de la realització de l’activitat, els productors coneixeran les estratègies més efectives a aplicar per fer front a les malalties fúngiques mitjançant la utilització de productes amb compostos no tòxics. Fet que permetrà reduir la dosi anual de coure aplicada, i també garantir una collita en quantitat i qualitat. A més, aquest coneixement permetrà als productors complir amb la regulació Europea i garantir unes pràctiques sostenibles amb el medi ambient.

Plant disease models are a key part in the implementation of IPM (Integrated Pest Management), as they provide useful information for deciding whether and when crop protection actions must be implemented.

Prediction models can either be empirical or mechanistic. Empirical models are based on the identification of mathematical or statistical relationship in field-collected data, but these relationship do not necessarily express a cause-effect linkage. In order to be used in contexts different from the ones they were developed in, this kind of models require accurate validation and adaptation. In recent years, several analysis techniques based on big data and artificial intelligence have been developed, but this does not overcome the intrinsic weaknesses of empirical models, which are mainly the lack of knowledge, accuracy, and robustness.

On the other hand, mechanistic models are based on the study and modellisation of biological processes of plants and pathogens, linking them to external weather variables by mean of mathematical equations. Mechanistic models are dynamic, as they analyze changes in the components of an epidemic over time, characterizing the state of a pathosystem in every moment quantitatively. Mechanistic models are characterized by a greater accuracy and robustness if compared to empirical models.

Mathematical model are a useful tool to improve pest and disease management in crops, as they can serve for a better timing of treatment application, leading to an increase efficacy and reduced number of interventions.

I modelli previsionali per le malattie delle piante sono il cuore della realizzazione della gestione integrata delle colture (Integrated Pest Management, IPM), in quanto forniscono un’utile informazione per decidere se e quando applicare interventi di difesa delle colture.

I modelli previsionali possono essere empirici o meccanicistici. I modelli empirici sono basati sull’identificazione di relazioni matematiche o statistiche tra i dati raccolti in campo, ma queste relazioni non sono necessariamente di causa-effetto. Per essere utilizzati in contesti differenti da quello in cui sono stati prodotti, modelli di questo tipo hanno bisogno di un’accurata validazione e adattamento. Negli ultimi tempi sono state sviluppate diverse tecniche di analisi di big data e intelligenza artificiale, ma queste tecniche risentono comunque della debolezza intrinseca dei modelli empirici, rappresentata principalmente da un mancanza di robustezza e accuratezza.

A differenza di quelli empirici, i modelli meccanicistici sono basati sullo studio e la modellizzazione dei processi biologici della pianta e del patogeno, legandoli a variabili meteorologiche esterne per mezzo di equazioni matematiche. I modelli meccanicistici sono dinamici, in quanto analizzano i cambi delle componenti delle epidemie nel tempo, caratterizzando quantitativamente lo stato del patosistema in ogni momento. I modelli meccanicistici sono caratterizzati da una maggiore accuratezza e robustezza rispetto a quelli empirici.

I modelli matematici sono strumenti utili per migliorare la gestione delle avversità biotiche nelle colture, in quanto possono servire per posizionare meglio gli interventi fitosanitari, migliorandone l’efficacia e riducendone il numero.

Decision Support Systems (DSSs) are information systems supporting the crop manager (extension agents, consultants or growers) in the decision making process. DSSs can support both strategic and tactical decisions related to the crop. Strategic decisions are those affecting the entire life cycle of a crop, while tactical decisions are those which effect is generally limited to the current season, such as crop protection, fertilization, irrigation and fertigation, canopy management, harvest and yield forecasting.

DSSs integrate several information sources, collecting, analysing and interpreting the information in order to recommend the most appropriate action, by mean of expert knowledge, mathematical models and timely data. DSSs need to have a user-friendly interface and need to be flexible enough to deal with a range of issues faced during the standard crop management.

DSSs need to have a continuous flow of information with the users, as they need to:

- Collect environmental and crop data in real time, by mean of a network of sensors (proximal or remote), monitoring tools and IoT (Internet of Things) technologies;

- Organize data in a cloud system, and analyse them by mean of modelling and big data techniques;

- Automatically integrate the output of the analysis with expert knowledge, thus producing information, alarms and decision support on all the aspects of crop management;

- Collect data on crop operations performed in field to inform subsequent decisions and calculate agronomic and sustainability indicators.

I sistemi di supporto alle decisioni (Decision Support Systems, DSSs) sono sistemi informatici che supportano colui che gestisce la coltura (consulenti, tecnici, agricoltori) nel processo di formulazione delle decisioni. I DSS possono supportare sia decisioni strategiche che tattiche, relative alla gestione delle colture. Le decisioni strategiche sono quelle che hanno effetti sull’intero ciclo colturale, mentre quelle tattiche hanno effetto limitato alla stagione colturale corrente (es. protezione delle colture, fertilizzazione, irrigazione e fertirrigazione, gestione della chioma, raccolta).

I DSS integrano informazioni da diverse fonti, raccogliendole, organizzandole e interpretandole al fine di consigliare l’azione più opportuna, per mezzo di modelli matematici, conoscenze di esperti e dati puntuali. I DSS devono avere un’interfaccia che sia di facile comprensione per l’utente e devono essere sufficientemente flessibili per gestire le necessità della normale gestione delle colture.

I DSS devono avere un flusso continuo di informazioni da/per gli utilizzatori, in quanto devono:

- Raccogliere i dati ambientali e delle colture in tempo reale, grazie e una rete di sensori (prossimali o remoti), mezzi di monitoraggio e tecnologie IoT (Internet of Things);

- Organizzare i dati in sistemi cloud e analizzarli per mezzo di tecniche di modellizzazione e big data;

- Integrare in modo automatico gli output delle analisi con la conoscenza di esperti, producendo così informazione, allarmi e supporto alle decisioni riguardo a tutti gli aspetti della gestione delle colture;

- Raccogliere dati relativi alle operazioni svolte in campo per informare le decisioni a valle e calcolare gli indicatori agronomici e di sostenibilità.

Both producers and consumers in the agro-food sector are more and more interested in monitoring the sustainability of food production, from the environmental, social and economic point of view. The possibility to compare the sustainability impact of different crop management decisions can be an useful contribution in the decision making. In fact, the impact of agricultural activities on the environment depends on the crop management operations applied in the field (i.e. fossil energy use, pesticides and fertilizers use, organic matter use, pollutants emissions in the natural environment), impacting on several aspects, such as air and water pollution, soil degradation, biodiversity loss and landscape. Because of their diffusion and economical relevance, grapevine and olive are two main crops where management practices have a strong impact on the environment.

A set of sustainability indicators targeted to vineyard management practices were developed in the frame of the INNOVINE project, addressing six macro areas: Human Health, Air, Soil, Water, Energy and Biodiversity aspects. The indicators system was developed starting from a systematic literature review. Methods retrieved in the literature were analysed and selected based on the scientific relevance and their previous use in different contexts. In particular, simplicity and need of few, easy to determine inputs were relevant criteria for the selection of indicators. Finally, a rating system was developed for each indicator and sub-indicator, ranging from 0 (no impact) to 5 (very high impact), in order to clearly display the performance for each of the indicators.

Sia i produttori che i consumatori sono sempre più interessati a monitorare la sostenibilità della produzione di cibo, dal punto di vista ambientale, sociale ed economico. La possibilità di confrontare l’impatto sulla sostenibilità di diverse gestioni della coltura può rappresentare un’informazione utile nel processo decisionale. Infatti l’impatto delle attività agricole dipende dalle pratiche adottate in campo (es. uso di carburanti, prodotti per la protezione delle piante e fertilizzanti, apporto di sostanza organica e immissione di inquinanti nell’ambiente naturale), che impattano su diversi aspetti, come l’inquinamento di acqua e aria, la degradazione del suolo, la perdita di biodiversità e il paesaggio. A causa della loro diffusione e importanza economica, le colture di vite e olivo sono due tra le colture più importanti la cui gestione ha un impatto sull’ambiente.

Nell’ambito del progetto INNOVINE, sono stati sviluppati alcuni indicatori di sostenibilità per la gestione del vigneto, rivolti a sei macro-aree: Salute umana, Aria, Suolo, Acqua, Energia e Biodiversità. Il sistema di indicatori è stato sviluppato a partire da una ricerca bibliografica, che ha portato alla selezione degli indici in base alla loro rilevanza scientifica e al loro uso pregresso in diversi contesti, così come la semplicità degli input richiesti per il calcolo. Per ogni indicatore e sub-indicatore è poi stata definita l’assegnazione di un punteggio, da 0 (nessun impatto) a 5 (impatto molto forte), al fine di mostrare in modo chiaro i risultati per ognuno degli indicatori.

In Novaterra, a multi-scale fusion is proposed to improve the perception and characterization of the vegetation in both olive trees and vineyards through the combination of aerial images via satellites, and images taken from a manned vehicle in the field. On the one hand, satellites have already shown to provide valuable information that allows extracting relevant data on the state of crops and their geometric characteristics. Although the advantage of these systems is the great capacity to cover hectares, it is true that the resolution at which they do so is often too low to have highly reliable information about the crop. On the other hand, sensors embedded in manned vehicles, such as tractors that travel the fields, offer great precision but are less efficient in covering large areas. For this reason, Novaterra has designed a system that merges these two pieces of information at different scales to complement the information on each of them and extract more reliable parameters that can be used later for agricultural management operations. Additionally, the novel sensor that is being developed in Novaterra to operate on ground on board of a manned vehicle, which is based on the use of low-cost cameras in combination with artificial intelligence methods, represents a much more cost-efficient technological approach compared to the sensors available up to date. In this way, this new system will reduce the investment to be assumed by the farmer and, consequently, will facilitate a more generalized adoption of this practice.

En Novaterra se propone una fusión multi-escala para mejorar la percepción y caracterización de la vegetación tanto en olivos como en viña mediante la combinación de imagen aérea vía satélites, e imágenes tomadas desde un vehículo tripulado en campo. Por un lado, los satélites ya han demostrado aportar información valiosa que permite extraer datos relevantes sobre el estado de los cultivos y sobre sus características geométricas. Aunque la ventaja de estos sistemas es la gran capacidad de cubrir hectáreas, es cierto que la resolución a la que lo hacen es, muchas veces demasiado baja como para tener información con un alto grado de fiabilidad sobre el cultivo. Por otro lado, los sensores embarcados en vehículos tripulados, como pueden ser los tractores que recorren el campo, ofrecen gran precisión pero son menos eficientes en cuanto a cubrir grandes extensiones. Por este motivo, en Novaterra se ha diseñado un sistema que fusiona estas dos informaciones a distintas escalas para complementar la información de cada una de ellas y extraer parámetros más fiables que se puedan usar a posteriori para las operaciones de manejo agrícola. Así mismo, el novedoso sensor que se está desarrollando en Novaterra para operar sobre el terreno a bordo de un vehículo tripulado, que se basa en el uso de cámaras de bajo coste en combinación con métodos de inteligencia artificial, supone una aproximación tecnológica mucho más económica en comparación con los sensores disponibles hasta la fecha. De esta manera, este nuevo sistema permitirá reducir la inversión a abordar por el agricultor y, en consecuencia, facilitará la adopción de esta práctica de manera más generalizada.

One of objectives of NOVATERRA project is the development of a system to carry out variable rate application of plant protection products based on canopy maps made from satellite images. In addition, these satellite maps must be validated in the field to develop models that allow the characterization of the vegetation in vineyards and olive groves to be estimated automatically from satellite images. For this, in the first year of NOVATERRA, an implement has been developed with square steel profiles that support 4 ultrasound sensors, a vision system consisting of 2 cameras and a GNSS geopositioning system. The electronic control unit developed is based on Raspberry Pi interface. This implement is suspended from the rear of the tractor and with a frequency of one second it calculates the width and height of the vegetation, and also captures an imatge from the canopy with its cameras in such a way that a detailed information for canopy characterization (volume and density) is available. With a forward speed of up to 6 km/h, the system outputs a map of points (positions of each reading) and all the variables recorded for that point. This is an improvement over the current way of establishing these measurements as it considerably reduces the time required to manually measure in the field. In addition, it allows establishing vegetation volume maps (m3/ha) that translate directly into the volume of liquid to be applied (l/ha). On the other hand, this way of measuring allows massive data generation to validate the relationships between the satellite data and the real measurements of the vegetation, allowing to work with more points within the plot, and making the models developed in future tasks of NOVATERRA more reliable and robust. .

Uno de los objetivos de Novaterra es el desarrollo de un sistema para llevar a cabo aplicación variable de fitosanitarios en base a mapas elaborados a partir de imágenes satélite. Además, estos mapas satélite deben ser validados en campo para desarrollar modelos que permitan estimar las características de la vegetación en viñedo y olivar de forma automática a partir de imágenes satélite. Para ello, en el primer año de NOVATERRA se ha desarrollado un implemento con perfiles cuadrados de acero que soportan 4 sensores de rango, un sistema de visión que consiste en 2 cámaras y un sistema de geoposicionamiento GNSS. Este implemento va suspendido en la parte trasera del tractor y con una frecuencia de un segundo va calculando la anchura y la altura de la vegetación, además captura una imagen con sus cámaras, de forma que se tiene una información completa de la estructura (volumen y densidad) de la planta. Con una velocidad de avance de hasta 6 km/h, el sistema da como resultado un mapa de puntos (posiciones de cada lectura) y todas las variables registradas para ese punto. Esto supone una mejora respecto a la forma actual de establecer estas medidas ya que reduce de forma considerable el tiempo requerido para medir manualmente en campo. Además, permite establecer mapas de volumen de vegetación (m3/ha) que se traducen directamente a volumen de caldo a aplicar (l/ha). Por otro lado, esta forma de medir permite generar datos de forma masiva para validar las relaciones entre los datos satélite y las medidas reales de la vegetación, permitiendo trabajar con más puntos dentro de la parcela, y haciendo más fiables y robustos los modelos desarrollados en tareas futuras dentro de NOVATERRA.

An initial assessment on the use and impact of pesticides in NOVATERRA's target crops, meaning olive and grapevine, in their 5 main procuring countries: France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain, has been established at the beginning of the project. The collected data showed substantial disparities from one country to another, making it difficult to identify a clear trend with strong arguments. In addition, region-related and time-related climate factors can alter the need for PPPs use depending on the presence of enemies, pathogens, etc. The conclusion of the report is that it would be a good idea to communicate the ongoing importance of a smart farming platform for accurate monitoring. A higher quality and quantity of PPP use data will also be an accelerator for knowledge dissemination initiatives launched to share good farming practices. This report showed that there is a strong dynamic in this field, with projects taking various shapes at different scales, such as living labs, territorial innovation labs, conference networks, knowledge portals, decision support tools, etc., which all countries in the scope of this report are taking a part in. The richness of this ecosystem of projects, which includes NOVATERRA, is an asset which all stakeholders must capitalize on in a concerted manner in order to maximize the positive impact on the environment and human health.

Une évaluation initiale de l'utilisation et de l'impact des pesticides dans les cultures cibles de NOVATERRA, à savoir l'olivier et la vigne, dans leurs 5 principaux pays fournisseurs : France, Grèce, Italie, Portugal et Espagne, a été établi au début du projet. Les données collectées ont montré des disparités importantes d'un pays à l'autre, rendant difficile l'identification d'une tendance claire et argumentée. En outre, des facteurs climatiques liés à la région et au temps peuvent modifier la nécessité d'utiliser des produits de protection des plantes (PPP) en fonction de la présence de pathogènes, etc. La conclusion du rapport est qu'il serait bon de communiquer sur l'importance permanente d'une plateforme agricole intelligente pour un suivi précis. Une meilleure qualité et quantité de données sur l'utilisation des PPP serait également un accélérateur pour les initiatives de dissémination des connaissances lancées pour partager les bonnes pratiques agricoles. Ce rapport a montré qu'il existe une forte dynamique dans ce domaine, avec des projets prenant diverses formes à différentes échelles, tels que des 'livings labs', des laboratoires d'innovation territoriale, des réseaux de conférences, des portails de connaissances, des outils d'aide à la décision, etc. auxquels participent tous les pays du champ d'application de ce rapport. La richesse de cet écosystème de projets, dont fait partie NOVATERRA, est un atout que toutes les parties prenantes doivent capitaliser de manière concertée afin de maximiser l'impact positif sur l'environnement et la santé humaine.

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Project partners

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner

  • Project partner