project - EIP-AGRI Operational Group

Good practices for a self-controlled and sustainable management in ornamental nurseries (AUTOFITOVIV)
Buone pratiche per l’autocontrollo e la gestione fitosanitaria sostenibile nel vivaismo ornamentale (AUTOFITOVIV)

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Completed | 2019 - 2021 Italy
Completed | 2019 - 2021 Italy
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From the perspective of "Adversity control with a low impact method" the main objective of the project is to spread the application of innovative protocols that, through the use of new tools to monitor crops, allow to decrease:
1. the risk of the introduction of exotic pathogens and phytoparasites (from quarantine or not) or their vectors (in particular for viruses and phytoplasmas) to the implementation of the "Protocol for self-control phytosanitary";
2. the use of plant protection products with particular attention to alternative methods to the chemical fight.


Nell'ottica del “Controllo delle avversità con metodo a basso impatto” l'obiettivo principale del progetto è quello di diffondere l'applicazione di protocolli innovativi che attraverso l'impiego di nuovi strumenti atti a monitorare le colture permettano di diminuire:
1. il rischio di introduzione di patogeni e fitoparassiti esotici (da quarantena e non) o dei loro vettori (in particolare per virus e fitoplasmi) a implementazione del “Protocollo per l’Autocontrollo fitosanitario”;
2. l'utilizzo di prodotti fitosanitari con particolare attenzione verso metodi alternativi alla lotta chimica.


1. Preventive monitoring activities aimed at limiting the risk of introduction of quarantine pests that are regularly compiled by the research organizations of the partnership and updated by the Regional Phytosanitary Service will transfer the alerts to nurseries
2. Induce operational changes within the companies that initially will have to train their staff for visual recognition and not the phytosanitary problems and for the placement of various types of traps to be installed in places of arrival of plants
1. Train the company technicians through the demonstration actions of the project and with the dissemination of the results


1. Attività di monitoraggio preventiva tesa a limitare il rischio di introduzione di organismi di quarantena il cui elenco sarà stilato dagli enti di ricerca del partenariato e aggiornato dal Servizio Fitosanitario Regionale che trasferirà gli alert alle aziende vivaistiche
2. Indurre cambiamenti operativi all’interno delle aziende che inizialmente dovranno addestrare il proprio personale per il riconoscimento visivo e non delle problematiche fitosanitarie e per la collocazione di trappole di varia natura da installare nei luoghi di arrivo delle piante
3. Formare i tecnici aziendali attraverso le azioni dimostrative del progetto e con la disseminazione dei risultati


Ornamental nursery is an important sector of Italian agriculture and especially for Tuscany where there are about 2500 nursery businesses, 50% of which fall within the province of Pistoia. The globalization of markets is leading to a greater introduction of new exotic species and new cultivars of already cultivated plants. In this context, the risk of introduction of alien pathogens and phytoparasites (from quarantine or not) or their vectors (in particular for viruses and phytoplasmas) has increased significantly, and in fact, there are increasingly reports of damage caused by organisms or infectious agents. not yet present in Italy or already present in Italy, but observed for the first time on ornamental species. Aware of the emerging problems and the serious impact that findings of quarantine organizations can determine on a commercial level, on April 20, 2015, the "Protocol for Self-checking phytosanitary" was signed between the Tuscany Region and the Ornamental Vivaistic District of Pistoia, with the main aim of starting up a phytosanitary qualification process of regional nursery products.To follow up what has been started at the level of intent, with a view to efficient prevention, we want to stimulate the "in-field" application of new technologies in the field of the phytopathological diagnostics, the evolution of the means of diagnosis allows today to carry out analyzes quickly, with greater precision and usability giving the opportunity to intervene early before a given problem can spread.


Project details
Main funding source
Rural development 2014-2020 for Operational Groups
Rural Development Programme
2014IT06RDRP010 Italy - Rural Development Programme (Regional) - Toscana
Main geographical location

€ 366505.84

Total budget

Total contributions from EAFRD, national co-financing, additional national financing and other financing.


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1 Practice Abstracts

Through an effective prevention activity we can not only avoid the introduction harmful organisms, but we can make the nursery activity more sustainable by reducing the impacts that can negatively affect the environment. We also wanted to look at environmentally friendly defense strategies that can give companies guidance not only on the sustainable use of plant protection products, but also on the application of alternative methods to conventional ones, including those for the containment of weeds.

The results obtained were:

● adequate indications for the sampling and analysis of plants, water, soil and potting soils in order to preventively identify possible phytosanitary problems

● application of innovative methods of detection of diseases and pests in nurseries, with particular reference to alien pests and other quarantine organisms

● validation of LAMP technology, as a method of expeditious field, compared to the other molecular method, real-time PCR (qPCR), used in laboratories

● identification of alternative methods to chemical control or directed towards integrated pest management (associating climatic measurements and epidemiological information), able to allow a reduction in the use of plant protection products

● dissemination of agronomic information necessary for a rational and environmentally friendly defense strategy in nurseries, especially in relation to weed control

● training courses, workshops, public presentations, production of information material, activation of mass communication channels and company visits

● application of phytosanitary self-control as a factor of quality and competitiveness for the entire Pistoia nursery district will be the most important result

Attraverso le attività sperimentali condotte nelle aziende vivaistiche partner, sono state realizzate azioni per la riduzione del rischio di introduzione di patogeni e fitoparassiti al fine di implementare un “Protocollo per l’Autocontrollo fitosanitario" e sono stati valutati metodi alternativi o integrati alla lotta chimica per ridurre l'impiego di prodotti fitosanitari. 

I risultati ottenuti sono stati:

● la definizione di indicazioni per il campionamento e le analisi di piante, acqua, suolo e terricci al fine di individuare preventivamente eventuali problematiche fitosanitarie;

● l’applicazione in ambito vivaistico di innovativi metodi di detection delle avversità con particolare riferimento a alien pest e altri organismi da quarantena;

● la convalida della tecnologia LAMP, come metodo speditivo di campo, rispetto all’altra metodica molecolare, real-time PCR (qPCR), utilizzata nei laboratori di analisi;

● l’individuazione di metodi alternativi alla lotta chimica o comunque indirizzati verso la lotta integrata (associando le rilevazioni climatiche e le informazioni epidemiologiche), in grado di permettere una riduzione dell’utilizzo dei prodotti fitoterapici;

● la divulgazione delle informazioni agronomiche necessarie ad una razionale ed ecocompatibile strategia di difesa in vivaio, soprattutto in relazione al controllo delle infestanti.

● redazione di linee guida relative a: controlli delle piante in ingresso, gestione delle emergenze fitosanitarie, controllo fitosanitario delle piante in produzione.

● azioni di formazione ed informazione (corsi di formazione, workshop, presentazioni pubbliche, produzione di materiale informativo, attivazione di canali di comunicazione di massa e visite aziendali).


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Project coordinator

  • Giurranna Francesca

    Project coordinator

Project partners

  • Gramigni Enzo

    Project partner

  • Innocenti Leonardo

    Project partner

  • Luchi Nicola

    Project partner

  • Malorgio Fernando

    Project partner

  • Nesi Beatrice

    Project partner

  • Russu Riccardo

    Project partner

  • Sacchetti Patrizia

    Project partner

  • Toschi Luca

    Project partner