project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Implementation of a new, environmentally friendly, natural product to prevent farmed snail acariasis
Implementación de un nuevo producto natural para evitar la acariosis del caracol de crianza respetuoso con el medio ambiente

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Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
Completed | 2018 - 2020 Spain
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The main objective is to obtain a new natural product that, when added to the main feed used at snail farms, prevents acariasis in farmed snails.
Other objectives:
- Improve productivity at snail farms, improving the health of the animals, reducing production costs and increasing the quantity of healthy snails.
- Obviate the use of drugs and pesticides.
- Increase the efficacy of the feed currently used, naturally improving the nutrition of the animals.
- Improve the competitiveness of snail farms in the market, achieving more sustainable and profitable farms.


El objetivo principal es conseguir un nuevo producto natural que, añadido al pienso que se utiliza como
alimento principal a las granjas de caracoles, evite la acariosis en los caracoles de crianza.
Otros objetivos:
- Mejorar la productividad de las granjas de caracoles, consiguiendo una mejor sanidad de los animales,
abaratando los costes de producción y aumentando la cantidad de caracoles sanos.
- Evitar el uso de medicamentos o plaguicidas.
- Aumentar la eficacia de los piensos existentes, mejorando la nutrición de los animales de manera
- Mejorar la competitividad de las granjas de caracoles en el mercado actual, consiguiendo granjas más
sostenibles y rentables.


- Pilot test in a real production environment.
- Assess both the quality of snails as a food (the product must be completely innocuous to snails, human beings and the environment) and the improvements in the farms' productivity.
- Verify that the resulting feed is of the same quality and does not affect other components.
- Sanitary assessments of the initial situation, and partial and final assessments.
- Controls of the quality of the snails in accordance with farm and retail level parameters.


- Prueba piloto, en situación real de producción.
- Evaluar tanto la calidad del producto caracol como alimento (pues el producto debería ser totalmente
inocuo por los caracoles, para los humanos y para el medio ambiente), como las mejoras en la
productividad de las granjas.
- Evaluar que el pienso resultante sea de la misma calidad y que no afecte al resto de sus componentes.
- Evaluaciones sanitarias de la situación de partida, evaluaciones parciales y finales.
- Controles de calidad de los caracoles según parámetros a nivel de granja y comercio.


The presence at snail farms of mites that debilitate the snails, making it easier for them to succumb to disease and even death, is currently one of the problems that need to be solved to secure the future of more sustainable and profitable snail farms.
Name of the mite: Riccardoella limacum (white snail mite).
This mite exclusively affects snails. Moreover, due to the specific conditions of snail farms (humidity and high temperatures), its proliferation is much greater at farms than in the natural world. For this reason, it especially affects farmed snails, reducing the yield of the farms, due to the fact that the mite debilitates the animal by colonising it.
This innovative project aims to provide a solution to this problem and market a new natural product to prevent acariasis or reduce it as much as possible. It will be a new product based on natural additives that, thanks to a pilot test, will ensure its efficacy against mites that affect farmed snails.

Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014ES06RDRP009 Spain - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Cataluña
Main geographical location
Other geographical location

€ 208290

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.

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Project coordinator